Golang - go run takes long to execute - performance

I have a little problem, where every time I run 'go run >filename<' after making changes to my problem, it takes many seconds to start executing.
I tried it with a simple program like this:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
And it took about 18 seconds to print out the result.
And ideas on what could cause this problem?
I am on windows by the way.
Thanks in Advance

Found this while experiencing an identical issue with freshly-compiled golang binaries on MacOS (OSX) Catalina.
In short, the OS now scans a new (to it) binary for malware, it usually does it on first start, but I found that it was doing it 3-5 times in a row, after which the binary got whitelisted and started as normal. Obviously, once you make changes to the code and re-compile the scans start happening again. The scan would take upwards of 20 seconds which ruined golangs fast iteration cycle.
Solution for me was as follows:
sudo spctl developer-mode enable-terminal
Then go to Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Privacy
In the list to the left you will now have "Developer Tools" section, which will have OSX built-in Terminal listed. Check the box to enable it, and/or add anything else you may be using to develop (iTerm, VS Code, etc)
When running binaries from those applications the scans stop and things go back to normal.

$ go run command always complies the code into a temporary binary file and then executes it, every time it is run.
To go around this you could do $ go build -i main.go which will compile dependencies separately as .a files (i'm guessing this is the part that takes the longest because it takes time to build the dependencies) and then execute it with $ ./main, and each execution should be faster that $ go run.
You could also run a $ go get -u ./... to update all your deps and building with the -x flag will show you if the toolchain is finding incompatible versions.
$ go install builds the command in a temporary directory then moves it to $GOPATH/bin so you can execute it without the path $ main.
The last two commands require a rebuild/reinstall if the code has changes.

If anyone still facing this issue on windows. you can fix it in 2 ways. it works 100%.
open virus & threat protection in windows security in settings
way 1:
turn off real-time protection
way 2:
in virus and threat protection settings(click on manage settings) go to exclusions and add the following three folders
The folder where go is installed.


How to uninstall everything from $GOPATH/bin?

The go clean -i command that is ran inside some project deletes an executable file of that particular project that was previously installed by go install command. How to delete everything installed by the go install commands that were ran from several different projects? Is there some single go command that can do that?
Delete the binary like any other file.
The "install" term means place (something) in a new position ready for use.
Therefore, Go builds a single-file binary and places it in another directory ($GOPATH/bin). It is useful when you add the Go binary directory into the environment variable to call the program.
There's no auxiliary flag such as go clean -bincache to remove all binaries installed by Go 1.16.4.
However, at the current version of GoLang (1.16.4), the right way to remove (or "uninstall" as you said) any installed binary is solely to delete it, like any other file despite you feel it sounds awkward.

