When would you rehash a chaining hash table? - data-structures

When inserting to in chaining hash table, when would you rehash? Would it be better to rehash when alpha = 1? (alpha = # of elements stored / size of hash table)

With chaining, you'll typically want to resize when any bucket contains more than a set number of items. For example, you might decide that it's okay for a bucket to contain up to 5 items. The first time you insert the sixth item into a bucket, you re-size the table.
Or, you might decide that the ideal number is 10, or 3. It's up to you how you want to balance retrieval performance with resize time. The smaller your bucket size, the faster your average lookup will be, but you'll have to resize the table more often. With a larger bucket size, you won't have to resize as often, but your average lookup time will be longer.
Worst case lookup time with a bucket size of 10 will be five times slower than with a bucket size of 2. But it will still be a whole lot faster than a sequential scan of a list, and you could get a 5x reduction in the number of times you have to re-hash. You should experiment with the optimum bucket size for your application.
One thing you can do to improve lookup time with larger bucket sizes is, on lookup, move the item that was just referenced to the head of the list in its bucket. The theory here is that some items are looked up much more often than others, so if you always move the most recently referenced thing to the head of the list, you're more likely to find it faster. This optimization doesn't do any good if items are referenced uniformly.
With chaining, you can often get good performance with load factors of 150% or 200%; sometimes even higher. Contrast that with re-hashing, which starts to degrade quickly at a load factor or 70% or 75%.


Redis GEORADIUS with one ZSET versus a lot of ZSETs of particular size

What will work faster, one big ZSET with geodata where I'll query for 100m radius with GEORADIUS
a lot of ZSETs where each ZSET is responsible for 100m X 100m square covering the whole world? and named after this 100m squares like:
and have all the 100 meters to the right and bottom inside the sets.
So when searching for the nearest point I'll just omit the redundant digits from gps like: 49.2440408, 28.5011694 will become
49.2440000, 28.5010000 so this way I'll know the ZSETS's name where just to get all the exact values with 100 meters precision.
OR to question it in general form: how are the ZSET's names are stored and accessed in redis? If I have too much ZSETS will it impact performance while accessing them?
Precise comparison of this approaches could only be done via benchmark and it would be specific to your dataset and configuration. But architecturally speaking, your pros and cons are:
BIG ZSET: less bandwidth and less operations (CPU cycles) taken to execute, no problems on borders (possible duplicates with many ZSETS), can get throughput with sharding;
MANY ZSETS: less latency for other operations (while big ZSET is going, other commands are waiting), can get throughput with sharding AND latency with clustering.
As for bottom line question, I did not see implementation code, but set names should be the same keys as any other keys you use. This is what Redis FAQ says about number of keys:
What is the maximum number of keys a single Redis instance can hold? <...>
Redis can handle up to 2^32 keys, and was tested in practice to handle
at least 250 million keys per instance.
Look at what Redis docs say about GEORADIUS:
Time complexity: O(N+log(M)) where N is the number of elements inside
the bounding box of the circular area delimited by center and radius
and M is the number of items inside the index.
It means that items outside of your query make O(log(M)) impact on your query. So, 17 hops for 10m items or 21 hop for 1b items which is quite affordable. The question left is will you do partitioning between nodes?

unordered map in C++ // load factor // variance of entries per bucket

I have a question regarding key/bucket statistics for a hash table. The load factor value (occupied entries in the hash table / the number of buckets) does not seem to be very beneficial. Keeping the load factor below some bound guarantees an appropriate load of the hash table, but does not take potential collisions into account. Having a very low load factor, it might happen that one bucket contains over 70% of the whole data (e.g. due to bad hashing).
Am I right that you should take care of both the load factor and variance of number of entries per bucket by yourself? Does C++11 provide any advanced tools for checking both at the same time? How shall one decide what is a good combination of the load and variance?

Smart chunking from a huge table

I have a huge table in a data warehouse (Vertica). I am accessing this table in chunks for optimization purposes. The way I am deciding my chunks is pretty straightforward. I have a primary key column say A and I take a MAX(A). I have a chunk size of 20000 and I have now created (A/20000)+1 chunks. I frame query for each chunk and retrieve the data .
There problem with this approach is as follows:
My number of chunks is dependent on MAX(A) and MAX(A) is growing very fast and thereby my number of chunks increases with it as well.
I have decided on number 20000 because that is what gives me optimal performance. But distribution of primary key within the chunks of 20000 is so scattered. For example the 0-20000 might contain only 3 elements and range 20000-40000 might contain 500 elements and no ranges come close to 20000.
I am trying to figure whether there are any good approximation algorithm for this problem which minimizes the number of chunks and fill in close to 20000 primary keys in one chunk.
Any pointers towards the solution is appreciated.
I'm not sure what optimization purposes means, but I think the best approach would be to create a timestamp column, or use an eligible timestamp column to partition on. You could then partition on a larger frame of reference so there isn't a wide range between the partitions.
If the table is partitioned, it will be able to benefit from partition pruning. This means that Vertica can eliminate the storage containers during query execution which do not match on the timestamp predicate.
Otherwise, you can look at the segmentation clause and use the max/min from the storage containers. This could be slightly more complicated.

