I'm trying to write some scripts in Ruby to interface with Guild Wars 2's API (https://api.guildwars2.com/v2)
At the bottom of that page it has this info:
APIs which require authentication need to be passed an API key belonging to
the account to be accessed. The API key must have the appropriate permissions
associated with it (/v2/tokeninfo can be used to inspect key permissions). Keys
can be generated on the ArenaNet account site.
Keys can be passed either via query parameter or HTTP header. Our servers do
not support preflighted CORS requests, so if your application is running
in the user's browser you'll need to user the query parameter.
To pass via query parameter, include "?access_token=" in your request.
To pass via HTTP header, include "Authentication: Bearer (API key)".
The code I'm working with right now is as follows:
class Gw2
attr_reader :response, :uri, :http
def initialize
#uri = URI.parse('https://api.guildwars2.com/v2')
#http = Net::HTTP.new(#uri.host, #uri.port)
#http.use_ssl = true
#http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
def wallet
path ="/v2/account/wallet"
#response = #http.get(path).body
I'm not sure how to go about setting that up.
Here is a little example:
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
url = URI.parse('http://some.url')
req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(url.path)
req.add_field('X-Forwarded-For', '')
# For content type, you could also use content_type=(type, params={})
# req.set_form_data({'query' => 'search me'})
# req['X-Forwarded-For'] = ''
res = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port).start do |http|
puts res.body
I'm coding a native Ruby script to scrap a website using Nokogiri, whenever I pass proxy options to the open-uri open() method, it returns 407 Proxy Authentication Required but my options does have the authentification details, here's my code
proxy_url = URI.parse("http://12.34.567.89:PORT")
session = Nokogiri::HTML(open("http://google.com", :proxy_http_basic_authentication =>[proxy_url, "username", "password"]
Note: As my proxy is premium, I have replaced real proxy credentials with fake one
I have a restrictive proxy at work but the followig works.
Try the code with your proxy credentials.
I used Nokogiri here for parsing but you don't realy need it for getting the HTML.
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
require 'nokogiri'
url = 'http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32818853/ruby-open-uri-proxy-authentication-fails'
proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_user, proxy_pass = '****', 8080, "*****", "*****"
uri = URI.parse(url)
Net::HTTP::Proxy(proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_user, proxy_pass).start(uri.host, uri.port) do |http|
http.get(uri.path) do |str|
puts Nokogiri::HTML(str).text
I'm getting the following error message when I try to do an OAuth2 connection to google.
.rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/google-api-client-0.7.1/lib/google/api_client/auth/file_storage.rb:49:in `at': can't convert nil into an exact number (TypeError)
Looking at the source this is trying to read a cached credentials file and is failing to parse an attribute called issued_at.
I initially set up my app with the wrong port in the google developer console. Now I've updated the client_secrets.json but I'm continually getting this error.
My code is trying doing the calendar example from the google site, but converted to use the admin directory API, but it isn't getting beyond the auth step.
Where is this cached value coming from?
require 'rubygems'
require 'google/api_client'
require 'google/api_client/client_secrets'
require 'google/api_client/auth/file_storage'
require 'sinatra'
require 'logger'
enable :sessions
CREDENTIAL_STORE_FILE = "client_secrets.json"
def logger; settings.logger end
def api_client; settings.api_client; end
def directory_api; settings.directory; end
def user_credentials
# Build a per-request oauth credential based on token stored in session
# which allows us to use a shared API client.
#authorization ||= (
auth = api_client.authorization.dup
auth.redirect_uri = to('/oauth2callback')
configure do
log_file = File.open('directory.log', 'a+')
log_file.sync = true
logger = Logger.new(log_file)
logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
client = Google::APIClient.new(
:application_name => 'Ruby Directory sample',
:application_version => '1.0.0')
puts "store file : #{CREDENTIAL_STORE_FILE}"
file_storage = Google::APIClient::FileStorage.new(CREDENTIAL_STORE_FILE)
if file_storage.authorization.nil?
client_secrets = Google::APIClient::ClientSecrets.load
client.authorization = client_secrets.to_authorization
client.authorization.scope = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.user'
client.authorization = file_storage.authorization
# Since we're saving the API definition to the settings, we're only retrieving
# it once (on server start) and saving it between requests.
# If this is still an issue, you could serialize the object and load it on
# subsequent runs.
directory = client.discovered_api('admin', "directory_v1")
set :logger, logger
set :api_client, client
set :directory, directory
before do
# Ensure user has authorized the app
unless user_credentials.access_token || request.path_info =~ /\A\/oauth2/
redirect to('/oauth2authorize')
after do
# Serialize the access/refresh token to the session and credential store.
session[:access_token] = user_credentials.access_token
session[:refresh_token] = user_credentials.refresh_token
session[:expires_in] = user_credentials.expires_in
session[:issued_at] = user_credentials.issued_at
file_storage = Google::APIClient::FileStorage.new(CREDENTIAL_STORE_FILE)
get '/oauth2authorize' do
# Request authorization
redirect user_credentials.authorization_uri.to_s, 303
get '/oauth2callback' do
# Exchange token
user_credentials.code = params[:code] if params[:code]
redirect to('/')
get '/' do
result = api_client.execute(:api_method => directory.users.list)
# # Fetch list of events on the user's default calandar
# result = api_client.execute(:api_method => calendar_api.events.list,
# :parameters => {'calendarId' => 'primary'},
# :authorization => user_credentials)
[result.status, {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}, result.data.to_json]
Change the line to CREDENTIAL_STORE_FILE = "#{$0}-oauth2.json" and then rename the json you downloaded from the Google dashboard to client_secrets.json per convention. CREDENTIAL_STORE_FILE is where your OAuth tokens get stored and is created by the FileStorage instance.
I am trying to run sample code in Ruby to fetch blog posts list using Google's APIs for Blogger 3.0. This is the code:
require 'rubygems'
require 'google/api_client'
require 'sinatra'
require 'google/api_client'
require 'logger'
enable :sessions
def logger; settings.logger end
def api_client; settings.api_client; end
def blogger_api; settings.blogger; end
def user_credentials
# Build a per-request oauth credential based on token stored in session
# which allows us to use a shared API client.
#authorization ||= (
auth = api_client.authorization.dup
auth.redirect_uri = to('/oauth2callback')
configure do
log_file = File.open('blogger.log', 'a+')
log_file.sync = true
logger = Logger.new(log_file)
logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
client = Google::APIClient.new
client.authorization.client_id = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX'
client.authorization.client_secret = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX'
client.authorization.scope = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/blogger'
blogger = client.discovered_api('blogger', 'v3')
set :logger, logger
set :api_client, client
set :blogger, blogger
before do
# Ensure user has authorized the app
unless user_credentials.access_token || request.path_info =~ /^\/oauth2/
redirect to('/oauth2authorize')
after do
# Serialize the access/refresh token to the session
session[:access_token] = user_credentials.access_token
session[:refresh_token] = user_credentials.refresh_token
session[:expires_in] = user_credentials.expires_in
session[:issued_at] = user_credentials.issued_at
get '/oauth2authorize' do
# Request authorization
redirect user_credentials.authorization_uri.to_s, 303
get '/oauth2callback' do
# Exchange token
user_credentials.code = params[:code] if params[:code]
redirect to('/')
get '/' do
# Fetch list of posts
result = api_client.execute(:api_method => settings.blogger.posts.list, :parameters => {'blogId' => 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX'})
[result.status, {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}, result.data.to_json]
When I connect to the running local application (after authorized it) I can see this "sinatra" error:
#<NameError: undefined local variable or method `blogger' for #<Sinatra::Application:0x92ac2dc>>
It is a bit obscure to me. Any idea?
I'm connecting to an API (seek.com.au) which uses OAuth2 for authentication. I struggled with OAuth2 gem for a while and I ended up writing the plain requests as will follow. Although this is working, I still would like to understand what was wrong with my initial OAuth2 implementation.
Here is my current working code, **the third party* relates to the fact that I'm accessing the API with an account that have access to other accounts. This logic is mainly implemented in the scope method (at the bottom of this snippet).
The following includes some extra logic, but the get_grant and post_for_token methods should include everything.
module Seek::Base
CONFIG = YAML.load_file "#{Rails.root}/config/seek.yml"
HOST = 'http://test.api.seek.com.au/v1/'
get_grant: HOST + 'OAuth/auth',
post_for_token: HOST + 'OAuth/token',
get_applications: HOST + 'advertiser/applications'
def uri_for(request, params = {})
uri = REQUEST_URIS[request]
uri += '?' + params.to_param if params.any?
URI.parse uri
class Seek::OAuth2 # TODO? is instance needed?
include Seek::Base
# by account_id
##tokens = {}
def initialize(account_id)
#account_id = account_id
def self.authenticate!(account_id)
# eg: when a request responded that the token is expired
def self.expire_token(account_id)
##tokens.delete account_id
############################### begin #####################################
# authentication
# see: http://developer.seek.com.au/docs/partner-api/api-methods/oauth-2.0
def authenticate!
##tokens[#account_id] ||= begin
grant = get_grant
raise Exception.new(#error) if #error
Rails.logger.info "Retrive token for #{#account_id}"
# part of t he authentication process
# as we have one account for many entities, we use third party variation
# see: http://developer.seek.com.au/docs/partner-api/api-methods/oauth2/auth
def get_grant
uri = uri_for :get_grant, {response_type: :code, client_id: username, scope: scope}
response = Net::HTTP.get_response uri
params = response['location'].split('?').second
#error = params.split('error=').second
#grant_code = params.split('code=').second
# part of the authentication process
# see: http://developer.seek.com.au/docs/partner-api/api-methods/oauth2/token
def post_for_token
uri = uri_for :post_for_token
request = Net::HTTP::Post.new uri.path, {'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8'}
request.set_form grant_type: :authorization_code, code: #grant_code, redirect_uri: ''
request.basic_auth username, password
response = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port).request request
########################## end ############################################
def username
def password
############## the scope method
############## I think I need to insert this in the OAuth request
def scope
And here are the few lines (to replace the authenticate! method) that were meant to do the same, but sadly, OAuth returns invalid_client.
client = OAuth2::Client.new(username, password, :site => 'http://test.api.seek.com.au/v1')
client.auth_code.authorize_url redirect_uri: ''
token = client.auth_code.get_token 'authorization_code_value',
headers: {'Authorization' => %^Basic #{Base64.encode64 "#{username}:#{password}"}^ }
I think the problem relies in the scope method created by OAuth (see bottom of the first snippet), but I'm not sure and anyways I couldn't find a way to amend it.
I also opened an issue in GitHub, but I think this is covered, just it's not documented (or I can't find it).
Ruby (Rails) implementation
This implementation is not using any wrapper, I tried the gem OAuth2 but I was not able to get the grant code,
I presume because the third party implementation require a customization of the scope which I was not able to set with the gem.
module Api::Base
CONFIG = YAML.load_file "#{Rails.root}/config/api.yml"
HOST = 'https://api.com.au/v1/'
get_grant: HOST + 'OAuth/auth',
post_for_token: HOST + 'OAuth/token',
get_applications: HOST + 'advertiser/applications'
def uri_for(request, params = {})
uri = REQUEST_URIS[request]
uri += '?' + params.to_param if params.any?
URI.parse uri
class Api::OAuth2
include Api::Base
# by account_id
##tokens = {}
def initialize(account_id)
#account_id = account_id
def self.authenticate!(account_id)
# eg: when a request responded that the token is expired
def self.expire_token(account_id)
##tokens.delete account_id
# authentication
def authenticate!
##tokens[#account_id] ||= begin
grant = get_grant
raise StandardError.new(#error) if #error
puts "Retrive token for #{#account_id}"
# part of t he authentication process
# as we have one account for many entities, we use third party variation
def get_grant
uri = uri_for :get_grant, {response_type: :code, client_id: username, scope: scope}
http = Net::HTTP.new uri.host, uri.port
http.use_ssl = uri.port == 443
puts "SSL not set for uri #{uri}" unless http.use_ssl?
response = http.get uri.to_s
raise Exception.new(response.message) unless response.is_a? Net::HTTPFound
params = response['location'].split('?').second
#error = params.split('error=').second
#grant_code = params.split('code=').second
# part of the authentication process
def post_for_token
uri = uri_for :post_for_token
request = Net::HTTP::Post.new uri.path, {'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8'}
request.set_form grant_type: 'authorization_code', code: #grant_code, redirect_uri: ''
request.basic_auth username, password
http = Net::HTTP.new uri.host, uri.port
http.use_ssl = uri.port == 443
response = http.start {|http| http.request request}
def username
def password
def scope
I'm still planning to use OAuth 2, I'll post my updates here if any
I can't seem to figure out how to make an API call to a URI like:
Where summonerIds are the IDs of the players in the game and the key is the API key to access the API.
When I run it in the browser it returns (with the actual API key, of course):
When I run try to access it in my main controller for my Rails app by doing:
require 'net/http'
class MainController < ApplicationController
def index
def player
#player = params[:player]
url = URI.parse('http://elophant.com/api/v1/na/getSummonerNames?summonerIds=' + #player + '&key=APIKey')
req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(url.path)
res = Net::HTTP.start(url.host, url.port) {|http|
#b = res.body
(Where it says "&key=APIKey", I would replace APIKey with the actual API key.)
then print out the #b in my player.html.erb:
<%= #b %>
it returns:
v1 getSummonerNames
which is the exact same response I get in the browser if I don't provide an API key, but I do provide an API key in the URL in the code.
So my question is, how do I get the browser to use the API key to get a response?
Thank you,
Alex D.