I am trying to set a range for allowed user inputted numbers. Then, I want to print that chosen number squared and cubed.
I tried the following:
class Range
def clamp(min, max)
self < min ? min : self > max ? max : self
class Multiply
def initialize(id, squared, cubed)
#id = num
#squared = (num * num)
#cubed = (num * num * num)
# #limit = (params[:limit] || 10).clamp(0, 100)
puts 'Please insert your favorite number between 1 and 100.'
num = gets.to_i
puts 'You picked ' + num.to_s + '?'
puts 'You picked ' + num.to_s.Multiply.squared + '?'
The #limit throws 'params' not found.
How can I run num through classes Range and Multiply before it puts?
I am trying to set a range for 'allowed' user inputted numbers, then I
want to print that chosen number squared, and cubed.
Use the clamp method available to Numeric via the Comparable module:
input = '110'
clamped = input.to_i.clamp(0,100)
puts clamped
You can attain powers of numbers with Integer#** or Float#**. If one must produce DIY methods by extending core classes, then you can for example extend the Numeric class by defining the methods clamp, square and cube there. square could be:
class Numeric
def square
self ** 2
10.square #=> 100
I come from a JavaScript background and wrote this similar to how I would in javascript. I am writing it in Ruby.
This is a codewars exercise.
n being 0 and 1 returns 0.00 and 1.00 as expected. Every other positive natural number returns 0.
# Task:
# Your task is to write a function which returns the sum of following series upto nth term(parameter).
# Series: 1 + 1/4 + 1/7 + 1/10 + 1/13 + 1/16 +...
# Rules:
# You need to round the answer to 2 decimal places and return it as String.
# If the given value is 0 then it should return 0.00
# You will only be given Natural Numbers as arguments.
# Examples:
# SeriesSum(1) => 1 = "1.00"
# SeriesSum(2) => 1 + 1/4 = "1.25"
# SeriesSum(5) => 1 + 1/4 + 1/7 + 1/10 + 1/13 = "1.57"
def series_sum(n)
sum = 0
if n == 0
return 0.00
elsif n == 1
return 1.00
n.times do |i|
if i == 1
sum += 1
sum += 1/( 1 + (3 * (i - 1)) )
return sum
puts series_sum(0)
puts series_sum(1)
puts series_sum(2)
puts series_sum(4)
puts series_sum(5)
A couple of things to note:
- Ruby has reduce method that can sum up a list of numbers: https://apidock.com/ruby/Enumerable/reduce
- You don't need to explicitly return from your method. Ruby automatically returns the last statement in your method.
I've modified your solution, and this should work:
def series_sum(n)
if n > 1
sum = (1..n).inject { |sum, i| sum + (1/(1.to_f + (3 * (i - 1)))) }
sum = n
'%.2f' % sum
When you are expecting a decimal number in a division, always make sure that either the numerator or the denominator is in float, hence the reason for the 1.to_f.
'%.2f' is a string format to ensure the final answer is returned in 2 decimal places.
There are two parts to this question.
How to display an operation's result as a float value?
1/2 # this will give 0
1.0/2 # this will give 0.5
How to limit a float value to 2 decimal places?
You can use the round function
22.0/7 # this will give pi value - 3.142857142857143
(22.0/7).round(2) # this will give 3.14
The two answers above can be combined to get your answer. I would leave it as an exercise for you to come up with the exact code to solve your problem.
def series_sum(n)
return "0.00" if n.zero?
sprintf("%.2f", (0..n-1).sum { |m| 1.fdiv(3*m+1) }.round(2))
series_sum(0) #=> "0.00"
series_sum(1) #=> "1.00"
series_sum(2) #=> "1.25"
series_sum(3) #=> "1.39"
series_sum(4) #=> "1.49"
series_sum(5) #=> "1.57"
See Kernel#sprintf. One could alternatively use String%, which shares sprintf's formatting directives:
"%.2f" % (0..n-1).sum { |m| 1.fdiv(3*m+1) }.round(2)
I am not aware of the existence of a closed-form expression for this partial sum. Though not relevant to the question, this partial sum can be shown to be divergent.
I need to do round half to even on floats, i.e.,
if the value is half-way between two integers (tie-breaking, fraction part of y is exactly 0.5) round to the nearest even integer,
else, standard round (which is Round to nearest Integer in Ruby).
These are some results, for example:
The BigDecimal class has the rounding mode half to even already implemented. You just have to set the ROUND_MODE to :half_even with BigDecimal.mode method:
require 'bigdecimal'
def round_half_to_even(float)
BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, :half_even)
BigDecimal.new(float, 0).round
Or by using the round with some arguments:
require 'bigdecimal'
def round_half_to_even(float)
BigDecimal.new(float, 0).round(0, :half_even).to_i
Please note that BigDecimal#round returns an Integer when used without arguments, but a BigDecimal when used with arguments. Therefore the need to call to_i in the second example but not in the first.
