Configure swagger in gradle build script with kotlin dsl - gradle

I'm trying to switch my simple project from Groovy to Kotlin in build scripts.
I'm using this plugin:
I have this configuration in my build script:
apiSource {
springmvc = false
locations = ['my.location']
schemes = ['https']
host = ''
info {
title = 'My Service'
version = 'v1'
swaggerDirectory = "$buildDir/swagger"
To where shall I refer to in this situations?
Shall I do something like?
task( "swagger" ) {
It is not quite familiar for me.

In case anyone is still looking for this information, this is how you would do it using Gradle Kotlin DSL:
import com.benjaminsproule.swagger.gradleplugin.model.*
plugins {
id("com.benjaminsproule.swagger") version "1.0.0"
swagger {
apiSource(closureOf<ApiSourceExtension> {
springmvc = false
schemes = mutableListOf("https")
host = ""
info(closureOf<InfoExtension> {
title = "My Service"
version = "v1"
description = "My Service Description"
termsOfService = ""
contact(closureOf<ContactExtension> {
email = ""
name = "A Developer"
url = ""
license(closureOf<LicenseExtension> {
url = ""
name = "Apache 2.0"
locations = mutableListOf("")
swaggerDirectory = "$buildDir/swagger"
I've tested it using Gradle v4.6.


Terraform plugin crashed when provisioning the Azure Local Network Gateway

I am trying ti provision an azure local network gateway. When I try to terraform apply I get the following error:
module.local_gateway.azurerm_local_network_gateway.local_gw: Creating...
│ Error: Plugin did not respond
│ with module.local_gateway.azurerm_local_network_gateway.local_gw,
│ on modules/local-gateway/ line 6, in resource "azurerm_local_network_gateway" "local_gw":
│ 6: resource "azurerm_local_network_gateway" "local_gw" {
│ The plugin encountered an error, and failed to respond to the plugin.(*GRPCProvider).ApplyResourceChange call. The plugin logs may contain more details.
Stack trace from the terraform-provider-azurerm_v3.0.0_x5 plugin:
panic: interface conversion: interface {} is nil, not string
goroutine 104 [running]:
/opt/teamcity-agent/work/5d79fe75d4460a2f/src/ +0x234, {0x1081089a0, 0x14001f8dc00})
/opt/teamcity-agent/work/5d79fe75d4460a2f/src/ +0xa5c*Resource).create(0x14000dc6ee0, {0x108ae8b78, 0x14001cff880}, 0x14001f87f00, {0x1081089a0, 0x14001f8dc00})
/opt/teamcity-agent/work/5d79fe75d4460a2f/src/ +0x170*Resource).Apply(0x14000dc6ee0, {0x108ae8b78, 0x14001cff880}, 0x14001a63ba0, 0x14001f87d80, {0x1081089a0, 0x14001f8dc00})
/opt/teamcity-agent/work/5d79fe75d4460a2f/src/ +0x8d8*GRPCProviderServer).ApplyResourceChange(0x140004fa750, {0x108ae8b78, 0x14001cff880}, 0x14001d12dc0)
/opt/teamcity-agent/work/5d79fe75d4460a2f/src/ +0xe38*server).ApplyResourceChange(0x14000237880, {0x108ae8c20, 0x14002009e30}, 0x14001c1ee00)
/opt/teamcity-agent/work/5d79fe75d4460a2f/src/ +0x338{0x10864d540, 0x14000237880}, {0x108ae8c20, 0x14002009e30}, 0x14001a51020, 0x0)
/opt/teamcity-agent/work/5d79fe75d4460a2f/src/ +0x1c0*Server).processUnaryRPC(0x140002a6fc0, {0x108b4df08, 0x14000448d80}, 0x14001a77680, 0x1400159c2a0, 0x10d0d0f40, 0x0)
/opt/teamcity-agent/work/5d79fe75d4460a2f/src/ +0xc04*Server).handleStream(0x140002a6fc0, {0x108b4df08, 0x14000448d80}, 0x14001a77680, 0x0)
/opt/teamcity-agent/work/5d79fe75d4460a2f/src/ +0xa34*Server).serveStreams.func1.2(0x1400156d0e0, 0x140002a6fc0, {0x108b4df08, 0x14000448d80}, 0x14001a77680)
/opt/teamcity-agent/work/5d79fe75d4460a2f/src/ +0x94
created by*Server).serveStreams.func1
/opt/teamcity-agent/work/5d79fe75d4460a2f/src/>provider-azurerm/vendor/ +0x1f0
Error: The terraform-provider-azurerm_v3.0.0_x5 plugin crashed!
This is always indicative of a bug within the plugin. It would be immensely
helpful if you could report the crash with the plugin's maintainers so that it
can be fixed. The output above should help diagnose the issue.
And here's my code:
resource "azurerm_local_network_gateway" "local_gw" {
name = var.azurerm_local_network_gateway_name
location = var.location
resource_group_name = var.rg_name
gateway_address = var.gateway_address
address_space = var.local_gw_address_space # The gateway IP address to connect with
tags = merge(var.common_tags)
This is where it is being called as a module in
locals {
azurerm_local_network_gateway_name = "local-gw"
gateway_address = ""
local_gw_address_space = [""]
common_tags = {
"environment" = "test"
"managedby" = "devops"
"developedby" = "jananath"
project = "mysvg"
resource_location = "Germany West Central"
# Local Gateway
module "local_gateway" {
source = "./modules/local-gateway"
location = local.resource_location
rg_name = var.rg_name
azurerm_local_network_gateway_name = var.azurerm_local_network_gateway_name
gateway_address = var.gateway_address
local_gw_address_space = var.local_gw_address_space
common_tags = merge(
"Name" = "${local.project}-${var.azurerm_local_network_gateway_name}"
This is my
terraform {
required_providers {
azurerm = {
source = "hashicorp/azurerm"
version = "=3.0.0"
backend "azurerm" {
resource_group_name = "shared-resources"
storage_account_name = "janasvtfstate"
container_name = "tfstate"
key = "terraform.tfstate"
# Configure the Microsoft Azure Provider
provider "azurerm" {
features {}
Can someone help me fix this?
The multiple declarations of module “local_gateway” caused this problem. here is no need to declare the items again in the main TF file. As shown below, simply declaring a module suffices.
module "local_gateway" {
source = "./modules/local_gw/"
Variables are defined directly on the code in the updated code snippet below.
main tf code as follows
locals {
azurerm_local_network_gateway_name = "local-gw"
gateway_address = ""
local_gw_address_space = [""]
common_tags = {
"environment" = "test"
"managedby" = "devops"
"developedby" = "jananath"
project = "mysvg"
resource_location = "Germany West Central"
module "local_gateway" {
source = "./modules/local_gw/"
Module ->local_gw->local_gw tf code as follows
resource "azurerm_local_network_gateway" "local_gw" {
name = "localgatewayswarnademo"
location = "Germany West Central"
resource_group_name = "rg-swarnademonew"
gateway_address = ""
address_space = [""]
tags = merge("demo")
Provider tf file code as
terraform {
required_providers {
azurerm = {
source = "hashicorp/azurerm"
version = "=3.0.0"
# backend "azurerm" {
# resource_group_name = "shared-resources"
# storage_account_name = "janasvtfstate"
# container_name = "tfstate"
# key = "terraform.tfstate"
# }
provider "azurerm" {
features {}
Note: Commented on the storage account. If required, create it manually.
Step2: run below commands
terraform plan
plan output
terraform apply -auto-approve
Apply output
Verification from portal.

