Elasticsearch Context Suggester geo context - boost without filtering? - elasticsearch

I'm creating a completion suggester with a geo context (Elastic 5.x).
"suggest": {
"type": "completion",
"contexts": [
"name": "geoloc",
"type": "geo",
"precision": 3,
"path": "geolocation"
When I query this, I'd like to have it not filter by the geo context, only boost results that are within the geohash. It works great to filter by a single geohash, or filter by a lower precision, and then boost a higher precision within that original filter like this:
GET /my-index/_search
"suggest": {
"completion": {
"field": "suggest",
"size": "10",
"contexts": {
"geoloc": [
"lat": 44.8214564,
"lon": -93.475399,
"precision": 1
"lat": 44.8214564,
"lon": -93.475399,
"boost": 2
However, I can't get it to only boost on a single geo context without filtering.
When I submit the following query, it filters and boosts:
GET /my-index/_search
"suggest": {
"completion": {
"field": "suggest",
"size": "10",
"contexts": {
"geoloc": [
"lat": 44.8214564,
"lon": -93.475399,
"boost": 2
Is what I'm trying to do just not supported, or am I missing something?

Just ran into this issue as well.
The solution I came up with through trial and error was to use the category context to filter first to all my documents. Say you had added a category to your documents named "all" you could do this:
GET /my-index/_search
"suggest": {
"completion": {
"field": "suggest",
"size": "10",
"contexts": {
"category": ["all"],
"geoloc": [
"lat": 44.8214564,
"lon": -93.475399,
"precision": 2,
"boost": 2
When this is done, it seems to be selecting everything with the "all" category and then boosts the ones within the precision level specified to the top.
Using Elastic 6.*


ElasticSearch - Filtering a result and manipulating the documents

I have the following query - which works fine (this might not be the actual query):
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"nested": {
"path": "location",
"query": {
"geo_distance": {
"distance": "16090km",
"distance_type": "arc",
"location.point": {
"lat": "51.794177",
"lon": "-0.063055"
"geo_distance": {
"distance": "16090km",
"distance_type": "arc",
"location.point": {
"lat": "51.794177",
"lon": "-0.063055"
Although I want to do the following (as part of the query but not affecting the existing query):
Find all documents that have field_name = 1
On all documents that have field_name = 1 run ordering by geo_distance
Remove duplicates that have field_name = 1 and the same value under field_name_2 = 2 and leave the closest item in the documents result, but remove the rest
Update (further explanation):
Aggregations can't be used as we want to manipulate the documents in the result.
Whilst also maintaining the order within the documents; meaning:
If I have 20 documents, sorted by a field; and I have 5 of which have field_name = 1, I would like to sort the 5 by distance, and eliminate 4 of them; whilst still maintaining the first sort. (possibly doing the geodistance sort and elimination before the actual query?)
Not too sure how to do this, any help is appreciated - I'm currently using ElasticSearch DSL DRF - but I can easily convert the query to ElasticSearch DSL.
Example documents (before manipulation):
"field_name": 1,
"field_name_2": 2,
"location": ....
"field_name": 1,
"field_name_2": 2,
"location": ....
"field_name": 55,
"field_name_5": 22,
"location": ....
Output (Desired):
"field_name": 1,
"field_name_2": 2,
"location": .... <- closest
"field_name": 55,
"field_name_5": 22,
"location": ....
One way to achieve what you want is to keep the query part as you have it now (so you still get the hits you need) and add an aggregation part in order to get the closest document with an additional condition on filed_name. The aggregation part would be made of:
a filter aggregation to only consider the documents with field_name = 1
a geo_distance aggregation with a very small distance
a top_hits aggregation to return the document with the closest distance
The aggregation part would look like this:
"query": {
...same as you have now...
"aggs": {
"field_name": {
"filter": {
"term": {
"field_name": 1 <--- only select desired documents
"aggs": {
"geo_distance": {
"field": "location.point",
"unit": "km",
"distance_type": "arc",
"origin": {
"lat": "51.794177",
"lon": "-0.063055"
"ranges": [
"to": 1 <---- single bucket for docs < 1km (change as needed)
"aggs": {
"closest": {
"top_hits": {
"size": 1, <---- closest document
"sort": [
"_geo_distance": {
"location.point": {
"lat": "51.794177",
"lon": "-0.063055"
"order": "asc",
"unit": "km",
"mode": "min",
"distance_type": "arc",
"ignore_unmapped": true
This can be done using Field Collapsing - which is the equivalent of grouping. - Below is an example of how this can be achieved:
{"collapse": {"field": "vin",
"inner_hits": {
"name": "closest_dealer",
"size": 1,
"sort": [
"_geo_distance": {
"location.point": {
"lat": "latitude",
"lon": "longitude"
"order": "desc",
"unit": "km",
"distance_type": "arc",
"nested_path": "location"
The collapsing is done on the field vin - and the inner_hits is used to sort the grouped items and get the closest one. (size = 1)

