Cobalt decoding lossless webp failed with the test of in cobalt-release_11 - cobalt

I used cobalt-release_11 as the cobalt source code, and the test image links is , I use the chrome to open image links and all the images decode is ok at my computer, but in Linux OS, I input command "./usr/bin/cobalt/cobalt --url="" --allow_http --csp_mode=disable --ignore_certificate_errors", the png, jpeg, lossy images decoder success, but the third lossless webp decoder failed, as follows:
enter image description here
and I add few logs in DecodeVP8LData(),VP8LDecodeImage(),ProcessRows(),EmitRows(), there are no any errors, the decoded process is normal, but decoded image is not normal. I can't find the reason, Can you help me? thank you very much.

This appears to be the same issue as discussed in . There, it looks like the problem was solved by manually updating libwebp to version 0.4.2 (from 0.3.1). This is difficult for us to help track down because we cannot reproduce it on any of our platforms, so if you are able to track down what the issue might be, we would be grateful to know. What is the hardware, is this a s805 (as was the case in the bug link above)? Let's move this discussion to that bug.


MP4 codec support in Chromium

We have integrated Chromium Embedded Framework into our Windows game to allow us to render web pages from within our application, and everything works fine, except MP4 videos.
I understand Chromium does not include this codec due to licensing issues, but can anyone provide details on how we can add support, even if we have to license a codec for it.
All the information we can find seems to be old, and the functions referred to appear to be deprecated... so we are at a bit of a loss.
All the video serving networks we have spoken to appear to serve MP4s.. so changing encoding does not seem to be an option.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Check this url
Go to menu option Features --> Html5 Audio/Video section. It mentions that Nik's build (66.0.3359.181) has supported Mp4 (and other codecs).
If there is any licensing issues with using H.264/MP4, I am not aware about it, so please check for it before using.
Keep in mind that MP4 is not a codec it's a container format. You need to support all codecs that might be contained in a MP4 file.
In a recent post on a CEF forum someone managed to do it by setting the environmental variable:
GYP_DEFINES="proprietary_codecs=1 ffmpeg_branding=Chrome"
before running the script.
Source: Build CEF with proprietary codecs support

Decent tools for decoding images

I have a HEX dump which I'm told is a PNG file and hence want to convert it into the PNG so I can view/manipulate appropriately.
I've searched all over the internet but can't find any good tools out there to do this. I was perhaps thinking a plugin for GIMP or otherwise?
I'd love your suggestions.
You could try ImageMagick.
Is not a GUI, but has a lot of features as format conversions.
Tell us which OS are you using.
If you believe it is just a Base64 encoding, try uploading it to (first Google result for "base64 decoder upload"), choosing the options to decode, and export to a binary file.
Otherwise, if you could post a portion of the file in question, that would be of much assistance.

What's the most optimal PNG internal format for iOS display can be generated from non-Apple platform?

PNG is recommended, fastest format for iOS. However PNG itself have several internal sub-formats. Alpha channel, byte ordering, color depth and etc.
I read Converting a normal PNG to iPhone Optimized format but the Q/A is about to images in bundles. Now I'm generating many thumbnails optimized for iOS from server. I can't use Apple's framework on server. However sub-optimal format is enough too. I want to hear opinions.
Given that Xcode-optimized PNGs are overrated simply creating smallest possible file may be a better option, and pngquant + PNGOUT or AdvPNG are good tools for that.
The iOS SDK runs pngcrush on the images it puts in the application bundle. Looking at the settings it uses would be a good place to start.
$ /Applications/\
/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/pngcrush \
-revert-iphone-optimizations -q Local.png Local-standard.png

How to make Boost::GIL work with PNG & JPEG IO?

Boost::GIL has almost perfect tutorial and manual. I find it troublesome to lack guide on building and using Boost::GIL work with PNG & JPEG IO. Does anyone have experience or have successfully did that? Please kindly advise! Thanks!
Answer lies here:
I have used GIL successfully with JPEG.
I assume that you have downloaded and included the boost::gil headers.
The jpeg library is NOT included in the boost library.
The simplest thing is to include and link to one of the many copies of the jpeg library that are distributed. I use the one with wxWidgets ( wxWidgets-2.8.10\src\jpeg ). If you search your disk for the file jconfig.h, you should find a configured and built jpeg library that will work for you.
You can download the jpeg library source from but then you will have to configure it for your platform and build it.

OpenCV videos across platform

I am writing a video using OpenCV on Linux machine. I want to read the same video using OpenCV on a Windows machine. I am not able to do this using the standard codecs provided in openCV.
Can anybody suggest how I can read/write videos across the two platforms?
The OpenCV Wiki directly addresses this issue. See and specifically the heading "Compatibility list."
Unfortunately the only codecs supported on all three platforms (Linux, Windows & OSX) are 'DIB' 'I420' and 'IYUV' which are all uncompressed video codecs and thus make for really huge file sizes.
The wiki also lists some codecs to try that may work on any two platforms but not on all three.
If you decide to use uncompressed video files, you can convert them to something with a smaller filesize once they are on your windows machine using a program like VirtualDub.
Edit: FYI, On Windows I have OpenCV output in Motion-JPEG and then I use VirtualDub in directstream copy mode to resave the file which corrects a bug with the movie's index. These M-JPEG video files then play by default on Mac and Windows.
If I am trying to read video into OpenCV, I often will first convert my video to Cinepak, (using virtual dub, quicktime etc.) and then feed it into OpenCV. I use Cinepak because for some reason Cinepak encoders seem more prevalentthan MJPEG encoders.
I don't think the problem is with OpenCV, I think it is with codecs, as you mentioned. I also don't think OpenCV comes with codecs... double check that you have the proper codecs installed under Windows.
Did you look at the documentation on video codecs?