How to specify templateDir in Swagger Codegen (Gradle) for OpenAPI 3.0?

Anyone have any idea how to specify a templateDir for swagger codegen v3? I have attached a snippet of my build.gradle below
Also the setTemplateDir does not do anything so I am guessing thats not an existing method.
My class path is io.swagger.codegen.v3:swagger-codegen-maven-plugin:3.0.27
task generateServer {
doLast {
def openAPI = new OpenAPIV3Parser().read(rootProject.swaggerFile.toString(), null, null)
def clientOpts = new ClientOptInput().openAPI(openAPI)
def codegenConfig = CodegenConfigLoader.forName('spring')
// codegenConfig.setTemplateDir('test');
def clientOps = new ClientOpts()
'dateLibrary' : 'java8', // Date library to use
'useTags' : 'true', // Use tags for the naming
'interfaceOnly' : 'true' // Generating the Controller API interface and the models only
def generator = new DefaultGenerator().opts(clientOpts)
generator.generate() // Executing the generation
I figured this out. I would need to create a configurator and set the template directory there
Also so you know, if a mustache file is missing, then it will be pulled from one of dependency jars
task generateServer {
doLast {
CodegenConfigurator codegenConfigurator = new CodegenConfigurator()
OpenAPI openAPI = new OpenAPIV3Parser().read(rootProject.swaggerFile.toString(), null, null)
ClientOptInput clientOptInput = codegenConfigurator.toClientOptInput().openAPI(openAPI)
DefaultGenerator generator = new DefaultGenerator().opts(clientOptInput)
generator.generate() // Executing the generation*/

Is there a way, inside a terraform script, to retrieve the latest version of a layer?

