Gradle zip task neither failing nor working - gradle

I'm trying to create a custom Gradle 4.3.1 task that will:
Run ./gradlew build which produces a build/libs/myapp.jar artifact; then
Creates a ZIP file whose contents include:
build/libs/myapp.jar; and
./; and
Here's my best attempt:
task zipMeUp(type: Zip) {
String zipName = ''
doFirst {
from 'build/libs/myapp.jar'
from ''
from 'app-config.json'
into zipName
When I run this (./gradlew zipMeUp) I get the following output:
HarveyZ:myapp myuser$ ./gradlew zipMeUp
1 actionable task: 1 executed
But nothing actually seems to happen (no file in the directory). Any idea what the fix/solution is?

Don't use doFirst, use dependsOn
task zipMeUp(type:Zip, dependsOn :[build]) {
String zipName = ''
from 'build/libs/myapp.jar'
from ''
from 'app-config.json'
version = "1.0"
baseName = "myapp"


How to specify in Gradle an `#OutputDirectory` for an `Exec` task?

I have the following:
task cloneProtobuf(type: Exec) {
workingDir "${rootProject.buildDir}/"
commandLine 'git', 'clone', ''
enabled = { -> !new File(workingDir, "protobuf/.git").isDirectory() }()
doFirst {
mkdir workingDir
Rather than explicitly setting enabled and having gradle indicate that the task was SKIPPED, I would rather have gradle consider that if the protobuf directory already exists, the task is UP-TO-DATE. How can this be done?
Instead of enable/disable a task, please register a task output, then gradle will be aware itself if a task is up-to-date or not. Please have a look at the example below which you can find helpful:
task mk(type: Exec) {
def output = project.file('mk')
outputs.dir output
commandLine 'mkdir', output
workingDir '.'
If you run gradle mk twice, the task will execute only once.

Gradle clean erasing my file prior to ZIP task execution

I have the following simple task in my build:
task generateFile << {
def file = new File("$buildDir/")
file.text = "sample"
task createDistro(type: Zip, dependsOn: ['copyDependencies','packageEnvironments','jar', 'generateFile']) <<{
from generateClasspathScript {
fileMode = 0755
into 'bin'
When I run gradle clean build I see the following output:
Cannot call TaskOutputs.file(Object) on task ':generateFile' after task has started execution. Check the configuration of task ':generateFile' as you may have misused '<<' at task declaration
How do I declare the task file creation outputs as an input to the zip task while also ensuring they happen in the execution phase?
If I leave off the << then the clean task wipes the generated file before the ZIP can use it. If I keep them, I get the above error.
It's the opposite as what is being suggested in the comments. You are trying to set the outputs in execution phase. The correct way to do what you are probably trying to do is for example:
task generateFile {
def file = new File("$buildDir/")
doLast {
file.text = "sample"

Unable to create a Gradle task rule with an Exec task

I'm trying to write a task rule to create a series of tasks that checkout various svn repository locations. Here is my rule:
tasks.addRule("Pattern: svnCheckout&ltClassifier> - Checks out the indicated svn repo") { String taskName ->
if(taskName.startsWith('svnCheckout')) {
task(name: taskName, type: Exec) {
String classifier = taskName - 'svnCheckout'
String svnDir = svnRepoUrl //defined elsewhere
switch(classifier) {
case 'SourceTrunk':
svnDir += 'branches/CleanBuild/trunk'
case 'AutoInstaller':
svnDir += 'Tools/AutoInstaller'
case 'ContentAutomation':
svnDir += 'Tools/ContentAutomation'
case 'InternalTools':
svnDir += 'Tools/Internal'
throw new GradleException("Invalid svnCheckout classifier '$classifier'")
String svnCommand = "svn co $svnDir --trust-server-cert"
//commandLine 'cmd', '/c', "$svnCommand"
commandLine 'cmd', '/c/', "echo 'Task created'"
workingDir = "$workspace"
I then try to run the task 'svnCheckoutSourceTrunk' with this command:
gradlew -Pworkspace="." svnCheckoutSourceTrunk
which fails with the error
FAILURE: Could not determine which tasks to execute.
* What went wrong:
Task 'svnCheckoutSourceTrunk' not found in root project 'GradleScripts'.
* Try:
Run gradlew tasks to get a list of available tasks.
Anyone see what I'm doing wrong? I put some println statements around the first few lines, and the execution is getting past the if statement, but it's not getting inside the task declaration.
The syntax used for declaring the task(s) is incorrect. (Not sure why it's not giving an error.) The first positional argument always need to be the task name:
task(taskName, type: Exec) { ... }
In a build script, this will also work:
task "$taskName"(type: Exec) { ... }

