Is it possible to serve dynamic images for email? - image

What I'm trying to do: Create an email campaign that will have a header image which will be personalized and display the viewers name based on FirstName data.
This may be beyond my current skill level. But I'm wondering if there isn't a service or some kind of library that will do this. I'm thinking what needs to happen is that an image needs to be served somehow that when pinged with a request like, would serve an image with Ralph's name in it.
If this were just for the web, that would be easy. I'm not able to wrap my head around how I might do this for email however, and I'm not finding much in the search.

If you have the ability to you have the ability to do this with names. You'll just have to do the fancy logic on the web site.
Lets use as an example because I'd rather look at kittens.
If can serve a 640x480 image of a kitten, you can serve an image for a guy named Ralph. Lets say the first name of your email target is 600/480. You would code in: This will give you an image named
It would look something like this:
<p>Dear <firstname>,</p>
<p>We saw this and thought of you.</p>
<img src="<firstname>" width="600" height="480" alt="<firstname>" style="display:block;"/>
<p>Your friends at StackOverflow.</p>
Your email ISP will take , convert it to good old 600/480, and you'd get this:
<p>Dear 600/480,</p>
<p>We saw this and thought of you.</p>
<img src="" width="600" height="480" alt="600/480" style="display:block;"/>
<p>Your friends at StackOverflow.</p>
Assuming you did your configuration on your web site for everyone named Ralph, gwally or 600/480, those images will show up in their email. There's far more to it than this, but it gets you started.
Good luck.


PJAX Scroll Loading

I'm working on a news publishing site that needs to load in stories from an RSS feed below the current news page. I've been using InfiniteAjaxScroll ( to some success however, I've hit a brick wall. There is not way for me to dynamically change what story should load in next as you scroll down the page.
Does anyone know of any other plugins, tutorials, examples that replicate behavior like this. I've searched but come up with nothing that meets these requirements.
I'm trying to create something similar to what the Daily Beast has implemented on their site.
How do they know what stories to load in?
If you're using the InfiniteAjaxScroll library, the "next story" is whatever link you define as the next URL which can be dynamic for each story you load.
Imagine your first story's HTML as something like this
<div class="stories">
<div class="story">
<div id="pagination">
Then in the storyC.html you have
<div id="pagination">
Assuming you're using some sort of dynamic backend, you would use some sort logic to grab a related story and just set that URL as the "next" URL.

Display Images from Umbraco Media in Document

i create a Document(PDF) and get the Content from the Umbraco nodes.
But there's a problem by displaying the images. How can i display or get the images from the Media libary of Umbraco? Is there a way, offered from Umbraco to get the Image(s)?
Thanks a lot.
If I understand your query correctly, you a pretty much there.
You should simply be able to get the umbracoFile path (just like you are for the PDF file) and simply declare it as the img src!
With Razor...
<umbraco:Macro runat="server" language="cshtml">
<img src='#Model.MediaById(#Model.imgProperty).umbracoFile' alt="" />

modx wayfinder dynamic pictures

I create Wayfinder by a small overview page (scale projects, etc.)
<div onclick='location.href="[[]]"' class="[[+wf.title]] project_overview" title="[[+wf.title]]" [[+wf.attributes]]><img src="images/HausDummy.png" /></div>
Here is to be displayed from child page in the first picture. In the inferior side multiple images are displayed in a gallery.
Is something like that feasible? By the dynamics behind me, I do something heavy.
Thank you for your advice.
Old Question, but maybe someone else needs a hint for that..
Also the Question is not easy to understand (auf deutsch hätte ich sie besser verstanden ;) ),
to get images for your wayfinder navigation, look at the "Template Parameters" Section in the documentation
In short:
You need a TV for your image, a snippet (see Doc) to process the TV and something like:
<img src="[[processTV? &myId='[[+id]]' &myTV='icon' ]]" />
in your wayfinder template

Can you control pinterest's "find image" results?

