Vuex and Laravel 5: how to remove Tags from Articles - laravel

I have a small blog app that has Articles and Tags. Nothing fancy so far. Every Article can have many Tags.
The Laravel backend delivers the data via API calls from Axios in the Vue Frontend. In the Laravel models Article has a method
public function tags(){
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Tag');
and vice versa for tags. I have a pivot table and all this follow pretty much the example given in
All this works fine.
Now let´s say I want to call in Vue the method deleteTag() which should remove the connection between Article and Tag. Things are behind the scenes a bit more complicated as "addTag" in PHP also adds a new Tag Model AND the connection between Tag and Article in the Pivot table OR connects - if the Tag exists already - an existing Tag with Article.
What is the best way to achieve this?
What I´m doing so far:
let articleId = this.articleId;
this.$store.dispatch('removeTagFromArticle', { articleId, tagName });
index.js (Vuex store)
actions: {
removeTagFromArticle(context,param) {'api/articles/delete-tag/', param)
.then((res) => {
let article = context.getters.getArticleById(param.articleId);
let tagName = param.tagName;
context.commit('deleteTag', {article, tagName} );
.catch((err) => console.error(err));
} }
mutations : { deleteTag (state, { article, tag }) {
let tagIndex = article.tags.indexOf(tag);
} }
* Remove Tag from Article
* #param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* #return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function deleteTag(Request $request)
$tag = \App\Tag::firstOrCreate(array('name' => $request->tagName));
$article = Article::findOrFail($request->articleId);
$result = $article->tags()->detach([$tag->id]);
return response('true', 200);
Route::post('api/articles/delete-tag', 'ArticleController#deleteTag');
This works so far. The code does exactly what it should. Only it feels really clumsy. And probably to complicated. Maybe it´s because the example is simple but the whole setup is big.
Nonetheless I´m trying to improve my coding. :)
So my questions are:
1) Would it be better to pass the article object in Vue to the store instead of the articleId?
2) Is the idea of using Array.slice() in the store too complicated? This could be done straight in the components.
3) Does it make sense to reload the whole store from Laravel after deleting the tag PHP-wise?
Edit: in case someone is looking for this question and how I solved it at the end. The source code for this app can be found at

Personally I like to use ID's to reference any database resource aswell as keeping my objects in javascript somewhat the same as my API.
In this case I would have changed my tags to objects instead of strings and send an ID of the tag to my API.
An example of my article would look like:
let article = {
tags: [{ id: 1, name: 'tag 1' }, { id: 2 ... }]
Using objects or IDs as parameters are in my opinion both fine. I should stick with objects if you like "cleaner" code, there will only be one place to check if the ID is present in your object aswell as the selection of the ID.
// Somehwere in code
// Somehwere else in code
// Somewhere else in code
// Function
deleteArticle(article) {
// This check or other code will only be here instead of 3 times in code
if (!article.hasOwnProperty('id')) {
console.error('No id!');
let id =;
Normally I would keep the logic of changing variables in the components where they are first initialized. So where you first tell this.article = someApiData;. Have a function in there that handles the final removal of the deleted tag.
If you are looking for ultimate world domination performance I would remove the tag in javascript. You could also just send the updated list of tags back in the response and update all tags of the article with this data and keep your code slim. However I still like to slice() the deleted tag from the array.
Remember this is my opinion. Your choises are completely fine and you should, like I do myself, never stop questioning yours and others code.


