In Spring Boot, how do you build a JAR file for a different profile even if proper environment variables have not been set? - spring

I'm new to Spring Boot, so bear with me. Currently, I'm working on a small app just for the purposes of learning Spring Boot. My goal is to deploy it using AWS (elastic beanstalk).
So far, I've created three application properties files: Properties which apply to all profiles. Properties only for development. This includes localhost connection to DB, path to self signed key store, etc. Properties used only for prod. This includes the prod DB details, etc.
Everything works fine when running the app locally using the dev profile since everything has been hard coded in the
However, the file contains references which will be resolved through OS environment variables, such as:
I currently do not have the variables DB_USERNAME and DB_PASSWORD set up in my local OS, and I do not wish to do so. But when I run the following command, it obviously fails:
mvn package spring-boot:repackage
It fails because it's unable to find the above environment variables.
Is there any way to delay this check until I actually execute the JAR? My plan is to build the JAR locally and then copy it over to my prod server, and run it there. The prod server will definitely have these environment variables.
The workaround I found is this:
mvn package spring-boot:repackage
java -jar [jar-file-name].jar
However, this feels like a hack. And it may cause issues in the future that I can't think of right now.

You can use any value you want in those properties for prod profile. If the env varieble exists, Spring will take the value from there instead of the properties.
As explained here:
Spring Boot uses a very particular PropertySource order that is
designed to allow sensible overriding of values. Properties are
considered in the following order:
OS environment variables.
Profile-specific application properties packaged inside your jar (application-{profile}.properties and YAML variants).
So your can look like this:
You have to make sure though that you set both SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME and SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD env values in your prod server


How to detect dev and production environment in Gradle based Spring Boot 2.0.0 app?

This question is in the context running app as war deployed to tomcat. It is not quite clear to me how can I specify parameters in or application.yml that have different values depending if the app is running in production or in dev? Like below
if env == dev then myparam1 = devvalue
if env == prod then myparam1 = prodvalue
Note that I am using Gradle and not Maven.
As refered to in the comments you could use Spring profiles for the different environments and provide separate configuration files for these profiles.
On production:
Add a file application-prod.yml with the production settings.
Start the application with option or environment variable SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=prod.
On dev environment:
Add a file application-dev.yml with the development settings.
Start the application with option or environment variable SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=dev.
Note that you can keep some common settings suitable for all environments in your application.yml and only override some specific keys in the environment config files.
In order to activate a certain Spring profile for your application in a Tomcat servlet context you can add a context parameter with the name to the <Context> element. See:

Spring Boot embedded jar and location

I thought I had this working because in my IDE the correct environment properties file was being used, and a local was being correctly used. I am trying to use profile specific properties to determine various values throughout my Spring-Boot 1.3.5 app.
My src/main/resources/ is:
And I have a src/main/resources/
Now I apparently have two problems:
After I run "gradle clean build" I get my jar and trying to run via:
java -jar build/libs/app.jar
I see the message:
The following profiles are active: test
So it picking that up from the file and I can't seem to override it, which I think is causing my second problem:
My Jenkins build fails when I try to use a parameterized build with the values: set to "test".
The error I get is Tomcat in a failed state. If I take that parameter out of the build, it works. But that build will not run from the command line unless I copy the application-{env}.properties to the run directory (which might be best practice anyway?).
I am not sure if the problem is the location of the properties files or the way I am trying to build them.

Spring Boot external properties file (with profiles)?

What I am trying to accomplish, is to specify a directory on my application.yml file located directly on the classpath (under /resources). I would like to be able to have something like:
active: dev
location: C:\\app\\configs\\
Then under the c:\settings\configs\ location, I would like to have multiple config files based on the profile being loaded, such as:
Using this approach, the IDE would always default to application-dev.yml. When I build the app via gradle, and run it while passing in the command line arguments, I can specify the profile, thus loading the appropriate file. Ideally, being able to do just this:
java -jar appliation.jar
All the examples or answers I've seen have shown how to pass this all these config options from the command line only, not using
from within a default config file (eg: application.yml). Preference is to set this up as described above for minimal deployment.
Thank you for any suggestions / help!
You could give it a try and provide your base configuration as "bootstrap.yml" instead of "application.yml". Afterwards, spring boot should choose the right config depending on the chosen profile from your configuration path.
To me, this seems to be the closest solution to your use case, if you do not want to make use of command line arguments.

Build Spring project for run on another system

I Successfully create a spring boot project on my own local system. I want to build a jar file so I can install it on remote server. so I had to configure server address and mySql address of remote server but I can not Build and it have many errors, and they all right cause my system can not see the remote server address and database.
this is my .properties file:
how can handle it for running on another configurations? ( another IP, datasource, and ...)
Am I doing it right or not? thanks
You can use spring profiles here :
Create different property files for different profiles using application-{profile}.properties format, e.g. for dev, and for production put your profile specific configurations in them. Then when you're running the spring boot application, activate your intended profile using the SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE environment variable or system property.
and at the end, you will run your jar file with command
java -jar application.jar
You can have different within your resources folder and use spring profiles for example application-{profile}.properties and run the application with the specified profile. However this still limits the configuration items to what has been hard coded within the properties files. When running the application, if it was to be distributed to other people, where non of the profiles are supported you can provide a properties file at start up.
So in the same directory for example as the .jar file create a file named with empty place holders for all the variables required for the application so the admin can enter the details correct for them. Then they will be required to start the application with the following command
java -jar 'applicaitonname.jar"file:/path/to/"
Or springboot will load properties from files in the following locations:
A /config subdirectory of the current directory.
The current directory
Failing that the default from the resources folder will be loaded.

spring profile not activated on STS tc Server

I have a project with Spring profile
In my web.xml, i have
to set the default spring profile.
I build the maven project with
clean install"prod"
Then, I choose the option Run As -> Run on Server to deploy the maven project to tc Server.
However, the active profile is still dev.
What is the correct way to activate a spring profile on tc Server
If you are running your app from with STS and the tc Server that comes with it, you can put the system property definition into the launch configuration of tc Server. Once you started up tc Server once, you can modify the lauch config via "Run Configurations...", select the one for Pivotal tc Server, go to the VM arguments and add the setting.
Since this is a runtime option, it doesn't have any effect while building the app via Maven (the clean install way you tried).
Configuring Tomcat
defining context param in web.xml – that breaks “one package for all environments” statement. I don’t recommend that
defining system property
I believe that defining system property is much better approach. So how to define system property for Tomcat? Over the internet i could find a lot of advices like “modify” because you will not find any configuration file for doing stuff like that. Modifying is a dirty unmaintable solution. There is a better way to do that.
Just create file in Tomcat’s bin directory with content:
and it will be loaded automatically during running start or run.
I don't know why the JAVA_OPTS method didn't work for me.
What does is adding in /conf/
