Crystal Reports integration with Hadoop/Hive/HPLSQL - hadoop

We are migrating data from Oracle to Hadoop and there is a requirement
to continue use the existing reporting tool(Crystal Report) to generate reports from Hadoop (instead of Oracle)
In the current scenario we are using an Oracle Stored PROC to do few aggregations /logic.
Now with the above requirement and migrated data, The Options that we considered are
Use HPLSQL (instead of Oracle PLSQL) and call it from Crystal Reports.However it appears that there are challenges with this approach because unlike Oracle Stored Procs,
HPLSQL Stored Procs are not registered in the DB catalouge and hence Crystal reports may be unable to find / access those HPLSQL STored PROCS.
Create the custom aggregation /logic in java and expose it as a webservice which can be invoked /consumed from Crystal Reports
The help/guidance needed here is to find out whether
a) Did someone successfully called HPLSQL Stored Procs form an external tool/ reports like Crystal over ODBC/JDBC. If yes, can you share the details?
b) Is there a better option other than the above mentioned two options to achieve the requirement?
c) Are there any challenges in using webservices to fetch data and run reports
Thanks in advance and any help is really appreciated.


Microsoft Flow Oracle Connector

According to this article:
You can now connect to your Oracle Database from PowerApps, Flow and Logic Apps. The Oracle Database connection allows you to list tables, and perform standard create, read, update and delete of rows in an Oracle databases. In addition, it supports full delegation of PowerApps’ filtering, sorting and other functions. It does not support triggers or store procedures yet.
The article was written in March 2017. Does the connector support triggers and stored procedures now?
I see the latest update mentioned about added support for Stored Procedures but with some limitations.
January 2018
Support Oracle view as read-only table
October 2018
Support Oracle Stored Procedure
Known issues and limitations
The followings are some of the known limitations of using Oracle connector
When invoking a Stored Procedure on an Oracle server, we have the following limitations:
a. OUT parameters are not supported currently.
b. Return value is not available since Oracle Stored Procedure does not return any result.
Oracle Functions are not supported so they are not listed in the UI.
The response size limit is 8MB.
Oracle native query is not supported.
Not sure about Trigger (I assume it is in backlog), you can submit the idea for community support votes to get prioritized by Microsoft here.

How to check if SSAS Partitions are running in parallel or not using SQL Profiler?

I am situation where I have to check and confirm whether SSAS partitions queries are running parallel or not while processing the SSAS cube using SSIS job. SSIS job/package using 'Analysis Services Processing Task' to process cube by selecting each object(dimensions and partitions) in it instead of selecting direct SSAS DB.
Can any one please guide how to check parallelism using sql profiler?
Also if anyone can point out why cube processing using above way is taking longer than the cube processing by SSIS job in which 'Analysis Services Processing Task' selecting ssas db name directly.
please help with any comments/ suggestions.
Many Thanks
Update: My end db from which partitions will fetch the data is Oracle
I think there is an easier way than using SQL Profiler, you can benefit from the amazing stored procedure sp_whoisactive to check what are the current query running on the server (Data Source SQL Database Engine) while processing the Analysis Services Processing Task.
Just download the stored procedure and create it on your master database.
sp_whoisactive homepage
How to Log Activity Using sp_whoisactive
Hint: In SQL Server Management Studio, go to data source properties and check the maximum allowed connections property, since it may prevent queries parallel execution
If you are looking for an answer using SQL Profiler, you can simply create a trace to monitor the SQL Server that contains the data sources used by partitions. And while the partitions are processed if many SQL queries are executed in parallel then parallelism is achieved.
If you are new to SQL Profiler you can refer to the following links to learn how to monitor only T-SQL commands:
How to monitor just t-sql commands in SQL Profiler?
Use SQL Server Profiler to trace database calls from third party applications
But if you are looking for a simpler solution, then the other answer is what you are looking for.

MS Access to Oracle database

I am developing an application with Access database. I need to convert this Access database to Oracle. How can I do that?
I saw two options
Migrating the access database to Oracle through MIGRATION WIZARD in SQL developer
In Oracle, just creating a new connection with existing MS Access database and then converting to oracle.
Kindly let me know the best solution for this
thanks in advance,
The two choices you proffer could be rewritten like this:
Use an automated tool written by experts
Do it the hard way and figure it out for myself
This is a personal, even philosophical, choice. Do you need to get the task done quickly? Or do you want to learn something along the way?
TRY IT and then tell us.
My experience integrating all things oracle with all things microsoft has always been complicated, and a lot of manual intervention was required.
It also depends on the complexity of your existing access database, if it's only one table, then you can grab that table sql, correct it for nvarchar -> varchar2 fields and datapump the data into oracle.
If Access has 1000+ tables I would suggest getting a professional to do it. Any reasonable dba should handle it no problem.
Please check the solution at Insert into from ms access to oracle db
You can customize the code based on your requirement. You can bundle the whole code into one class and prepare it as exe application.

Saving a report to a file on a client PC?

I would be grateful for a quick sanity check!
When calling Oracle Reports 10g from Oracle Forms 10g, is it possible to run an Oracle Report and save it on the users PC to a specified directory? (I know that if an Oracle Report is run in such a format as PDF the user can save the report to x location). To call the Oracle report I am using the Oracle Forms built-in "Run_Report_Object".
I don't think it is (but would be happy to revise my opinion!) and to obtain such functionality I would have to implement something similar to what is discussed in this thread
I have amended my question to include the fact that I am using the Oracle Forms built-in "Run Report Object" to call Oracle Reports.
There is a Oracle Report parameter: DESTYPE which can accept a value called LOCALFILE which saves the output to the client machine using the file name specified by DESNAME, however as I'm using "Run_Report_Object" it is not possible to use the value LOCALFILE.
One solution is to follow the steps given here.
Sources: Oracle Reports 10g Help (look for DESTYPE),
OTN thread

Best way to generate report using multiple databases

I am new to the reporting world. Wanted to know which is the right solution to about for generating a single report by querying for data from multiple databases. We are planning to use some reporting solution like Jasper Reports or BIRT. Generally the databases are going to be postgresql.
Please do feel free to let me know about any other better solutions as well.
With BIRT you can use as many data sources as you like; independently or together as joint data sets. A Joint Data Set is basically a join you create at the report level. The cool think here is that you can in effect create the join accross data bases, even instances.
All the expected sources are supported, even some not so expceted ones. Any JDBC DB, Web Servce, Flat File, POJOs (via a Scripted Data Source), XML, Native DB Driver (i.e. Oracle, SQL Server, etc...). You can even use on BIRT Report as a data source for a secondary BIRT report. That gets a bit beyond the scope of the question, but opens up a huge amount of options in terms of deployment and felxibility.
In JasperReports if you are generating the report on the server, and streaming it back to the client as PDF or HTML, then you can use any datasources you want, being it:
Multiple databases
Objects, i.e. Java Beans
Text files/XML
Web services
... etc
