jhipster-registry behind a proxy - proxy

In the jhipster-registry all the proxy parameters aren't not taken into account and mainly the nonProxyHost one.
At startup, the Jhipster-registry container will clone the project on github (via the proxy);
on the other hand, it can not contact the local services (eg keycloak) because it should not use the proxy (that it does because it does not seem to take into account the nonProxyHost parameter)
How could we solve the problem ?

please take a look in the following link: http://www.jhipster.tech/configuring-a-corporate-proxy/.
I had an issue configuring the corporate proxy to run maven, then I just took a look in this page, there were all my answers on it. If your issue persist, please let know.


Why is intertactive Broker Client Web API fails due to proxy remote host setting?

The Interactive Borker (IB) has a setting for the proxyRemoteHost which is like this "ib.abcd.com". This config won't work unless it's changed to "X.ib.abcd.com", where X = [1-5]. We need to specify a server to make it to work. Although this looks good for DEV purpose, in product we don't wanna specify the server instead use the base URL.
The Interactive Broker team has been troubleshooting this issue for a while and not able to pin point any reason. I really appreciate if anyone can help me understand probable causes behind this issue, so I can give more input for the relevant team to fix this issue. I can't add the logs due to some sensitive information in them. In logs, we can see the SSO authentication always fails while using proxyRemoteHost setting as base URL ("api.abcd.com") but works when we specify a server ("X.api.abcd.com"). No further info in the logs that mentions any reasons behind the failure.
We have tested this on latest Chrome and Firefox with CORS enabled. Also, once in a blue moon, it works fine with the base URL which totally surprises me.

kotlinNpmInstall behind corporate proxy

I'm trying to build kotlin multiplatfrom project behind corporate proxy connection and got and error:
Couldn't find package "webpack#4.42.1" required by "projectName#version" on the npm registry.
and so on.. (I'm not listing all the error dependencies, but it got the same message)
I'm using kotlin.gradle.kts
and I have already tried
and so on with domain credential ..., it works with gradle wrapper download, or gradle sync.. but not when it come to kotlinNpmInstall..
I tried using public connection from my personal device and works, so I think it still the proxy issue..
is there anything I missed to setup the proxy related to the kotlinNpmInstall ? and is there any kotlin-gradle-dsl approach for this kind of proxy configuration for spesific js build ?
Your problem looks like KT-38067. As a WA you can configure settings for yarn via .yarnrc and .npmrc in the project folder.

Switch jdbc connection after Spring Cloud Config change

After successfully setting up a cloud config server and confirming that all works as expected I ran into this issue but I'm not sure if it's supported or the best way to go.
We follow the database-per-service pattern so as an experiment I committed a dev and staging file containing the db connection details of each service so that if we needed to make changes to the server address and credentials we only needed to do it in the config repo.
I have set this up correctly and I confirm that the changes are indeed being propagated from the config server to the clients.
It was only after doing all of this did I notice that even though the services got the updated database details it DID NOT switch its connection.
Is this possible? The only way I could do this was if I restarted the service and that kinda defeats the purpose of having all of this in place. I tried toying with the connection timeouts but it didn't help. The service was still connected to the previous connection.
So it appears a simple addition of the #RefreshScope to my controller did the trick. Thanks to Spring's David Syer for the insight.

How to run sonar analysis when Sonar server is configured over HTTPS

We have a SonarQube server which is by default running on HTTP and 9000 port. We decided to use SonarQube over HTTPS configured using IIS reverse proxy and disable HTTP.
Previously in sonar-scanner.properties,sonar.host.url is configured to run as mentioned below.
sonar.host.url=http://localhost:9000 and now we want to change it to sonar.host.url=https://localhost.
On the browser https://localhost works fine. However when I configure this url in sonar-scanner.properties and try to run the sonar analysis, it says url can not be reached. Could anyone give me some suggestions to fix this issue.
Assign a valid certificate to your website. Using localhost is not the best choice; you should use and configure a valid domain name (https:/mycompany.com for example). On the machine you use to analyse you must update the Java Runtime by registering the certificate associated with this name and maybe also other (root) certificates in the certificate chain. See this blog for all the details. After executing these steps you should be able to upload the analysis to you SonarQube instance.

TortoiseSVN and Local Web Proxies

I have successfully configured TortoiseSVN to access a local Apache-served Subversion repository over https. My initial problem in configuring this scenario from my Windows client was discovered to be the proxy server I had established in the TortoiseSVN settings, which were unnecessary in our local environment.
However, for external repositories, the web proxy is necessary. As a result, I was hoping to find an option in TortoiseSVN equivalent to "Bypass proxy for local intranet sites" or a means to establish a proxy bypass list, but I've found neither, and I've not found a workaround in the research I've done so far. Came across a few posts here on SO that sounded promising, but amounted to manually disabling/enabling the web proxy as needed.
Am I missing something obvious, or will I simply need to enable/disable the proxy from TortoiseSVN depending on where the archive is located? This isn't insurmountable, of course, just a bit of a nuisance.
Many thanks.
You should try downloading frozen Way, this worked for me, you just need to start it when you want to commit/upload and it's free .
