Gradle: Project dependencies from file - gradle

I'm fairly new to Gradle, and am enamored by its task-driven approach and customizability. So I have a question that hopefully helps me understand how to do something beyond the basics.
Suppose I have a simple text file that contains information about a project's dependencies. For example, something like
- dependency1
from: 'foobar'
version: '1'
- dependency2
from: 'foobaz'
version: '1'
Note that these are not I have some code that would, from this file, generate a file along the lines as follows:
compile 'commons-lang:commons-lang 2.6'
testCompile 'org.spockframework:spock-core:1.1-groovy-2.4'
Is there a way to configure my project so that my project's dependencies are taken from this file (not exclusively)?
Do note that the text file is also used to generate other artifacts that are used by other tasks (for example, a file to be added to a Docker container), so while it may be possible to, say, declare the dependencies normally and generate the text file instead, it is not a trivial process to do so at this time.

Yes, you can write your own groovy function that parses the file and creates a List. Then you can pass this map to the dependencies closures:
List<String> compileLibraries() {
// ... parse yaml and return list
dependencies {
compile compileLibraries()
Also, to use a yaml-parsing library, consider setting up a custom gradle subproject in the special buildSrc subfolder and writing your helper function there.
See this old post for more details:
And here for buildSrc projects:


How to copy gradle dependencies from a subproject in a multi-project build?

I have a Java library built with gradle for which I would like to modify the repositories it reads from and publishes to, without changing it the original library files.
So, I created a new project library (lib-internal) which is just overriding the repositories and publishing options of the library that I don't want to modify (lib-open-source).
I could force lib-internal to use the source from lib-open-source, BUT I failed to copy its dependencies.
In my build.gradle of lib-internal, I have something like this copy the sources: = [project(':lib-open-source').projectDir.toString() + '/src/main/java']
But I am looking for something similar for its dependencies.
In short, I'm looking for the correct syntax of something like:
dependencies = project(':lib-open-source').getDependencies()
I also tried something with the configurations, as suggested by the help of the getDependencies() method but can't find the correct syntax.
If I copy the dependencies block of lib-open-source into lib-internal, it works as I want to, but I want to avoid this copy-paste.
Thank you!

Gradle equivalent for maven properties

How can I add properties in Gradle which are similar to Maven's properties?
The use case is this: I want to have a file which declares all versions for repo dependencies so they are unified in a single place for a multi module project
compile group: 'javax.servlet.jsp.jstl', name: 'jstl', version: '1.2'
In Maven you can have properties like this:
Is it ok to use Gradle's external properties? Or just add them to the file?
Project properties defined in the root build file are available to subprojects. So if you have this in your root build.gradle file:
ext.commonsLangVersion = "2.4"
then you can use that in the dependencies {} block of a subproject like so:
dependencies {
implementation "commons-lang:commons-lang:${commonsLangVersion}"
You can also define such properties in the root file instead of the root build file. You use them in the same way.
If you really feel the need to put the versions in a separate file, you can do so. Simply add the following line to the root build file:
apply from: "dependencies.gradle"
Within the dependencies.gradle file, you can define the extra project properties as if they were in the root build file directly:
ext.commonsLangVersion = "2.4"
Note Normally, the values set in the build script take precedence over the values in But if you set a value in the root build script as above, then any matching value in will override it in subprojects.
This behaviour is somewhat confusing and unique. For behaviour that is consistent with Gradle single-project builds you would need to use the following in the root build script:
allprojects {
apply from: "dependencies.gradle"
As a general rule of thumb, any given property should be declared/defined in either the build script or If users want to override a particular property value, they can do so in $USER_HOME/.gradle/
[EDIT I have updated the above note to clarify the actual behaviour]
One final thing: Gradle also allows you to control the versions of transitive dependencies via dependency constraints. You can also import Maven BOMs if you're using Gradle 4.6 or newer.
Found this as a possible solution, though I don't really like that uses relative path to the properties file.
Point 7 from here:

