Ruby return's HTTPVersionNotSupported object - ruby

I'm trying to make a get request to a service of mine with a valid URL string (if I put it into my browser, I get the expected response). However, when I run the following function:
def dispatch_uri(url)
uri = Addressable::URI.parse(url)
http =, uri.port)
request =
response = http.request(request).to_s
The response variable holds a Net::HTTPVersionNotSupported, which has no body and isn't, of course, the expected response.
What am I doing wrong and how should I address this problem?

So, the answer is simpler than I thought.
Net::HTTP is both unable to work with an UTF-8 URL or Addressable::URI, however, Addressable gives us a fantastic tool to solve this problem: normalize.
Normalize converts your UTF=8 to a codified ASCII HTML compatible string, so a working code is:
def dispatch_uri(url)
uri = URI(Addressable::URI.parse(url).normalize.to_s)
response = Net::HTTP.get(uri)
This normalized string can be used to create a standard URI object and, thus, you are able to use a regular Net::HTTP request.


Ruby split and parse batched HTTP Response (multipart/mixed)

I'm using the GMail API that allows me to get a batched response of multiple Gmail objects.
This comes back in the form of a multipart/mixed HTTP response with a set of separate HTTP responses separated by a boundary as defined in the header.
Each of the HTTP sub-Responses is a JSON format.
result.response.response_headers = {...
"content-type"=>"multipart/mixed; boundary=batch_abcdefg"...
result.response.body = "----batch_abcdefg
<the response header>
{some JSON}
<another response header>
{some JSON}
Is there a library or an easy way to convert those responses from the string into a set of separate HTTP responses or JSON objects?
Thanks to Tholle above...
def parse_batch_response(response, json=true)
# Not the same delimiter in the response as we specify ourselves in the request,
# so we have to extract it.
# This should give us exactly what we need.
delimiter = response.split("\r\n")[0].strip
parts = response.split(delimiter)
# The first part will always be an empty string. Just remove it.
# The last part will be the "--". Just remove it.
if json
# collects the response body as json
results ={ |part| JSON.parse(part.match(/{.+}/m).to_s)}
# collates the separate responses as strings so you can do something with them
# e.g. you need the response codes
results ={ |part| part}

Ruby: HTTP Put method

I am attempting to update the 'ip' parameter in a json object in an API.
I have the following case:
when "put"
uri = URI.parse("http://#{ip}:#{port}/api/v1/address_data/1.json")
jobj =
jobj['ip'] = ""
http =, uri.port)
response = http.send_request('PUT', '/api/v1/address_data/1.json', data = jobj.to_s)
This does not work, but this does:
curl -X PUT http://ip:port/api/v1/address_data/1.json -d "ip="
How do I more accurately translate the curl into a Put request in Ruby? I have tried several methods I've found through google searching, but none of them have had successful results.
A few things:
You're not sending JSON in the Ruby example, it's a string representation of a Ruby hash which isn't the same. You need the JSON module or similar.
In the Ruby code you're attempting to send a JSON object (which would look like {"ip":""} and in the curl example you're sending it in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format, so they're currently not equivalent.
Also I'd look at the type of data the server expects from your requests: both Ruby and curl send a request header of Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded by default, and you're expecting to send JSON. This is why the curl example works: the data format you're using and the header matches. Note the .json in the URL shouldn't really make any difference; the header takes precedence.
Your call to send_request has you picking out the data parameter as a Python-style keyword argument. Ruby doesn't do that: what you're actually doing there is assigning a local variable in-line with the call.
So try something like this:
require 'json' # put this at the top of the file
uri = URI.parse("http://#{ip}:#{port}/api/v1/address_data/1.json")
jobj = {"ip" => ""}
http =, uri.port)
response = http.send_request('PUT', uri.path, JSON.dump(jobj),
{'Content-Type' => 'application/json'})
And just a friendly reminder, saying something "doesn't work" doesn't usually give enough information to people that might answer your question: try and remember to paste in error messages, stack traces, and things like that :)

