How to implement CAF Receiver Queueing - chromecast

I'm confused by this page
It seems to assume that any implementation of 'YourServer' will return synchronous results rather than promises or observables.
Does anyone have a working example where the queue is managed by an http based service?
I've found one major problem with this page. It inconsistently names the cast.framework.QueueBase base class. In some places it correctly names it cast.framework.QueueBase while in others it names it cast.framework.messages.QueueBase. In particular, the link to the class documentation uses the wrong name. The correct link is to
This helps a lot since it says fetchItems and its siblings return:
"(non-null Array of non-null cast.framework.messages.QueueItem or non-null Promise containing non-null Array of non-null cast.framework.messages.QueueItem)".

OK, there were bugs in the documentation. I reported these on the Google+ community and they are now fixed.
I've got a sample queueing receiver working and made a gist of it.


Search methods in FHIR

I'm working on extracting patients info in FHIR server however, I've came across two types of searching methods that were somewhat different. What is the difference between the search method of
Bundle bundle = client.seach().forResource(DiagnosticReport.class)
GET [base]/DiagnosticReport?result.code-value-
It's very confusing as it seemed that there isn't much that is mentioned about these two search methods. Can i achieve the same level of filtering with the first method compared to the url method?
The first is how to perform a search using the Java reference implementation. The latter explains what the actual HTTP query looks like that hits the server (and also specifies some additional search criteria). Behind the scenes the Java code in the first example is actually making an HTTP call that looks similar to the second example. The primary documentation in the FHIR specification deals with the HTTP call. The reference implementations work differently based on which language they are and are documented outside the FHIR specification on a reference implementation by reference implementation basis.

Create custom RxJs Subject

Is there an official recommended way to create a custom RxJs Subject?
Use Case
I have a need for a QueueSubject, i.e. a Subject that queues all values passed to its next method until there is a subscriber. This is different from the built-in ReplaySubject because the ReplaySubject does not clear its buffer upon a subscription.
What I have learned so far
An exact implementation of what I need is available in this GitHub project by James Pike. The reason for my question despite this perfectly available solution is that the _subscribe method is an internal method. It is even marked as #deprecated, therefore if a linter is used, a linter rule exception needs to be added to the class to suppress the deprecation warning.
I did not find anything in the documentation about how to create a custom Subject.
You can use any Subject implementation as a reference for your own custom one, for example this one on Github.
Concerning _subscribe: You can override it with your custom class, but never call it directly from an outside consumer class (this is why it is annotated with #deprecated). The function is called by the Subject class internally following the Template Method Pattern.
In summary: Your linked implementation looks valid to me.

laravel 4 api documentation - how to quickly find functions?

I am having trouble in using documentation. Lets say I want to see the source of function
I go to
and enter in the search form 'transaction'
Nothing is found.
I then try to go on the left to Namespaces/Database which makes sense.
And later I have no idea where to go. There is some namespaces, some classes, some interfaces. Later found out that this is in the connection class, which at first I did not even look at. Connection associates to connecting to the database, not making transaction.
And there often happens when I don't know how to quickly find things.
How do you deal with that?
I assume the documentation should be one of best developers friends, but I guess I found this function by using sublime massive search in all files.
Btw also - I lowed the Codeigniter documentation, so thats why also I am disapointed. In codeigniter everythign looked so simple and search worked very well. Typing same word 'transaction' finds like charm.
Ok, tried same way as CI does to serch:
transaction site:
then it finds. If there is no other way, maybe I should bookmark the search link and just change the keyword or something like that.
CodeIgniter was definitely simpler, to the point that any larger project suffered greatly under the weight of (forcibly) badly misplaced code. Laravel raises the bar there a little bit, but it's to your benefit as a developer (I promise :D ).
Firstly, kudos for searching through the code. Many people do not. You learn a LOT by looking in there.
Laravel Code
For Laravel, you'll do best by knowing about Namespaces, and how they relate to autoloading files (Namespaces will relate to directories, essentially). You likely know this, but it relates to how you can find classes and their methods.
Now, this doesn't go towards knowing where anything is - that comes with some digging into the code yourself. I almost always have Github open to the laravel/framework repository to look at code.
Note: That API search looks for files, rather than methods within them (unfortunately).
As mentioned, I use Github mercilessly for searching code, instead of the API documentation. The search in Github is quite good - it will search within the current repository.
For example, I searched "function transaction" in github and got good results.
It led me to see here that it accepts a closure, and surrounds the code run within the closure around a transaction. You can see that throwing any exception within that closure will get caught and cancel the transaction (and gives you a way to control it).
As #matit pointed out, Facades do in fact hide where code is. That's a tricky part. In general, you can call the getFacadeRoot() method on any facade to figure out what class it is:
// Figure out what underlying class the Auth facade actually is
echo get_class( Auth::getFacadeRoot() );
Eventually you'll discover patterns in the code. Most facades point towards certain types of classes within each package (For instance, a Manager class who's job it is to decide which underlying implementation is used).
I really suggest reading Taylor's book which goes into the general architecture of Laravel. It's a quick read which is highly worth it.
Where CodeIgniter excelled in simplicity, Laravel excels in teaching you better coding concepts. Give it some time :D (Or use CodeIgniter still, that's cool too - whatever gets your work done!)
This is why I strongly suggest using CTAGS! I use sublime text 2 with the CTAGS plugin. I just press CTRL+SHIFT+Click on the class method and it will bring up a list of classes that have that method, or if only one exists, take me directly to the file and method. It beats searching the API/docs in terms of speed. There is even a Sublime text 2 plugin for Laravel Facades !

