Linuxbrew installation issue - ruby

I just installed linuxbrew with
git clone ~/.linuxbrew
Then I checked the environment variables and
bash: /home/danilo/.linuxbrew/lib64/pkgconfig:/home/danilo/.linuxbrew/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib64/pkgconfig:/usr/lib64/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig:/usr/lib64/pkgconfig:/usr/share/pkgconfig:: No such file or directory
It seems that not everything went in the right place. In fact, I having problem with several package installation
Error: No available formula with the name "homebrew/dupes/unzip" (dependency of milaboratory/all/mixcr)
==> Searching for similarly named formulae...
Error: No similarly named formulae found.
==> Searching taps...
Error: No formulae found in taps.
How is it possible?
(I am using Ubuntu 16.04)


Can not find / install ffmpeg and nasm with homebrew in MacOS

When I try to install ffmpeg using brew, I am prompted to install the “nasm” formula first. However, when I tried to install “nasm” formula, made the following error
➜ ~ brew install ffmpeg
Running `brew update --preinstall`...
fatal: Could not resolve HEAD to a revision
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 1 tap (homebrew/cask).
==> Updated Casks
Updated 5 casks.
Warning: No available formula with the name "nasm" (dependency of homebrew-ffmpeg/ffmpeg/ffmpeg).
==> Searching for similarly named formulae...
Error: No similarly named formulae found.
==> Searching for a previously deleted formula (in the last month)...
Error: No previously deleted formula found.
==> Searching taps on GitHub...
Error: No formulae found in taps.
➜ ~ brew install nasm
Warning: No available formula with the name "nasm".
==> Searching for similarly named formulae...
Error: No similarly named formulae found.
==> Searching for a previously deleted formula (in the last month)...
Error: No previously deleted formula found.
==> Searching taps on GitHub...
Error: No formulae found in taps.
I think (long ago) I might have tried brew to install FFmpeg and got stuck. In the end, I installed it manually:
# 1. Install the zipped executable, or visit
curl -JL -o ~/Downloads/ -JL -o ~/Downloads/
# 2. Inflate/extract executable file
unzip ~/Downloads/ -d ~/Downloads/ffmpeg
# 3. Move file into executables directory
cp ~/Downloads/ffmpeg/ffmpeg /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg
# 4. Allow file to execute
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg
# 5. Quick check
file /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg
# /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg: Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64
# 6. Ready set go!
Source: I struggled with this and wrote a post on my personal site, recently updated.

How to install wget on Mac OS

I am trying to install wget on my Mac but when ever I try to install it it says
==> Searching for similarly named formulae...
Error: No similarly named formulae found.
Error: No available formula or cask with the name "wget".
==> Searching for a previously deleted formula (in the last month)...
Error: No previously deleted formula found.
==> Searching taps on GitHub...
Error: No formulae found in taps
I have tried to uninstall Homebrew and then re install it but it still doesn't work. Please Help (Also this is my first post so if you have any comments on it please tell me)

Install Aleph on MacOS

I'm trying to get ALEPH - A Learning Engine for Proposing Hypotheses - - on Mac.
As I understood, I will need YAP - Yet Another Prolog. As far as I've found on the internet everyone does it be "brew install yap" (I have brew). That's what I get:
$ brew install yap
Error: No available formula with the name "yap"
==> Searching for a previously deleted formula...
Warning: homebrew/core is shallow clone. To get complete history run: git -C "$(brew --repo homebrew/core)" fetch --unshallow
Error: No previously deleted formula found.
==> Searching for similarly named formulae...
==> Searching local taps...
Error: No similarly named formulae found.
==> Searching taps...
==> Searching taps on GitHub...
Error: No formulae found in taps.
Does anyone have any idea of what to do?

Brew + suite-sparse421

I have installed brew on OSX and I have installed successfully several things.
However when I try to install suite-sparse421 (hard constraint on the version):
brew tap homebrew/versions
brew install suite-sparse421
I get the following error:
Error: No available formula with the name "suite-sparse421"
==> Searching for similarly named formulae...
Error: No similarly named formulae found.
==> Searching taps...
Error: No formulae found in taps.
Running brew doctor shows no problem (Your system is ready to brew.)
Running brew update shows no problem (Already up-to-date.)
Any idea?
Have a look at this
Homebrew-science/suite-sparse.rb has updated it url to download the 4.5.3 package, ""
If you want a specific version , why not download and build on your own.
The commands to build are pretty self explanatory there in the rb script.
As you can see in the error message there’s no formula named suite-sparse421. There’s nothing wrong with your Homebrew installation; it just doesn’t exist. See this other SO answer on how to install a previous version of a formula.
In addition to the previous right answers, the formula suite-sparse421 was removed. And all archived versions of SuiteSparse are listed on the official website.

brew install cassandra12 fails on Mac

When I try to install cassandra12 on my Mac using:
brew install cassandra12
It fails with:
Error: No available formula with the name "homebrew/versions/cassandra12"
==> Searching for similarly named formulae...
Error: No similarly named formulae found.
==> Searching taps...
Error: No formulae found in taps.
Updating, uninstalling and re-installing brew didn't help either. Can somebody help me with how to fix this issue?
Note: 'brew search cassandra' shows cassandra21 and cassandra22. I need cassandra12 specifically.
Cassandra 1.2 was removed from home-brew versions about a month ago.
zzatking posted the following on the pull request
If anyone really needs a version that was removed due to this pull
request, you can find it by following these steps:
Click the commit above related to your software (e.g. cassandra*)
Find the formula you desire (e.g. cassandra12.rb)
Click "View" for that formula
Click "Raw" for the source
Copy the URL
Run brew install <URL>