Ruby Sinatra and JSON objects from toodledo API 2.0

I have a small problem with receiving JSON objects. I'm using Ruby 1.9.3 and my goal is to receive my tasks from an API via RestClient and print them more or less pretty onto the page.
I created a route /test:
get '/test' do
json_ip_url = "*****;modafter=1234567890;fields=folder,star,priority"
ip_details = RestClient.get(json_ip_url)
test = JSON.pretty_generate(ip_details) # => throws exception
The JSON#pretty_generate line throws an error, "only generation of JSON objects or arrays allowed". What am I doing wrong here?
I'am now able to output via pretty_generate, but what do I have to do, to get the elements of it. Here is the JSON Data, it seems to me its an Array with Objects inside of it?
[{"num":"18","total":"18"},{"id":"11980343","title":"Add some items to your todo list","modified":1391670256,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"0"},{"id":"11980345","title":"Visit the Settings section and configure your account","modified":1391670256,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"0"},{"id":"11980347","title":"Watch our tutorial videos in the Help section","modified":1391670256,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"1"},{"id":"12607789","title":"test","modified":1392285802,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"0"},{"id":"12636039","title":"My Task","modified":1392308705,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"0"},{"id":"12636041","title":"Another","modified":1392308705,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"1"},{"id":"12636143","title":"My Task","modified":1392308789,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"0"},{"id":"12636145","title":"Another","modified":1392308789,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"1"},{"id":"12636449","title":"My Task","modified":1392308950,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"0"},{"id":"12636451","title":"Another","modified":1392308950,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"1"},{"id":"12636621","title":"My Task","modified":1392309061,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"0"},{"id":"12636623","title":"Another","modified":1392309061,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"1"},{"id":"12636665","title":"My Task","modified":1392309085,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"0"},{"id":"12636667","title":"Another","modified":1392309085,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"1"},{"id":"12636733","title":"My Task","modified":1392309137,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"0"},{"id":"12636735","title":"Another","modified":1392309137,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"1"},{"id":"12637135","title":"My Task","modified":1392309501,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"0"},{"id":"12637137","title":"Another","modified":1392309501,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"1"}]
The Code I used for pretty_generate:
get '/save' do
jdata = params[:data]
response = RestClient.get '***;modafter=1234567890;fields=folder,star,priority', {:accept => :json}
test = JSON.parse(response)
output = JSON.pretty_generate(test)
puts output
RestClient#get returns the raw response as a string (and not a hash or array) when called without a block, so ip_details isn't a structure that JSON#pretty_generate knows how to handle. You need to use JSON#parse to turn the response into a hash or array first.

Ruby TestUnit, VCR and HTTP API Requests

I am building an API wrapper and am writing some tests for it and I have a couple of questions.
1) How do I write an assert for calls where data doesn't exist? For example, looking up a member by id using the API but the user won't exist yet.
2) How do I write an assert for testing PUT and DELETE requests?
I already have a grasp on testing GET and POST requests just not sure on the other 2 verbs.
For your question part 1...
You have a couple choices for data that doesn't exist:
You can create the data ahead of time, for example by using a test seed file, or a fixture, or a factory. I like this choice for larger projects with more sophisticated data arrangements. I also like this choice for getting things working first because it's more straightfoward to see the data.
You can create a test double, such as a stub method or fake object. I like this choice for fastest test performance and best isolation. For fastest tests, I intercept calls as early as possible. The tradeoff is that I'm not doing end-to-end testing.
For your question part 2...
You should edit your question to show your actual code; this will help people here answer you.
Is your VCR code is something like this?
VCR.use_cassette('test_unit_example') do
response = Net::HTTP.get_response('localhost', '/', 7777)
assert_equal "Hello", response.body
If so, you change the HTTP get to put, something like this:
uri = URI.parse(...whatever you want...)
json = "...whatever you want..."
req =
req["content-type"] = "application/json"
req.body = json
Same for HTTP delete:
A good blog post is the>Net::HTTP cheat sheet excerpted here:
# Basic REST.
# Most REST APIs will set semantic values in response.body and response.code.
require "net/http"
http ="")
request ="/users")
request.set_form_data({"users[login]" => "quentin"})
response = http.request(request)
# Use nokogiri, hpricot, etc to parse response.body.
request ="/users/1")
response = http.request(request)
# As with POST, the data is in response.body.
request ="/users/1")
request.set_form_data({"users[login]" => "changed"})
response = http.request(request)
request ="/users/1")
response = http.request(request)

Ruby simple Web Service client performing a call to Solr

I need some help in doing this: I have to build the following URL in order to perform a query aganst an Apache Solr instance:
As you can see, the URL contains 3 times the parameter named "fq". What I'm just wondering is how to use the URI.parse() method if I need to pass three times the parameter "fq" within the Hash that is the second argument of the parse() method.
Here's a simple snippet:
path = 'http://localhost:8080/solr/select'
pars = { 'fq' => 'deal_price [* TO 100]', 'fq' => '{!geofilt pt=45.6574,9.9627 sfield=location_latlng d=600}' } # This is obviously wrong!
res = Net::HTTP::post_form( URI.parse(path), pars )
The solution would be passing the full URL as a String, but I cannot find a method that provide this kind of signature.
Could you please post a simple solution to my problem? Thanks in Advance.
Thaks for your help. Yes, you're right... A get method was what I need. Anyway I had to make a little change to your code because Net:HTTP.get() threw an exception "Unknown method hostname"
uri = URI(solrUrl)
req =
res = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port) {|http|
This solved my problem. Thanks indeed.
Your URL suggest that you should use HTTP GET to query solr while your snippet uses POST so that is one thing to change. But I think your main problem is with the parameters, a Hash may only contain one entry for a key so you can't use a Hash in this case. One easy way is to construct the URL by hand.
params_array = ['deal_price [* TO 100]',
'{!geofilt pt=45.6574,9.9627 sfield=location_latlng d=600}']
base_url = "http://localhost:8080/solr/select"
query_string = "?fq=#{params_array.join('&fq=')}"
url = base_url + query_string
result = Net::HTTP.get url
A bit compact maybe - a more readable version may be (according to taste):
params_array = ['deal_price [* TO 100]',
'{!geofilt pt=45.6574,9.9627 sfield=location_latlng d=600}']
url = "http://localhost:8080/solr/select&"
params_array.each do |param|
url << "&fq=#{param}"
result = Net::HTTP.get url
