Weblogic Database Connectionpool Unbinds , when the spring application is undeployed - spring

I'm developing a spring(4.3.2 release) application and it uses 2 connectionpool for the database operations.
The problem is that the connectionpool is unbinded from JNDI , when the application is un-deployed and it's not available for the next deployment.
This issue is happening only in the PRE-PRODUCTION environment and doesn't occur in the TEST.
Please help me with your thoughts


Application deployment on Payara with JMS connection problems

We have noticed our web application is not being deployed on Payara 4.1 when Message Driven Beans fail to connect to the server properly or the queues are missing. We'd rather have the application up and running, then fail a deployment due to JMS connection issues. Is there a way on Payara to prevent deployment crashes due to JMS failing?
EDIT: We use IBM MQ with the wmq.jmsra resource adapter.
You didn't state which exact version of Payara (e.g. 4.1.174) and I forgot when this was added, but could you please try to set the system property
and check if this behaves as you desire.
You can do
asadmin create-jvm-options -Ddeployment.resource.validation=false
or simply put it in your domain.xml.

spring boot startup failure if mongo host not reachable

I have Spring boot mongo db app, when i start running this application if mongo host is alive, am able to see the my app is up and running successfully,
if my mongo host is down when i start my application my app failed to start.
is there any way even thought if mongo host is down my application should be up and running.
could someone please help me on this?
am using spring boot mongo properties in my application
have same problem with spring boot kafka also.
Sorry for the previous comment. It was for excluding auto config beans, anyway
Is there any way even though if mongo host is down my application
should be up and running.
spring.datasource.continue-on-error=true #Whether to stop if an error occurs while initializing the database.
as per spring doc
By default, Spring Boot enables the fail-fast feature of the Spring
JDBC initializer. This means that, if the scripts cause exceptions,
the application fails to start. You can tune that behavior by setting
and as of spring kafka try this(i'm not sure if this meets your requirement)
spring.kafka.admin.fail-fast=true # Whether to fail fast if the broker is not available on startup.

How to have Liberty Profile eagerly load apps on startup

Liberty Profile is loading EARs and WARs we deploy to it only when the server receives it's first request. How can we tell it to eagerly load applications upon server start?
We're using the latest 8.5.5 WLP.
You can configure the WebContainer to fully initialize the application prior to the first request by adding the following to your server.xml:
<webContainer deferServletLoad="false"/>

Access Denied randomly when connecting to mysql

I have a very rare problem it is a java web application with jsf 2.0, spring 3.0.3 and jpa2 eclipselink implementation running on tomcat 7 when deploying the application to server it run correctly without any errors and after random period of time it return Access Denied for user "user#host" and all i need to do is just restarting tomcat to work again.
Please help if you know anything about this problem.
Are you leaking connections?
It sounds like you're using up all the connections and MySQL won't let you create new ones.

Hot deploy problem in Tomcat with proxool and oracle

I have a problem concerning with proxool and oracle driver in Tomcat.
The web application I use contains a webservice jar file using metro and a servlet to initialize / start the proxool pool. The proxool pool is configured with an oracle connection. When the service is called, it fetches a connection from the pool, executes a statement and returns. I close the resultset, the statement and the connection in the service method afterwards.
When I now try to hot undeploy the web application, the servlet stops proxool pool by ProxoolFacade.shutdown(); in it's destroy method.
The problem is, that the hot undeploy can not finish because the Oracle driver ojdbc5.jar can not be deleted from the folder of the extracted web application.
Trying the same with a SQL server database and the jtds driver it works without this problem.
Used versions:
Apache Tomcat 6.0.18
Oracle 11g JDBC driver
Proxool 0.9.1
Anyone has an idea?
Regards Timo
You must add the Oracle driver to the Tomcat instance and configure Tomcat JNDI with an Oracle datasoure.
This way, the driver will stay alive when the app is terminated and Tomcat will control the pooling of the DB connections. The reason for your problem is that some DB drivers "hook" into the VM. This means that Tomcat can't unload the classes during redeploy -- there are still references around.
I'd even suggest to try to move proxool into the Tomcat server and have Tomcat manage the pools for you. That would make hot deploy much faster and more reliable, even if you leak connections.