`go run hello.go` cannot find the "hello.go" file

I tried to run the program in command prompt #Go lang- But when i type run "go run hello.go" command i am gettin
CreateFile hello.go:The system cannot find the file specified
Please help to to compile and run the above marked program, Thanks in advance
As you can see from the output of running the dir command
earlier up in your shell session, there is indeed no file named "hello.go"
in the C:\GOCODE\testproject directory.
When you execute the
go run hello.go
command, the go tool tries to find the file named "hello.go" in the current
directory (because the name of that file is relative, so it's being
searched in current working directory). There's no such file,
and that's what go run tells you.
Unfortunately, from the outlook of your shell session, it appears there
are more problems with your setup.
And there are problems with your approach to Go.
First, while it looks like you're following
this guide (and this is the right thing
to do, actually), you misread it.
What it tried to tell you is that you should create the "src"
directory (and then the "hello" directory to contain your test project)
in the so-called workspace, and a list of workspaces known to Go
is stored in the GOPATH environment variable.
As you can see from the go env output, Go thinks you have a single
workspace located in C:\Users\Sitaram\Go.
Now it worth reiterating that—contrary to many (if not most) "mainstream"
languages,—Go is not "project-based"; instead, it requires all your code
to be organized in those workspaces, and it wants to know where these
workspaces are.
By default—if you did not explicitly set the GOPATH environment
variable,—it assumes your single workspace is located in the directory
named "go" placed in your "home folder".
And that's what you see in the go env output.
Now you have two options:
Set the GOPATH env. variable for your user to C:\GOCODE
then start another shell—so that it "sees" that variable and allows
the go tool to also see it and use).
Run go env to verify GOPATH contains C:\GOCODE.
Then follow the rest of the tutorial document:
Make sure there is the "src" folder directly under the C:\GOCODE.
Create your project folder directory under "src".
Let's say, it will be named "hello".
Under "hello", create that "hello.go" file.
Now cd C:\GOCODE\src\hello and then go build — you will have
the hello.exe created there.
Don't mess with GOPATH and just repeat the steps 2-4 from above
in the default workspace—C:\Users\Sitaram\go.
I'd go with the second variant because that inexplicable affection
of certain Windows users for polluting the C:\ with random personal
data is really an anti-pattern; have your personal belongings in your home
folder! Windows has gone a long way getting that right; and almost all
Windows software is finally there—understanding that paradigm. So why deviate?
Second, please unlearn go run.
I'm not sure the Go developers actually regret implementing it,
but people do really misinterpret what this tool is for.
It's for one-off throw-away "scripts".
Real development is done using go install and, sometimes, go build.
In most cases your normal development routine you use go install
exclusively — as it caches the results of compilation of all the packages
your project depends on. go build does not do this, and go run does
not even preserve the result of the compilation of your project itself.
Please read this quick reference card for more info.
After go get gpackage check if there is a yourproject.exe in your bin directory to compile your github package with your project.
If not, you have to do cd src/yourproject and type go install and hit enter.
Try execute the folowing command e check if corrected:
go env -w GOOS=windows

go 1.5 : Is "go install" behaviour changed? Removing stale executables?

Till Go 1.4.2 when i run go install after running go build, i could find binary file in my current folder. Hence following Linux command was working
$ go build && go install && ./executable
But after installing go 1.5, when i run same command i get,
-bash: ./executable: No such file or directory
and when i checked, there is no executable to find. Did go install behavior changed in Go 1.5?
Yes, the behaviour has changed in Go 1.5:
If 'go install' (with no arguments, meaning the current directory) succeeds, remove the executable written by 'go build', if present. This avoids leaving a stale binary behind during a sequence like:
go build
<test, mostly works, make small change>
go install
Before this CL, the current directory still has the stale binary from 'go build'. If $PATH contains dot, running the name of the program will find this stale binary instead of the new, installed one.
I can't find anything mentioning that in the release notes though. Might be a documentation issue.
It seems like the solution is to use the binary that go install has produced.
EDIT: Here is the issue on the Go issue tracker if you want to follow on updates. Should be fixed by 1.5.1.

