Blueooth HC06 Interfacing with PIC18F - pic

I am currently learning the PIC. I am using PIC18F46K22. I want to send commands from my phone to the PIC using Bluetooth HC06 Module. On Arduino, everything works fine. However, when i switch to PIC, it isnt working. It is connecting but the Rx and Tx dont perform. After comparing with the arduino code, the only problem i see is the blueooth initialization. I have connected the Tx and Rx pins of bluetooth to Rx and Tx of the PIC, respectively. All the websites i read are the same, and i already tried them so i am clueless what to do. Please, any help in what is the probelm is much much appreciated.
This is my code:
char receive;
void main(){
if (UART1_Data_Ready()) {
receive = UART1_Read();
if (receive=='1') {

First,you didnt say what compiler you are using? Did u make debug your code ? Maybe your clock settings are wrong. And it is due to set wrong baudrate. Check your initializing for uart.

You have a very simple mistake, and that should be the problem. PORTC is by default initialized as an analog Port. Therefore, Tx and Rx pins do no perform their function. In order to disable PORTC as analog (configure as digital), with PIC18F46K22, the function would be ANSELC=0;
Hope that helps!


SWV in STM32F302 - printf() with different characters

I found some answers that didn't solve my issue for STM32F302.
I configured the debug run as follows, to printf() in the SWV ITM Data Console:
I implemented the _write function as follows:
int _write(int file, char *ptr, int len)
int DataIdx;
for (DataIdx = 0; DataIdx < len; DataIdx++)
return len;
And tried to setup the sys clock for "Asynchronous Trace" and "Serial Wire", none worked and I keep getting the same output (SWV Graph does not work either):
Any suggestion about this issue? I just want to debug the variable to make sure I'm getting the correct measurement.
PS. Just a brief of my project: An ADC for a light sensor. I need to generate a graph from a laser sample measurement. Make this measurement with the STM32 and a photodiode, finish the measurement and send the .csv or .txt from USB to a computer to analyse the data.
I found what my problem was:
My "Core Clock (MHz)", in the debug settings, was wrong and that's why my SWV was not working properly
If no SWV data - you need to connect the SWO pin to ST-LINKV2. The SWV data transmission is on the SWO pin. On my STM32F3DISCOVERY, the SB10 was not soldered, SB10 connecting the PB3 SWO pin to the T_SWO debugger net. After soldering SB10 SWV work perfectly.

Arduino Uno + ESP8266 12E + Blynk + Relay

I started adventure with arduino and programming 2 months ago.So, I am new in this topics.
Until now I realized few projects including Blynk connected with arduino. The last one was similar to one described in topic but I used the ENC28j60 instead of ESP8266 module and then it worked fine.
The problem started with ESP module.
Short description of project:
The main idea is to control AC light with Blynk App support.
First of all I made a connection according to picture below:
As power source I used the USB phone charger connected with step by voltage converter to get in final the 3.3V source.
I additionally connected the Arduino Uno with relay module like this:
Arduino ====> Relay module
5V ====> VCC
GND ====> GND
Pin 5 ====> IN1
Everythink you can see in pictures below (sorry for quality)
And for now I did almost every step (with so many problems). Here I mean:
1. I checked if arduino is connected with ESP module by serial port -> system report "ready" status.
2. I upload the below (template) Arduino IDE sketch for my project:
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
// You should get Auth Token in the Blynk App.
// Go to the Project Settings (nut icon).
char auth[] = "***";
// Your WiFi credentials.
// Set password to "" for open networks.
char ssid[] = "***";
char pass[] = "***";
void setup()
// Debug console--
Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);
void loop()
And finally I started the New project in Blynk. I set the Arduino uno as a hardware model and WiFi as connection type. Then I added the Button and set the Output to D5.
And now (close to the end of project) I met with a problem. After pushing the connect button (in up-right corner) I receive the information that device is connected (Online). Then when I try to push the button to Active Relay - nothing happens.
Whats more. I tried with different pins on Arduino with the same results. And I don't know why (probably because I have still small knowladge) but when I set the Button output value to D2 - after connection when I push it then the diode on ESP module Turn OFF and Turn ON.
I tried to find solution on this forum and in many other places for last 3 days but without any results. That's why I decided to ask You for help. Do you know what did I wrong or what should I add to project to make connection between the Blynk and relay work correct?
Write if you will need some more or detailed information from my side.
Why are you using both the uno and the esp? You can just use the esp instead of the combo, will make your project less power hungry and smaller. If you wonder about using just the esp, you can use the nodemcu boards (which can be found for less that 4€ per unit in China).
I've some example sketches for this (with temperature and humidity), if you want to take a look at those.
When looking at the pictures and code you have postet, it seems that you have flashed the ESP with a Arduino sketch. This is fine if you would like to activate the relay directly with the ESP (without the Arduino UNO).
Then you just have to connect the relay to the ESP instead of to the Arduino. Unfortunately not all relay boards can operate with the 3.3V logic that the ESP supplies, but maybe you'r lucky.
On the other hand, if you would like to use the Arduino UNO with the ESP as Wi-Fi, then you would have to reflash the ESP with the original AT firmware. Then you could connect it to the Arduino and use a sketch that looks something like this.
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
#include <ESP8266_Lib.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleShieldEsp8266.h>
char auth[] = "YourAuthToken";
char ssid[] = "YourNetworkName";
char pass[] = "YourPassword";
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial EspSerial(2, 3);
// pin 3 connected to ESP RX and pin 2 connected to ESP TX
// Your ESP8266 baud rate:
#define ESP8266_BAUD 115200
ESP8266 wifi(&EspSerial);
void setup()
// Debug console
// Set ESP8266 baud rate
Blynk.begin(auth, wifi, ssid, pass);
void loop()
And you should remove the connection between RST and GND on the Arduino

How to wire a 12V double solenoid to an Arduino?

I have recently been trying to pneumatically actuate a cylinder using a 12 V double solenoid and an Arduino Uno. The solenoid works when tested without code and wiring, however when I try to actuate the cylinder using code, nothing happens. I have a feeling that the way in which I wired everything to the breadboard may be incorrect, so I was wondering if anyone had any tips or good schematics by which I could wire it all together.
The materials I am using are two PNP transistors, two resistors, two diodes, and then the actual solenoid and similar hardware. My code is just a simple LED blink code which can be used to send signals to the solenoids, so I do not believe that is the issue. However, I have attached it underneath just in case.
int solenoid1 = 4;
int solenoid2 = 5;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(solenoid1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(solenoid2, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
digitalWrite(solenoid1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(solenoid1, LOW);
digitalWrite(solenoid2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(solenoid2, LOW);
Arduino digital pin puts 5V when HIGH. So your 12V solenoid do not get enough voltage to run. You have to use relay and additional 12V power supply to run your solenoid with Arduino.
The code which I have written is not running when the Arduino gets plugged in
How can you see this?
A solenoid certainly cannot be controlled by 5V * 20mA from an Arduino pin. Further requirements depend on the solenoid you want to use. (Current consumption, free-wheeling diode already integrated?)

Turn an LED on or off in AT Mega-1284P Xplained

I am a beginner in AT Mega-1284P Xplained.
I want to turn an LED on and then off (say, LED0) after some specified time in AT Mega 1284P Xplained board from ATMEL. To my surprise, I found no official documentation for this rudimentary task but several different function calls - all of which failed compilation - searching on the web.
Please mention the API call as well as the header file that needs to be included for this. I am using AVR Studio 6.
I will assume a led is connected to pin 0 at port b on the AtMega1284P. The following program should make the led blink.
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
int main() {
// Set the pin 0 at port B as output
DDRB |= (1<<PB0);
while(1) {
// Turn led on by setting corresponding bit high in the PORTB register.
PORTB |= (1<<PB0);
// Turn led off by setting corresponding bit low in the PORTB register.
PORTB &= ~(1<<PB0);
Answering my own question: I found Atmel had an example code that covered a bunch of sensors and other peripheral components including LEDs for Mega-1284P. The links are link and link. Besides, very hard to find locations (they did not show up on web searches), the websites are _very_slow. Atmel, are you listening?

PIC16F88, portb.bit6, and I2C

I am having an odd problem with my PIC16F88. I have an EEPROM connected thru I2C and it works flawlessly until I write to portb.bit6. From that point on, I start getting garbage from my EEPROM. I tried explicitly disabling Timer 1, which uses portb.6 for oscillator-out but that did not help. I tried cutting the trace from the PIC pin (pin 12) so that there is nothing physically connected to it and that did not help. My C code is simple, either portb.6 = 0 or portb.6 = 1. Either way, reading the EEPROM thru I2C fails forever more. The generated ASM code looks fine. The problem occurs on every board that I have tried it on, so it is not localized to one PCB. I am mystified. Any suggestions?
It turns out that it is necessary to write a zero bit to the SCL and SDA pins every time before writing to any bit in portb. FWIW, I was bit-banging rather than using the SSP peripheral of the PIC16F88 for the I2C communicaitons. Thanks to the people on the Yahoo group, Electronics_101, for figuring out this puzzle.