Elastic Search Geo Spatial search implementation

I am trying to understand how elastic search supports Geo Spatial search internally.
For the basic search, it uses the inverted index; but how does it combine with the additional search criteria like searching for a particular text within a certain radius.
I would like to understand the internals of how the index would be stored and queried to support these queries
Text & geo queries are executed separately of one another. Let's take a concrete example:
PUT restaurants
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"location": {
"type": "geo_point"
"menu": {
"type": "text",
"fields": {
"keyword": {
"type": "keyword"
POST restaurants/_doc
"name": "rest1",
"location": {
"lat": 40.739812,
"lon": -74.006201
"menu": [
POST restaurants/_doc
"name": "rest2",
"location": {
"lat": 40.7403963,
"lon": -73.9950026
"menu": [
You'd then match a text field and apply a geo_distance filter:
GET restaurants/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"menu": "pizza"
"geo_distance": {
"distance": "0.5mi",
"location": {
"lat": 40.7388,
"lon": -73.9982
"function_score": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"boost_mode": "avg",
"functions": [
"gauss": {
"location": {
"origin": {
"lat": 40.7388,
"lon": -73.9982
"scale": "0.5mi"
Since the geo_distance query only assigns a boolean value (--> score=1; only checking if the location is within a given radius), you may want to apply a gaussian function_score to boost the locations that are closer to a given origin.
Finally, these scores are overridable by using a _geo_distance sort where you'd order by the proximity (while of course keeping the match query intact):
"query: {...},
"sort": [
"_geo_distance": {
"location": {
"lat": 40.7388,
"lon": -73.9982
"order": "asc"

Elasticsearch - Query to Determine All Unique IDs that are distance X away from a particular ID?

I have data in this format generated from a random walk (to simulate people walking around). It is set up in this manner { location : { lat: someLat, lon: someLong }, id: uniqueId, date:date }. I am trying to write a query given a users unique ID, find how many other unique IDs came within X distance of the given ID between a certain time range. Any hints on how to accomplish this?
My idea is to have a top level filter aggregration, with a nested geo-query of some sort. I think the geo-distance query is the way to go, but I am not sure how to include it into the below query to get all of unique IDs that come within X distance of the ID I am filtering on. The query below is where I am starting from, I am filtering all documents from now - 1 day to now, where the documents user Id is the provided value. How would I check all other documents for their distances against documents that match this query?
"aggs" : {
"range": {
"date_range": {
"field": "date",
"format": "MM-yyyy",
"ranges": [
{ "to": "now" },
{ "from": "now-1d" }
"locations" : {
"filter" : {
"term": { "id.keyword": "7a50ab18-886b-42a2-80ad-3d45112e3cfd" }
Your hunch is correct. All of this can be done using range & geo_distance filtering and _geo_distance sorting. You wanna filter on the query-level, not in the aggs though:
GET walking/_search
"size": 0,
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"range": {
"date": {
"gte": "now-1d"
"filter": [
"geo_distance": {
"distance": "20m",
"location": {
"lat": 48.20150179951008,
"lon": 16.39111876487732
"aggs": {
"rings_around_loc": {
"geo_distance": {
"field": "location",
"origin": {
"lat": 48.20150179951008,
"lon": 16.39111876487732
"unit": "m",
"keyed": true,
"ranges": [
"to": 10
"from": 10,
"to": 50
"from": 50
"locations": {
"value_count": {
"field": "id.keyword"
"sort": [
"_geo_distance": {
"location": {
"lat": 48.20150179951008,
"lon": 16.39111876487732
"order": "asc",
"unit": "m",
"mode": "min",
"distance_type": "arc",
"ignore_unmapped": true
Not sure what you need the range buckets for so I left them out.
Full steps to replicate:
PUT walking
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"date": {
"type": "date"
"id": {
"type": "text",
"fields": {
"keyword": {
"type": "keyword"
"location": {
"type": "geo_point"
And then POST _bulk this random walk data

Elasticsearch: Why can't I use "5m" for precision in context queries?

I'm running on Elasticsearch 5.5
I have a document with the following mapping
"mappings": {
"shops": {
"properties": {
"locations": {
"type": "geo_point"
"name": {
"type": "keyword"
"suggest": {
"type": "completion",
"contexts": [
"name": "location",
"type": "GEO",
"precision": "10m",
"path": "locations"
I'll add a document as follows:
PUT my_index/shops
"name":"random shop",
"input":"random shop"
I try to query for the document with the follow JSON call
GET my_shops/_search
"suggest": {
"result": {
"prefix": "random",
"completion": {
"field": "suggest",
"size": 5,
"fuzzy": true,
"contexts": {
"location": [{
"lat": 42.38471212,
"lon": -71.12612357,
"precision": "10mi"
I get the following errors:
(source: discourse.org)
But when I change the "precision" field to an int, I get the intended search results.
I'm confused on two fronts.
Why is there a context error? The documentation seems to say that this is ok
Why can't I use string values for the precision values?
At the bottom of the page, I see that the precision values can take either distances or numeric values.

elastic search phrase suggestor not removing spaces from text

elastic search suggestor not removing unwanted spaces
query used...
POST /_search
"_source": false,
"suggest": {
"text": "mega polis",
"simple_phrase": {
"phrase": {
"field": "address.phonetic",
"size": 5,
"confidence": 1,
"max_errors": 3,
"gram_size": 2,
"analyzer": "trigram",
"direct_generator": [
"suggest_mode": "always",
"field": "address.phonetic",
"size": 10,
"prefix_length": 0
"highlight": {
"pre_tag": "<em>",
"post_tag": "</em>"
I have indexed data megapolis and if i enter search text mega polis
it is not correcting to megapolis
I have used ngram analyzer min_shingle_size=2 and max_shingle_size=3
Have you found a good solution to this?
I'm not sure if this is the best way, but in my case a simple solution was to switch to the term-suggester. To keep the full input as a single term I used the keyword-analyzer. I guess your trigram-analyzer will do the trick as well, and it's probably preferable when dealing with longer input texts.
GET myindex/_search
"suggest": {
"did_you_mean": {
"text": "orddelings feil",
"term": {
"analyzer": "keyword",
"field": "title"