I have lambdas that reference a layer, this layer is maintained by someone else and when a new
version is released I have to update my terraform code to put the latest version in the arn (here 19).
Is there a way, in the terraform script, to get the latest version and use it?
module "lambda_function" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/lambda/aws"
function_name = "my-lambda1"
description = "My awesome lambda function"
handler = "index.lambda_handler"
runtime = "python3.8"
source_path = "../src/lambda-function1"
tags = {
Name = "my-lambda1"
layers = [
ps : this means the layer's terraform script is not in mine, it's an other script that I don't have access to.
You can use the aws_lambda_layer_version data source to discover the latest version.
For example:
module "lambda_function" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/lambda/aws"
function_name = "my-lambda1"
description = "My awesome lambda function"
handler = "index.lambda_handler"
runtime = "python3.8"
source_path = "../src/lambda-function1"
tags = {
Name = "my-lambda1"
layers = [
data "aws_lambda_layer_version" "layer_version" {
layer_name = "my-layer-name"

cargo check fails to build actix-cors

I'm following the guides at
to test out an indexer. However, when I run
cargo check
An error shows up when building actix-cors:
Checking actix-cors v0.6.0-beta.2 (
error[E0053]: method `error_response` has an incompatible type for trait
--> /<MY HOME DIR>/.cargo/git/checkouts/actix-extras-c37ac6c43c868d63/eb38fbc/actix-cors/src/
Looking at some actix issue here:
I think it's due to something wrong in actix beta versioning. Is there a more stable version to use?
My Cargo toml file looks like this:
name = "example-indexer"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2018"
# See more keys and their definitions at
near-indexer = { git = "", rev="a668e4399655af513b0d90e0be694dad2448e6cd" }
actix = "=0.11.0"
openssl-probe = { version = "0.1.2" }
tokio = { version = "1.1", features = ["sync"] }
serde = { version = "1", features = [ "derive" ] }
serde_json = "1.0.55"

Geb Firefox Driver: why my test runs twice?

Sorry for all this code, but I don't have a clue what's making my issue, so here it goes.
I configured the geb plugin to run functional tests with JUnit. So I have in my buildConfig.groovy:
def seleniumVersion = "2.29.0"
def gebVersion = "0.7.0"
dependencies {
// specify dependencies here under either 'build', 'compile', 'runtime', 'test' or 'provided' scopes eg.
// runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.5'
test ("org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-chrome-driver:$seleniumVersion") {
export = false
excludes "commons-io"
export = false
test ("org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-ie-driver:$seleniumVersion") {
export = false
test ("org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-support:$seleniumVersion") {
export = false
test ("org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-remote-driver:$seleniumVersion") {
export = false
test ("org.codehaus.geb:geb-junit4:$gebVersion") {
export = false
plugins {
build(":tomcat:$grailsVersion") {
export = false
excludes 'svn'
compile (":hibernate:$grailsVersion") {
export = false
excludes 'svn'
build (":release:2.0.0") {
excludes 'commons-io','http-builder'
export = false
compile(":spring-security-core:") { excludes 'svn' }
compile (":remote-control:1.3") {
export = false
test(":geb:$gebVersion") {
export = false
And I have a GebConfig.groovy in my conf folder:
driver = {
//def driver = new HtmlUnitDriver()
//driver.javascriptEnabled = true
def driver = new FirefoxDriver()
environments {
// run as “grails -Dgeb.env=chrome test-app”
// See:
chrome {
driver = { new ChromeDriver() }
// run as “grails -Dgeb.env=firefox test-app”
// See:
firefox {
driver = { new FirefoxDriver() }
I have a functional test for the login:
class LoginTests extends GebReportingTest {
void login() {
to LoginPage
at LoginPage
username = "SERGIO"
password = "SERGIO"
assert at(IndexPage)
And this are my two pages:
class LoginPage extends Page {
static url = "login/auth"
static at = {
title ==~ /Efetuar Login/
static content = {
loginForm { $("form", id: "loginForm") }
username { $("input", type:"text", id:"username") }
password { $("input", type:"password", id:"password") }
loginButton{ $("input", type:"submit", id:"submit") }
class IndexPage extends Page {
static at = {
title ==~ /Security Service Index View/
static content = {
description { $('h1') }
link { $('a') }
For some reason my functional test run twice and don't matter how I start this:
grails test-app :functional
grails test-app -functional
It looks like the Geb plugin isn't fully compatible with Grails 2.3.x . For some reason tests get executed twice after upgrading to Geb plugin 0.9.2 .
I believe this problem is related to and changes made as part of .
In Grails 2.3.x+, the GrailsSpecTestType takes care of both Junit and Spock tests:
It looks like the Geb plugin is adding the deprecated JUnit4GrailsTestType to execution:
This is why functional tests get executed twice.
This is how I got around the problem in Geb 0.9.2 / 0.9.3 versions.
grails test-app functional:spock
It looks like Geb version 0.9.1 didn't execute the tests twice.
The difference seems to be caused by this commit:
You should also be aware that you shouldn't have the Spock plugin installed in Grails 2.3.x/2.4.x .
Hi Not Much of a Selenium WebDriver on Ruby but It seems to be that you are starting Firefox twice as such the test runs in two instances