`go build` rebuilds unnecessarily

go build and go run are very slow on a tiny program I have (cgo invocations in particular). I'd like go to cache the binary so that it only rebuilds when the source is newer. I would use a simple Makefile with a % rule, but the language designers claim that go's build support doesn't need Makefiles.
Is there another alternative I've overlooked? Does the go community prefer another build system, maybe hash-based instead, for caching and reusing build products?
go build and go install will soon (Go 1.10, Q1 2018) be much faster: see this thread and this draft document.
The go command now maintains a cache of built packages and other small metadata (CL 68116 and CL 75473). The cache defaults to the operating system-defined user cache directory but can be moved by setting $GOCACHE.
Run "go env GOCACHE" to see the current effective setting. Right now the go command never deletes anything from the cache. If the cache gets too big, run "go clean -cache" instead of deleting the directory. That command will preserve the cache's log.txt file. In a few weeks I'll ask people to post their log.txt files to a Github issue so that we can evaluate cache size management approaches.
The main effect of the build cache is that commands like "go test" and "go build" run fast and do incremental builds always, reusing past build steps as aggressively as possible.
You do not have to use "go test -i" or "go build -i" or "go install" just to get fast incremental builds. We will not have to teach new users those workarounds anymore. Everything will just be fast.
Note that go install won't installs dependencies of the named packages: see "What does go build build?".
I wrote a tool that happens to solve this as a side effect. go build alone will not check if the executable it's producing is already up to date. go install does, and if you tweak it to install to a location of your choice, then you'll get the desired result, similar to go build.
You can see the behaviour you describe by doing something like this:
$ go get -d github.com/anacrolix/missinggo/cmd/nop
$ time go run "$GOPATH"/src/github.com/anacrolix/missinggo/cmd/nop/*.go
real 0m0.176s
user 0m0.142s
sys 0m0.048s
That's on a warm run. go run will link on every invocation, just as go build would. Note that github.com/anacrolix/missinggo/cmd/nop is an program that does absolutely nothing.
Here's invoking the same package, using my tool, godo:
$ time godo github.com/anacrolix/missinggo/cmd/nop
real 0m0.073s
user 0m0.029s
sys 0m0.033s
For larger programs, the difference should be more pronounced.
So in summary, your standard tooling option is to use go install, or an alternative like godo.

"go build" became very slow after installing a new version of Go

After upgrading from Go 1.2.1 to 1.3 (Windows 7 64 bit) "go build" execution time has increased from around 4 to over 45 seconds. There were no other changes except the go version update. Switching off the virus scanner seems to have no effect. Any clues?
You probably have dependencies that are being recompiled each time. Try go install -a mypackage to rebuild all dependencies.
Removing $GOPATH/pkg also helps to ensure you don't have old object files around.
Building with the -x flag will show you if the toolchain is finding incompatible versions.
I have the exact same problem, running this command solves it:
go get -u -v github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3
Another tip: http://kokizzu.blogspot.co.id/2016/06/solution-for-golang-slow-compile.html
Using go1.6,
Simply run go build -i.
It will compile all the dependencies and store them at $GOPATH/pkg/*/* as .a files.
Later when you run go run main.go, everything is much faster.
What s really great is that if you use vendored dependencies (IE: a vendor folder in your project), deps are built appropriately within $GOPATH/pkg/**/yourproject/vendor/**
So you don t have to go get install/get/whatever and have a mix of vendor / global dependencies.
I suspect you got to re-build .a files after deps update (glide update or smthg like this), but i did not test that yet.
After Go 1.10, you'd just need to type go build. You'd not need to type: go build -i.
From the draft Go 1.10 document, here.
Build & Install
The go build command now detects out-of-date packages purely based on the content of source files, specified build flags, and metadata stored in the compiled packages. Modification times are no longer consulted or relevant. The old advice to add -a to force a rebuild in cases where the modification times were misleading for one reason or another (for example, changes in build flags) is no longer necessary: builds now always detect when packages must be rebuilt. (If you observe otherwise, please file a bug.)
The go build command now maintains a cache of recently built packages, separate from the installed packages in $GOROOT/pkg or $GOPATH/pkg. The effect of the cache should be to speed builds that do not explicitly install packages or when switching between different copies of source code (for example, when changing back and forth between different branches in a version control system). The old advice to add the -i flag for speed, as in go build -i or go test -i, is no longer necessary: builds run just as fast without -i. For more details, see go help cache.
I just experienced the same problem - updating from 1.4 to 1.5. It seems that the olds versions are somehow incompatible or are being rebuild every time as go build -x shows. Executing go get -v invalidates all packages or refetches them, I am not quite sure and go build -x shows quite less output.
You can build sqlite3 like this:
cd ./vendor/github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/
go install
After that your project will b built much faster.
If you try as all other said but still not work, I suggest removing the directory of $GOPATH such as :
sudo rm -rf $GOPATH
cd yourproject
go get -d
go get -u -v github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3
