How can I setup an Authetication in Laravel within THE SAME TABLE? - laravel

I'ts just for practice and I need how to set up an Auth in Laravel but in the same table User. I know I have to use the default model User.php. I added my new column "type" where here I'm going to manage common users and admins. I edited and migrated that, also according to docs I created my guards and register providers but I don't know whats next. I know how to do it with another table but in the same table I have no idea how. I don't know how this Laravel's files works.


Creating admins table separate in Laravel 8

I am creating a Laravel project for the users. Laravel has its own laravel/ui package, but I am creating its admin panel too, and I am a bit confused about what I should do for admins. Also, I am confused about the security for the admin panel. So there are 2 solutions in my mind:
Add a new column in the user's table named status, and if its value is admin, he can access the admin panel; otherwise, redirect to the homepage.
Create a separate admins table and improve laravel/ui auth. For that, I found documentation here.
What should I do? Even i have added table prefix for tables in .env & config/database.php. I am afraid that the hackers/users should not access the admin panel. And also, tell me if the table prefix is good for security, or should I remove the table prefix?
You need the permission-roles system.
This is good decision for you. With well-configured routes no one wont have access in admin panel without access in data base.
For example, in panel page only admin have access:
Route::name('adminspace.')->group(['middleware' => ['role:admin']], function () {
Route::view('/panel', 'pages.panel');

Getting CRUD data from laravel backpack to a new blade view page

I'm new to laravel backpack so what did is created a CRUD of title and description. And everything in admin panel works fine, but now I need to get that data to another blade view file through a controller like in a vanilla laravel but I cant seem to find how to do it.
If I understand your question correctly, there's absolutely NOTHING special you need to do - just do it "the normal Laravel way", by using your Model to query the database. It's usually something like Career::all() or Career::find($id) or Career::where('something', $value)->get(), depending on what you need to fetch from the database.
That's because Backpack uses your existing Eloquent Models, or creates the models if you don't have them already (usually in app\Models). So whenever you create/edit/delete an entry using the Backpack interface (aka CRUD), what Backpack does is use that Model to interact with the database. If you want to interact with the database, you should do the same thing - use the Model. That's the expected and recommended way of doing things in Laravel. To have Models for all your major database tables and do most (or all) of your interactions with the database using the Eloquent Models.
You can use view like this:
list, create etc.
all available files, you can find here: vendor/backpack/crud/src/resources/views/crud
If you want to override the template, please copy vendor template to your project
vendor/backpack/crud/src/resources/views/crud/show.blade.php > resources/views/vendor/backpack/crud/show.blade.php

How to "connect" Laravel project with Craft 3 CMS Website

I've developed an app which fetches data from an API based on Laravel 5.5. The marketing landingpage of the app is based on Craft CMS Version 3. The marketing website and the API and the databases of both systems are running on the same server.
I want to generate landingpages for each row of table X of the Laravel database.{slug}
What is the best approach to realize this?
I don't want to fetch the data directly from Laravel's database
I don't want to synchronize the Craft CMS database with the Laravel (add/remove the rows from the laravel's database as entries to Craft)
It would be awesome to be able to have an entry-type "Landingpage" where we can optionally create a landingpage, referencing to an ID of the laravel table and add additional content for the landingpages.
Would be a JSON-API from Laravel to Craft CMS Plugin a good performant idea?
One option would be to use a Dynamic Route and just fetch the data from (because same server) from the template file? Or is there a smarter way in Craft CMS?
Let's start of by:
"I don't want to fetch the data directly from Laravel's database"
I'm assuming you don't want to write code in CraftCMS to access another project's database. Good. IF you plan on having them do seperate jobs and use Laravel API for fetching data alone, let it handle it's own database.
"I don't want to synchronize the Craft CMS database with the Laravel (add/remove the rows from the laravel's database as entries to Craft)"
So, this is my question:
You want to be able to create landing pages based of Laravel's rows alone or based of Laravel's database row's and CraftCMS's?
It all comes down to how well you want to abstract both frameworks.
I would probably tell laravel to accept requests from authenticated user (a CraftCMS User) or from localhosts (from within the machine alone) and I'd create endpoints to add/remove/edit/get data at my disposal. I'd then fetch rows from Laravel and combine with my own (assume I'm the CMS).
Even in an intranet network, the request to tell laravel to access the database is longer than to access the database from CraftCMS, so you should expect a dependency between the two projects.
For point 3, you'll have to store information on each database about something. On CraftCMS's to store at least the ID's it's going to request to laravel and laravel will have to get an endpoint where it can insert new stuff, if you're planning on having additional content there.
I'm not entirely sure if I got the idea you're trying to show when you say "add additional content for the landing pages" but I'd try to keep it simple and abstract it's uses, Laravel to store this 'information' that the CMS shouldn't handle in the first place (or you can work out some extra tables and import them to the other database).
Impact performance? Depends on the ammount of data you've got

How to show specific table structure in a Laravel controller?

I forgot my cPanel credentials so that now i need to confirm about some table fields i.e data types etc so that I want to connect with that cPanel i am using Laravel 4.2 and have no env file. Can anybody can give me a solution for this problem.

Laravel Hashing with Sentry or Sentinel

I'm using Laravel and Sentry (Sentinel), i'm new for laravel.
when i try to develop laravel with Sentry, there's something that stops me from doing so, it's hash
and my question is, is hash is created just for user profile?
how I can make that hash to my product page? because my product page still show plain text
could someone explain it to me please?
