Xamarin is not being added to Visual Studio 2017 - windows

So I installed Visual studio 2017 Community 15.5.4 and I added Xamarin workload as specified in this link. I also added other workloads that I would need with that.
However, Xamarin is not being added. When I open the "About Microsoft Visual Studio" to check the installed products, Xamarin is not there, even though I double checked the installer, and the Xamarin workload is selected.
I deleted VS multiple times and re-installed it, but to no avail.
What should I do to fix this? I'm out of ideas.


VS2015: Xamarin license file is invalid

I'm using Xamarin with Visual Studio 2015. After a recent upgrade of the Xamarin plugin, I'm getting an error the first time I try to "Clean Solution" or "Build Solution" after launching Visual Studio:
The Xamarin license file is invalid and could not be recovered. You will still be able to access the Xamarin features that are included in Visual Studio Professional.
The error dialog offers a single option: "Use Visual Studio Professional". If I choose that option, I can re-try whatever operation I was using and it will work fine, and continue to work fine until I exit and re-launch Visual Studio.
I have found some older threads where people mention what seem like similar problems, but the solutions refer to using Tools->Xamarin Account, which does not appear anywhere in my Visual Studio "Tools" menu.
Specific versions in play:
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2015 14.0.25431.01 Update 3
I have this same problem with a couple of different, unconnected solutions (one of which is using Xamarin.Android, another of which uses Xamarin.Forms).

Xamarin option disappeared from new projects

I have successfully installed xamarin, i created one application by it, after i installed visual c++, framework 4.5 and repaired the visual studio one time during the installation, Xamrin option disappeared from new projects.
Ok, Open the visual studio click on Help->About Microsoft Visual studio
check. Is there xamarin is available or not, if not go to control panel and update the visual studio.

Downgrade Xamarin from Visual Studio

I am having trouble with the AXML designer panel taking a long time to load. Per the advice here, I am trying to downgrade to Xamarin Apparently this is easy enough when you are using the whole registered Xamarin account whatnot, but as I installed this through the Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition installer, I did not have to register for an Xamarin account, nor did I get to select a specific version of Xamarin to use. Has anyone successfully downgraded Xamarin from Visual Studio 2015 Community?

Xamarin installation

We watched a Xamarin installation video by Jason D, downloaded XamarinInstaller.exe version3.6 and ran it. We noticed that unlike the video, we are only seeing the Andriod SDK and the Xamarin for Visual Studio components in our options and missing the GTK# and Xamarin Studio. The install finished successfully so we don't know whether we have everything we need or not.
The reason we think this is because when we launch VS, we don't see any Xamarin.Forms type projects, for example.
Can someone tell us if we may be missing some pieces?
Thanks in advance for any help.
1.- Remove all
2.- instal VisualStudio 2015
3.- run xamarin installer
Did you installed the extension correctly that binds xamarin with visual studio?
Open Control Panel > Programs, search for your edition of Visual Studio and then click the Change/Uninstall button at the top of the window. Wait for a moment while the Visual Studio Installer launches, and then repair the installation.
Updated: I have followed the below steps for Visual studio 2015. Hope that it will work for other versions of Visual studio.
To install Xamarin framework into Visual studio successfully, please follow the below steps,
Visual studio 2015 community edition installation:
To download VS2015 Community edition ISO (Size is around 7GB), check
To install VS2015 Community edition, please follow the below link, http://www.howtosolutions.net/2015/08/solving-installation-is-stuck-problem-in-visual-studio-community-edition/
Offline installation would be more faster (around 1 to 2 hours).
If any further issue comes, repair MS Visual C++ 2015 redistributable.
Finally, VS 2015 will be installed quickly.
Xamarin framework Installation:
To download Xamarin, visit https://www.xamarin.com/download
You can download Xamarin Installer.
Launch Xamarin installer, it will download and install the below components,
Java 8.
Android SDK, NDK and emulator images.
Xamarin Framework.
To store the setup of components, launch Xamarin installer and while it starts downloading, disconnect internet.
It will abort and open Manual installation instructions. Connect to internet again and you can save setup.exe for all components from manual wizard and install it for later purpose.
After Xamarin is installed, launch Visual studio 2015.
You can create Xamarin projects, under Visual C# -> Cross platform option.
Revert back for queries, if any.

Install Xamarin on Visual Studio 2015 with Xamarin on Visual Studio 2013 already installed

I have Xamarin installed on the Visual Studio 2013 on Windows Operating System. It works fine.
There is Xamarin tools in VS2013 as follows:
My problem is as follows:
I have recently installed Visual Studio 2015 on my desktop on Windows operating system. I thought when I opened the VS2015, I expected to see the Xamarin in it, but it does not. Then I installed the Xamarin again, and again and again, but still Xamarin does not show up in VS2015.
I wonder what is wrong? What am I missing?
By the way, I still have VS2013 on my desktop.
No Xamarin tools in VS 2015 as follows:
I even tried the following approach, still no luck.
Control Panel -> Programs -> Programs and Features Choose Xamarin
Click Change -> Next -> Click the desired drop down for each items in the tree view and select "Will be installed on local hard drive."
Click Next
I am even getting the following screen when installation is completed, but still I could not able to see Xamarin in VS2015.
I have installed Xamarin in my Visual Studio 2015 two days ago and it showing Xamarin under Tools. Below I have described the approach which I have followed to install Xamarin in Visual Studio 2015.
Go to Contol Panel >> Program Features >> Visual Studio
2015 >> Change>> Modify
1. Select C#/.Net(Xamarin) under Cross Platform Mobile Development
2. Check if these three red marked items are checked or not.
3. And then press update.It will download all the required packages to run Xamarin on VS 2015.Hope it helps you!!
I recently had horrendous problems trying to install Xamarin on VS2015 + Win10. (I don't have any other VS versions installed.) Even a full install and reinstall left huge holes in the installation. I tried repeatedly and each time the whole dev environment seemed to get itself in a different unusable state.
The fix for me, which is probably hitting a nut with a sledgehammer, was to:
Uninstall Xamarin (via Control Panel|Uninstall).
Uninstall Visual Studio (via Control Panel|Uninstall).
Follow Xamarin's manual uninstallation procedures Full Xamarin Uninstall.
Perform full reinstall of Visual Studio, being sure to tick the boxes shown in the answer by Parth Patel above.
This resulted in a faultless, fully functioning Xamarin environment for me. Overkill, maybe, but worth a go if all else fails.
Here is the solution:
I have deleted all the existing versions of visual studio ( 2010, 2012, 2013) except Visual Studio 2015 and then installed the Xamarin, and then I could able to see Xamarin on Visual Studio 2015.
It is not required to delete previous versions of VS. I have Xamarin Studio, VS 2013 and now VS 2015 and working perfectly. I moved to VS 2015 due to recent purchase of Xamarin by MS and that VS 2015 has Xamarin included.
I believe the issue with this question is was that your VS 2015 install did not include the add ins as pointed out in another answer in this question.
After the VS 2015 install -the only caveat was projects created initially in Xaramin Studio and then Opened in VS 2015 to needed to have the build configuration in the project tweaked. If not you could not get the project to build and then be deployed to an emulator or device for debug testing.
We have a few troubleshooting steps on our Knowledge Base that you can find here:
Note: Some of these steps have older versions listed in the respective paths. You should use the latest version number available.
Before any install or uninstall actions. Try open some sample Xamarin project, in most cases during opening project in VS 15, it will show you, what needs to be installed or what is missing / corrupted.
Xamarin samples
I had some problems with my emulator best way to fix the problems is to uninstall everything (emulators, android sdk, vs, xamarin) and reinstall it.
It is also important to delete other or older versions of visual studio. Then you should probably see you options.
First try to uninstall all the other versions of Visual Studio (VS) 2013 in this case. Then try to reinstall Xamarin.
Visual Studio 2015 is little bit different from 2013 version, I am also using xamarin on visual studio 2015. But that is not listed under tools menu like 2013.
Maybe developers had changed that, you can go to "start a new project"(just like you start new app development), there you can find xamarin/android projects list, there you can start new android projects.
This is strange, I did not have any problem with Xamarin & VS 2015 (community).
You said,
I will see the Xamarin in it
Did you try to create a project or/and add your account in the new VS Installation ?
