Setting exit code from an Ansible callback plugin - ansible

I am writing an Ansible 2.x callback plugin, and I would like to be able to fail the current playbook with an non-zero exit code based on some conditions in the v2_playbook_on_stats function.
I have tried to raise AnsibleError(), but this is caught somewhere up the chain and treated as a warning, which allows Ansible to finish with a zero exit code.
I have also tried using self._display.error(), but seems to do nothing but display an error message, and again Ansible finishes with a zero exit code.
Is there any way to do what I require? Or is a callback plugin never meant to allow the developer to change the status of a playbook to a failure?
Thank you for your time.

Also faced the same problem and i found out that i could use python's sys.exit(x) (x being the various exit codes) to stop or fail the playbook.

You can't do this with callback, strategy plugin is your choice.
Subclass required plugin (e.g. linear), extend run method to return non-zero value based on your criteria, it will be translated by PlaybookExecutor and cli as program exit code.


How to check if a process started in the background still running?

It looks like if you create a subprocess via exec.Cmd and Start() it, the Cmd.Process field is populated right away, however Cmd.ProcessState field remains nil until the process exits.
// ProcessState contains information about an exited process,
// available after a call to Wait or Run.
ProcessState *os.ProcessState
So it looks like I can't actually check the status of a process I Start()ed while it's still running?
It makes no sense to me ProcessState is set when the process exits. There's an ProcessState.Exited() method which will always return true in this case.
So I tried to go this route instead: cmd.Process.Pid field exists right after I cmd.Start(), however it looks like os.Process doesn't expose any mechanisms to check if the process is running.
os.FindProcess says:
On Unix systems, FindProcess always succeeds and returns a Process for the given pid, regardless of whether the process exists.
which isn't useful –and it seems like there's no way to go from os.Process to an os.ProcessState unless you .Wait() which defeats the whole purpose (I want to know if the process is running or not before it has exited).
I think you have two reasonable options here:
Spin off a goroutine that waits for the process to exit. When the wait is done, you know the process exited. (Positive: pretty easy to code correctly; negative: you dedicate an OS thread to waiting.)
Use syscall.Wait4() on the published Pid. A Wait4 with syscall.WNOHANG set returns immediately, filling in the status.
It might be nice if there were an exported os or cmd function that did the Wait4 for you and filled in the ProcessState. You could supply WNOHANG or not, as you see fit. But there isn't.
The point of ProcessState.Exited() is to distinguish between all the various possibilities, including:
process exited normally (with a status byte)
process died due to receiving an unhandled signal
See the stringer for ProcessState. Note that there are more possibilities than these two ... only there seems to be no way to get the others into a ProcessState. The only calls to syscall.Wait seem to be:
syscall/exec_unix.go: after a failed exec, to collect zombies before returning an error; and
os/exec_unix.go: after a call to p.blockUntilWaitable().
If it were not for the blockUntilWaitable, the exec_unix.go implementation variant for wait() could call syscall.Wait4 with syscall.WNOHANG, but blockUntilWaitable itself ensures that this is pointless (and the goal of this particular wait is to wait for exit anyway).

How to cancel a hangup scheduled with `sched_hangup`?

The sched_hangup doc doesn't mention how to do this, and sched_cancel only works for sched_transfer and sched_broadcast.
sched_cancel needs a task or group ID, and only the latter two set the ID in the session, I tested.
Or is there another way to get the task ID?
Couldn't find a solution, but this workaround effectively solved the problem:
Set up sched_transfer to a non-existent extension, which will
result in a hangup with No route, Aborting, unless aborted with
Below is a Lua example, but this strategy would work in the dialplan just the same because the sched_* commands are all dialplan applications (i.e., part of mod_dptools).
session:execute("sched_transfer", "+600 9999 XML default")
-- ...
local lsi = session:getVariable("last_sched_id")
session:execute("sched_cancel", tostring(lsi))

Ensure to run code after rails `delayed job` fails or successess

Is there any way we can ensure certain code to run event after the delayed job is failed or succeeds just like we can write ensure block in exception handling?
What's wrong with the following approach?
def delayed_job_method

