Cannot create folder in Azure blob storage $root container - azure-blob-storage

Azure storage allows for a default container called $root
As explained in the documentation
Using the Azure Portal. When I try to upload a scripts folder to my $root container I get the error
upload error for validate-form.js
Upload block blob to blob store failed:
Make sure blob store SAS uri is valid and permission has not expired.
Make sure CORS policy on blob store is set correctly.
StatusCode = 0, StatusText = error
How do I fix this?
I can upload to containers that are not called $root
I guess SAS means Shared Access Signature.
I set up the container with Blob ( anonymous read access for blobs only)
I will try Container ( anonymous read access for containers and blobs)
Changing the access policy made no difference.
The access policy is not displayed for $root
I am aware that one must put a file in a new folder in order for the folder to create. This is not that issue.
Here is what my website blob looks like. I can do this for my website container but not my $root container.

As Create a container states as follows:
Container names must start with a letter or number, and can contain only letters, numbers, and the dash (-) character.
Every dash (-) character must be immediately preceded and followed by a letter or number; consecutive dashes are not permitted in container names.
All letters in a container name must be lowercase.
Container names must be from 3 through 63 characters long.
AFAIK, when managing your blob storage via Azure Storage Client Library, we could not create the container with the name $root. Also, you could leverage Azure Storage Explorer to manage your storage resources, and I assume that the limitation for creating the name for your blob container is applied.
But I tested it on azure portal and found that I could encounter the same issue as you mentioned. I could create the container with the name $root. And I could upload files to the root virtual directory via Azure Portal and Azure Storage Explorer. I assumed that the container name starts with $ is reserved by Azure and we could not create it. And you need to follow the limitation for container names, then you could upload your files as usual. The behavior on azure portal for creating the container name starts with $ is unusual. You could send your feedback here.
As you mentioned about Working with the Root Container:
A blob in the root container cannot include a forward slash (/) in its name.
So you could not create virtual folder(s) under the Root Container as the normal blob container.
For example:$root/virtual-directory/myblob, the blob name would be virtual-directory/myblob, but it is invalid and you could not create it.
Have you been able to create a folder within the $root container? If so can you tell me how to please.
We could not create a folder within the $root container, because the root container has the limitation for blob name. You could not treat azure blob storage as the file system, the folder info belongs to the blob name as follows:


Can Standard logic app upload a blob contain a folder

Currently in consumption you can specify a new folder in a blob container when you create a new blob.
In Standard you have to use the upload to a blob and I don't see where I can specify the folder path:
In Standard you will get two option for choose an operation one is Build-in and second is Azure
would suggest you to choose Azure Option you will get same list of action as you are getting in consumption
Here in Azure-> create blob action(V2), you will observe same thing as in Consumption
Note : choosing Action Upload a blob Azure Storage from Build-in won't give option for Folder Path.

Blob access control

I am designing a storage using azure blob storage. In a container, how to do access control between different blobs?
For example, under container "images", there are 2 blobs: design1/logo.png and design2/logo.png. How to make the access to design1/ and design2/ are exclusively?
Have you tried to configure the access permissions from RBAC?

Azure Storage Explorer - Inadequate resource type access

I am attempting to use the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer, attaching with a SAS URI. But I always get the error:
Inadequate resource type access. At least service-level ('s') access
is required.
Here is my SAS URI with portions obfuscated:
And here is my connection string with portions obfuscated:
It seems like the problem is with the construction of my URI/endpoints/connectionstring/etc, more than with permissions granted me on the server, due to the fact that when I click Next, the error displays instantaneously. I do not believe it even tried to reach out to the server.
What am I doing wrong? (As soon as I get this working, I'll be using the URI/etc to embed in my C# app for programmatic access.)
What you need to connect is a service requirement the "SRT" part of the URI.
The URI you have has a SRT of "CO" container and object and needs the "S" part, you need to create a new sas key this can be generated in portal, azure cli or powershell.
In the portal is this part:
You have to enter to the storage acount and select what you need:
Allowed services (if you are looking for blob)
Allowed resource types
Service (make sure this one is activated)
Allowed permissions (this to do everything)
Example where to look
If you need more info look here:
If you like to create the SAS key in the CLI use this:
If you like to create the SAS key in powershell use this:
I has a similar issue trying to connect to the blob container using a Shared Access Signature (SAS) URL, and this worked for me:
Instead of generating the SAS URL in Azure Portal, I used Azure Storage Explorer.
Right click the container that you want to share -> "Get Shared Access Signature"
Select the Expiry time and permissions and click create
This URL should work when your client/user will try to connect to the container.
I had the same problem and managed to get this to work by hacking the URL and changing "srt=co" to "srt=sco". It seems to need the "s".

