Kafka Streams : How can you archive data which has certain ttl - apache-kafka-streams

Kafka streams provides different persistent stores, one of them being RocksDBWindowStore. So, if we set retention time it will delete the key-value pair if the retention time is crossed. Is there any callback functionality provided which we can use before deletion of this data? Usecase- I want to archive data into a distributed database before it is deleted from rocksdb).

There is no callback.
However, all data is also written to an topic in Kafka. Thus, you can consume this topic for archive the data into a different store. The topic name will be <application.id>-storeName-changelog.

Although there is no callback, Rocksdb is inherently a sorted db which is sorted by key. So, I used two stores, one timestamp based(kind of treemap) which contains set of keys and another original key value based. So, I could iterate over timestamp based store and archive the key-value pair from other store and then delete the keys from both the stores, which need to be archived after some particular time.


Writing multiple entries from a single message in Kafka Connect

If on one topic I receive messages in some format which represent a list of identical structs (e.g. a JSON list or a repeated field in protobuf) could I configure Kafka Connect to write each entry in the list as a separate row (say in a parquet file in HDFS, or in a SQL database)? Is this possible using only the bundled converters/connectors?
I.e. can I use each Kafka message to represent thousands of records, rather than sending thousands of individual messages?
What would be a straightforward way to achieve this with Kafka Connect?
The bundled message transforms are only capable of making one-to-one message manipulations. Therefore, you would have to explicitly produce those flattened lists in some way (directly, or via a stream processing application) if you wanted Connect to write it out as separate records.
Or, if applicable, you can use Hive or Spark to expand that list as well for later processing.

Multiple data collector for a job without duplicating records in streamsets

I have a directory consist of multiple files, and that is shared across multiple data collectors. I have a job to process those files and put it in the destination. Because the records are huge, I want to run the job in multiple data collector. but when I tried I got the duplicate entries in my destination. Is there a way to achieve it without duplicating the records. Thanks
You can use kafka for it. For example:
Create one pipeline which reads file names and sends them to kafka topic via kafka producer.
Create pipeline with kafka consumer as an origin and set the consumer group property to it. This pipeline will read filenames and work with files.
Now you can run multiple pipelines with kafka consumer with the same consumer group. In this case kafka will balance messages within consumer group by itself and you will not be getting duplicates.
To be sure that you won't have duplicates also set 'acks' = 'all' property to kafka producer.
With this schema you can run as many collectors as your kafka topic partition count.
Hope it will help you.
Copying my answer from Ask StreamSets:
At present there is no way to automatically partition directory contents across multiple data collectors.
You could run similar pipelines on multiple data collectors and manually partition the data in the origin using different character ranges in the File Name Pattern configurations. For example, if you had two data collectors, and your file names were distributed across the alphabet, the first instance might process [a-m]* and the second [n-z]*.
One way to do this would be by setting File Name Pattern to a runtime parameter - for example ${FileNamePattern}. You would then set the value for the pattern in the pipeline's parameters tab, or when starting the pipeline via the CLI, API, UI or Control Hub.

Is there any option of cold-bootstraping a persistent store in Kafka streams?

I have been working on kafka-streams for a couple of months. We are using RocksDB to store data. Now, changelog topic keeps data of only a few days and if our application's persistent stores have data of few months. How will store state be restored if a partition is moved from one node to another(which I think, happens through changelog).
Also, if the node goes containing active task and a new node is introduced. So, the replica will be promoted to active and a new replica will start building on this new node. So, if changelog has only few days of data the new replica will have only that data, instead of original few months.
So, is there any option where we can transfer data to a replica from the active store rather than changelog(as it only has fraction of data).
Changelog topics that are used to backup stores don't have a retention time but are configured with log-compaction enabled (cf. https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#compaction). Thus, it's guaranteed that no data is lost no matter how long you run. The changelog topic will always contain the exact same data as your RocksDB stores.
Thus, for fail-over or scale-out, when a task migrates and a store need to be rebuild, it will be a complete copy of the original store.

Storm bolt doesn't guarantee to process the records in order they receive?

I had a storm topology that reads records from kafka, extracts timestamp present in the record, and does a lookup on hbase table, apply business logic, and then updates the hbase table with latest values in the current record!!
I have written a custom hbase bolt extending BaseRichBolt, where, the code, does a lookup on the hbase table and apply some business logic on the message that has been read from kafka, and then updates the hbase table with latest data!
The problem i am seeing is, some times, the bolt is receiving/processing the records in a jumbled order, due to which my application is thinking that a particular record is already processed, and ignoring the record!!! Application is not processing a serious amount of records due to this!!
For Example:
suppose there are two records that are read from kafka, one record belongs to 10th hour and second records belongs to 11th hour...
My custom HBase bolt, processing the 11th hour record first... then reading/processing the 10th hour record later!! Because, 11th hour record is processed first, application is assuming 10th record is already processed and ignoring the 10th hour record from processing!!
Can someone pls help me understand, why my custom hbase bolt is not processing the records in order it receive ?
should i have to mention any additional properties to ensure, the bolt processes the records in the order it receives ? what are possible alternatives i can try to fix this ?
FYI, i am using field grouping for hbase bolt, thru which i want to ensure, all the records of a particular user goes into same task!! Nevertheless to mention, thinking field grouping might causing the issue, reduces the no.of tasks for my custom hbase bolt to 1 task, still the same issue!!
Wondering why hbase bolt is not reading/processing records in the order it receives !!! Please someone help me with your thoughts!!
Thanks a lot.
Kafka doesn't provide order of messages in multiple partition.
So theres no orderring when you read messages. To avoid that, you need to create kafka topic with a single partition, but you will loose parallelism advantage.
Kafka guarantees ordering by partition not by topic. Partitioning really serves two purposes in Kafka:
It balances data and request load over brokers
It serves as a way to divvy up processing among consumer processes while allowing local state and preserving order within the partition.
For a given use case you may care about only #2. Please consider using Partitioner as part of you Producer using ProducerConfig.PARTITIONER_CLASS_CONFIG. The default Java Producer in .9 will try to level messages across all available partitions. https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/6eacc0de303e4d29e083b89c1f53615c1dfa291e/clients/src/main/java/org/apache/kafka/clients/producer/internals/DefaultPartitioner.java
You can create your own with something like this:
return hash(key)%num_partitions

Handling incremental data - Hadoop

We had 5 years of data in cluster and we are loading the data everyday. The data that gets added everyday might contain duplicate data , partially modified data etc ..
1 . How to handle duplicate data - should that be handled as part of highlevel programming interfaces pig, hive etc .. or any other alternatives.
Say if there is a usecase to find out what is changed between two records given the key to find out the row.
What is the best way to model the data, using which hadoop eco system components.
How to handle duplicate data
It's very hard to remove duplicates from HDFS raw data,
so I guess your approach is right: remove using pig or hive while loading those data.
Say if there is a usecase to find out what is changed between two records given the key to find out the row.
For this case, do you meaning that two records has the same key?
Then what kind of changes you want to capture?
When you say that, you need to remove duplicates and also the delta between two records when you know the key, you should have some criteria of which data to be removed in case of partial changed data.
In both scenarios, you can have a handle of the key and write logic to remove duplicates. Map reduce seems to be a good choice, given the parallelism, performance and ability to manage based on keys. Mostly your requirements could be handled in reducer
See if Sqoop-merge fits your use case.
From the doc:
The merge tool allows you to combine two datasets where entries in one dataset should overwrite entries of an older dataset. For example, an incremental import run in last-modified mode will generate multiple datasets in HDFS where successively newer data appears in each dataset. The merge tool will "flatten" two datasets into one, taking the newest available records for each primary key.
