Project Reactor: possibly misleading documentation about error handling - spring

I am reading Reactor reference documentation about error handling and something seems wrong. For example this section about fallback method:
Flux.just("key1", "key2")
.flatMap(k -> callExternalService(k))
.onErrorResume(e -> getFromCache(k));
But onErrorResume() lambda takes only one parameter e (error throwable). How k (previous value emitted by flux) is referenced here?
There are other similar code snippets in the docs. Am I reading this wrong?
Or if documentation is indeed incorrect how can I actually handle this case: recover from error by executing alternative path with previous value?

Yes, I think you found a bug in the documentation.
If you want to use k the call to onErrorResume must happen inside the argument to flatMap like so:
Flux.just("key1", "key2")
.flatMap(k -> callExternalService(k)
.onErrorResume(e -> getFromCache(k))
Regarding your comment: It is not possible to have the value being processed as part of the onErrorXXX methods because the error in question might not be happening while a value was processed. Maybe it happened for example while handling backpressure (i.e. requestion more elements) or while subscribing.


Dealing with parallel flux in Reactor

I have created a parallet flux from iterable. And on each iterable I have to make a rest call. But while executing even if any of the request fails , all the remaining requests also fail. I want all the requests to be executed irrespective of failure or success.
I am currently using Flux.fromIterable and using runOn operator
.flatMap(request -> someRemoteCall)
I want all the requests in iterable to be executed , irrespective of the failure or success. But as of now some gets executed and some gets failed.
There's three possible ways I generally use to achieve this:
Use the 3 argument version of flatMap(), the second of which is a mapperOnError -eg. .flatMap(request -> someRemoteCall(), x->Mono.empty(), null);
Use onErrorResume(x -> Mono.empty()) as a separate call to ignore any error;
Use .onErrorResume(MyException.class, x -> Mono.empty())) to just ignore errors of a certain type.
The second is what I tend to use by default, as I find that clearest.
Because of .parallel().runOn(...) usage you can't use onErrorContinue as below:
.flatMap(request -> someRemoteCall)
but you might be able to use it like this:
.flatMap(request -> someRemoteCall
.onErrorContinue((t, o) -> log.error("Skipped error: {}", t.getMessage()))
provided that someRemoteCall is a Mono or Flux not itself run on .parallel().runOn(...) rails.
But when you don't have a someRemoteCall you can do the trick below (see NOT_MONO_AND_NOT_FLUX) to ignore the unsafe processing run on .parallel().runOn(...) rails:
Optional<List<String>> foundImageNames =
.parallel(cpus, cpus)
.runOn(Schedulers.newBoundedElastic(cpus, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "import"), 1)
.flatMap(NOT_MONO_AND_NOT_FLUX -> Mono
.map(path -> sneak(() -> unsafeLocalSimpleProcessingReturningString(path)))
(t, o) -> log.error("File missing:\n{}", t.getMessage()))
I'm still in the process of learning WebFlux and Reactor, but try one of the onErrorContinue directly after flatMap (REST call) to drop (and potentially log) errors.
There are delay error operators in Reactor. You could write your code as follows:
.flatMapDelayError(request -> someRemoteCall(request).subscribeOn(Schedulers.elastic()), 256, 32)
Note that this will still fail your flux in case of any inside publisher emits error, however, it will wait for all inner publishers to finish before doing that.
These operators also require to specify the concurrency and prefetch parameters. In the example I've set them to their default values which is used in regular flatMap calls.

How to write throws(in java) like code in golang

Is there any way in Golang for a func to "throws"(like in java) an error?
Through Which I can specify , my func may return error and caller needs to handle the error.
I am just trying to mimic "throws" like approach which we have in java.
May be this is very basic elementary type question , sorry for that , I am new in golang.
Note : I have tried panic, defer, recover , but problem is that if both the functions/methods is in same go file it is working properly , but if suppose both(caller and func) are different go file it is starting a different go routine , "defer" at caller level is not working properly.
I guess this approach is not also equivalent like "throws" , where function provider is not handling the error but caller did that , and take the recovery action. Function body provider just specify it may return some exception and caller have to handle the exception.
Thanks in advance...
No, you cannot do that. Go does not support throwing exceptions.
As you have noticed, you can panic and recover, but it's not the same thing.

requery android - ambiguous method call for select

Using requery version 1.5.0 ReactiveEntityStore for select calls.
But the compiler giving error for below call -
Observable<Result<Person>> result = mDataStore
Error details:
I'm not sure about how you got that particular error message (maybe I can edit if you add more information about the actual classes involved).
However, it seems like you are mixing Result with ReactiveResult, what you want is probably:
// Supposing this is your definition of the data store:
ReactiveEntityStore<Person> mDataStore;
// Your result is going to be Reactive, next line is the one changed!
Observable<ReactiveResult<Person>> result = mDataStore

Publish-Subscribe Channels Both Going to Kafka Result in Duplicate KafkaProducerContexts