Rather than add Pin It buttons through our site, I would like to simply control what images show up in Pinterest's "Find Image" results if a user decides to pin one of our URLs.
As of now, "Find Images" allows the user to scroll through the images it finds on the page so they can select which image to pin. The "found" images start with the first jpg in the html file, I'm assuming (could that be a bad assumption??). On our site, this forces a user to scroll through about 15 navigation and promotion images before arriving at the featured product image. Is there any way to specify this image to show first in those results? Maybe through a meta tag, or by adding a class or id to the element?
Without a public Pinterest API, this seems like just guesswork, but I wanted to see if anyone else has run into this, or solved this. Thanks.
A lot of search results including the Pinterest Help Center talk about using nopin in HTML elements, which is invalid HTML. What they don't document is a data attribute to the same (well formed) effect.
<img src="foobar" data-pin-nopin="true" />
Adding the nopin attribute will exclude the image from appearing on Pinterest:
<img src="..." nopin>
I solved this by simply loading the image before all others in the page. In this case, I gave it width="0" and height="0" (you could also give it style="position: absolute; left: -9999px; top: 0;" just to be sure).
This won't break the page layout, but will force Pinterest to find this image first. The only downside is that the browser will load the page a few milliseconds slower, but if you're reusing this image later in the page anyway, you should make up for lost time then.
Pinterest will find any images from <img> tags (it will ignore CSS background images) that are at least 80px x 80px.
The order the images show up on in the Pinterest list is determined by the order they are specified in the HTML.
As you have discovered, you can alter the CSS of an image to "hide it" without actually hiding it by either moving it off the page with absolute positioning or 0 height and width. Any images that are set to display: none will not be picked up by Pinterest.
You can instruct the share preview to only grab specific images from the page by using the “image_include” configuration option. First, set image_include to your desired class name (id selectors are not allowed, only class selectors), then add that same class name to each of the images on the page that should be grabbed. For image_include, don’t add the ‘.’ selector. Here’s an example:
<script type="text/javascript">
var addthis_config = {
image_include: "at_include"
Once image_include has been defined with a class, add that class to the desired images on the page. In this example, the only images on the page that will be grabbed, will be the images with the at_include class (img1.jpg and img3.jpg).
<img src="" class="at_include" />
<img src="" />
<img src="" class="at_include" />
I was reading this blog which suggests the following:
Use the global no pin flag to prevent pinning on the whole site
Manually add the Pin It widget to those images you want to make pin-able.
Given Pinterest's webmaster tools appear to only have a blacklist, rather than a whitelist option (that you are seeking), this could be a possible solution. Another stated benefit of this is you can also supply suggested pin text through the Pin It widget.
Only downside to this I guess is that it may break the user's own Pin tools. Pinterest does allow you to supply a custom "denied" message, so I guess you can say "please use our site's pin buttons directly".
I've tried this, and it works. It seems like a decent approach, at least until Pinterest sees fit to add some better tools, such as an image whitelist option. The main drawback is needing to add Pin-it buttons on every image you want to enable for your users & your users may be annoyed that they can't pin anything.
Unfortunately, there is no way to mark several images on your page as preferred, but you can mark one image to stay at the top of your images when someone pin it. Specify this meta-tag in <head>:
<meta property="og:image" content=""/>
I have not found official confirmation for this feature, but it works great with addthis sharing plugin.
Add this script before the actual call to pinterest. And set images that you do not want to show with a class called 'nopin'
<script type="text/javascript">
var addthis_config =
<div id="toolbox" class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style">
<a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" fb:like:layout="button_count"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_tweet"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_tumblr"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_pinterest"></a>
If anyone is using AddThis, please check this thread:
AddThis has some, uh, unique functionality that affects the image picker presented. As in, when there is only one image on the page, it ignores the defined og:image.
If you set that lone image to be excluded, then the image picker won't show any images for selection.

Avoiding duplicate-content hit on Google for archive pages?

Each blog post on my site -- -- is archived at its own permalinked URL.
On each of these archived pages, I'd like to display not only the archived post but also the 10 posts that were published before it, so that people can get a better sense of what sort of content the blog offers.
My concern is that Google and other search engines will consider those other posts to be duplicate content, since each post will appear on multiple pages.
On another blog of mine -- -- I had tried to work around that by loading the earlier posts as an AJAX call, but I'm wondering if there's a simpler way.
Is there any way to signal to a search engine that a particular section of a page should not be indexed?
If not, is there an easier way than an AJAX call to do what I'm trying to do?
Caveat: this hasn't been tested in the wild, but should work based on my reading of the Google Webmaster Central blog and the docs. Anyway...
This seems like a good use case for structuring your content using microdata. This involves marking up your content as a Rich Snippet of the type Article, like so:
<div itemscope itemtype="" class="item first">
<h3 itemprop="name">August 13's correlation</h3>
<p itemprop="description" class="stat">In general, 27 percent of people have never had any wisdom teeth extracted. But among those who describe themselves as pessimists, 38 percent haven't had wisdom teeth extracted.</p>
<p class="info">Based on a survey of 222 people who haven't had wisdom teeth extracted and 576 people in general.</p>
<p class="social"><a itemprop="url" href="">Link to this statistic</a></p>
Note the use of itemscope, itemtype and itemprop to define each article on the page.
Now, according to, which is supported by Google, Yahoo and Bing, the search engines should respect the canonical url described by the itemprop="url" above:
Canonical references
Typically, links are specified using the element. For example, the
following HTML links to the Wikipedia page for the book Catcher in the
<div itemscope itemtype="">
<span itemprop="name">The Catcher in the Rye</span>—
by <span itemprop="author">J.D. Salinger</a>
Here is the book's <a itemprop="url"
So when marked up in this way, Google should be able to correctly ascribe which piece of content belongs to which canonical URL and weight it in the SERPs accordingly.
Once you've done marking up your content, you can test it using the Rich Snippets testing tool, which should give you a good indication of what Google things about your pages before you roll it into production.
p.s. the most important thing you can do to avoid a duplicate content penalty is to fix the titles on your permalink pages. Currently they all read 'Correlated - Discover surprising correlations' which will cause your ranking to take a massive hit.
I'm afraid but I think it is not possible to tell a Search Engine that a specif are of your web page should not be be indexed (example a div in your HTML source). A solution to this would be to use an Iframe for the content you do not what search engine to index, so I would use a robot.text file with an appropriate tag Disallow to deny access to that specific file linked to the Iframe.
You can't tell Google to ignore portions of a web page but you can serve up that content in such a way that the search engines can't find it. You can either place that content in an <iframe> or serve it up via JavaScript.
I don't like those two approaches because they're hackish. Your best bet is to completely block those pages from the search engines since all of the content is duplicated anyway. You can accomplish that a few ways:
Block your archives using robots.txt. If your archives in are in their own directory then you can block the entire directory easily. You can also block individual files and use wildcards to match patterns.
Use the <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="noindex"> tag to block each page from being indexed.
Use the X-Robots-Tag: noindex HTTP header to block each page from being indexed by the search engines. This is identical in effect to using the ` tag although this one can be easier to implement since you can use it in a .htaccess file and apply it to an entire directory.
