comma separated parametrized maven ONLY tests one testng file - maven

I am facing an issue with Maven which nowhere on internet I could find an answer for it. appreciate if anyone can help me with it. I aiming to test 2 testng files sent as parameter to POM as:
mvn clean test -DsuiteXmlFiles=1.xml,2.xml
and the POM file is:
<!-- Following plugin executes the testng tests -->
<!-- Suite testng xml file to consider for test execution -->
<!-- Compiler plugin configures the java version to be usedfor compiling
the code -->
but, when i run, it ONLY runs the 2.xml file and runs it twice!!!
tried many options but no matter what is the second xml file it totally ignores the first and runs the second one twice.
can anyone please help?

Your surefire plugin should look like below
Pay close attention to <suiteXmlFiles>${file}</suiteXmlFiles>
So now you can pass in multiple suite files via
mvn clean test -Dfile=src/test/resources/suite-one-with-execution.xml, src/test/resources/suite-two-with-execution.xml
For more details you can refer to my blog post here.

finally understood where the issue was, for some reason i still dont know why, the Suite name in xml files should be not same as each other!!


Maven sure-fire-report name change not working

I am using Maven Sure fire plugin to generate report for my selenium TESTNG test suites.
After the test, it generates the output in the location ..\target\local\surefire-reports.
The name of the report is emailable-report.html.
I saw that we can chnage the name of the report by passing in Pom.xml.
Below in the section in pom.xml.
But I don't see the name changed after the report is generated. Am I missing something or are there any other way to change the name of 'emailable-report.html'
If you only use maven-surefire-report-plugin in your POM, then yes, the outputName parameter is ignored.
If you also add maven-site-plugin to your list of build plug-ins, then you will see the effect of using the outputName parameter.
So, for example:
When you do this, you will still continue to see a file called surefire-report.html being created - but now you will also see emailable-report.html as a separate file.
Both these files are in your project's /target/site/ directory.
They contain the same reporting statistics.
There is one difference between the 2 files: The emailable-report.html file is part of the Maven project web site - and therefore it contains navigation links similar to those shown in this official example.
Which links you see depends on how you have configured your Maven project web site.
In my case, it only shows links to the SureFire report and the JavaDocs.
But you may prefer to stick with the original surefire-report.html file, because of this, and just rename it to whatever you want.

Code Coverage not populated after sonar analysis

I am using sonarqube5.6.1.
I have a multi module project for which i am running sonar analysis using the below command.
mvn org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin:3.1.1:sonar -Dsonar.analysis.mode=publish -Dsonar.issuesReport.html.enable=true -Dsonar.dynamicAnalysis=false
But code coverage is not getting populated at all.
Can some one help. I could see the below warnings, Not sure if that's the reason.
[INFO] Process project properties
[WARNING] /!\ A multi-module project can't have source folders, so '/ssdd5/sameenud/dev/trunk/AAAA/BBBB/CCCC/DDDD/src/main/java' won't be used for the analysis. If you want to analyse files of this folder, you should create another sub-module and move them inside it.
The folder structure we have is as below,
I tried compiling it manual, But no luck, Same problem.
I had the similar issue, 0.0% coverage & no unit tests count on Sonar dashboard with SonarQube 6.7.2:
Maven : 3.5.2,
Java : 1.8,
Jacoco : Worked with 7.0/7.9/8.0,
OS : Windows
After a lot of struggle finding for correct solution, resolved issue with this configuration my parent pom looks like:
<!--Sonar -->
I've tried few other options like jacoco-aggregate & even creating a sub-module by including that in parent pom but nothing really worked & this is simple. I see in logs <sonar.jacoco.reportPath> is deprecated,but still works as is and seems like auto replaced on execution or can be manually updated to <sonar.jacoco.reportPaths> or latest. Once after doing setup, in cmd start with mvn clean install then mvn org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:prepare-agent install & then do mvn sonar:sonar , this is what I've tried please let me know if some other best possible solution available.Hope this helps!! If not please post your question..
SonarQube (and more specifically SonarJava analyzer) is not computing the coverage. You have to provide a coverage report in order for the analysis to import its results in the SonarQube UI and display coverage.
See the documentation for more information on how to achieve this.

Installing and compiling Maven artifacts on Java 8

I have a project with a pom.xml that has the following <build> declaration:
When I run mvn install on this project, it compiles the project, runs unit tests and publishes it to my local repo. I am trying to learn a little more about Maven here, and am having a tough time finding documentation/explanations on the following:
How am I able to run mvn install, if the POM doesn't declare it under build/plugins? Does maven-compiler-plugin include maven-install-plugin, if so, how could I have figured that out?
Most importantly: the value of build/plugins/plugin/configuration/source and .../target are both set to 1.8. If my machine has Java 8 on it, and I run mvn install on this project without any errors, does that guarantee that the project builds with Java 8? I'm looking at the docs for the Compiler Plugin and don't see those source/target configs listed anywhere.
First you should learn what the build life cycle is and how it works and how the plugins are bound to the life cycle by default.
Furthermore you should understand that in Maven every project inherits from the super pom file which is part of the maven distribution (the package you have downloaded). The super pom defines the default folder layout and some versions of plugins.
The question to define the maven-compiler-plugin as you did is to be very accurate simply wrong. You should have defined it like the following:
This would overwrite the definition which is inherited by the super pom and changes it's configuration. In your case i would suggest to change the definition into this:
The encoding should be set globally cause there are other plugins which use this definition like the maven-resources-plugin. The usage of the above property simplifies this, cause every plugin which has an option for encoding will use the default as defined in the property.
To be sure using the correct version of Java (your JDK on your machine) you have to use the maven-enforcer-plugin.
Apart from that please take a look onto the plugins page which shows the most up-to-date releases of the plugins.
As a good documentation i can recomment the Books on Maven but be aware they are written with Maven 2 in mind. So if something is not clear ask on users mailing list of here on SO.

How to tell Maven to execute testng tests one by one each in new JVM instance?

Is it possible to tell Maven to execute every testng test in new JVM instance (fork) in serial mode, i.e. one by one.
The configuration below works for junit, but not works for testng
Does anybody know how to set for testng?
#ben75, Thanks for your answer, But it doesn't work for me.
The key point is we use suiteXmlFiles to specify which case to run, and if we use suiteXmlFiles, the forkMode or (forkCount resuseForks) don't work.
This configuration works for me.
You can use this
It's a very expensive configuration (i.e. it will take a long time to run your tests... so it's better to not use it, but you probably have some (good ?) reasons to use it).
This solution is the way to go since version 2.14, so I suggest you to upgrade your surefire-plugin version.
the reference is here

Make maven's surefire show stacktrace in console

I'd like to see the stacktrace of unit tests in the console. Does surefire support this?
A related problem that I found is that surefire in recent versions apparently sets trimStackTrace to true by default (rendering most stack trace in failed tests useless), which is quite inconvenient.
Setting -DtrimStackTrace=false or defining
solved this.
You can use the following command to see the stack trace on console instead of report files in the target/surefire-reports folder:
mvn -Dsurefire.useFile=false test
To extend the answer given before, you also can configure this behavior in your pom.xml:
