raspberry pi 3 iot agent unable to connect cumulocity platform - raspberry-pi3

I have installed noobs v2_4_5 in raspberry pi 3 model ,configured JAVA_HOME, enabled SSH and set up static IP as well. I downloaded IOT agent cumulocity-rpi-agent-latest.deb and installed using the following 2 commands
$ wget http://resources.cumulocity.com/examples/cumulocity-rpi-agent-latest.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i cumulocity-rpi-agent-latest.deb
I registered the device in cumulocity platform. When agent is installed I should update cfg file cumulocity.properties located at /usr/share/cumulocity-rpi-agent/cfg. The file needs the following.
My account url is - arpita.cumulocity.com. What exactly I have to put in that file and any thing more I have to do to make active connection? Also device.properties file is not generating after agent installation. How to proceed?

I found the correct answer to this question.
After registering your raspberry Pi 3 on Cumulocity and updating your cumulocity.properties file, you need to enable SPI.
Here is a reference how to do that.
After SPI is enabled, you will see your device status on Cumulocity is waiting for you to accept the connection.


Windows share smb connection hangs on Ubuntu 20.04

I have a VPN restricted share network on a server (Win 10), and after I connect to VPN and try to connect to that shared network on my Ubuntu 20.04 client (Ubuntu Desktop) via GUI. By GUI, I mean specifically applying these steps:
Open "Files" browser.
Select "+ Other Locations" on the left side-bar menu.
Type your server to connect on "Connect to server", mine was something like smb://myServer/shared/ and click "Connect".
When a login prompt appears, write down your credentials (or login anonymously).
You should have access to that shared network now.
When I did those steps above before upgrading to Ubuntu 20.04, when I was using Ubuntu 18.04, I was able to successfully access to the shared network.
After upgrading to Ubuntu 20.04, however, on the step 4 (after I enter my credentials and try to connect) the connection just hangs, and the shared network is not mounted.
After researching the problem a bit, the potential solutions I found did not work, most of which
suggests to add the following to smb.conf to be able to access to SMB1 type of network.
client min protocol = NT1
server min protocol = NT1
Can't acces NAS anymore after upgrading to 20.04.
Currently, what I tried aside is to mount the shared folder manually with the following command
sudo mkdir /mnt/my_share
sudo mount -t cifs -o username=name,password=pw //server/shared /mnt/my_share/
which strangely worked.
I do not have a clue why "Files" did not work and manually doing it worked. I cannot say the former failed completely because after entering credentials on login prompt there was no error, but just hangs.

how to display velodyne points on ROS installed on "Ubuntu on Mac" via Parallels Desktop on macOS?

This is probably easy but I am a noob in networks so please help!
Basically I am trying to display lidar points from my Velodyne VLP-16 on ROS installed on Ubuntu 18.04 which is in turn installed via Parallels Desktop on my macOS.
So I plugged the velodyne's ethernet cable to my MacBook via a usb-C-to-ethernet adapter and set this on my mac:
I can type in my browser this address and I can see the velodyne interface. So it works.
When I now go to "Ubuntu on Mac" via Parallels Desktop and do not change anything in Network->Settings->Wired->Connected so I can see these settings:
... I can still see the velodyne interface via a browser on Ubuntu by typing the address as I can on macOS.
The only problem is that when I wanna run
roslaunch velodyne_pointcloud VLP16_points.launch
it says that:
[ INFO] [1592867527.026682801]: Opening UDP socket: port 2368
[ WARN] [1592867528.028658170]: Velodyne poll() timeout
[ERROR] [1592867528.029191798]: DriverNodelet::devicePoll - Failed to poll device.
so it does not work.
I have tried to look up something similar but I failed cos my knowledge in networks is very limited. Following this tutorial I could not get this command through cos it says:
maciej#ubuntu:~$ sudo ifconfig eth0
[sudo] password for maciej:
SIOCSIFADDR: No such device
eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
Interestingly, when I change the IP address on "Ubuntu on Mac" to this:
I cannot see the Velodyne interface in my browser on Ubuntu, but I still can on my macOS.
I will just add that when I follow the mentioned tutorial on Ubuntu installed on a PC (not via Parallels Desktop on mac), everything works.
Please help bosses!
After a thorough examination of the network traffic both on macOS and on the emulated Ubuntu using Wireshark on both ends, I realised that there is no Network adapter present in the virtual machine configuration.
Following the answer from Desktop Parallel support, I did:
Ubuntu on Mac -> configure -> hardware -> add device -> network 2 -> source: USB...
and when you check now in Wireshark, you will see the traffic coming from the USB adapter and the ROS driver, via an adequate port, will capture the packets.

Unified Write Filter Causes Kernel Mode Exception When Enabled on Iot Core Version 10.0.17763.107

After installing the unified write filter packages on Iot Core version 10.0.17763.107 which is running on a Raspberyy Pi 3 version B, an unhanded kernel mode exception (blue screen) occurs after the UWF is enabled.
The UWF packages were installed from the Windows10_IoTCore_Packages_ARM32_en-us_17763Oct.iso from the semi-annual servicing channel download link.
The following steps were derived from the article "Using the Unified Write Filter (UWF) on Windows 10 IoT Core."
This process worked on Iot Core version 10.0.17134, however, the UWF package file names are different for the 17763 packages.
After installing the Windows_10_IoT_Core_ARM_Packages.msi from the iso, the packages:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\MSPackages\retail\arm\fre\Microsoft-IoTUAP-UnifiedWriteFilter-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~arm~~.cab
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\MSPackages\retail\arm\fre\ Microsoft-IoTUAP-UnifiedWriteFilter-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~arm~en-us~.cab
were copied to the device into the folder u:\UnifiedWriteFilter
The following commands were ran from a remote powershell session:
cd UnifiedWriteFilter
applyupdate –stage Microsoft-IoTUAP-UnifiedWriteFilter-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~arm~~.cab
applyupdate –stage Microsoft-IoTUAP-UnifiedWriteFilter-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~arm~en-us~.cab
applyupdate –commit
The device then appears to install the packages successfully.
Upon restart, the following commands were ran from a remote SSH session:
uwfmgr.exe volume protect c:
uwfmgr.exe volume protect u:
uwfmgr.exe filter enable
shutdown -r -t 0
When the device restarts, the "Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We''l restart for you" screen appears with:
Stop code: KMODE exception not handled.
What failed: vwififlt.sys
This process has been repeated using two different SD cards.
Is there something that I am doing incorrectly to install and enable UWF for version 17763?
I have tested with the commands in your post. I can reproduce this issue. It seems that you can not protect the data volume(U:) via command 'uwfmgr.exe volume protect u:'. But it can be protected using the GUID for the volume.
Use putty or other tool to connect with the device through SSH, and then redirect to the root of partition C:;
Get the volume information via command dir /AL,you will get the GUID for the data volume:
Run the command to protect the volume with GUID which got from last step:
uwfmgr.exe volume protect \\?\Volume {GUID}

Can not SSH to Raspberry Pi 3 from Putty

I am not able to SSH to Raspberry Pi 3 from Putty. I can ping the IP address assigned by sharing Internet connection.
The problem I realized that SSH is not enabled by default in Pi3 and saw the posts which suggest to enable SSH by creating 'ssh' file inside /boot folder. I got the SD card which has pre-installed Noobs so when I open SD card it shows only /recovery folder. How to enable SSH in this case ? Please help to resolve it .
Enable SSH like:
Or start it manually sudo service ssh start - note that manual option will require startup scrip to run at each startup.
Additional settings like port configuration should be done insshd_config. Do it with your favorite editor sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Anyway your post should be opened at raspberry forum not at SO...
you can take a look at this thread
How can I get connection with Raspberry without access of its shell?
it mentions about PiBakery which will install rasbian with ssh support. by default ssh is disabled but this might help.

Installing Kubernetes on mac with vagrant and virtualbox

This is my first attempt to install and use Kubernetes. I am trying to install an environment on Mac for developing my own apps and deploying them for test locally with Kubernetes. I am familiar with using Vagrant, VirtualBox and Docker for the same purpose. When I saw this page https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/blob/master/docs/getting-started-guides/vagrant.md I assumed it would be trivial. I executed these lines:
curl -sS https://get.k8s.io | bash
This created a master VM and a Minion, but Kubernetes seems to have failed to start on the master. On the master /var/log/salt/master is full of python Traceback errors, like this:
2015-07-17 22:14:42,629 [cherrypy.error ][INFO ][3252] [17/Jul/2015:22:14:42] ENGINE Started monitor thread '_TimeoutMonitor'.
2015-07-17 22:14:42,736 [cherrypy.error ][ERROR ][3252] [17/Jul/2015:22:14:42] ENGINE Error in HTTP server: shutting down
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cherrypy/process/servers.py", line 187, in _start_http_thread
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cherrypy/wsgiserver/wsgiserver2.py", line 1824, in start
raise socket.error(msg)
error: No socket could be created
Vagrant is version 1.7.3. VirtualBox is version 4.3.30
Have I made an obvious stupid mistake?
I don't yet know the fix but I know what is going wrong since it happens to me as well:
OS X 10.10.3
Vagrant 1.7.4
VirtualBox 4.3.30
Kubernetes 1.0.1
When I run the default configuration of this (which creates one "master" and one "minion" VM) I see that the static IP address is not being assigned to the "eth1" interface, and I also see that the Salt API server is sitting in what appears to be an infinite retry loop because it is trying to listen on that IP address.
Also, the following message happened during boot:
[vagrant#kubernetes-master ~]$ dmesg | grep eth1
[ 9.321496] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth1: link is not ready
So basically, the static IP address didn't get assigned because eth1 wasn't ready when the system first booted, and Salt is waiting for it to get assigned.
I could fix this after boot by sshing to the box using "vagrant ssh" and running the command:
sudo /etc/init.d/network restart
on each host.
This "fixes" eth1 by assigning the static IP address, and after that Salt begins to do its thing, installs Docker, boots various containers, and so on.
What I don't know is how to make this work every time without manual intervention. It appears to be some sort of a race condition between Vagrant and VirtualBox.
If you just want to kick the tires with Kubernetes, I'd recommend installing boot2docker and then following the Running kubernetes locally via Docker getting started guide. Once you are comfortable interacting with the Kubernetes API and want a more complex local setup, you can then work on installing Vagrant.
If the Vagrant instructions aren't working, you should also feel free to file a bug in the github repository.
The tutorial pointed by Robert is realy easy to run. Just change the version to 0.21.2 (maybe 0.21.3 works too).
Else, if you prefer a vagrant solution, try with pires cluster on vagrant. It runs with almost nothing to change.
Running Kubernetes inside VirtualBox requires 4 networks and some adjustments to the configuration:
The VirtualBox HOST ONLY network will be the network used to access the Kubernetes master and nodes from the Mac or PC.
The NAT Network to download packages from the Internet.
The internal connections between Kubernetes PODs uses a tunnel network TUN
The Kubernetes Cluster IP Network is a private IP range used inside the cluster to give each Kubernetes service a dedicated IP
Vagrantfile needs to pass the node public IPs to the Ansible roles that configure Kubernetes to set KUBELET_EXTRA_ARGS environment variable with the public IP of each node (required for reading logs using kubectl).
NodePort needs to be used to publish applications running inside the Kubernetes cluster as Load Balancers are not available in VirtualBox.
See the full example and download the code at Building a Kubernetes Cluster with Vagrant and Ansible (without Minikube), it has been tested in Ubuntu but should work on a MAC as well.