Invalidate Shopware 6 page cache on entity update via API

We created a custom CMS element which displays entries which are managed via API.
Now when entries are updated and Shopware 6 runs ins production mode, the changes are not reflected on the page. I believe this is due to the page cache. (APP_ENV=prod)
What do we have to do to invalidate the cache automatically?
I checked the docs, but did not find the necessary information.
For the product box it works: When I place a product CMS element on the main page and change the product, the page is updated when I reload in the browser.
I was expecting to find some hint in \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\Cms\ProductBoxCmsElementResolver but there are no cache tags or something like this added there.
EDIT: Actually I was a bit inaccurate. The page I have lists the entities, and it is a category page.
So I believe I have too hook into CategoryRouteCacheTagsEvent.
For testing I hard-coded into:
$slots = $page->getElementsOfType('jobs');
/** #var CmsSlotEntity $slot */
foreach ($slots as $slot) {
$box = $slot->getData();
$ids = array_merge($ids, $box['jobs']->getIds());
But this does not yet work.
PS: Also I noticed some code duplication in the core in \Shopware\Core\Content\Category\SalesChannel\CachedCategoryRoute::extractProductIds and \Shopware\Core\Content\LandingPage\SalesChannel\CachedLandingPageRoute::extractIds
The Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Cache\CacheInvalidationSubscriber listens to a lot of events, including indexer and entity-written events. This in turn uses the CacheInvalidator to invalidate cached data based on tags/cache keys.
You should be able to add invalidation based on your own entity in a similar fashion.
For this to work with a custom entity, you will probably have to tag any cache entries with something you can generate on invalidation. For CMS pages, I would probably start with the CachedLandingPageRoute as a reference.
I suggest you should have a look at the CacheInvalidationSubscriber and its service definition. You can see that there are already a bunch of events that are dispatched when write operations to certain entities occur. When you then look at the respective handler you can see how it invalidates the cache for whatever kind of routes it should affect.
When you speak of entries I assume you implemented your own custom entities for use in your CMS element? If that is the case just replicate the listener for your own entities. Otherwise you'll have to look for another event that is dispatched once you save your changes and then invalidate the cache likewise.
Based on the answers of dneustadt and Uwe, as for the job listings I solved it like with this two subscribes. I do not need any single ID here, because the full listing page has to be invalidated in case a job is deleted or added. This is why I went with the any-jobs tag:
use Shopware\Core\Content\Category\Event\CategoryRouteCacheTagsEvent;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
class CacheKeyEventSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
return [
CategoryRouteCacheTagsEvent::class => 'generateTags'
public function generateTags(CategoryRouteCacheTagsEvent $event): void
$page = $event->getResponse()->getCategory()->getCmsPage();
$slots = $page->getElementsOfType('jobs');
if (!empty($slots)) {
array_merge($event->getTags(), ['any-jobs'])
class CacheInvalidationSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
private CacheInvalidator $cacheInvalidator;
public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
return [
EntityWrittenContainerEvent::class => 'invalidateJobs'
public function __construct(CacheInvalidator $cacheInvalidator)
$this->cacheInvalidator = $cacheInvalidator;
public function invalidateJobs(EntityWrittenContainerEvent $event): void
if (!empty($event->getPrimaryKeys(\ApplicationManagement\Core\Content\JobAd\JobAdDefinition::ENTITY_NAME))) {

Eloquent relations - attach (but don't save) to Has Many

I have the following relations set up:
class Page {
public function comments() {
return $this->hasMany('Comment');
class Comment {
public function page() {
return $this->belongsTo('Page');
Pretty bog standard. One page can have many comments, and one comment belongs to a single page.
I'd like to be able to create a new page:
$page = new Page;
and a comment
$comment = new Comment;
and attach the comment to the page, without saving any of it
I've tried the following:
// These are for one-to-many from the MANY side (eg. $comment->page->associate...)
$page->comments->associate($comment); // Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::associate()
$page->comments()->associate($comment); // Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::associate()
// These 2 are for many-to-many relations, so don't work
$page->comments->attach($comment); // Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::attach()
$page->comments()->attach($comment); // Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::attach()
// These 2 will (if successful) save to the DB, which I don't want
$page->comments->save($comment); // Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::save()
$page->comments()->save($comment); // Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'page_id' cannot be null
The really odd thing is that doing the opposite (attaching the page to the comment) works correctly:
The relevant docs are here but they don't make any mention of attaching to the ONE side of a one-to-many. Is it even possible? (I feel like it should be)
It sounds like you just want to add the new comment object to the page's comments collection - you can do that easily, using the basic colection add method:
$page = new Page;
$comment = new Comment;
You can't do since there are no ids to link.
So first you need to save the parent ($page) then save the child model:
// $page is existing model, $comment don't need to be
$page->comments()->save($comment); // saves the comment
or the other way around, this time without saving:
// again $page exists, $comment don't need to
$comment->page()->associate($page); // doesn't save the comment yet
according to Benubird I just wanted to add something as I stumbled over this today:
You can call the add method on a collection like Benubird stated.
To consider the concerns of edpaaz (additional fired query) I did this:
$collection = $page->comments()->getEager(); // Will return the eager collection
$collection->add($comment) // Add comment to collection
As far as I can see this will prevent the additional query as we only use the relation-object.
In my case, one of the entities were persistent while the first (in your case page) was not (and to be created). As I had to process a few things and wanted to handle this in a object manner, I wanted to add a persistent entity object to a non persistent. Should work with both non persistent, too though.
Thank you Benubird for pointing me to the right direction. Hope my addition helps someone as it did for me.
Please have in mind that this is my first stackoverflow post, so please leave your feedback with a bit concern.