How to call a task in another sub project build file with parameters

I'm working on creating a multi project build file using Gradle. Many sub projects need to execute a task which exists in another sub project by passing in certain parameters. How can this be achieved in Gradle?
for example :
root project
- project B : task X
- project A : task Y (param m, param n)
I need projectB.taskX to call projectA.taskY(m,n)
Sub-Project A has a task of type JavaExec which needs an input parameter to the location of the properties file
task generateCode(dependsOn:['classes','build'], type: JavaExec) {
main = 'jjrom.ObjectGen'
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
args 'arg1', 'arg2', file(propertiesFilePath).path
Now, there are 10 sub projects, all of which need to call this task 'generateCode' with a parameter that contains the location to the properties file. Also, this task should be executed before building each sub-project which can be achieved using dependsOn.
My java project code organisation:
A task cannot call another task. Instead, the way to solve this problem is to add a generateCode task to all ten subprojects. You can do this from the root build script with code similar to the following:
subprojects {
apply plugin: 'java'
configurations {
dependencies {
// A contains the code for the code generator
codegen project(':A')
task generateCode(type: JavaExec) {
main = 'jjrom.ObjectGen'
classpath = configurations.codegen
args 'arg1', 'arg2'
If there is no general pattern as to where the properties file is located, this information can be added in the subprojects' build scripts:
generateCode {
args file('relative/path/to/properties/file')

gradle tar task not executed

I am writing a Gradle build for a non-java project for assembling existing directories and tar archives into a .tar.gz The tar task skips if I use the definition like so:
task archive(dependsOn: 'initArchive',type: Tar) << {
baseName = project.Name
destinationDir = new File(project.buildDir.path+'/installer')
compression = Compression.GZIP
from (archiveDir)
here's the console output
Skipping task ':jenkins-maven-sonar:archive' as it has no source files.
:jenkins-maven-sonar:archive UP-TO-DATE
Total time: 9.056 secs
When I try to use tar task as a method it fails complaining cannot find method
task archive(dependsOn: 'initArchive') << {
baseName = project.Name
destinationDir = new File(project.buildDir.path+'/installer')
compression = Compression.GZIP
from (archiveDir)
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Build file '/home/anadi/Code/da-ci-installers/build.gradle' line: 29
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':jenkins-maven-sonar:archive'.
> Could not find method tar() for arguments [build_6a2bckppv2tk8qodr6lkg5tqft$_run_closure3_closure5_closure7#4a5f634c] on task ':jenkins-maven-sonar:archive'.
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --debug option to get more log output.
Total time: 8.749 secs
Can we run the tar task in same way as Gradle allows running copy? In the same build I have a block like follows and I want to know if tar can used in the same way
copy {"Copying bundle :: "+bundle[x])
from(rootProject.projectDir.path+"/3rd-party-tools/"+bundle[x]) {
include '**/*.*'
if not how to make sure my build does not "skip tar" task if using the first form described above.
You have fallen for the classical mistake of configuring a task in the execution phase rather than the configuration phase. The solution is to remove the << in the first code snippet.
If you find the << (and the difference it makes) confusing, a good solution is to never use << but always the more explicit doLast {}.
There is no tar method, but it's usually better to make these things a separate task anyway. (Methods like copy should only be preferred over the corresponding task if there is a strong reason.)
I had a funny situation where I got hit by this when using doLast{} on a tar task.
It was because of a multi-project build:
--> sub-project
--> build.gradle
In this case if you try to have a tar or a copy task in the main build file that references something from that project(":sub-project") uses it will tempt the developer to wrap it in doLast.
For example, main build.gradle file has:
task distTar(type: Tar, dependsOn: "buildDist") {
description "Package ProjName into a Tar file"
group "Build"
baseName = 'outbasename'
archiveName = baseName + '.tar.gz'
compression = Compression.GZIP
destinationDir = file(project(":packaging").buildDir.path)
extension = 'tar.gz'
into('outdir') {
from project(":sub-project").war
So they got an error that project(":sub-project").war doesn't exist. So to get around it someone put doLast {} the task and errors went away. BAD!!
task distTar(type: Tar, dependsOn: "buildDist") {
doLast { // <-- BAD!!
description "Package ProjName into a Tar file"
group "Build"
baseName = 'outbasename'
archiveName = baseName + '.tar.gz'
compression = Compression.GZIP
destinationDir = file(project(":packaging").buildDir.path)
extension = 'tar.gz'
into('outdir') {
from project(":sub-project").war
Then i was left to fix it. So the correct was to do it was to add
evaluationDependsOn ":sub-project"
In the main build.gradle file. Now it knows to evaluate it. I remove the incorrect doLast{} block and now the task is no longer ignored.
