How to run jmeter samplers for specific throughput - jmeter

I am using jmeter to load test my application.I have a sampler under Transaction Controller.But we have updated some of the parameters in the request.So i want to run 90% time old sampler and 10% of time new sampler,which are almost doing same thing but only have some extra parameters in second sampler.I tried checking switch controller but could not figure out if it will work for my requirements.My test plan looks similar to this

If you want to continue with the Switch Controller you can proceed with the following "Switch Value" (or equivalent)
${__javaScript( var s="000000000001"; s.charAt( Math.floor(Math.random()*s.length) ))}
Another options are in (you may find them easier to implement):
Throughput Controller
Weighted Switch Controller
More information: Running JMeter Samplers with Defined Percentage Probability


Unable to achieve TPS while using throughput controller along with Unique Each occurance parameterization customization

I've to execute a test where one transaction can have multiple-lines (Eg: orders placed by different users in the real world where every user can have different cart size). In order to achieve this I have a products list and I need unique product at every occurrence. I have used a code similar to this "" and I was able to achieve unique each occurrence. But the problem is when I am using a throughput controller and constant throughput timer I am not able to achieve desired TPS whereas hardcoded payload with various lines (with throughput controller and constant throughput timer) leads to desired TPS. Do we have any other options to achieve this?
Beanshell Sampler might be the root cause of the problem, according to JMeter documentation you should be using JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language for scripting since JMeter 3.1 because using Beanshell is a some form of a performance anti-pattern, check out Apache Groovy: What Is Groovy Used For? article for more details.
Another possible reason could be test data itself, for example request A is "light" and returns data in less than one second due to its request parameters and request "B" is "heavy" and returns data in more than 5 seconds.
Throughput of 100 requests A and 100 requests B will be different so you might need to add more threads.

Is there a specific way to achieve the below scenarios in JMeter ? if yes how?

Can someone guide how can I achieve below scenarios via JMeter
1.Check if system is able to process 1,00,000 random searches per hour
2.Check if system can accept 1,00,000 transaction's per minute- this is more like form submissions
First of all you need to implement your test scenarios (search and submitting forms) using HTTP Request samplers
The HTTP Request samplers can be:
Recorded using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
Recorded using JMeter Chrome Extension
Created manually basing on your application/endpoint specifications
Once you have test project skeleton and perform necessary correlation of dynamic values and parameterization of dynamic parameters like usernames you can start defining the workload, i.e. see Building a Web Test Plan user manual chapter
Add as many virtual users as needed, run your test and see whether your application can handle the anticipated load.
Suggested scenario:
Increase the load gradually, i.e. start with 1 user and increment the number of users till the projected amount
Look at Transactions per Second chart and Active Threads Over Time chart. On well-behaved system the throughput (number of requests per second) should increase as the number of users increase.
If you detect the point when you increase the load but the throughput doesn't increase - it means that the system reached the maximum performance. If it is sufficient - you can report the test as passed, otherwise you will need to investigate the root cause and either report or fix it if you're capable of doing this.

Jmeter stop test when time reaches threshold

We're running a test case for load testing, over different servers. What we want to do is, given that test case, stop if we can see a performance decrease, based on a response time threshold.
What we have now is threadgroup defined, and inside it, an HTTP request defined plus a view table for output. What should I do to put this control in there?
Add Duration Assertion and specify threshold there
In your Thread Group set "Action to be taken after a Sampler error" to Stop Test.
Above steps will stop your test after first occurrence of response time exceeding the threshold.
See How to Use JMeter Assertions in Three Easy Steps article for more information on how to conditionally set pass/fail criteria in your JMeter test.
Remove View Results Table listener (or disable it) during load test execution as it consumes a lot of resources.
Run your load test in non-GUI mode as JMeter GUI is not designed for running the actual load test and may be a bottleneck in case of more or less severe load.

Think time between Transaction Controller

I am using Transaction controller for my testing process, and I have 5 transaction controllers. Now I want to specify think time (Timer) between each Transaction controller say 300 ms.
When I add constant timer, then every sampler takes 300ms think time to process and because of this the overall response is increased a bit.
Is there any other way to give think time to only transaction controller and not individually sampler?
You can work it around as follows:
Add a Beanshell Post Processor as a child of the last request in each Transaction Controller
Put the following code into the Post Processor's "Script" area:
Configure Transaction Controller to
generate parent sample
not to include duration of post processors and timers into the generated sample
See Using JMeter's Transaction Controller guide for more detailed explanation.
I could think of 2 options that would provide required solution:
1)The easiest way would be to put the timer to the first request of the following transaction controller.
2) At the end of the Controller add Test Action which can be found under Sampler where you can provide PAUSE time in milliseconds.
Hope this helps.
Add a Test Action and select pause. Set this to 0ms and then add a Gaussian Random timer to the test action. Configuring timers this way will allow you to run the test with pauses or without (for debugging), test actions configured as timers will not be skipped when clicking "Start No Pauses", while the Gaussian timers attached to test actions will.
The best way to do this is via "Add think times to children" on the Recording controller. This will insert a "think time" action between each controller. Then you specify the duration in ms in each Think Time action.
Usually, I would use ${thinkTime} as the duration, then specify thinkTime = 10000 or similar in the "User defined variables" config element you can add to the top of your project.
The think time is between transaction controllers, not between requests in a controller.
I am using jmeter 5.3.

How can I test the limit of the number of threads with Jmeter

Is it possible to automate the load tests in Jmeter and increase the number of threads until the first error is observed?
For example I start with testing 16 threads for every seconds and increase the number until i receive an error. But instead of doing this manually can I let this run automatically?
Looking into Pre-defined Properties section of JMeter's User Manual on Functions there is a JMeterThread.last_sample_ok variable holding result of the last sampler execution.
So if you build your test plan as follows:
Sampler which does test action
If Controller checking whether previous sampler was successful
If not - relevant actions (stop test, send email, stop ramping up virtual users, etc.)
The value you need to put in "Condition" input of If Controller should look like
See How to use JMeter's 'IF' Controller and get Pie for more information on JMeter's If Controller.
Regarding threads in jmeter You may find those 2 links interesting:
What is the highest number of threads that is reasonable to simultaneously run in Jmeter?
JMeter max. thread limit
Regarding your methodology, why not use slow rampup and see the limit using what Dmitri T has provided ?