How to Remove/Register Suffix on Laravel Route?

EDIT: See below for my current problem. The top portion is a previous issue that I've solved but is somewhat related
I need to modify the input values passed to my controller before it actually gets there. I am building a web app that I want to be able to support multiple request input types (JSON and XML initially). I want to be able to catch the input BEFORE it goes to my restful controller, and modify it into an appropriate StdClass object.
I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to intercept and modify that input. Help?
For example, I'd like to be able to have filters like this:
Route::filter('json', function()
//modify input here into common PHP object format
Route::filter('xml', function()
//modify input here into common PHP object format
Route::filter('other', function()
//modify input here into common PHP object format
Route::when('*.json', 'json'); //Any route with '.json' appended uses json filter
Route::when('*.xml', 'xml'); //Any route with '.json' appended uses json filter
Route::when('*.other', 'other'); //Any route with '.json' appended uses json filter
Right now I'm simply doing a Input::isJson() check in my controller function, followed by the code below - note that this is a bit of a simplification of my code.
$data = Input::all();
$objs = array();
foreach($data as $key => $content)
$objs[$key] = json_decode($content);
EDIT: I've actually solved this, but have another issue now. Here's how I solved it:
Route::filter('json', function()
$new_input = array();
if (Input::isJson())
foreach(Input::all() as $key => $content)
//Do any input modification needed here
//Save it in $new_input
return "Input provided was not JSON";
Route::when('*.json', 'json'); //Any route with '.json' appended uses json filter
The issue I have now is this: The path that the Router attempts to go to after the filter, contains .json from the input URI. The only option I've seen for solving this is to replace Input::replace($new_input) with
$new_path = str_replace('.json', '', Request::path());
This however leads to 2 issues. Firstly I can't get it to redirect with a POST request - it's always a GET request. Second, the data being passed in is being flashed to the session - I'd rather have it available via the Input class as it would be with Input::replace().
Any suggestions on how to solve this?
I managed to solve the second issue as well - but it involved a lot of extra work and poking around... I'm not sure if it's the best solution, but it allows for suffixing routes similar to how you would prefix them.
Here's the github commit for how I solved it:
In particular, you should be looking at:
After making these modifications, I needed to run composer dumpautoload and php artisan optimize. The rest of those files are just validation for my data models and the result of running those 2 commands.
I didn't split the commit up because I'd been working on it for several hours and just wanted it in.
I'm going to hopefully look to extend the suffix tool to allow an array of suffixes so that any match will proceed. For example,
Route::group(array('suffix' => array('.json', '.xml', 'some_other_url_suffix')), function()
// Controller for base API function.
Route::controller('api', 'ApiController');
And this would ideally accept any call matching
base_url is the domain base url
method is a function defined in ApiController
{/{v1?}/{v2?}/{v3?}/{v4?}/{v5?}?} is a series of up to 5 optional variables as are added when registering a controller with Route::controller()
suffix is one of the values in the suffix array passed to Route::group()
This example in particular should accept all of the following (assuming localhost is the base url, and the methods available are getMethod1($str1 = null, $str2 = null) and postMethod2()):
GET request to localhost/api/method1.json
GET request to localhost/api/method1.xml
GET request to localhost/api/method1some_other_url_suffix
POST request to localhost/api/method2.json
POST request to localhost/api/method2.xml
POST request to localhost/api/method2some_other_url_suffix
GET request to localhost/api/method1/hello/world.json
GET request to localhost/api/method1/hello/world.xml
GET request to localhost/api/method1/hello/worldsome_other_url_suffix
The last three requests would pass $str1 = 'hello' and $str2 = 'world' to getMethod1 as parameters.
EDIT: The changes to allow multiple suffixes was fairly easy. Commit located below (please make sure you get BOTH commit changes to get this working):
Eventually, I'm also hoping to submit this to the laravel/framework project.

