Now i have an mixed index,it's status is DISABLED like this :
gremlin> m.getGraphIndex('singleProperty_mixedIndex').getIndexStatus(m.getPropertyKey('prop1'))
now i want to update this index's status to ENABLED,how can i to do?
I have tried several times using these gremlin,but it doesn't work:
m = graph.openManagement();
i = m.getGraphIndex('singleProperty_mixedIndex');
m.updateIndex(i, SchemaAction.REGISTER_INDEX);
m.awaitGraphIndexStatus(graph, 'singleProperty_mixedIndex').status(SchemaStatus.INSTALLED).call();
Thanks for your help!
Currently, a disabled index in JanusGraph cannot be re-enabled. Disabling an index is the last step before removing it (wiki reference). Your options are:
Remove the index, and then recreate it
Create an index with a different name, but with the same properties
Scenario, in error a new option set label of "Update" was added with value 100,000,000 to a field in the default managed solution in Production.
Identical label with value 866,100,002 was added to same field in the unmanaged Development Solution, when latest round of export and import occurred a duplicate option set label for "Update" was added to the managed solution in Production.
I now have data in the tables with both values and duplicate labels in the managed solution.
Question: how to unwind this mess - can I delete the label relating to value 100,000,000 seeing how it will just get duplicated upon the next solution import?
What happens to the data in the Database - is there a way to update the recorded values of 100,000,000 to a correct 866,100,002?
Do an Advanced Find for records having optionset value 100,000,000, export to excel (with selected option to reimport). Bulk update the exported records to the correct 866,100,002 optionset value & reimport it. This is first thing, it will correct the data.
Then you can delete the dupe label in picklist & monitor for future imports.
Test it in lower environments. Take solution/database backup as a precaution.
I'm trying to setup a sweep job that moves a document from one class to a different class, but I only want to test right now -- not move ALL documents.
I was trying to add a filter to only pull over certain documents to test this before I pull the trigger, but it isn't working (ALL documents get listed in the results when I run this as preview).
The current filter I have is:
[DocumentTitle] like '%Z*%'
Any ideas what I need to do to change the filter to only have this run on the subset of documents I want??
Please clarify on below queries to resolve your issue:
1) Is your sweep job based on Java API / .net API? or
2) Is it based on FEM (Enterprise manager) tool
From the Filter : [DocumentTitle] like "%Z%" will filter all documents with the title %Z%, Please try to filter with ID to fetch one record, Once successful, then test with multiple records.
The sweep jobs typically take a condition that is similar to part after WHERE condition in search, the easiest way hence is simply to go to the search view, create your search, move to the SQL view tab, and then take whatever after WHERE condition and then add it to your sweep search filter.
Here are examples of filter conditions:
VersionStatus = 4 //All superseded documents
DateCreated < NOW() - TimeSpan(365, 'Days') //All documents that were created at least a year ago
StorageArea = OBJECT('{5E2BE09A-F4B1-49E2-A229-77FE32E5FEF1}') //All content in a specific storage area
VersionStatus = 4 AND DateCreated < NOW() - TimeSpan(365, 'Days') AND ContentSize > (1024 * 1024 * 500) //Complex logical expression
Final point in regard to your question about
I only want to test right now -- not move ALL documents.
Sweeps has Sweep Mode which defines how the sweep is going to execute, in your case you need to set it to Preview.
I have a Services quick filter containing the following items:
Appliance Repair
I want the services containing [DEPRECATED] to appear at the end of the list. For example:
Appliance Repair
How can I sort my quick filter so that items containing [DEPRECATED] will appear at the end of the list?
In the data pane in the left hand margin, right click on your discrete dimension (Services) and set the default properties -> sort order as desired.
You will have to set a manual sort order for the field once (unless you have some calculated field that you use). But you'll only have to set it once in the data pane, and then Tableau will use that ordering whenever you use that field in a viz.
You still have the option to override the default sort order in any particular worksheet.
Convert your field to discrete, then to measure.
Add it as the first row. You can use it for sorting across worksheets.
You can created a calculated field and set value as 2 where [DEPRECATED] is found else 1. Then sort the data based on the calculated field. This should avoid any manual interventions when the data is refreshed with new changes.
i have problem with full text search in innoDB/XtraDB engine.
i have full text on a column, some value is 1 or 2 length for example 'a' or 'aa'.
i set ft_min_word_Len=1 and show variable show me that this variable set to 1. but when i query like this i get no result :
SELECT * FROM test.t1 t where match(text) against('aa' );
but when i change table engine to aria or myisam i get result.
what is the problem ?
i want to use innodb/Xtradb , not aria.
please help me.
You should change innodb_ft_min_token_size to 1. The setting ft_min_word_Len refers to myisam tables. See "Excluded Results" section on this page of the mariaDB knowledge base site.
Also see this review of the innodb full text search feature:
...I was a bit surprised to see that the default minimum word length was less than the value of ft_min_word_len. Those legacy ft_% variables continue to apply only to MyISAM fulltext indexes, evidently. There's a new bundle of system variables to control InnoDB Fulltext...
(Yes I know this is a duplicate, but none of the other solutions work for me.)
I’ve got a product that won’t appear in search results, despite being search enabled.
Here is an image to prove it.
And I’m using the latest version of Magento CE version 1.7.0
I've reindexed several times and have disabled the cache.
Please help! I can’t setup my shop without this.
1. Check product Quantity and Stock and that product is assigned to a category
2. Clear Cache
3. Run Re-Indexing.
Try to change the Search Type from like to fulltext
Configuration -> Catalog -> Catalog Search.
Check the MySql variable ft min word len. I had a similar issue, if I searched for the word "Pad" it returned 0 results because the ft min word len variable was set to 4 charachters and the word 'pad' has only 3.
Warning: Changing the value of the ft min word len variable to 3 may affect your server performance.
I just had the same problem and it turned out, that the Website-Checkbox (on the Products' tab "Website" in the Magento Backend) was not set during import.
Tried the following (still working on development-site)
Re-Index all Data
Delete the Cache
Delete all Session Files (rm -rf session/* in var/)
Checked Product Settings for:
Selected Categories
I've been playing around with these for years. Here is what I currently have setup.
catalog catalog/search (in admin)
combine like/full text
attributes: that are searchable
name, short_description, sku, color, manufacturer_part_number, manufacturer, upc
I did have description searchable but found that it returns way too many results..I just really want the search text found in my products name to be found.
Our client had created a new Root Category and moved all their products under here. They had neglected to update the Main Website Store configuration in:-
"System/Manage Stores/Main Website Store/Root Category"
We set this to the "New Root Category" and the search sprang back into life :)