One profile properties are overriding with another profile properties in maven? - maven

I have a problem with maven profiles. Coming to the details, I have two profiles like profile1 and profile2. I have declared few properties for both the profiles along with the modules which needs to be updated by each profile individually. Let see the below configuration,
Coming to the point, profile1 property ABC has to update in module1 and module2 and profile2 property XYZ has to update in module3 and module4. while building the application I have tried the below all commands.
mvn clean install -Pprofile1,profile2
mvn clean install -P profile1,profile2
when I use the above commands to build the project, XYZ has updating in all the modules. Similarly, when I use the below commands ABC is updating in all 4 modules.
mvn clean install -Pprofile2,profile1
mvn clean install -P profile2,profile1
My requirement is to update ABC only in module1 and module2, XYZ in module3 and module4. Could you please tell me, any solution which will solve this problem.
Note: I have even tried for the below command,
mvn clean install -Pprofile1 -Pprofile2
Build has failed with goal or life cycle issue.

The property in your aggregator is unique. So with your configuration, one profile overrides the other.
The solution in your case is to take the property out of the profile:
Module 1 and 2 (no profile):
Module 3 and 4 (no profile):
Since in your case the properties are always the same for each respective module.
As khmarbaise already wrote, your usage of profile seems somewhat odd...


Maven profile file activation fails

I have a parent pom which defines profiles which shall be activated, when the defined folder exists:
I have a maven project with several submodules:
In the child project I just define the parent dependency:
and in this child project I have defined the folder src/profile/dependency-ejb.
If I run the build of the projects in eclipse everything works as expected. I have then installed the project in jenkins, but the build fails. If I checkout the project-parent into a clean directory and try to run a maven build, the build fails, too.
Why does the build run in eclipse but not in command line? Why is the profile definition in the parent pom of common-build not respected?
After some further tests I found the solution. The build failed, because the folders for the profile activation were missing. I have added the project to git and forgot that git does not commit/push empty folders.
The solution is to add an empty .gitkeep in the folders to force git to commit/push them.

Module in Maven project that is not included in a certain profile is still being built

I haven't had any issues using profiles in maven until now. We recently added a new module newModule to our maven project, and it's building when we run a profile it's not included in.
We have 2 profiles, default and coverage. Our mainModule has dependencies on backendModule and newModule, neither are included in our coverage profile, but one of them is building when we run that profile. Our maven profiles look something like this:
When I use mvn clean install all 4 modules in our default profile are built. When I use mvn clean install -Pcoverage, both mainModule and newModule are being being built.
Is there a time where a module not listed in a profile is included in the build?

Maven sub module is not skipped during build

Using maven 3.1.1
In my parent pom I have:
But module c is still build with I build with:
mvn clean package -Pskip-c
How do I skip a submodule when building my parent project?
Your problem is that your complete module list is always active. You could use a default profile instead.
In addition to julschis comment some details:
Profiles do not replace the normal non profile content of the pom. Therefore, when using your profile, you get a, b and c from the normal pom, and a and b from the profile, therefore your profile is useless.
You need to remove your conditional modules from the main part and put it only into profiles (usually an activeByDefault Profile).
So it is the other way around, profiles cannot remove anything, but only add or override content.
This technique is called reactor pruning and described here:
Your could also use the new functionality from, and simply call (this requires Maven 3.2.1+)
mvn clean package -pl !c
Deactivation of profiles can be done using Maven 2.0.10 + .
Deactivating a profile
Starting with Maven 2.0.10, one or more profiles can be deactivated using the command line by prefixing their identifier with either the character '!' or '-' as shown below:
mvn groupId:artifactId:goal -P !profile-1,!profile-2
This can be used to deactivate profiles marked as activeByDefault or profiles that would otherwise be activated through their activation config.

Using profiles to control which Maven modules are built

I have the following XML in my maven POM.xml:
What I'm trying to achieve is this:
When I run mvn install, I want it to build m1, m2 and m3 projects.
When I run mvn install -Px, I want it to only build m1.
My current problem is that with the code above, option 2 builds all m1, m2 and m3.
Found the solution guys, define 'x' profile first and the 'default' and it works fine (insane Maven!!). Here's the final result:
You can disable maven profiles that have runByDefault set to true from the command line like so:
mvn install -P !default
Note, this requires Maven version 2.0.10.
Just add a space after -P the sintax of the command is
mvn install -P x
And not like you are using
mvn install -Px
Take a look at Maven - Introduction to profiles

In Maven, can a profile override the modules (to not include any)

In maven, once you define your modules in you pom.xml all profiles aggregate the modules defined in them: (relevant part only)
If you perform a mvn clean it will pass the command to module1.
If you issue mvn clean -Ppr1 it will pass along to module1 and module2.
I wonder if in maven 3 it is possible to have a pom.xml with submodules and override this. I mean to execute a profile that instead of add their own modules to the build force those like:
<!-- omitted -->
<!-- modules -->
<!-- build -->
<!-- This profile with no modules -->
The requirement might sound silly, but I just want to know if there is a mechanism like in plugin configuration.
<configuration self.combine="override"
It's not possible. Profile configuration is always merged with main configuration, so you only can add modules in your case.
What you can do instead, however, is to create a some kind of "default" profile (by <activeByDefault>true</activeByDefault> in <activation> section) that is enabled when no other profiles are invoked and put your default modules' list there. Then, when no profile is specified on Maven build call, this "default" profile is used, but when you call explicitly at least one profile, it's not, so you can this way define modules' list from scratch.
While the question is old, Google still ranks it highly, so it makes sense to add a new answer.
You can use the activation by absence of a property trick to achieve what you want.
<!-- By default, include the modules -->
<!-- Activation by absence of a property. Run normally, without -Dskip-modules -->
<!-- No-modules build -->
<!-- Activation by a property. Run with -Dskip-modules to activate -->
You can do things like this:
If you are talking about such things. But i would recommend to be very carefull about such things.
It's only the question how you set activeByDefault. With this it's possible to create more or less any combination.
