Basic authentication required while accessing hazelcast rest api - caching

I am trying to use hazelcast rest api (hazelcast version 3.9.1) to gather caching information. I am exposing Rest endpoint in my application (e.g. http://localhost:8080/cache/info) using which the caching information will get collected (using hazelcast rest api e.g. /cache/localinfo) but ever time I hit the endpoint it pop up "Authentication Required" dialog and entering same credential which I used to set group config name and password doesn't work.
I am wondering how to first disable authentication (if possible).
If not what credential it is looking for ? Shouldn't it be same what is being used to setup group config name and password while configuration hazelcast ? e.g. Config config = new Config();
config.getGroupConfig().setName("hazel-instance"); config.getGroupConfig().setPassword("password");

Hazelcast doesn't offer the possibility to secure the REST API by using credentials. Hazelcast is not designed to be open to the public internet. If you want to have it for internal authentication we recommend to put nginx in front of the Hazelcast REST API and use a proxy mechanism.
Anyhow the REST API is considered a legacy API for situations where the programming language doesn't have a native client. The REST API doesn't know about the internal partitioning and therefore will not offer best possible performance.


How to secure springboot Resource server API's where Authitication is done on differnt service?

I am new to Spring Security. I am facing an issue to secure the resource server APIs. flow diagram . I need to authenticate and authorize users using the LDAP server which is written in a different microservice and all the data resources are written in a different microservice. How to secure resource server APIs. I cannot use Keylock or any other external sso software to be installed in our environment nor we can share our credentials with an external server.
I have gone through various designs. OAuth2 using keylock, Embedded keylock, Springboot authorization server, etc. Is this the right approach or do I need to flow a different flow?

How to serve 2 different API with Spring Boot?

i have a spring boot application that provides an API consumed by a frontend app (CRUD operation). This spring boot app is based on oauth2.0 authentication standard to verify the JWT access token received in the header of each API against an authorization server. I want to provide another API to be consumed by a backend (M2M usage). This API will rely on same database (same entities) but it will be slightly different (only Read operations are allowed here and responses contain more fields). Also this new API will rely on an another authorization server to verify the JWT token.
Firstly, i was thinking to provide both API with the same spring boot application, but it looks like it will a hack to support both (for instance issuer uri of the token are diferent, port can be different, path of API are different..).
So, I'm now thinking to separate the 2 APIS into 2 different spring boot application, so that the apps are isolated by nature, but i'm not sure it's a good practice at the end? For instance, what about the concurrency issues that can occur with such design ? In the opposite, can i build easily teh 2 spring boot apps that share the same code repo (some code should be common for both apps). Those are the questions i have, so any suggestion will be appreciated.
You can try with multiple authentication providers. Example given in following -
Java Spring Security config - multiple authentication providers

Spring Boot 2 Authorization Server for public clients (PKCE)

is possible create authorization server for PKCE authentication in current version of spring security?
I did research and I found out this authorization server project but there is no usable sample for that project.
I also find out that spring recommends Keycloak as authorization server, but it is not fit for my case.
We need be able fetch and verify user against remote service, and then use authorization server only for generating and verifying jwt tokens. In my knowledge Keycloak should holds also users right? So the best solution would be custom spring standalone authorization server. Is it possible in some way? Thank you!
You may have a look to this project: CloudFoundry User Account and Authentication (UAA) Server.
UAA is a (Spring MVC) component of Cloud Foundry but it could be used as a stand alone OAuth2 server. It can support external authentication service. And there is a Pull Request that implements PKCE: (not yet merged, but under review).
You can find an example on how to use UAA on
As far as I know, Spring framework has one more implementation of the authorization server. It is a part of spring-security-oauth project. But this project was moved into maintenance mode.
According to this migration guide, the new authorization server project (that you have already found) will be created to change the legacy solution.
From my point of view now there are several possible options:
Using old legacy spring-security-oauth. More examples with old auth server
Using external services like Keycloak, Auth0, Okta and etc

Stateless front-end grails server?

I have a single grails (3.3.5) web server, and I am interested in improving the availability and I'd like to add another server and put a load balancer in front of it.
Rather than share sessions between servers, or use sticky sessions, i'd like to know if there is a good way to have a session-less front-end server. I don't use sessions for anything other than using spring-security to validate the session token that it is using to identify the user.
I'd like to find a token based authentication system suitable for the front-end such that the token is safe and sufficient for identifying the current user.
I've seen the grails-spring-security-rest plugin which looks promising, but it seems like everyone is using it for back-end rest api calls. Is it also suitable for front-end authentication when you aren't storing application data in the webapp session?
If you don't use the session objects in your controller then tomcat will not create any sessions for you.
Also you can define your controllers to be
static singleton = true
then they will be instantiated not on per-request basis.
Now, if you still want to use sessions, you can use something like Cookie Sessions and keep your data inside the cookies instead of tomcat's memory.
I haven't used the grails-spring-security-rest, but you should be able to tweak spring-security-core to be session-less. You should set scr.allowSessionCreation to false and use remember-me.
Since Grails is built on Spring Boot, you can access all the features of Spring Session (, which includes the ability to share session data between server instances with some data store instead of keeping it in memory.
In those docs you'll find this pointer to a guide with a Grails 3.1 example that uses Redis as the store.
Is it also suitable for front-end authentication when you aren't storing application data in the webapp session?
Yes, you can use JWT tokens in your front-end. You need to properly configure the security filters of your controllers so that they are not using cookie for authentication but they are looking for JWT.
See : for configuration of endpoints that should validate JWT tokens.
Have a look at for a stateless example with Angular.

Spring boot application authenticating user by physical presence at the server

I am working on a Spring boot application and have received a requirement where a certain endpoint must be accessible only by authorized users that too the user must be present physically at the system serving the app. An optional case is the user could also be able to access the endpoint if the user has SSH access to the server. This makes me think that some sort of key (a file or a program) can be used to unlock the endpoint. Not being a person proficient in security, this has put me at a loss on how to implement such a feature using Spring Boot. Any help is appreciated.
Spring boot doesn't have built in support for this scenario, but what you actually need is PAM (Linux Pluggable Authentication Modules) port for java (JPam can be a good solution).
You can write your own AuthenticationProvider for spring security which will do something like this in it's validation method:
Pam pam = new Pam();
boolean authenticated = pam.authenticateSuccessful(username, password));
This library is good enough documented (pdf)
Another PAM for java solution can be found here libpam4j