Laravel return values missing from documentation?

In the Laravel documentation, I can't find the possible return values are for basic Laravel functions like:
Mail::send(...) // does this return true/false if successful?
Input::get('foo') // what is returned when foo is not set?
Request::segment(2) // what is returned if there isn't a second segment?
Have I overlooked something or are we just left to trial/error to figure these out?
Take a look at the Laravel API website for all the source code. It's extremely well written and easy to follow. You should be able to answer all of these questions and learn new features very quickly.
Laravel being as big and powerful as it is, makes it hard to document every little thing. However, using the API site, you can find answers to all these questions and discover TONS of neat, undocumented little tricks and treats.
Laravel API
Mail::send() Example
Take for instance your Mail::send() example. At the API site, we can search for Mail and browse to the Illuminate/Mail/Mailer.php page.
From there we can look at the code for the send() Line 94 method and see that it returns a call to $this->sendSwiftMessage($message).
From there, we can take a look at the code for the sendSwiftMessage() Line 281 method and see that it returns a call of $this->swift->send($message).
Looking through the Mail class, we learn that $this->swift is simply a instance of the Swift_Mailer class Line 56. The Laravel docs actually do mention that the Mail class is a wrapper for the popular Swift_Mailer.
Anyway, now we need to find what the send() method in the Swift_Mailer library returns. Where we see at the Swift_Mailer website, the send() method actually returns the number of recipients it was sent to, or 0 upon a failure.
Swift_Mailer itself actually have available quite a bit more useful
information, such as who the actual failed recipients were. However,
Laravel does not expose this information as of now. If you wanted to
gain access to Swift_Mailer's other features, you'd have to either
extend the Mail class or perhaps use the Swift_Mailer class
This essentially means, that yes, you can use a true/false check to determine success as 0 will evaluate to false and any positive, non zero number will evaluate to true in PHP. However, I also believe that Laravel will throw an exception if something goes wrong as it does in most cases, however this might be a, forgive the pun, exception where it will not throw an Exception.
Although that was a bit long winded, and probably one of the more complex examples. The vast majority of things Laravel provides are quick, easy to lookup and understand.
Going through the API is a great way to discover tons of undocumented features of the framework. For example, just go to the Str class and you'll see quite a few neat, useful things that you can use.
Input::get() Example
Without going into as much detail, Input::get ends up calling the array_get() helper function Link, which will return the following in order of priority.
The value stored at the key.
The default value passed to the Input::get() method.

Attribute Routing vs Convention

Playing around with the Web.API 2.0 stuff- in particular Attribute Routing. The docs state that you can have attribute routing AND the 1.0 routing by convention... but these two don't seem to play that well together. For example, given these two methods:
public override HttpResponseMessage PutModel(SampleForm form)
public string ApproveSampleForm([FromBody]SampleForm form)
While I can call http://localhost/api/sampleform/approvesampleform just fine, a PUT to http://localhost/api/sampleform/ generates a Multiple actions were found that match the request error.
Is there any way that if a method is marked with the attribute routing it is ignored by the convention? This would be ideal... but I don't see any way to accomplish this in the docs.
Note: I don't see a tag. Perhaps someone with more than 1500 rep can create it?
Right, RC (Release Candidate) did not have the logic where conventional routes cannot access attributed controller/actions. This change came post-RC. The scenario you are trying would work fine in post-RC bits.
Probably the docs you mentioned aren't very clear, but I think they mean that you could have attributed and convention based controllers work side-by-side and not particularly about mixing both attributed and conventional semantics in the same controller.
For time being you could probably use only attribute routing for your controller mentioned above.
