Translating strings with variables using Google Translate - internationalization

I was trying to find this information on Google (obviously) and could not find anything relevant. Let's say I have the following strings to translate:
Beer in London
Which can also be
Beer in Paris
Beef Wellington in London
Basically from a code perspective the string look something like:
%s in %s
Where the first variable is a "type of food" and the second is a "city"
Is there a way to leverage Google translate to translate there type of strings? I could not find any information on their API documentation nor any example online. We could think that one way to get this to work would be to provide context in the variables, such as:
{Beer|Beef Wellington|Cheese|Poutine} in {London|Paris|Sydney}
Is it possible to do this with Google Translate or any other API if Google doesn't support this?


Optimize Google Places API Query for Prominent Parks, Mountains, Conservation Areas

First post on Stackoverflow.
I am using the Google API to sort images taken while traveling into organized folders, append tags and rename files with relevant information. I have my code working well but am not always happy with the results. I want to be able to focus my query results on major tourist attractions such as National Parks, Ski Resorts, Beaches, etc. The problem I am finding is that the prominence "rankby" variable and the "radius" are not giving satisfactory results. Here is a typical query for Zion National Park.,-112.948141666667&rankby=prominence&radius=50000&type=natural_feature,tourist_attraction,point_of_interest&keyword=&key=MYAPIKEY
The most prominent result is Springdale which is the town where you enter the part. Zion National Park is listed much further down in the results. What my code does is use the LAT and LON extracted using EXIF and does a Google API nearby search request to find the Place ID for where the photo was taken. It then does another API request for Place Details using the place_id provided by the previous step to cut down on the information I need to parse.,address_component&key=MYAPIKEY
I can force the nearby search to return a National Park by searching against "National Park" in the keywords variable but that limits my project to only being able to provide National Park results since the keywords field can only accept one string.
I would like a park of my query to be able to return the most prominent tourist attraction at the general level, i.e. Zion National Park, Yosemite National Park, etc. so I can sort images into the general name folders and another part of the query provides the exact location. i.e. I am on this trail or at this lookout. The problem is the Google API sees these specific locations "Trail, Lookout" as tourist attractions, parks, establishments, etc. as well so it chooses those first.
What I need help with is trying to figure out if there is a better way to structure my query to return the high-level / name of the major park. From my understanding, the types field only searches on the first type even if there is more in the list and the keywords field can only accept one string as well making it impossible for one phase to capture all major destinations at a high level.
Perhaps it needs to be done with more queries but I am trying to limit the number of queries to stay inside the free quota. Maybe it will just take a long time to fully sort my files.
Read through and implemented Google API structure. I hoping someone can provide a more detailed query structure or method to parse out truly prominent locations rather than googles interpretation of prominence as it can be affected by user ratings, etc. It is not always accurate.

Using Google's API to split string into words?

I'm trying to figure out which API I should use to get Google to intelligently split a string into words.
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
When I go to Google Translate and input the string (with auto-detect language) and click on the "Listen" icon for Google to read out the string, it breaks up the words and reads it out correctly. So, I know they're able to do it.
But what I can't figure out is if it's the API for Google Translate or their Text-To-Speech API that's breaking up the words. Or if there's any way to get those broken up words in an API response somewhere.
Does anyone have experience using Google's APIs to do this?
AFAIK, there isn't an API in Google Cloud that does that specifically, although, it looks like when you translate text using the Translation API it is indeed parsing the concatenated words in the background.
So, as you can't use it with the same source language as the target language, what you could do is translate to any language and then translate back to the original language. This seems a bit overkill though.
You could create a Feature Request to ask for such a feature to be implemented in the NLP API for example.
But, depending on your use case, I suppose that you could also use the method suggested in this other Stackoverflow Answer that uses dynamic programming to infer the location of spaces in a string without spaces.
Another user even made a pip package named wordninja (See second answer on the same post) based on that.
pip3 install wordninja to install it.
Example usage:
$ python
>>> import wordninja
>>> wordninja.split('thequickbrownfoxjumpsoverthelazydog')
['the', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox', 'jumps', 'over', 'the', 'lazy', 'dog']

Google Places Autocomplete returning results in the wrong language

When searching the term "Queensland" in google places auto complete two of the results that come back are in the complete wrong languages. One returns in Japanese and the other in Korean. The language is explicitly set to english AU and the results that are returned are places in the state of Queensland Australia just in the wrong language. I would ask google support directly but it keeps directing me here.
This is the api call I'm making:[API KEY OMMITED]&components=country:AU&types=(regions)&language=en-AU
And these are the results I am getting back:
"Queensland, Australia"
"Gold Coast QLD, Australia"
"Australia, Queensland, バーリー・ヘッズ" (Burleigh Heads)
"Australia, Queensland, 워릭" (Warwick)
I'm not sure if this is a bug in the api or there is an issue with the call I'm making.

Google geocoding API - search in just one country

I am looking for geocodes with the google geocode-API:
The problem is, that the input isn't very accurate (specially the street) and sometimes google mixes things up and ignores UK, because the street has a perfect match (as street and city) somewhere else. e.g. US.
Now i cannot solve this issue (input data), but I am wondering if there is a parameter, which forces google to search in UK and return no result instead of a completly wrong result.
You can add component filters in the url to constraint results. In this case you can use:**&components=country:UK**&sensor=false
For more information about how to use component filtering see:

What's needed for NLP?

assuming that I know nothing about everything and that I'm starting in programming TODAY what do you say would be necessary for me to learn in order to start working with Natural Language Processing?
I've been struggling with some string parsing methods but so far it is just annoying me and making me create ugly code. I'm looking for some fresh new ideas on how to create a Remember The Milk API like to parse user's input in order to provide an input form for fast data entry that are not based on fields but in simple one line phrases instead.
EDIT: RTM is todo list system. So in order to enter a task you don't need to type in each field to fill values (task name, due date, location, etc). You can simply type in a phrase like "Dentist appointment monday at 2PM in WhateverPlace" and it will parse it and fill all fields for you.
I don't have any kind of technical constraints since it's going to be a personal project but I'm more familiar with .NET world. Actually, I'm not sure this is a matter of language but if it's necessary I'm more than willing to learn a new language to do it.
My project is related to personal finances so the phrases are more like "Spent 10USD on Coffee last night with my girlfriend" and it would fill location, amount of $$$, tags and other stuff.
Thanks a lot for any kind of directions that you might give me!
This does not appear to require full NLP. Simple pattern-based information extraction will probably suffice. The basic idea is to tokenize the text, then recognize/classify certain keywords, and finally recognize patterns/phrases.
In your example, tokenizing gives you "Dentist", "appointment", "monday", "at", "2PM", "in", "WhateverPlace". Your tool will recognize that "monday" is a day of the week, "2PM" is a time, etc. Finally, you can find patterns like [at] [TIME] and [in] [Place] and use those to fill in the fields.
A framework like GATE may help, but even that may be a larger hammer than you really need.
Have a look at NLTK, its a good resource for beginner programmers interested in NLP.
It is written in python which is one of the easier programming languages.
Now that I understand your problem, here is my solution:
You can develop a kind of restricted vocabulary, in which all amounts must end witha $ sign or any time must be in form of 00:00 and/or end with AM/PM, regarding detecting items, you can use list of objects from ontology such as Open Cyc. Open Cyc can provide you with list of all objects such beer, coffee, bread and milk etc. this will help you to detect objects in the short phrase. Still it would be a very fuzzy approach.
