"minikube start" failed on mac - macos

When I attempt to run minikube on locally, I got this error:
minikube start
Starting local Kubernetes v1.8.0 cluster...
Starting VM...
Getting VM IP address...
Moving files into cluster...
E1229 09:52:55.432296 8935 start.go:223] Error updating cluster: Error updating localkube from uri: Error creating localkube asset from url: Error opening file asset: /Users/user007/.minikube/cache/localkube/localkube-v1.8.0: open /Users/user007/.minikube/cache/localkube/localkube-v1.8.0: no such file or directory
How can I fix this problem? I tried many ways, but no one worked.😢
My system is macOS Sierra.

Looks like this is a recurring issue. Check out the github issues here: https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/issues/2468

I was having this issue and followed Chris Darby link (https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/issues/2468).
I managed to fix it with the following workaround (considering the new version 1.9.0):
Download localkube
Rename it to localkube-v1.9.0
Copy the file
in ~/.minikube/cache/localkube/localkube-v1.9.0


DataHub installation on Minikube failing: "no matches for kind "PodDisruptionBudget" in version "policy/v1beta1"" on elasticsearch setup

Im following the deployement guide of DataHub with Kubernetes present on the documentation: https://datahubproject.io/docs/deploy/kubernetes
Settin up the local clusten with Minikube I've started following the prerequisites session of the guide.
At first I tried to change some of the default values to try it locally (I've already installed it sucessfully on Google Kubernetes Engine, so I was trying different set ups)
But on the first step of the installation I've received the error:
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: unable to build kubernetes objects from release manifest: resource mapping not found for name: "elasticsearch-master-pdb" namespace: "" from "": no matches for kind "PodDisruptionBudget" in version "policy/v1beta1"
ensure CRDs are installed first
The steps I've followed after installing Minikube where the exact steps presented on the page:
helm repo add datahub https://helm.datahubproject.io/
helm install prerequisites datahub/datahub-prerequisites
With the error happening on step 2
At first I've changed to the default configuration to see if it wasnt a mistake on the new values, but the error remained.
Ive expected that after followint the exact default steps the installation would be successfull locally, just like it was on the GKE
I got help browsing the DataHub slack community and figured out a way to fix this error.
It was simply a matter of a version error with Kubernetes, I was able to fix it by forcing minikube to start with the 1.19.0 version of Kubernetes:
minikube start --kubernetes-version=v1.19.0

Docker Compose failed to build - Filesharing has been cancelled

I've ran into an issue with Docker Desktop, currently im running the edge version as a user on Stackoverflow. Before I got the drive not shared for unknown reason error which was "solved" by installing edge version: Docker for Windows: Drive sharing failed for an unknown reason
Now that this was installed im getting this new error which prevents some containers from being built. These containers have all been tested and works on several other systems. Currently 3 out of 4 containers are not built and they all produce the same error as below:
ERROR: for db Cannot create container for service db: status code not OK but 500: {"Message":"Unhandled exception: Filesharing has been cancelled"}
Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
full error:
Creating imt2291-part2_www_1 ...
Creating imt2291-part2_phpmyadmin_1 ... done
Creating imt2291-part2_db_1 ...
Creating imt2291-part2_test_1 ... error
Creating imt2291-part2_www_1 ... error
ERROR: for imt2291-part2_test_1 Cannot create container for service test: status code not OK but 500: {"Message":"Unhandled exception: Filesharing has been cancelled"}
ERROR: for imt2291-part2_www_1 Cannot create container for service www: status Creating imt2291-part2_db_1 ... error
ERROR: for imt2291-part2_db_1 Cannot create container for service db: status code not OK but 500: {"Message":"Unhandled exception: Filesharing has been cancelled"}
ERROR: for test Cannot create container for service test: status code not OK but 500: {"Message":"Unhandled exception: Filesharing has been cancelled"}
ERROR: for www Cannot create container for service www: status code not OK but 500: {"Message":"Unhandled exception: Filesharing has been cancelled"}
ERROR: for db Cannot create container for service db: status code not OK but 500: {"Message":"Unhandled exception: Filesharing has been cancelled"}
Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
Has anyone encountered this issue before and found a fix?
You need to update File Sharing configuration in your Docker for Windows app (there is a new security hardening in which has agressive defaults). Add all folders you need and then restart Docker for Windows.
After changing "File Sharing" to C Drive its start working in my windows machine. I am using docker desktop
I am using Docker in Windows 10 and had the same problem.
The solution suggested by Oleg Nenashev and Rejoanul Alam helped me.
Adding the project dir where the Dockerfile lives or C:/ to docker shared folders solves the problem.
Step 6 from Getting started states:
Shared folders, volumes, and bind mounts
If your project is outside of the Users directory (cd ~), then you need to share the drive or location of the Dockerfile and volume you are using.
If you get runtime errors indicating an application file is not found, a volume mount is denied, or a service cannot start, try enabling file or drive sharing.
Volume mounting requires shared drives for projects that live outside of C:\Users (Windows) or /Users (Mac), and is required for any project on Docker Desktop for Windows that uses Linux containers.
For more information, see File sharing on Docker for Mac, and the general examples on how to Manage data in containers.
If you are using Oracle VirtualBox on an older Windows OS, you might encounter an issue with shared folders as described in this VB trouble ticket. Newer Windows systems meet the requirements for Docker Desktop for Windows and do not need VirtualBox.
I have meet this problem and my environment is windows. first when the issue happen, I chance the file sharing path to C: , and my project path is in G: ,so the command docker-compose up fail,and the massage is:
docker: Error response from daemon: status code not OK but 500 {"Message":"Unhandled exception: Filesharing has been cancelled"}
I think the file sharing must include your project path. because when I set my file sharing path in other file path , it doesn't work, however, i chance it to the path where is my project path, docker-compose up do successfully!
I had the same error and answers of Oleg Nenashev and Rejoanul Alam helped me to solve this error.
My task was to share volumes between containers.
I have a website folder with file index.html inside:
Open Docker Desktop Settings and write the address of the folder you are working with in File Sharing:
After this open this folder in your command prompt and add the necessary Docker command:
If the command is correct and you did all steps attentively it must be working fine.

Cannot start docker on mac - Fatal Error - The operation couldn't be completed. (Docker.VmnetdError error 1.)

When I installing the docker for Mac, I got the Fatal Error - The operation couldn't be completed. (Docker.VmnetdError error 1.)
That issue came because of the, image file directly opening. you can drag the docker image and drop in to the Applications and after that open the Docker.app from the Applications folder. Solves the issue😀
My Docker.app was already in the Applications folder but I still got the error The operation couldn't be completed. (Docker.VmnetdError error 1.) when trying to open it. What solved it for me was resetting docker by clicking the Reset Docker to factory defaults.
I had this issue for weeks, upgrading to Version 3.0.0 resolved this issue. I
downloaded it and it opens straight away no errors.
Another error i was seeing

Starting minikube on Windows 7 fails to start with - Error getting state for host: machine does not exist

Have been trying to setup Kubernetes for local development on my Windows 7 machine with a VirtualBox VM Driver. Installing and running minikube fails each time with the below error:
D:\minikube>minikube start --vm-driver=virtualbox
Starting local Kubernetes v1.9.0 cluster...
Starting VM...
E0219 09:47:24.441727 4220 start.go:159] Error starting host: Error getting state for host: machine does not exist.
E0219 09:47:24.448727 4220 start.go:165] Error starting host: Error getting state for host: machine does not exist
E0219 09:47:54.448727 4220 util.go:151] Error uploading error message: :
Post https://clouderrorreporting.googleapis.com/v1beta1/projects/k8s-minikube/events:report?key=AIzaSyACUwzG0dEPcl-eOgpDKnyKoUFgHdfoFuA: dial tcp i/o timeout
I suspected this may be happening due to minikube cache downloading at a network drive folder (N:) due to enterprise configurations in my laptop, however, copying the .minikube folder from N:\.minikube to C:\Users\abc123\.minikube has not abated the problem.
Do let me know if someone has managed to solve it.
I ran into the same error on osx after re-installing minikube. Simply deleting the minikube VM and restarting fixed everything:
$ minikube delete
$ minikube start
Go to C:\Users\\
Delete the .minikube folder
Start minikube (minikube.exe start --kubernetes-version="v1.10.0" --vm-driver="virtualbox")
Try using powershell/cygwin instead of cmd.
Also delete .minikube folder
do minikube delete
then minikube start
In certain scenarios, it may be an issue with your VM driver. If you don't specify one, it may default to VirtualBox. But if you have HyperV instead (due to installing docker on windows, for example) then it won't start. You may have to start it like so:
minikube start --vm-driver hyperv
Or whatever is appropriate.

Is the latest version of docker from Amazon on ec2 broken?

As of last night all our new docker deployments started failing because the latest version of docker (docker-1.3.2-1.0.amzn1.x86_64) in the amazon repo fails to start up.
Steps to reproduce are:
## Launch instance with default amazon AMI
yum install docker-1.3.2-1.0.amzn1.x86_64
service docker restart
### Get the following error in /var/log/docker
2014/11/26 05:14:16 docker daemon: 1.3.2 c78088f/1.3.2; execdriver: native; graphdriver:
[8f6d7cfb] +job serveapi(unix:///var/run/docker.sock)
[info] Listening for HTTP on unix (/var/run/docker.sock)
docker: relocation error: docker: symbol dm_task_get_info_with_deferred_remove,
version Base not defined in file libdevmapper.so.1.02 with link time reference
If I downgrade back to docker-1.3.1-1.0.amzn1.x86_64 everything seems to be fine.
Is the AWS package actually broken, or is it just our setup?
Is there a work around other than downgrading?
Yes, it is broken for me too.
Downgrading has been the solution yet.
The same error was by me on a centos VM provisioned at my workplace - a yum update resolved it.
I suspect a build was broken but went out, and has been fixed subsequently.
