I have know how to get pid from same application process
set pidList to the unix id of (every process whose name contains "MyApplication")
The pidList will get all the process id which have same process name "MyApplication"
How can I get different window with pid that gotten before?
The windows have same name "MyApplication Window" ,so I can't use below simply.
The application is open by cmd open -n(Separate instances of the same application)
set position of window "MyApplication Window" of (application process whose unix id is theItem) to {39, 578}
Thanks for any help.
I'm attempting to understand what you're trying to achieve, but it is difficult given lack of clear context and knowing where those code snippets have been taken from and how they're being used.
However, I'm answering on my assumption that you have two (or more) windows with the same name or title, and wish to know how to isolate one of these windows in order to set its position.
Proceeding along this basis, you can use AppleScript to reference windows not only by their title (name), but also by a property called the window id.
Firstly, don't use System Events for this. Send your commands directly to the application in question using tell application "MyApplication" to...
So, for example, I have two open Finder windows both called "Pictures". But when I run this:
tell application "Finder" to get every window
it returns this:
{Finder window id 10557 of application "Finder",
Finder window id 10786 of application "Finder"}
Get the properties of one of these windows like this:
tell application "Finder" to get properties of window id 10557
A useful property in this list is index: this determines the front-to-back order of the windows, with index 1 being the front window, and index 2 being the one behind it, and so on.
You can isolate the window you want by choosing any of these properties, and setting its position like this:
tell application "Finder" to set position of window id 10557 to {39, 578}
or like this:
tell application "Finder" to set position of window index 1 to {39, 578}
Bear in mind that a window's index will change according to which is at the front at any given time. However, the id will remain unique and the same, until the window is closed and re-opened, at which point it gets issued a new id.
It may also be helpful to know the id (which is an integer) will have a value that tells you the order in which the windows were created: the window created most recently will have an id of greater numeric value than those that came into existence before it.
You must use a tell (first process whose unix id is someID) block.
Here's an example:
set thePosition to {39, 578}
tell application "System Events"
set pidList to the unix id of (processes whose name contains "MyApplication")
repeat with someID in pidList -- loop
tell (first process whose unix id is someID)
set position of window "MyApplication Window" to thePosition
end tell
set item 1 of thePosition to (item 1 of thePosition) + 200 -- add 200 to the left (for the next window)
end repeat
end tell
I'm adding a second answer as I gather now what you wish to achieve is to obtain references to the windows that belong to separate, concurrently running instances of a single application, opened using open -n from Terminal
So I just went ahead and did the same thing. I launched a second instance of Script Editor from Terminal, and each of them have a window called "Untitled". I've opened up another document in one of the instances (so one instance has two windows, and the other has just one). I've retrieved the windows of both instances like this:
tell application "System Events" to get every window of ¬
(every process whose name is "Script Editor")
--> {{window "Untitled" of application process "Script Editor" of application "System Events", ¬
window "Import To Photos" of application process "Script Editor" of application "System Events"}, ¬
{window "Untitled" of application process "Script Editor" of application "System Events"}}
It returns a list, but inside this list are nested two separate lists—one for each instance of Script Editor—and inside those lists are the windows belonging to each instance. As you'd expect, one list has one item (because on instance of the application has just a single window, called "Untitled"), and the other list has two items (for its two windows, one of which is also called "Untitled").
But if I'm only interested in the windows called "Untitled", then I could run this:
tell application "System Events" to get window "Untitled" of ¬
(every process whose name is "Script Editor")
--> {window "Untitled" of application process "Script Editor" of application "System Events", ¬
window "Untitled" of application process "Script Editor" of application "System Events"}
Just a single list this time, with my two seemingly-identical windows.
Distinguishing between them can be done as you hinted at in your original question by using the unix id of the application processes:
tell application "System Events" to get [window "Untitled", unix id] of ¬
(every process whose name is "Script Editor")
--> {{window "Untitled" of application process "Script Editor" of application "System Events", ¬
window "Untitled" of application process "Script Editor" of application "System Events"}, ¬
{73822, 73913}}
You can also use the processes' id property instead of their unix id, which has the benefit of being easily referenced if you want to target one of the windows in a single line. id and unix id are distinct properties, and unique:
tell application "System Events" to get [id, unix id] of ¬
(processes whose name is "Script Editor")
--> {{42006541, 42100772}, {73822, 73913}}
So I can target a specific window of a specific instance like this:
tell application "System Events" to ¬
get window "Untitled" of process id 42006541
--> window "Untitled" of application process "Script Editor" of application "System Events"
I'm trying to understand code belong, and can't find anything explain what means "tab group 1"..
And I don't know how to debug to find the value with "tab group 1"
Btw, I test "tab group 0",its ok, but "tab group 2" its error..
set devices to {}
tell application "System Preferences"
reveal pane "声音"
end tell
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "System Preferences"
repeat until exists window "声音"
end repeat
tell tab group 1 of window "声音"
get properties
click radio button "输出"
tell table 1 of scroll area 1
set selected_row to (first UI element whose selected is true)
set currentOutput to value of text field 1 of selected_row as text
repeat with r in rows
set deviceName to value of text field 1 of r as text
set end of devices to deviceName
end try
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
if application "System Preferences" is running then
tell application "System Preferences" to quit
end if
set text item delimiters to "‡"
set devicesStr to devices as text
set comm to "bash ./main.sh" & " \"" & devicesStr & "\"" & " \"" & currentOutput & "\"" & " output"
log comm
#do shell script comm
AppleScript GUI scripting involves working its way down through the view hierarchy of the application's windows. In this case, 'Tab Group [X]' means that there are at least [X] tab groups within the container at that level of the hierarchy, and you need to determine which one contains the lower-level element you're trying to access. Unfortunately, the elements of the view hierarchy aren't always immediately visible (there may be 'hidden' containers and such), and the hierarchy may change significantly from one app update to the next. That can be headache inducing.
You can debug this manually (with a little patience) by working your way down the hierarchy yourself until you find the elements you need, using a series of every UI element of.. commands. I.e., begin with:
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "System Preferences"
tell window "声音"
get every UI element
end tell
end tell
end tell
Then choose a likely UI element from the list it produces and add a new tell block. However, it's easier to use the Accessibility Inspector app, which gives you a look into the details of any applications view hierarchy. Accessibility Inspector is included with Xcode downloads (which is free, and worth having around); I don't know if there's a place to download it separately.
See Apple's Guide of Testing Accessibility.
Logic has a "main window" which is not always technically at the front (there can be smaller floating windows etc). So I cannot do this:
tell application "System Events" to tell process "Logic Pro"
get value of UI element [xyz] of the front window
end tell
The main window is not consistently named (changes depending on the name of the saved project) so I cannot do this:
tell application "System Events" to tell process "Logic Pro"
get value of UI element [xyz] of window "my project"
end tell
Is there some way of consistently referring to the "main window"?
There are at least two ways:
Check if the window is the main window
tell application "System Events" to tell process "Logic Pro X"
tell (first window whose value of attribute "AXMain" is true)
-- do something
end tell
end tell
Check if the window is a document window
tell application "System Events" to tell process "Logic Pro X"
tell (first window whose value of attribute "AXDocument" starts with "file://")
-- do something
end tell
end tell
I need to get a count of all windows per application. Every way I've tried to do this, I only get a count of windows that are assigned to the current (Mission Control) Desktop. (I'm currently running Mac OS X 10.7, so post-Spaces.) Is there any way to get a per-application count of all windows across all Desktops?
The crux of what I've tried:
tell application "System Events"
repeat with _app in (every process whose visible is true)
tell _app
log (name as string) & ": " & (count of every window)
end tell
end repeat
end tell
Note that the whose visible is true clause isn't the problem. It finds all of the appropriate processes, but once I ask the processes for windows, they only count the ones in the active Desktop.
I've tried pulling the log line out of the tell and using name of _app and count of every window of _app, but there's no difference. I've tried grabbing things other than processes from System Events, but anything useful ends up effectively being just a different way to get the same object. I've tried iterating over UI elements, but no windows show up that aren't on the current Desktop, though I do get a menubar for each application.
I'm fine with iterating across all Desktops (though not actually switching to all of them), but I can't even find a way to get a list of Desktops. This answer claims to describe how to do that, but I only ever get a single element inside every desktop. Not that there's an obvious way to get windows once you have that Desktop object anyway.
It's also worth pointing out that desktops are controlled by the Dock, and not by Mission Control. I'm not aware of any way for AppleScript to talk to the Dock, so if you know of something, then an answer or comment about that might help point me in the right direction.
Am I trying to do something impossible?
I ran your code, setting up the Applescript version to 2.4 (do that as a habit); on the first run, your code presented me with the appropriate count of all the windows per application.
This code is what I tried, and the results seem to be satisfactory. Is there something I'm not seeing?
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
tell application "System Events"
set my_list to {}
repeat with _app in (every process whose visible is true)
tell _app
log (name as string) & ": " & (count of every window)
set my_list to my_list & {name as string, count of every window}
end tell
end repeat
log my_list
end tell
As the OP is over six years old and I am unable to test under OS X 10.7, which is what was being used at that time, nonetheless, the following example AppleScript code works for me under macOS Catalina and returned the correct window count across all Desktops/Spaces, with the exception of any application that does understand the given AppleScript command and why the try and on error statements are being used.
Example AppleScript code:
tell application "System Events" to ¬
set appBundleIdentifierList to ¬
the bundle identifier of ¬
(every process whose visible is true)
repeat with appBundleIdentifier in appBundleIdentifierList
tell application id appBundleIdentifier to ¬
set {appName, winCount} to {name, (count windows)}
log appName & ": " & winCount
on error errorMessage
log errorMessage
end try
end repeat
Sample output on my system that has multiple Desktops/Spaces with windows of the application on all or some of the Desktops/Spaces and the window count for each is correct across all Desktops/Spaces, not just the active Desktop/Space the script was run from.
(*Safari: 6*)
(*Terminal: 2*)
(*TextEdit: 4*)
(*Script Editor: 7*)
(*Finder: 3*)
(*BBEdit: 1*)
(*Norton Secure VPN got an error: every window doesn’t understand the “count” message.*)
(*Music: 2*)
Not all applications are AppleScript scriptable, in that some do not contain an AppleScript dictionary within their application bundle.
Since the application process cannot return the correct number of windows across all Desktops/Spaces, this method relies on the application to return the number of windows across all Desktops/Spaces.
The following example AppleScript code does the following:
Gets the bundle identifier of every process whose visible is true.
For each bundle identifier, get its name and the window count by querying the application directly. If the application understands the AppleScript command, then if goes to the next item in the appBundleIdentifierList list. If it does not understand, then the window count is calculated by the following:
Attempts to get an invisible window count as they would not show up on the Window menu of an application.
Calculates the window count by the number of windows shown on the Window menu of the application.
Failing these methods it get the window count by querying the application process, with is only accurate fo the active Desktop/Space and is included only for completeness of trying to ascertain the window count just using basic vanilla AppleScript.
Goes to the the application in the appBundleIdentifierList list.
Example AppleScript code:
set menuName to "Window"
tell application id "com.apple.systemevents" to ¬
set appBundleIdentifierList to ¬
the bundle identifier of ¬
(every process whose visible is true)
repeat with appBundleIdentifier in appBundleIdentifierList
tell application id appBundleIdentifier to ¬
set {appName, winCount} to {name, (count windows)}
log appName & ": " & winCount & ¬
" -- By querying the application directly."
on error
set winCount to 0
set notVisibleWindowList to {}
set errAppName to ¬
name of application id appBundleIdentifier
tell application id "com.apple.systemevents"
tell application process errAppName
set notVisibleWindowList to ¬
(windows whose visible is false)
if notVisibleWindowList is {} then ¬
set winCount to ¬
length of notVisibleWindowList
end tell
end try
set theTargetMenuItemsList to ¬
the reverse of ¬
(get name of ¬
menu items of ¬
menu menuName of ¬
menu bar item menuName of ¬
menu bar 1 of ¬
application process errAppName)
on error
set theTargetMenuItemsList to {}
end try
end tell
if theTargetMenuItemsList is not {} then
repeat with anItem in theTargetMenuItemsList
if contents of anItem is ¬
missing value then exit repeat
set winCount to winCount + 1
end repeat
log errAppName & ": " & winCount & ¬
" -- By querying the Window menu of the application process."
tell application id "com.apple.systemevents" to ¬
set winCount to ¬
(count windows of ¬
application process errAppName)
log errAppName & ": " & winCount & ¬
" -- By querying the application process. " & ¬
"May not be accurate, verify as necessary."
end try
end if
end try
end repeat
Running both versions of the example AppleScript code to show the difference in output:
First version of example AppleScript code:
(*Safari: 6*)
(*TextEdit: 4*)
(*Finder: 3*)
(*BBEdit: 1*)
(*Norton Secure VPN got an error: every window doesn’t understand the “count” message.*)
(*Music: 2*)
(*Sublime Text 2 got an error: every window doesn’t understand the “count” message.*)
(*DiskCatalogMaker got an error: every window doesn’t understand the “count” message.*)
(*Script Editor: 7*)
(*System Preferences: 2*)
(*VMware Fusion got an error: every window doesn’t understand the “count” message.*)
(*Activity Monitor got an error: every window doesn’t understand the “count” message.*)
(*Terminal: 2*)
Second version of example AppleScript code:
(*Safari: 6 -- By querying the application directly.*)
(*TextEdit: 4 -- By querying the application directly.*)
(*Finder: 3 -- By querying the application directly.*)
(*BBEdit: 1 -- By querying the application directly.*)
(*Norton Secure VPN: 0 -- By querying the application process. May not be accurate, verify as necessary.*)
(*Music: 2 -- By querying the application directly.*)
(*Sublime Text 2: 4 -- By querying the Window menu of the application process.*)
(*DiskCatalogMaker: 2 -- By querying the Window menu of the application process.*)
(*Script Editor: 7 -- By querying the application directly.*)
(*System Preferences: 2 -- By querying the application directly.*)
(*VMware Fusion: 1 -- By querying the Window menu of the application process.*)
(*Activity Monitor: 0 -- By querying the Window menu of the application process.*)
(*Terminal: 2 -- By querying the application directly.*)
As you can see even Activity Monitor, a native default macOS application, the Window menu had to be queried as the application directly didn't understand the basic count windows AppleScript command.
Although the output of the second version of the code was accurate across all Desktops/Spaces at the time it was executed, any application that has "By querying the application process. May not be accurate, verify as necessary." as part of its output only includes the window count of the active Desktop/Space it was executed form. The bottom line is using basic vanilla AppleScript there is no guarantee to get a complete accurate window count of every visible application unless all the applications at that time cen be queried directly. Querying the Window menu by its application process should also be accurate.
With that said, I think other methods may need to be used to get an accurate count.
What I try to do:
When I'm in one of my text editors (TextEdit, Byword, FoldingText) I want this AppleScript to display the file path.
I figured asking for the frontmost window app get's me the apps name nice and easily and then I can ask for the POSIX path in the next step.
The Problem:
The script is already 99% there, but I'm missing something. When I try to use the variable of activeApp it doesn't work and I get this error:
Error Number:System Events got an error: Can’t get application {"TextEdit"}.
Here's the script:
tell application "System Events"
set activeApp to name of application processes whose frontmost is true
--This doesn't work either:
--do shell script "php -r 'echo urldecode(\"" & activeApp & "\");'"
tell application activeApp
set myPath to POSIX path of (get file of front document)
end tell
display dialog myPath
end tell
If I exchange activeApp with "TextEdit" everything works. Help would be appreciated.
Maybe there's something in here that helps: Get process name from application name and vice versa, using Applescript
Either get the path property of a document or use System Events to get value of attribute "AXDocument":
tell application (path to frontmost application as text)
(path of document 1) as text
end tell
on error
tell application "System Events" to tell (process 1 where frontmost is true)
value of attribute "AXDocument" of window 1
end tell
do shell script "x=" & quoted form of result & "
x=${x/#localhost} # 10.8 and earlier
printf ${x//%/\\\\x}"
end try
end try
The first method didn't work with Preview, TextMate 2, Sublime Text, or iChm, and the second method didn't work with Acorn. The second method requires access for assistive devices to be enabled.
You are asking for...
set activeApp to name of application processes whose frontmost is true
Notice "processes", that's plural meaning you can get several processes in response so applescript gives you a list of names. Even though only one application is returned it's still in list format. Also see that your error contains {"TextEdit"}. The brackets around the name mean it's a list, so the error is showing you the problem.
You can't pass a list of names to the next line of code. As such you have a couple of choices. 1) you can ask for only 1 process instead of all processes. That will return a string instead of a list. Try this code...
set activeApp to name of first application process whose frontmost is true
2) you can work with the list by using "item 1 of the list". Try this code...
set activeApps to name of application processes whose frontmost is true
set activeApp to item 1 of activeApps
Finally, you shouldn't be telling system events to tell the application. Separate those 2 tell blocks of code. Here's how I would write your code.
tell application "System Events"
set activeApp to name of first application process whose frontmost is true
end tell
tell application activeApp
set myPath to POSIX path of (get file of front document)
end tell
tell me
display dialog myPath
end tell
on error theError number errorNumber
tell me
display dialog "There was an error: " & (errorNumber as text) & return & return & theError buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon stop
end tell
end try
I can't promise the "get file of front document" code will work. That depends on the application. Not all applications will understand that request. That's why I used a try block. In any case though you can be certain you are addressing the proper application. Good luck.
I've been using this snippet for a while, seems to work for all Cocoa apps (not sure about X11):
set front_app to (path to frontmost application as Unicode text)
tell application front_app
-- Your code here
end tell
None of this seems to work with a compiled AppleScript saved as an application and placed on the Dock. Whenever you run the application, IT is the frontmost, not the application that is showing its front window. That application becomes inactive as my Applescript runs. How do I write an Applescript application that isn't active when it runs?
I may have found a solution to the problem listed above. Just tell the user to reactivate the desired application, and give them time.
tell application "Finder"
say "Click front window of your application"
delay 5
set myapp to get name of first application process whose frontmost is true
-- etc.
-- your code
end tell
I have an application with several windows opened at the same time.
I'd like to bring a specific window to foreground (I know its title).
At the moment I'm using a combination of keys to achieve this task but I'd like to try something different since I'm experiencing some problems with this approach.
tell application "System Events"
set frontmost of process "appIT" to true
keystroke "1" using command down
delay 0.2
end tell
This is possible by using the "AXRaise" action, except on certain window (applications that use X11 for example).
Try this.
set theTitle to "some title"
tell application "System Events"
tell process "appIT"
set frontmost to true
perform action "AXRaise" of (windows whose title is theTitle)
end tell
end tell
If your application is scriptable and allows setting the index of a window, you can do the following (based on an answer in How do I make a Safari window active using AppleScript (elegantly)?)
to raiseWindow of theApplicationName for theName
tell the application named theApplicationName
set theWindow to the first item of ¬
(get the windows whose name is theName)
if index of theWindow is not 1 then
set index to 1
set visible to false
set visible to true
end if
end tell
end raiseWindow
The toggling of the visibility is necessary to deal with some weirdness that occurs with switching applications. If you don't toggle the visibility, the window won't be the first when you switch away from and back to the application. Unfortunately, this toggling shrinks the window to the dock then restores it, a very dramatic UI disruption.
Here's another way I've found to deal with the weirdness:
to raiseWindow2 of theApplicationName for theName
tell the application named theApplicationName
set theWindow to the first item of ¬
(get the windows whose name is theName)
if the index of theWindow is not 1 then
set the index of theWindow to 2
tell application "System Events" to ¬
tell application process theApplicationName to ¬
keystroke "`" using command down
end if
end tell
end raiseWindow2
I don't think System Events can change the front window of a process. Of course you can close the front window until the window you want is on top. That's not really a solution though as you probably don't want to close windows. Really though the only way you could achieve this is if the application itself is apple-scriptable and allows you to do this.