Why is an empty file with the name of folder inside a Azure Blob storage container is created?

I am running a Hive QL through HD Insight on-demand cluster which does the following
Spool the data from a hive view
Create a folder by name abcd inside a Blob storage container
named XYZ
Store the view data in a file inside the abcd folder
However, when the hive QL is run, there is an empty file with the name abcd that is getting created outside the abcd folder
Any idea why this is happening and how do we stop it from happening. Please suggest
You get this because the Azure storage you are mounting does not have a hierarchical file system. For example, the mount is a blob storage of type StorageV2 but you have not ticked the Use hierarchical filesystem at creation time. A version 2 blob with hierarchical file system is known as Azure Data Lake Storage generation 2 (ADLS Gen2), where they basically get rid of the blob - lake difference you had with ADLS Gen 1 vs older blob generations.
According to the blob API you are using, a number of tricks are used to give you the illusion of a hierarchical FS even when you don't have one. Like creating empty files, or hidden ones. The main is that the hierarchy is flat (i.e. there is none), so you can't just create an empty folder, you have to put something there.
For example, if you mount a v2 blob with the wasbs:// driver in Databricks, and you do a mkdir -p /dbfs/mnt/mymount/this/is/a/path from a %sh cell you will see something like this:
this folder, this empty file
this/is folder, this/is empty file
Finally, while this is perfectly file for Azure blob itself, it might cause trouble to anything else not expecting it, even %sh ls.
Just recreate the storage as ADLS Gen2, or update it live enabling the hierarchical FS.

Blob files have to renamed manually to include parent folder path

We are new to Windows azure and have used Windows azure storage for blob objects while developing sitefinity application but the blob files which are uploaded to this storage via publishing to azure from Visual Studio uploads files with only the file names and do not maintain the prefix folder name and slash. Hence we have to rename all files manually on the windows azure management portal and put the folder name and slash in the beginning of each file name so that the page which is accessing these images can show the images properly otherwise the images are not shown due to incorrect path.
Though in sitefinity admin panel , when we upload these images/blob files in those pages , we upload them inside a folder and we have configured to leverage sitefinity to use azure storage instead of database.
Please check the file attached to see the screenshot.
Please help me to solve this.
A few things I would like to mention first:
Windows Azure does not support rename functionality. Rename blob functionality = copy blob followed by delete blob.
Copy blob operation is asynchronous so you must wait for copy operation to finish before deleting the blob.
Blob storage does not support folder hierarchy natively. As you may have already discovered, you create an illusion of a folder by prepending a blob name (say logo.png) with the name of folder you want (say images) and separate them with slash (/) so your blob name becomes images/logo.png.
Now coming to your problem. Needless to say that manually renaming the blobs would be a cumbersome exercise. I would recommend using a storage management tool to do that. One such example would be Azure Management Studio from Cerebrata. If you use that tool, essentially what you can do is create an empty folder in the container and then move the files into that folder. That to me would be the fastest way to achieve your objective.
If you wish to write some code to do that, here are the steps you will take:
First you will list all blobs in a blob container.
Next you will loop over this list.
For each blob (let's call it source blob), you would get its name and prepend the folder name that you want and create an instance of a CloudBlockBlob object.
Next you would initiate a copy blob operation on that blob using StartCopyFromBlob on this new blob where source is your source blob.
You would need to wait for the copy operation to finish. Once the copy operation is finished, you can safely delete the source blob.
P.S. I would have written some code but unfortunately I'm stuck with something else. I might write something later on (but please don't hold your breath for that :)).