How to override save() method in a component

Where and how I am overriding the save method in Joomla 3.0 custom component ?
Current situation:
Custom administrator component.
I have a list view that displays all people stored in table.
Clicking on one entry I get to the detailed view where a form is loaded and it's fields can be edited.
On save, the values are stored in the database. This all works fine.However, ....
When hitting save I wish to modify a field before storing it into the database. How do I override the save function and where? I have been searching this forum and googled quiet a bit to find ways to implement this. Anyone who give me a simple example or point me into the right direction ?
Just adding this for anyone who wants to know the answer to the question itself - this works if you explicitly wish to override the save function. However, look at the actual solution of how to manipulate values!
You override it in the controller, like this:
* save a record (and redirect to main page)
* #return void
function save()
$model = $this->getModel('hello');
if ($model->store()) {
$msg = JText::_( 'Greeting Saved!' );
} else {
$msg = JText::_( 'Error Saving Greeting' );
// Check the table in so it can be edited.... we are done with it anyway
$link = 'index.php?option=com_hello';
$this->setRedirect($link, $msg);
More details here: Joomla Docs - Adding Backend Actions
The prepareTable in the model (as mentioned above) is intended for that (prepare and sanitise the table prior to saving). In case you want to us the ID, though, you should consider using the postSaveHook in the controller:
protected function postSaveHook($model, $validData) {
$item = $model->getItem();
$itemid = $item->get('id');
The postSaveHook is called after save is done, thus allowing for newly inserted ID's to be used.
You can use the prepareTable function in the model file (administrator/components/yourComponent/models/yourComponent.php)
protected function prepareTable($table)
$table->fieldname = newvalue;

Hole punching Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_Price in Magento EE FPC

I'm having a heck of a time figuring out the code/parameters to hole-punch the Full Page Cache in magento for the Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_Price block. I can get the price to show the first time the page is loaded, but when the cache id is unique, it's not rendering the price properly (it does cache it correctly when it's supposed to be cached) . I know I need to send it parameters, such as product_id etc, but not clear about what (eg 'xx') needs to be sent from getCacheKeyInfo into the cache container for use in $this->_placeholder->getAttribute('xx'). And what needs to be prepared and sent from _renderView() to the price layout/view.
So far I have done the following successfully (they each output testing data)
Created the cache.xml in my module /etc folder
Created the cache container model and verified works (just need settings)
Rewrote/extended the Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_Price into my own model to add the getCacheKeyInfo()
So the problem is that I have tried many variations within the container model's _getCacheId() and _renderBlock() in combination with the getCacheKeyInfo(), like described above. But I am hitting a stumbling block. If anyone can lead me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated.
I've been struggling with the Full Page Caching as well.
These are my findings and have been very helpful to me.
Please take a look at: app/code/core/Enterprise/PageCache/Model/Processor/Default.php Line 47
* Check if request can be cached
* #param Zend_Controller_Request_Http $request
* #return bool
public function allowCache(Zend_Controller_Request_Http $request)
foreach ($this->_noCacheGetParams as $param) {
if (!is_null($request->getParam($param, null))) {
return false;
if (Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->getNoCacheFlag()) {
return false;
return true;
Looking at this function there seem to be two ways of avoiding (disabling) the Full Page Cache:
GET Parameter:
You can use the parameters 'store' or 'from_store' prefixed with three underscores to avoid the cache.
Mage::getUrl('catalog/category/view', array('id' => 123, 'query' => array('___store' => '')))
Session variable:
You could also avoid the Full Page caching by setting a (temporary) session variable:
