How to get all locked fields on form - dynamics-crm

I am using Dynamics crm 2016,I lock and unlock my fields in different stages of my form, I need to keep that some fields will stay locked all the time, for that reason I need the option to get all locked fields and to avoid unlocking them, how do I get all fields that are locked as default, how can I do that?

There is a method to get that information:
var isDisabled = Xrm.Page.getControl(arg).getDisabled()
So you can simply iterate over Xrm.Page.ui.controls to get all locked fields:
function getAllLockedFields(){
var lockedFields = new Array();
Xrm.Page.ui.controls.forEach(function(control, index){
return lockedFields;
For Dynamics 365 9.0 you should use formContext from executionContext instead of deprecated Xrm.Page


Xamarin c#: relation table seems to only work one way?

I'm working with Xamarin in Visual Studio.
I'm utilizing Parse (via and I'm trying to create a relation between my Users and the ParseObjects in a table called called Dispatch, like so:
//Make the new Dispatch object
var parseDispatch = new Parse.ParseObject("Dispatch");
//Save it
await parseDispatch.SaveAsync();
//...Setting various properties on the Dispatch object...
//Get a list of users (via another method)
IEnumerable<ParseUser> usersToLink = UsersToLinkToDispatch(); //And have verified elsewhere that this indeed returns a collection of ParseUsers
//Go through the users collection
usersToLink.ToList().ForEach( async (user) => {
//Get or create the dispatches-tracking relation for this user
var dispatchObjectRelation = parseDispatch.GetRelation<ParseObject>("DispatchesTracked");
//Add the current user to that tracker relation
//save the dispatch to update the relation
await parseDispatch.SaveAsync();
So, when I go to inspect my tables in SashiDo, if I look at the Dispatches table, I see a proper-looking relational link, and if I click on that link, I see the list of linked Users. So far so good, right?
But if I look at the Users table, while there also seems to be a proper-looking relational link, when I click on it I do not see a list of linked Dispatches.
Is this expected behavior, or is this apparent one-way-ness of the relational link an error?

Parse-Server prevent fields from being added automatically

Right now, if I add a field to a Parse object and then save it, the new column shows up in the Parse dashboard.
For example, after running:
let media = new Parse.Object("Media");
media.set("foo", "bar");
I will have a new column called foo.
Is it possible to prevent this from happening?
Yes. This can be done using class-level permissions, which allow you to prevent fields being added to classes.
Parse lets you specify what operations are allowed per class. This lets you restrict the ways in which clients can access or modify your classes.
Add fields: Parse classes have schemas that are inferred when objects are created. While you’re developing your app, this is great, because you can add a new field to your object without having to make any changes on the backend. But once you ship your app, it’s very rare to need to add new fields to your classes automatically. You should pretty much always turn off this permission for all of your classes when you submit your app to the public.
You would have to add a beforeSave trigger for every one of your classes, keep a schema of all your keys, iterate over the request.object's keys, and see if there are any that do not belong in your schema. You can then either un-set them and call response.success(), or you can call response.error() to block the save entirely, preferably with a message indicating the offending field(s).
const approvedFields = ["field1", "field2", "field3"];
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave("MyClass", function(request, response) {
let object = request.object;
for( var key in object.dirtyKeys() ) {
if( approviedFields.indexOf(key) == -1 ) return response.error(`Error: Attempt to save invalid field: ${key});
Since this got a little attention, I thought I'd add that you can get the current schema of your class. From the docs:
// create an instance to manage your class
const mySchema = new Parse.Schema('MyClass');
// gets the current schema data
It's not clear if that's async or not (you'll have to test yourself, feel free to comment update the answer once you know!)
However, once you have the schema, it has a fields property, which is an object. Check the link for what those look like.
You could validate an object by iterating over it's keys, and seeing if the schema.fields has that property:
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave('MyClass', (request, response) => {
let object = request.object;
for( var key in object.dirtyKeys() ) {
if( !schema.fields.hasOwnProperty(key) ) < Unset or return error >
And an obligatory note for anyone just starting with Parse-Server on the latest version ,the request scheme has changed to no longer use a response object. You just return the result. So, keep that in mind.

ReactiveUI - ReactiveCommand to get more data for objects in ReactiveList

Currently I am learning ReactiveUI and I am not sure how to approach this problem. What I want to achieve is once a reactive list has been loaded (in this case I am using a command to load it from a local store) I want to be able to trigger that each of the items in the reactive list then go off and fetch data from an api endpoint and update the view model.
What I currently have to load and create the view models using this logic:
LoadSavedLocations = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask(async o => {
var savedLocations = await _savedLocationService.GetUserSavedLocations();
return savedLocations;
LoadSavedLocations.Subscribe(savedLocations =>
foreach (var savedZone in savedLocations)
Zones.Add(new ZoneDetailViewModel() {
ZoneId = savedZone.ZoneId,
SavedName = savedZone.SavedName,
I want to then be able to have a command that I can kick off (one first load of the screen and then when the user prompts for an update - pull for reload).
There are two ways I think I can do this but struggling with the approach and the code to achieve this.
Option 1
A command which loops through the items in the ReactiveList fetches data from the Api and then updates that viewmodel something along the lines of
UpdateZones = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask(async o =>
foreach (var zone in Zones)
// Fetch
// Await
// Update view model
return null;
With this I am confused around what the return type of the command would be just a new object()? Is there a better way than just looping like this?
Option 2
On the view model ZoneDetailViewModel have a command called FetchExtraData which will then return the data from the API and I can subscribe to that command in the view model and populate the extra properties. With this approach how does the parent viewmodel trigger all the items in the ReactiveList to fire their commands.
For both approaches I don't know how to get each of the items in the ReactiveList to do logic which involves going to an Api and update.

How to manage new Breeze entities which are aggregate roots?

I have a domain model which has a Customer, which in turn has 1 Address (1:1) and 1 or more Phone numers (1:M).
Customer has user supplied PK (a string), while Address and Phone use identity column (server generated).
I am struggling in trying to understand how to manage Breeze entity creation for a "Add new Customer" screen.
The form on the screen allows user to enter Customer, Address, and Phone data.
I am using Durandal and Knockout so my "customeradd.js" viewmodel looks something like this:
// -- snip ---
var customer = ko.observable(),
hasChanges = ko.computed(function () {
return datacontext.hasChanges();
var vm = {
hasChanges: hasChanges,
customer: customer,
activate: activate
return vm;
function activate() {
// -- snip ---
and my "/services/datacontext.js" :
// -- snip ---
var manager = new breeze.EntityManager(config.remoteServiceName);
var hasChanges = ko.observable(false);
manager.hasChangesChanged.subscribe(function (eventArgs) {
function createVehicle() {
return manager.createEntity("Customer");
// -- snip ---
My questions are following:
Once I create a Customer, do I need to create Address and list of Phones and add them to Customer entity before making it a KO observable? Or is this done automatically by createEntity() method?
How do I create a Customer but without having to specify the Id? If I set the key to null or '', Breeze complains ("Error: Cannot attach an object to an EntityManager without first setting its key or setting its entityType 'AutoGeneratedKeyType' property to something other than 'None'"). However, if I generate the temp key (using either breeze.core.getUuid() or something else), then it shows up in my Id form field, and I really want the end user to specify it....Do I have to resort to extending the entity with extra field and then do the swapping and validation before saving (I don't like this idea at all)? Is there a better way?
In order to enable/disable buttons on my form I am tracking if there are changes in EntityManager. But every time entity is created, it is automatically in 'added' state so hasChanges is true. What I want is for changes to be picked up only if user edits the form (and therefore makes changes to underlaying entity). What is the best way to approach this?
BTW, I have seen this recommendation to register custom constructor for entity (I have already implemented it but I am still not clear how to let user supply their own id and to flag entity as modified only when user edits it...)
I realize this has been up for a while, but here are my thoughts (in case anyone comes looking).
If you use the entityManager to create your customerl and everything is specified correctly in the metadata, you can just create the customer and add phone numbers/addresses as needed. Breeze automatically makes an entity's properties observable (if specified correctly and if breeze knows that KO is being used)
If you can only do it the way that you say, then you are stuck. Ideally, you would have a user-entered ID which is NOT the key (though you could still force it to be unique) and a database-generated key, which Breeze will manage behind the scenes (assigning a negative key until it is saved to the data store, then updating the key and all related keys without any input from you).
if you use the 2nd approach for answer 2, then your buttons can easily be enabled and disabled using ko data-binding. When you create the entity, save its value to the viewmodel (custSource). Then you can add to the save button the data-bind="disable: custSource == Customer(), enable: custSource != Customer()". (You might need to play around with the syntax -- I haven't tested that part yet)
I don't think you need a custom constructor unless you are doing something different from what I understand.
PS. you should be aware that I believe Breeze wants Knockout defined as 'ko', while Durandal definitely expects it to be 'knockout', so you will probably need a 'map' property in your require.config
I think you could solve some of your problems by taking a slightly different approach to your entity creation. Here's your current approach:
Create a customer entity
User modifies that entity
Save the changes
Instead, try this:
User enters customer information
Create and save the customer entity
I realize that this doesn't really answer your questions, but I've found the second approach to be much easier to implement. Just have the user enter all the information you need to create a customer, and then supply those values to createEntity.
// -- snip ---
var vm = {
customerId: ko.observable(),
address: ko.observable(""),
phoneNumbers: ko.observableArray([]),
submit: submit
return vm;
function submit() {
// -- snip ---
// -- snip ---
* Creates a new customer.
* #param {int} id - The customer's id number.
* #param {string} address - The customer's address.
* #param {string[]} phoneNumbers - An array of the customer's phone numbers.
function createCustomer(id, address, phoneNumbers) {
return manager.createEntity("Customer",
id: id,
address: address,
phoneNumber: phoneNumbers
// -- snip ---

Auto-populate fields in email form in Dynamics CRM 2011

Imagine, you want to add an email to a case. The email form opens and the "To" field is auto-populated with the case's customer account.
I want to change the behavior in order to auto-populate the content of "To" with a custom property of the related case.
My first approach was to register a JavaScript for the OnLoad event of the form and let the script change the field. That would work, but I am wondering if there is a smarter way to achieve this. There is already some logic, which fills the "To" field. Is it possible to configure this existing feature?
Any hints are appreciated.
I do not believe that this specific scenario can be done more effectively than how you've already worked it out. I would've suggested looking at the data mappings (left-nav item when you pop open the relationship in the entity's customizations, same concept as discussed in this Dynamics CRM 4.0 article, but it does not appear to be applicable to this relationship.
This might help you:
DataService.EntityReference toEntityRef = new DataService.EntityReference();
toEntityRef.LogicalName = "contact";
toEntityRef.Id = Guid.Parse(to_id);
Entity toParty = new Entity();
toParty["partyid"] = toEntityRef;
toParty.LogicalName = "activityparty";
Entity emailEntity = new Entity();
emailEntity.LogicalName = "email";
EntityCollection toCollection = new EntityCollection();
toCollection.Entities = new ObservableCollection<Entity>();
emailEntity["to"] = toCollection;
IOrganizationService soapService = ServerUtility.GetSoapService();
IAsyncResult res = soapService.BeginCreate(emailEntity, OnCreateComplete, soapService);
Call Back method:
private void OnCreateComplete(IAsyncResult result)
Guid emailId = (IOrganizationService)result.AsyncState).EndCreate(result);
Another approach would be to replace the Add Email buttons in the ribbon in order to call a custom JavaScript function. This function could open the mail window with and initialize the To: field by setting the extraqs parameter to configure an ActivityParty for the email about to create. This can be done by setting:
partyid to the id of an allowed entity's instance
partyname to the name of the entity instance
partytype to 2 (for the recipent field, see here for details)
But the extraqs parameter is limited: You can set only one receiver and no other field (from, cc, bcc, ...). Moreover, replacing the buttons would bypass built-in functionality, which may change in future versions,
So I prefer the handling of the OnLoad event of the form.
