Oracle Materialized View for sensory data transfer - oracle

In an application we have to send sensory data stream from multiple clients to a central server over internet. One obvious solution is to use MOMs (Message Oriented Middlewares) such as Kafka, but I recently learned that we can do this with data base synchronization tools such as oracle Materialized View.
The later approach works in some application (sending data from a central server to multiple clients, inverse directin of our application), but what is the pros and cons of it in our application? Which one is better for sending sensory data stream from multiple (~100) clients to server in terms of speed, security, etc.?
For more detail consider an application in which many (about 100) clients have to send streaming data (1MB data per minute) to a central server over internet. The data are needed in server for the sake of online monitoring, analysis and some computation such as machine learning and data mining tasks.
My question is about the difference between db-to-db connection and streaming solutions such as kafka for trasfering data from clients to server.

I'm going to try and break your question down into in order to get a clearer understanding of your current requirements and then build it back up again. This has taken a long time to write so I'd really appreciate it if you do two things off the back of it:
Be sceptical - there's absolutely no substitute for testing things yourself. The internet is very useful as a guide but there's no guarantee that the help you receive (if this answer is even helpful!) is the best thing for your specific situation. It's impossible to completely describe your current situation in the space allotted and so any answer is, of necessity, going to be lacking somewhere.
Look again at how you explained yourself - this is a valid question that's been partially stopped by a lack of clarity in your description of the system and what you're trying to achieve. Getting someone unfamiliar with your system to look over your question before posting a complex question may help.
Problem definition
sensory data stream from multiple clients to a central server
You're sending data from multiple locations to a single persistence store
online monitoring
You're going to be triggering further actions based off the raw data and potentially some aggregated data
analysis and some computation such as machine learning and data mining tasks
You're going to be performing some aggregations on the clients' data, i.e. you require aggregations of all of the clients' data to be persisted (however temporarily) somewhere
Further assumptions
Because you're talking about materialized views we can assume that all the clients persist data in a database, probably Oracle.
The data coming in from your clients is about the same topic.
You've got ~100 clients, at that amount we can assume that:
the number of clients might change
you want to be able to add clients without increasing the number of methods of accessing data
You don't work for one of Google, Amazon, Facebook, Quantcast, Apple etc.
Architecture diagram
Here, I'm not making any comment on how it's actually going to work - it's the start of a discussion based on my lack of knowledge of your systems. The "raw data persistence" can be files, Kafka, a database etc. This is description of the components that are going to be required and a rough guess as to how they will have to connect.
Applying assumed architecture to materialized views
Materialized views are a persisted query. Therefore you have two choices:
Create a query that unions all 100 clients data together. If you add or remove a client you must change the query. If a network issue occurs at any one of your clients then everything fails
Write and maintain 100 materialized views. The Oracle database at your central location has 100 incoming connections.
As you can probably guess from the tradeoffs you'll have to make I do not like materialized views as the sole solution. We should be trying to reduce the amount of repeated code and single points of failure.
You can still use materialized views though. If we take our diagram and remove all the duplicated arrows in your central location it implies two things.
There is a single service that accepts incoming data
There is a single service that puts all the incoming data into a single place
You could then use a single materialized view for your aggregation layer (if your raw data persistence isn't in Oracle you'll first have to put the data into Oracle).
Consequences of changes
Now we've decided that you have a single data pipeline your decisions actually become harder. We've decoupled your clients from the central location and the aggregation layer from our raw data persistence. This means that the choices are now yours but they're also considerably easier to change.
Reimagining architecture
Here we need to work out what technologies aren't going to change.
Oracle databases are expensive and you're pushing 140GB/day into yours (that's 50TB/year by the way, quite a bit). I don't know if you're actually storing all the raw data but at those volumes it's less likely that you are - you're only storing the aggregations
I'm assuming you've got some preferred technologies where your machine learning and data mining happen. If you don't then consider getting some to prevent madness supporting everything
Putting all of this together we end up with the following. There's actually only one question that matters:
How many times do you want to read your raw data off your database.
If the answer to that is once then we've just described middleware of some description. If the answer is more than once then I would reconsider unless you've got some very good disks. Whether you use Kafka for this middle layer is completely up to you. Use whatever you're most familiar with and whatever you're most willing to invest the time into learning and supporting. The amount of data you're dealing with is non-trivial and there's going to be some trial and error getting this right.
One final point about this; we've defined a data pipeline. A single method of data flowing through your system. In doing so, we've increased the flexibility of the system. Want to add more clients, no need to do anything. Want to change the technology behind part of the system, as long as the interface remains the same there's no issue. Want to send data elsewhere, no problem, it's all in the raw data persistence layer.


Is it possible to replicate tables from multiple databases in Google Cloud?

The company that I work at uses a microservices architecture with the 'database per service' pattern. This pattern makes it harder to query based on data from multiple services, since each service has its own database. Imagine a service for managing your products and one for managing stock. You would have to somehow combine the data from both services to query for products based on stock.
I know that event sourcing and API composition are potential solutions to the problem, but I was wondering if it is possible to continuously replicate specific tables from the product and stock databases based on database transaction logs. Wouldn't this be much simpler than say implementing an event based solution like event sourcing? One service that I am working with contains a lot of domain events, which would make implementing and maintaining event-based solution rather complex.
Another reason for why I am considering to look at the problem from a different angle is that there is a lot of data. In-memory joins with say API composition will most likely be slow.
To sum it all up, I would like to know if it is possible to continuously replicate specific tables from different databases into one database.
The technologies that my company uses are primarily Spring Framework and PostgreSQL.
I would step back and ask why you have microservices (including why you have multiple databases). This is because it's quite easy to make choices that are superficially easy but which achieve that ease by negating the reason you had the microservices to begin with, and in such a situation, it may in fact be easier to just not do microservices.
For example, you might be doing microservices because you want to be able to have the team maintaining your product service be able to make changes without coordinating with the stock service or vice versa. By setting up a direct replication of a table from service A's database into service B's database, you essentially require many changes service A might want to make to that table to be coordinated with service B. It's perhaps less operationally coupled than unifying the services into a monolith, but in terms of developer velocity, you're giving up a fair amount.
Alternatively, if the rationale is to allow one service to be down (failures, maintenance, releases: doesn't matter) without taking the others down, a replication which guarantees strong consistency implies that taking service B's database down prevents service A from updating its database (because if you allowed service A to update its database in that situation, you couldn't have strong consistency).
Rather than direct replication, it might make sense to use change data capture (e.g. with Debezium) to publish a stream of changes from the transaction logs (e.g. to Kafka). The critical difference from logical replication is that the consumer can, for instance, choose to ignore updates to columns it doesn't care about: the stock service might include details like where things are stocked in a warehouse, for instance, which is data you don't need for answering a query like "show me the products in this category which are in stock". This can be a nice middle ground between going full event-sourcing and other approaches.

storing data in secondary database

Our application (java,spring, hibernate) uses postgress to store data.
We are looking to add an analysis engine to the application. I want to explore using a nosql db to run the analysis on. This is an attempt at learning the nosql a bit also to free the main application activity from performance penalty (as much as possible).
So, I want the data changes to also synch to the nosql db (in addition to postgres). Any synch mechanism will affect the performance of the main data/transaction activity.
Is it a good idea to push the data changes to a message bus and free the main transaction as early as possible ? Can anyone point me to frameworks/technologies/ideas that address this issue of same data going to two different data stores.
The simplest solution would be sending data to a Postgres read replica and running your analytics queries on that. The performance impact is minimal and this would save a lot of time compared to alternative approaches.
Unless you really know what you are doing, I would avoid NoSQL for this kind of application. If your dataset is too big for a Postgres read replica, you might want to use Redshift, which is a columnar datastore that is optimized for types of analytics queries typically performed.