Gradle dependency on module of another project failing

I realize there are a lot of posts online regarding Gradle setup. That being said, I have researched heavily and not found exactly what I'm looking for, or I'm using incorrect terms to do so. I'm using Gradle version 3.3.
So I've got multiple Gradle projects, each of which is maintained separately. There is no master Gradle project. Each projects has its own modules, build, and settings file. The structure of this is as so:
What I'm attempting to do is make B dependent on A's modules. Let's assume one of the modules in B is dependent on a1. In B's settings, I've done the following: = 'B'
rootProject.setProjectDir(new File(".")
include 'a1'
project(':a1').setProjectDir(new File(settingsDir.getParentFile(), "/A/a1"))
The way I'm storing version numbers is through each project's build.gradle file in the ext closure. I then access them through the project. Here's how B's build file looks:
ext {
freemarkerVersion = '2.3.19'
dependencies {
compile project(':a1')
compile group: 'org.freemarker', name: 'freemarker', version:'freemarkerVersion')
What I'm seeing is B is able to resolve its dependencies and is attempting to compile project a1, but it is using B's version numbers instead of A's. I verified this by putting a common dependency in both projects with different version numbers. The dependency showed up using B's version. I also changed the version number in B and further confirmed this. So if I could get any help for using project-appropriate versions in each of their own build.gradle files, that would be great!
EDIT: Updated post, figured out previous problem was from relative path not resolving.
Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I'm posting the solution I came up with, as I had no other answers knocking down my door.
The first thing I did was moved all of my version properties to an external file, instead of in an ext closure in the project's build.gradle file. Doing this, the project will load the properties file by default when compiled from its own context. It will of course be overridden from the user.home file, so keep this in mind. Example
a_freemarkerVersion = 2.3.19
When using one project's modules from another project, you'll need a way to separately link the two so Gradle can resolve the dependency's properties. I achieved this by defining a method to load in the desired project's properties file. This method looks like so:
def addConfig(String parent, String filename) {
Properties props = new Properties()
props.load(new FileInputStream(new File(project.projectDir.getParent(), "/${parent}/${filename}")))
props.each { prop ->
project.ext.set(prop.key, prop.value)
addConfig("A", "")
All this method does is goes up one directory, goes into the project specified, and retrieves its file and loads these variables into the current project's properties. With that being said, there's one thing to note here: if you define the same variable in both, one of them will be overridden. To avoid this, I just prefixed all variables with the project name and then an underscore. This will guarantee they'll never conflict with one another.
I accessed the variables in all projects with this syntax:
dependencies {
compile group: 'org.freemarker', name: 'freemarker', version: "${a_freemarkerVersion}"
The rest of the setup is the same as I defined in my initial post. Just make sure to include the dependent module, specify its project directory, and compile that project from within the project's dependencies.

Gradle file rename causes circular dependency error - Why?

I want to store an input file in a JAR created with a subclass of the Jar task in Gradle. The input file shall be stored under a different name.
Here is my build.gradle (complete working example; just create dir1/file1.txt first):
task myjar(type: MyJarTask);
class MyJarTask extends Jar {
File file1 = new File('dir1/file1.txt');
public MyJarTask() {
configure {
baseName 'foo'
from {
// comment out the next line to eliminate the error:
rename { String fileName -> fileName.replace('file1.txt', 'file2.txt'); }
Running this via gradle myjar gives the following error:
* What went wrong:
Circular dependency between the following tasks:
\--- :myjar (*)
(*) - details omitted (listed previously)
When I comment out the line with the rename, everything works! (Of course the file is not renamed.)
What is the reason for this surprising behavior? Are we witnessing a Gradle bug?
Please do not suggest alternative solutions; I solved the original problem by avoiding the need for the rename. But I would like to learn; I feel I am missing something important.
I got an answer on the Gradle forum by Sterling Greene of Gradleware. Basically, the cause of the circular dependency is this (in my own words):
Closures always return the last value, so the from {} closure returns the value of rename. Incidentally, rename returns a reference to the task itself (why it would do that, I don't know, but that's what its docs say). So the task itself is added to its list of things to copy, and we have a circular dependency.
The solution would be to modify the closure slightly:
from(file1) {
rename { String fileName -> fileName.replace('file1.txt', 'file2.txt'); }
This runs with no problems, because it uses an overloaded variant of the from() method which always adds the given file to the list of things to copy, not the result of the closure. All in all, that's not exactly intuitive, but there it is.
Well i also got same error I thought error was due to renaming of files but in my case error was due to dual dependency on module(:backend)and java library dependency on android module(:app) I got it sorted by following steps:
Press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S or Go to File->Project Structure this will open project Structure Dialog box.
On left side PANEL ,under modules section choose java library (e.g jjLibrary) there was two compile dependency :app and :backend just have to remove both of these dependencies.As :backend already have compile dependency on java library and :app is android module which cannot have dependency on java library.Press Ok.
Save and Sync gradle files ..
And the error has gone..Hope this helps!!!Cheers

Defining cross project versions for gradle build

I have a several projects in a flat structure with dependencies between them.
Currently in each one a have a definition similar to this defining the versions used within the build script:
ext {
versions = [
scala: '2.11.1',
scalatra: '2.3.0',
jetty: '9.1.5.v20140505',
scalaTest: '2.3.0',
junit: '4.8.1',
and later usage:
compile group:'org.scala-lang' , name:'scala-library',version: versions.scala
As I have this defined in each build.gradle what I would rather want is to define the versions in one place and read in all files in the current build.
Writing to a global value will not be sufficient here as the combination of build files involved in a build may change (e.g. when testing a specific component only none of the components depending on it will be defined)
Put this map into its own .gradle file and include into your projects with apply from: '../dependencies.gradle'. Similar to what Gradle has in its own codebase