Gradle - Capturing output written to out / err on a per task basis

I'm trying to capture output written from each task as it is executed. The code below works as expected when running Gradle with --max-workers 1, but when multiple tasks are running in parallel this code below picks up output written from other tasks running simultaneously.
The API documentation states the following about the "getLogging" method on Task. From what it says I judge that it should support capturing output from single tasks regardless of any other tasks running at the same time.
Returns the LoggingManager which can be used to control the logging level and standard output/error capture for this task.
graph.allTasks.forEach { Task task ->
task.ext.capturedOutput = [ ]
def listener = { task.capturedOutput << it } as StandardOutputListener
task.doLast {
Have I messed up something in the code above or should I report this as a bug?
It looks like every LoggingManager instance shares an OutputLevelRenderer, which is what your listeners eventually get added to. This did make me wonder why you weren't getting duplicate messages because you're attaching the same listeners to the same renderer over and over again. But it seems the magic is in BroadcastDispatch, which keeps the listeners in a map, keyed by the listener object itself. So you can't have duplicate listeners.
Mind you, for that to hold, the hash code of each listener must be the same, which seems surprising. Anyway, perhaps this is working as intended, perhaps it isn't. It's certainly worth an issue to get some clarity on whether Gradle should support listeners per task. Alternatively raise it on the dev mailing list.

Basic Sidekiq Questions about Idempotency and functions

I'm using Sidekiq to perform some heavy processing in the background. I looked online but couldn't find the answers to the following questions. I am using:
And then, inside the class, I have a
listing = Listing.find_by_id listing_id
Two questions:
How do I make this function idempotent for the UserMailer sendmail? In other words, in case the delayed method runs twice, how do I make sure that it only sends the mail once? Would wrapping it in something like this work?
mail_sent = false
if !mail_sent
mail_sent = true
I'm guessing not since the function is tried again and then mail_sent is set to false for the second run through. So how do I make it so that UserMailer is only run once.
Are functions called within the delayed async method also asynchronous? In other words, is Class.call_example_function() executed asynchronously (not part of the response / request cycle?) If not, should I use Class.delay.call_example_function()
Overall, just getting familiar with Sidekiq so any thoughts would be appreciated.
I'm coming into this late, but having been around the loop and had this StackOverflow entry appearing prominently via Google, it needs clarification.
The issue of idempotency and the issue of unique jobs are not the same thing. The 'unique' gems look at the parameters of job at the point it is about to be processed. If they find that there was another job with the same parameters which had been submitted within some expiry time window then the job is not actually processed.
The gems are literally what they say they are; they consider whether an enqueued job is unique or not within a certain time window. They do not interfere with the retry mechanism. In the case of the O.P.'s question, the e-mail would still get sent twice if Class.call_example_function() threw an error thus causing a job retry, but the previous line of code had successfully sent the e-mail.
Aside: The sidekiq-unique-jobs gem mentioned in another answer has not been updated for Sidekiq 3 at the time of writing. An alternative is sidekiq-middleware which does much the same thing, but has been updated. (as previously mentioned)
There are numerous possible solutions to the O.P.'s email problem and the correct one is something that only the O.P. can assess in the context of their application and execution environment. One would be: If the e-mail is only going to be sent once ("Congratulations, you've signed up!") then a simple flag on the User model wrapped in a transaction should do the trick. Assuming a class User accessible as an association through the Listing via listing.user, and adding in a boolean flag mail_sent to the User model (with migration), then:
listing = Listing.find_by_id(listing_id)
unless listing.user.mail_sent?
User.transaction do
listing.user.mail_sent = true!
Class.call_example_function() that if the user mailer throws an exception, the transaction is rolled back and the change to the user's flag setting is undone. If the "call_example_function" code throws an exception, then the job fails and will be retried later, but the user's "e-mail sent" flag was successfully saved on the first try so the e-mail won't be resent.
Regarding idempotency, you can use gem:
All that is required is that you specifically set the sidekiq option
for unique to true like below:
sidekiq_options unique: true
For jobs scheduled in the future it is possible to set for how long
the job should be unique. The job will be unique for the number of
seconds configured or until the job has been completed.
*If you want the unique job to stick around even after it has been successfully processed then just set the unique_unlock_order to
anything except :before_yield or :after_yield (unique_unlock_order =
I'm not sure I understand the second part of the question - when you delay a method call, the whole method call is deferred to the sidekiq process. If by 'response / request cycle' you mean that you are running a web server, and you call delay from there, so all the calls within the use_method are called from the sidekiq process, and hence outside of that cycle. They are called synchronously relative to each other though...