External Sorting with a heap?

I have a file with a large amount of data, and I want to sort it holding only a fraction of the data in memory at any given time.
I've noticed that merge sort is popular for external sorting, but I'm wondering if it can be done with a heap (min or max). Basically my goal is to get the top (using arbitrary numbers) 10 items in a 100 item list while never holding more than 10 items in memory.
I mostly understand heaps, and understand that heapifying the data would put it in the appropriate order, from which I could just take the last fraction of it as my solution, but I can't figure out how to do with without an I/O for every freakin' item.
Thanks! :D
Using a heapsort requires lots of seek operations in the file for creating the heap initially and also when removing the top element. For that reason, it's not a good idea.
However, you can use a variation of mergesort where every heap element is a sorted list. The size of the lists is determined by how much you want to keep in memory. You create these lists from the input file using by loading chunks of data, sorting them and then writing them to a temporary file. Then, you treat every file as one list, read the first element and create a heap from it. When removing the top element, you remove it from the list and restore the heap conditions if necessary.
There is one aspect though that makes these facts about sorting irrelevant: You say you want to determine the top 10 elements. For that, you could indeed use an in-memory heap. Just take an element from the file, push it onto the heap and if the size of the heap exceeds 10, remove the lowest element. To make it more efficient, only push it onto the heap if the size is below 10 or it is above the lowest element, which you then replace and re-heapify. Keeping the top ten in a heap allows you to only scan through the file once, everything else will be done in-memory. Using a binary tree instead of a heap would also work and probably be similarly fast, for a small number like 10, you could even use an array and bubblesort the elements in place.
Note: I'm assuming that 10 and 100 were just examples. If your numbers are really that low, any discussion about efficiency is probably moot, unless you're doing this operation several times per second.
Yes, you can use a heap to find the top-k items in a large file, holding only the heap + an I/O buffer in memory.
The following will obtain the min-k items by making use of a max-heap of length k. You could read the file sequentially, doing an I/O for every item, but it will generally be much faster to load the data in blocks into an auxillary buffer of length b. The method runs in O(n*log(k)) operations using O(k + b) space.
while (file not empty)
read block from file
for (i = all items in block)
if (heap.count() < k)
if (item[i] < heap.root())
Heaps require lots of nonsequential access. Mergesort is great for external sorting because it does a whole lot of sequential access.
Sequential access is a hell of a lot faster on the kinds of disks that spin because the head doesn't need to move. Sequential access will probably also be a hell of a lot faster on solid-state disks than heapsort's access because they do accesses in blocks that are probably considerably larger than a single thing in your file.
By using Merge sort and passing the two values by reference you only have to hold the two comparison values in a buffer, and move throughout the array until it is sorted in place.

Performance with sequentially increasing primary key

Looking for guidance on selecting a database provider for a specific key pattern.
The only key field will be a pre-allocated unique sequentially-increasing number.
During each day between
50 and 100 thousand items will be added,
processed (updated), and then retained for a week or so,
after which usually the lowest-numbered records will be deleted. The number of
records will not fluctuate by very much from day to day but may drop at weekends.
The numbers will probably wrap back to 1 after 100M or so.
I need to find a database implementation where the efficiency of the index lookup,
addition and deletion remains constant. Should I be worried that the performance might drop off as the key value range moves continuously upwards?
index lookup, addition and deletion remains constant
You could ensure it remains constant by rebuilding the indexes every insert (just constantly really slow - no performance drop off at all :)), or close to constant by running index maintenance every hour/day etc.
that the performance might drop off as the key value range moves continuously upwards?
As long as you've got an index, it should be logN performance - e.g. having 1,000,000 rows will be around half the speed of 1,000 rows (when searching for an indexed value). (1,000,000,000,000 will be half that speed again).
So no, you shouldn't need to worry about performance.
The numbers will probably wrap back to 1 after 100M or so.
Ok - if you want. Generally, no need really - just use a big int.
As always with performance: test what you want to do. Make a script that inserts 10,000,000 rows, and see what happens.
My point here being that if you're going to wrap ids at 100M records, the worst you can do is actually have them all allocated. This would represent the fragmented index condition as well (where you only have say 100K records, but they're distributed in a space of 10M) - but you will do index/database maintenance right?
