Call to undefined method Modules\User\Services\web\facade\WebAuth::loginUsername() - laravel

I am using laravel ThrottlesLogins in my custom facade class as trait. I am using
return $this->ThrottleActions($request);
in my login method, but why I am facing the subject error
Call to undefined method Modules\User\Services\web\facade\WebAuth::loginUsername()
However on local its working fine. But when I update code online server. I am facing this error.
This method loginUsername() already exist in ThrottlesLogins trait.


Call to undefined method App\User::hasRole()

I'm using spatie/laravel-permission to handle roles. I installed the package through composer did the migrations, and added the service provider in my config/app.php file, created some roles and everything fine, but when i'm going to use the blade directive #hasanyrole for example:
#include('calendar.modal_appointment', ['order_details' => $order_details])
It throws this error:
Call to undefined method App\User::hasAnyRole()
Had to add use Spatie\Permission\Traits\HasRoles; and use HasRoles; on my User model that fixed the problem

Method App\\Http\\Controllers\\Controller::show does not exist

I just have upgraded one of my project from laravel version 5.2 to 7.1 But now I have started getting following error
Method App\\Http\\Controllers\\Controller::show does not exist.
I know there is not a function named show in my controller class. But if there is any way to trigger custom named method instead of show() while declaring resource attribute in web.php file.
Here is my resource declaration in web.php
'first', 'FirstController',
Can I make some customization to tackle this situation.

Method Illuminate\Support\Str::of does not exist

I want to get data from API. But when I put the code below.
public function FUNCTION_NAME()
$data= Http::get('API_LINK')->json();
return view('user.PAGENAME', $data);
Then showing Method Illuminate\Support\Str::of does not exist.
How solved that
It may happen while upgrading laravel framework version of your project. Try clearing application cache, update composer, or queue:restart if it is used.
The error you are having doesn't seem to relate to the snippet you have provided.
It is complaining that the laravel sting helper Str does not have an of() method available.
You can find all of the available methods for this class in the documentation:

Laravel, api, postman

I am following a grafikart tutorial on the back-end of an API under laravel, but creating a comment module, and since yesterday I have this message why. I think that I come from a call or from a space name but I know ... on postman also it returns to me errors.
error message:
Add the model namespace to your call, make sure you have a method called allFor
$comments = \App\Comment::allFor();

Call to undefined method Illuminate\View\Compilers\BladeCompiler::component()/

I have tried to create a Blade component in laravel 5.6. I have added this code segment Blade::component('front.components.filter','filter'); in AppServiceProvider.php and add this in my blade file
#filter #endfilter
when I try to run the program I have got this error
Call to undefined method Illuminate\View\Compilers\BladeCompiler::component()/
How can I fix this?