I would reopen the Float class to create a round_half_to_even function :
class Float
def round_half_to_even(precision)
if self % 1 == 0.5
floor = self.to_i.to_f
return floor % 2 == 0 ? floor : floor + 1
return self.round(precision)
def round_half_to_even f
q, r = f.divmod(2.0)
q * 2 +
when r <= 0.5 then 0
when r >= 1.5 then 2
else 1
round_half_to_even(0.5) # => 0
round_half_to_even(1.49) # => 1
round_half_to_even(1.5) # => 2
round_half_to_even(2.5) # => 2
round_half_to_even(2.51) # => 3
round_half_to_even(3.5) # => 4
You could do the following:
def round_half_to_even(f)
floor = f.to_i
return f.round unless f==floor+0.5
floor.odd? ? f.ceil : floor
round_half_to_even(2.4) #=> 2
round_half_to_even(2.6) #=> 3
round_half_to_even(3.6) #=> 4
round_half_to_even(2.5) #=> 2
round_half_to_even(3.5) #=> 4
I am building a number base converter. Here is my code:
def num_to_s(num, base)
results = []
remainders = []
while base <= num
result = num / base #divide the initial value of num
num = result #put that back in num so you can do it again
results << num #push into array, then map for remainders
remainders << results.map{|i| result = i % base} #get remainders (doesn't shovel first one?)
first_remainder = num % base #since the first remainder isn't getting recorded
return (first_remainder.to_s + remainders.to_s).reverse
num_to_s(13346, 7)
The modulo that gathers the remainders from the results array is not picking up the remainder from the very first iteration of that array. I remedied the skip by giving the first modulo operation it's own separate variable, which may be a cheap hack but it works. Why is this happening? And is there a better way to fix it (without some complete overhaul)?
It needs to convert up to base 16. I am aware that this will not convert base 16 yet because of the letters involved, I'll figure that when I get to it. But I am open to suggestions on that as well.
The very first operation you do is to modulo number by base. That’s why the initial is not kept. So, the easiest way to keep it is just to put it into an array initially:
def num_to_s (num, base)
results = [num] # keep the initial
while base <= num
num /= base # divide the initial value of num
results << num # push into array, then map for remainders
# reverse an array and only then join it into string
results.map {|i| i % base}.reverse.join
puts num_to_s(13346, 7)
#⇒ 53624
i am trying to find if array has 2 digits number and if i find one i want to add the two digit and make it single. then add all the numbers in array to come up with a a sum. here is my code so far. and also i am a noob and learning
class Imei
attr_accessor :Imei, :split_total1, :split_total2
def initialize(imei)
#imei = imei.to_i
#split_total1 = []
#split_total2 = []
def check_two_digit(num)
if num.to_s.length == 2
num = num.to_s.split(//).partition.with_index{|_,i| i.odd?}
num.each do |a, b|
a.to_i + b.to_i
def check_imei
if #imei.to_s.length == 15
split1, split2 = #imei.to_s.split(//).partition.with_index{|_, i| i.odd?}
split1.each do |a|
#split_total1 << check_two_digit(a.to_i * 2)
split2.each do |a|
#split_total2 << a.to_i
imei = Imei.new(123456789102222)
puts imei.split_total1.inspect
puts imei.split_total2.inspect
Find below the Luhn Algorithm I wrote in ruby
def luhn_10_valid? imei
digits = imei.reverse.chars.map(&:to_i)
digits.each_with_index.inject(0) do |sum, (digit, i)|
digit *= 2 if i.odd?
digit -= 9 if digit > 9
sum += digit
end % 10 == 0
For Luhn algorithm I really like the divmod method, which simplifies things
array.reverse.each_slice(2).map { |x, y|
y ||= 0
[x, (y * 2).divmod(10)]
}.flatten.inject(:+) % 10 == 0
If a contains only non-negative integers, this is one Ruby-like way to compute the sum:
a.reduce(0) {|t,i| t + (((10..99).cover? i) ? i.divmod(10).reduce(:+) : i )}
If i => 46, (10..99).cover?(46) => true, 46.divmod(10) => [4,6], [4,6].reduce(:+) => 10. Recall that reduce is aka inject. [4,6]reduce(:+) has the same result as (but,technically, is not 'equivalent to'):
[4,6].reduce { |u,j| u+j }
The zero initial value is needed for the first reduce, as
a[46].reduce {|t,i| t+(((10..99).cover? i) ? i.divmod(10).reduce(:+):i)}
#=> 46
which is incorrect.
If a instead contains string representations of integers and/or the integers may be negative, let me know and I'll change my answer accordingly.
I am looking for a way to convert a base-10 number into a base-N number where N can be large. Specifically i am looking at converting to base-85 and back again. Does anyone know a simple algorithm to perform the conversion? Ideally it would provide something like:
to_radix(83992, 85) -> [11, 53, 12]
Any ideas are appreciated!
That was kind of an interesting question, so I went a little overboard:
class Integer
def to_base(base=10)
return [0] if zero?
raise ArgumentError, 'base must be greater than zero' unless base > 0
num = abs
return [1] * num if base == 1
[].tap do |digits|
while num > 0
digits.unshift num % base
num /= base
This works for arbitrary bases. It only works for integers, although there is no reason why it couldn't be extended to work with any arbitrary number. Also, it ignores the sign of the number. Again, there is no reason why it must do that, but mainly I didn't want to have to come up with a convention for returning the sign in the return value.
class Integer
old_to_s = instance_method(:to_s)
define_method :to_s do |base=10, mapping=nil, sep=''|
return old_to_s.bind(self).(base) unless mapping || base > 36
mapping ||= '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
return to_base(base).map {|digit| mapping[digit].to_s }.join(sep)
[Fixnum, Bignum].each do |klass|
old_to_s = klass.instance_method(:to_s)
klass.send :define_method, :to_s do |base=10, mapping=nil, sep=''|
return old_to_s.bind(self).(base) unless mapping || base > 36
return super(base, mapping, sep) if mapping
return super(base)
I also extended the to_s method so that it works with bases greater than 36. If you want to use a base greater than 36, you have to pass in a mapping object which maps the "digits" to strings. (Well, actually, all that is required is that you provide an object that responds to [] and returns something which responds to to_s. So, a string is perfect, but e.g. an array of integers also works.)
It also accepts an optional separator, which is used to separate the digits.
For example, this allows you to format an IPv4 address by treating it as a base-256 number and using the identity for the mapping and '.' as the separator:
2_078_934_278.to_s(256, Array.new(256) {|i| i }, '.') # => ''
Here's an (incomplete) testsuite:
require 'test/unit'
class TestBaseConversion < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_that_83992_in_base_85_is_11_53_12
assert_equal [11, 53, 12], 83992.to_base(85)
def test_that_83992_in_base_37_is_1_24_13_2
assert_equal [1, 24, 13, 2], 83992.to_base(37)
def test_that_84026_in_base_37_is_1_24_13_36
assert_equal [1, 24, 13, 36], 84026.to_base(37)
def test_that_0_in_any_base_is_0
100.times do |base|
assert_equal [0], 0.to_base(base)
assert_equal [0], 0.to_base(1 << base)
assert_equal [0], 0.to_base(base << base)
def test_that_84026_in_base_37_prints_1od_
assert_equal '1od_', 84026.to_s(37, '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_')
def test_that_ip_address_formatting_works
addr = 2_078_934_278
assert_equal '', addr.to_s(256, (0..255).to_a, '.')
assert_equal '', addr.to_s(256, Array.new(256) {|i| i}, '.')
def test_that_old_to_s_still_works
assert_equal '84026', 84026.to_s
assert_equal '1su2', 84026.to_s(36)
The pseudocode for this is fairly straightforward. To base 85 from unsigned integers:
digits := '';
while (number > 0)
digit := number % 85
digits := base85Digit(digit) + digits
number /= 85 // integer division so the remainder is rounded off
end while
And to base 10:
mult := 1
result := 0
for each digit in digits // starting from the rightmost working left
result += base10(digit) * mult
mult *= 85
end for
Just a general pseudocode algorithm:
initialize empty list
take current number mod base, store result at front of list
divide current number by base and floor it (integer division does this perfectly)
if result is still greater than zero, repeat at #2
83992 / 85 = 988, reminder 12
988 / 85 = 11, reminder 53
11 / 85 = 0, reminder 11
write the reminder in reverse order: 11, 53, 12 to get your base-85 number.
To get it back:
11 * 85^2 + 53 * 85^1 + 12 * 85^0 = 83992
The simplest algorithm that I can think of is (in pseudo-code):
N = base-10 number
1) N mod 85 = 1st number
2) tempVal = floor(N/85)
3) if(tempVal > 0 && tempVal < 85) then
tempVal= 2nd number
2nd number = (tempVal mod 85), then goto step (2), replacing N with N1
Base 85 is particularly useful for ASCII encoding of binary data, which I presume is what you're using it for. (However, if this is why you should ask yourself whether it's really worth the extra hassle and whether Base 64 won't be good enough.)
If you're using this as an encoding scheme, your job is going to be to convert integers (4 bytes) into groups of 5 base85 numbers. (How you deal with things that are not multiples of 4 bytes is up to you--usually the end is padded with zeros. See the Wikipedia page on Base 85 for details.)
The basic algorithm is quite simple: take the remainder on division of 85 when packing into base 85, then divide and repeat, until you're done. To go back again, repeatedly add the value and multiply by 85 until you're done. I'm not terribly familiar with Ruby, so the code here is a C/C++/Javaish style, which hopefully you can interpret:
// To base 85
unsigned int n = // your number
byte b85[5]; // What you want to fill
for (int i=0 ; i<5 ; i++) {
b85[4-i] = (n%85); // Fill backwards to get most significant value at front
n = n/85;
// From base 85
n = 0;
for (int i=0 ; i< 5 ; i++) {
n = n*85 + b85[i];
This is without worrying about overflow, without worrying about adding 33 to get into ASCII range, and without worrying about the convention that zero is encoded as z not !!!!!, and so on.
because I feel recursion is under-represented in the answers I give the following rough draft
def to_radix(int, radix)
int == 0 ? [] : (to_radix(int / radix, radix) + [int % radix])
Fixnum#to_s won't help you, as it only goes up to base 36.
I'm surprised that you're going up to base 85. Can you explain how radixs work?