Mongodb strategy for Multi-Company web app

I am developing a web app in Meteor, with Mongo, that will be running on cloud. Each user must belong to a Company.
Each Company can only access it's own data.
Each user can access it's own data and some data shared with other users of the same company.
Imagine 1.000 companies and 100 users per company, it could get very bad in performance and secutiry, if I use 1 Mongodb database for whole app.
So, because Mongo is "Schema-less and Database-less" I think I can define 1.000 dbs, lets say db_0001, db_0002, ... with same name collections, lets say tasks, messages, ..., so the app can be efficient and more secure (same code for every Company and isolation of data).
Also, on hosting side (let's say for example with Digital Ocean), I think its easier to distribute the dbs if the are already atomized.
Is this a good approach? Or should I not worry about it and let the hosting do this job?
Any thoughts are wellcome.
You are currently only looking at one side of the coin. That's fine to start with.
Think about how you are going to be displaying that data and what query does it translate to. Do a thorough due diligence on all the potential query. For example, how often would user/getbyid be called and how often would you have to show a user their info and their relationship with other users. What other meta data would be required beside user info, would you have to perform a join to get that data? or is it stored as an embedded document? What fields are you going to be searching and sorting by most? Which types of data are write heavy and what are read heavy?
Now lets get back to your database shading approach. It's great that you are thinking ahead of time on this front rather than having to rewrite your component later. Data volume/storage does not worry me here. How many concurrent users would be using at application and what are primary use cases should be the first place to look at to think about scale.
Additionally, you need to understand the nature of the business and project growth. Is it like Instragram type of hyper growth? or is it more predictable. A big Mongo cluster can handle thousands of concurrent read/write requests (assuming your design and query are optimized) so that does not bother me. If you want to keep it flexible MongoDB has a sharding mechanism and you can shard on a key and it takes care all the fancy stuff for ya.
MongoDB has eventual consistency (look up MongoDB CAP theorem) if you enable read from secondaries and you have a high volume business critical app you need to be careful because you can be reading out of date result.
As far as hosting is concerned, DO is fine but always have a backup in another region to maintain geographic redundancy so in case if a region goes down (Hello AWS!) you have something to fall back on.
Good luck on your project!

Microservices - Maintaining Multiple Data stores, initial data load etc

On aspects of granulatiry of mictoservices have read about the 2 pizza rule, services that can be developed in 2 weeks etc. When the case studies of amazon, nelflix, gilt are read we hear about 100s of services. While the service granularity does make sense, what is still not clear to me is about the data stores of each of these microservices. Will there not be just too many data stores if each of the services store/maintain their own data ?? It might be the same logical entity like a product, customer etc that is sliced & the relevant portion/attributes stored/maintained by a corresponding microservice. There could be a service that maintains basic customer information, another that maintains the additional customer information like say his subscription information or his interests etc.
Couple of questions that come to mind around the data stores
Will this not be a huge maintenance issue in terms of backups,
restores etc?
How is the initial data populated into these stores ? Are there any best practices around this ? Organisations are bound to have huge volumes of customer or product data & they will most likely be mastered in other systems.
How does this approach of multiple data stores impact the 'omni-channel' approach where it implies getting a single view of all data? Organizations might have had data consolidation initiatives going on to achieve the same
Edit: Edited the subject a bit
1.Will this not be a huge maintenance issue in terms of backups, restores etc?
From your view yes it will. I mean at the end of day you will not have just one database server to backup but tens or hundreds of them. But mostly people -at least that is what we do - is using a cloud database service to get rid of all these maintenance effort.
2.How is the initial data populated into these stores ? Are there any best practices around this ? Organisations are bound to have huge volumes of customer or product data & they will most likely be mastered in other systems.
I am not sure if there is a best way but we created a client to read the data from legacy system then convert and split it into the parts for each microservices and push them to those microservices by consuming their services. We used message queues to to be sure about health of migration.
3.How does this approach of multiple data stores impact the 'omni-channel' approach where it implies getting a single view of all data? Organizations might have had data consolidation initiatives going on to achieve the same.
Well I don't know what "omni-channel" is so I can't answer that.
Lastly you were mentioning about logical entities shared between services. The real hardest part about implementing microservices is defining what each service will provide. And while doing that you should carefully examine data needs for each services and those services should share as little as possible like only entity ids etc. At least that is what we are doing.