I am attempting to use Spring Integration to send data from one channel to two different Kafka queues after those same data go through different transformations on the way to their respective queues. The problem is I apparently have duplicate producer contexts, and I don't know why.
Here is my flow configuration:
flow -> flow
.publishSubscribeChannel(Executors.newCachedThreadPool(), s -> s
.subscribe(f -> f
.addProducer(firstMetadata(), brokerAddress), e ->“firstKafkaOutboundChannelAdapter")
.poller(p -> p.fixedDelay(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).receiveTimeout(0).taskExecutor(taskExecutor))
.subscribe(f -> f
.addProducer(secondMetadata(), brokerAddress), e ->“secondKafkaOutboundChannelAdapter")
.poller(p -> p.fixedDelay(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).receiveTimeout(0).taskExecutor(taskExecutor))
The exception is this:
Could not register object [] under bean name 'not_specified': there is already object [] bound
I have tried using different kafkaConfig objects, but that hasn't helped. Meanwhile, the ProducerMetadata instances are distinct as you can see from the different first parameters to addProducer. Those provide the names of the respective destination queues among other metadata.
It sounds like there are some implicit bean definitions that are being created that conflict with each other.
How can I resolve this exception with the two KafkaProducerContexts?
You should not to use .get() on those KafkaProducerMessageHandlerSpec and let Framework to work out the environment for you.
The issue is because KafkaProducerMessageHandlerSpec implements ComponentsRegistration and no body cares about the:
public Collection<Object> getComponentsToRegister() {
return Collections.<Object>singleton(this.kafkaProducerContext);
after manual .get() invocation.
I agree, this a some inconvenience and we should find some better solution for end-application, but there is no yet choice, unless follow with the Spec style for the Framework components, like Kafka.outboundChannelAdapter().
Hope I am clear.
OK, it's definitely an issue on our side. And we will fix it soon:
Meanwhile the workaround for you is like this:
KafkaProducerContext kafkaProducerContext = (KafkaProducerContext) kafkaProducerMessageHandlerSpec.getComponentsToRegister().iterator().next();
Where you should move
.addProducer(firstMetadata(), brokerAddress)
to the separate private method to get access to that kafkaProducerContext.

Debugging Erlang Webmachine resource functions

I'm trying to learn how to write Erlang Webmachine resources. One resource throws an error, but I can't tracking it down. The error message in the crash report does not provide enough information.
Is there a way to test these functions in the Erlang shell?
Most of the functions in the resource require request and context parameters. But I don't know how to simulate these parameters in the browser.
Example code below.
Example code:
I'm thinking specifically of functions like:
content_types_provided(RD, Ctx) ->
Path = wrq:disp_path(RD),
{[{webmachine_util:guess_mime(Path), generate_body}],
RD, Ctx}.
But my current bug is in the init function.
This works...
Dispatch rule:
{["blip"], zzz_resource, []}.
init([]) -> {ok, undefined}.
to_html(ReqData, State) ->
% {"<html><bodoy>Hello, new world</body></html>", ReqData, State}.
{test:test(), ReqData, State}.
But this throws an error:
{["static"], static_resource,[]}.
init(_) ->
DocRoot =
case init:get_argument(doc_root) of
{ok, [[DR]]} -> DR;
error -> "doc_root path error"
{ok, #ctx{docroot=DocRoot}}.
=ERROR REPORT==== 4-Aug-2011::10:54:56 ===
webmachine error: path="/static"
There are a lot of layers to this answer depending on what you want to see and how deep down the rabbit hole you want to go.
Let's start with the easy stuff:
The error you are getting tells me that a call to static_resource:resource_exists/2 resulted in a call to filename:join/1 which failed because it was passed [] as its argument. That should help you track down the issue.
Recommended reading: errors-and-exceptions
A crude way to track down errors in any language is just to add print statements at strategic loctations. In this case you can use io:format/2 or erlang:display/1 to display whatever you want to the console. For example:
erlang:display("I'm inside resource_exists!"),
StuffToJoin = ["foo", "bar"],
Just reload the page you should see the value printed in the console (assuming the appropriate function was called as part of the reload).
If you want to manually test a resource (like in a unit test) you can do something like the following:
Headers = [{"Host", ""}, {"user-agent", "Firefox"}],
Context = [],
Path = "/static",
ReqData = wrq:create('GET', {1,1}, Path, mochiweb_headers:from_list(Headers)),
static_resource:resource_exists(ReqData, Context)
If you want a deep look at how to debug webmachine, you can read this. You can get pretty far with the above, but doing a full trace can be helpful if you need to see the decision graph.
In addition to the various techniques David has suggested, you should also learn to use the dbg module. It is incredibly powerful and lets you trace functions and modules in real time.
As an example, for your particular case, suppose you want to trace all the functions in static_resource module :
1> dbg:tracer().
2> dbg:p(all,[c]).
3> dbg:tp({static_resource, '_', '_'}, []).
after which you will see a printout (includs all the function parameters in the function call) whenever static_resource module is invoked anywhere.
A full description of dbg is beyond the scope of this small answer space. I recommend O'rielly's Erlang Programming book. Chaper 17 has a really awesome write up and tutorial on how to use it dbg and its various trace features.