Handle huge data imported from facebook

I'm currently create a program that imports all groups and feeds from Facebook which the user wants.
I used to use the Graph API with OAuth and this works very well.
But I came to the point that I realized that one request can't handle the import of 1000 groups plus the feeds.
So I'm looking for a solution that imports this data in the background (like a cron job) into a database.
Runs in background
Runs under Linux
What's you experience about that?
Would hadoop the right solution?
You can use neo4j.
Neo4j is a graph database, reliable and fast for managing and querying highly connected data
1) Decide structure of nodes, relationships, and there properties and accordingly
You need to create API that will get data from facebook and store it in Neo4j.
I have used neo4j in 3 big projects, and it is best for graph data.
2) Create a cron jon that will get data from facebook and store into the neo4j.
I think implementing mysql for graph database is not a good idea. for large data neo4j is the good option.
Interestingly you designed the appropriate solution yourself already. So in fact you need following components:
a relational database, since you want to request data in a structured, quick way
-> from experiences I would pressure the fact to have a fully normalized data model (in your case with tables users, groups, users2groups), also have 4-Byte surrogate keys over larger keys from facebook (for back referencing you can store their keys as attributes, but internal relations are more efficient on surrogate keys)
-> establish indexes based on hashes rather than strings (eg. crc32(lower(STRING))) - an example select would than be this: select somethinguseful from users where name=SEARCHSTRING and hash=crc32(lower(SEARCHSTRING))
-> never,ever establish unique columns based on strings with length > 8 Byte; unique bulk inserts can be done based on hashes+string checking via
-> once you got that settled you could also look into sparse matrices (see wikipedia) and bitmaps to get your users2groups optimized (however I have learned that this is an extra that should not hinder you to come up with a first version soon)
a cron job that is run periodically
-> ideally along the caps, facebook is giving you (so if they rule you to not request more often than once per second, stick to that - not more, but also try to come as close as possible to the cap) -> invest some time in getting the management of this settled, if different types of requests need to be fired (request for user records <> requests for group records, but maybe hit by the same cap)
-> most of the optimization can only be done with development - so if I were you I would stick to any high level programming language that does not bother to much with var type juggling and that also comes along with a broad support for associative arrays such as PHP and I would programm that thing myself
-> I made good experiences with setting up the cron job as web page with deactivated output buffering (for php look at ob_end_flush(void)) - easy to test and the cron job can be triggered via curl; if you channel status outputs via an own function (eg with time stamps) this could then also become flexible to either run viw browser or via command line -> which means efficient testing + efficient production running
your user ui, which only requests your database and never, ever, never the external system api
lots of memory, to keep your performance high (optimal: all your data+index data fits into database memory/cache dedicated to the database)
-> if you use mysql as database you should look into innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=0, and innodb_buffer_pool_size (just google, if interested)
Hadoop is a file system layer - it could help you with availability. However I would put this into the category of "sparse matrix", which is nothing that stops you from coming up with a solution. From my experience availability is not a primary constraint in data exposure projects.
-------------------------- UPDATE -------------------
I like neo4j from the other answer. So I wondered what I can learn for my future projects. My experiences with mysql is that RAM is usually the biggest constraint. So increasing your RAM to be able to load the full database can gain you performance improvements by a factor of 2-1000 - depending on from where you are coming from. Everything else such as index improvements and structure somehow follows. So if I would need to make up a performance prioritization list, it would be something like this:
MYSQL + enough RAM dedicated to the database to load all data
NEO4J + enough RAM dedicated to the database to load all data
I would still prefer MYSQL. It stores records efficiently, but needs to run joins for deriving relations (which neo4j does not require to that extend). Join-costs are usually low with the right indexes and according to neo4j does need to add extra management data to the property separation. For big data projects those management data sums up and in full load to memory set ups requires you buy more memory. Performance wise these both options are ultimate. Further, much further down the line you would find this:
NEO4J + not enough RAM dedicated to the database to load all data
MYSQL + not enough RAM dedicated to the database to load all data
In worst case MYSQL will even put indexes to disk (at least partly), which can result in massive read delay. In comparison with NEO4J you could perform a ' direct jump from node to node' exercise, which should - at least in theory - be faster.
