Laravel date input format validation - laravel

Is it possible to validate date input to name of day followed by a comma, then the day of the month, then the month and finally the year in full? eg Sunday, 31 December 2017

You can use the date_format validation rule with a custom defined date format string:
'some_date' => 'date_format:"l, j F Y"',

Yes, but you have to make your own custom validation function :)
More details you can find here:
custom validator

You can easily download Carbon package from
and then use every format you want.
For example :
$dt = Carbon::create(1975, 12, 25, 14, 15, 16);
echo $dt->toDayDateTimeString(); // Thu, Dec 25, 1975 2:15 PM

You can Use Core PHP like this:
$date = '2018-01-01';
echo date('l, j F Y', strtotime($date));


How to use #datetime function in telegram instant view?

I am trying to set up a telegram Instant View. I am facing problem with the function datetime #datetime, I've looked at the official documentation.
I have the following date Jul 19, 2018 at 2:25pm. In case we are on the same year of the date, the string won't contain the year ex: Jul 19 at 2:25pm means 19 July of this year. How can I deal with the missing year?
This is my code so far.
#datetime(-2, "en-US", "LLL d 'at' k:mm"): "Jan 25 at 2:44pm"
published_date: $#
#manage the current year case
#datetime(0, "en-US", "LLL d, YYYY 'at' k:mma"): "Jan 25, 2018 at 2:44pm"
published_date: $#
As of now the missing year is not properly managed. In this way the year is always 1970.
The algorithm is following:
Try to parse the date with YYYY inside
If failing, the $pubslished_date will contain 0 or some garbage (try to #debug it). So you can use something like #if_not( $published_date ) { ... }, where you can try to parse the date without YYYY. Don't forget to force redefine the variable with published_date!: ….
If that won't work, try to play with conditional binding: pubslihed_date?: …. It has the same logic. (Just to put a question mark ? in the second binding in your current code).

Matching Date formatted: "January 17, 2017 10:30 AM" in Ruby

I have been trying to use Date/DateTime to validate that a given date is in the correct format.
str = "January 17, 2017 10:30 AM"
temp = DateTime.strptime(str, '%B %-d, %y %l:%M %p')
but am getting the error
`strptime': invalid date (ArgumentError)
I have been able to split the string into ""January 17," "2017 10:30 AM" and validate it without issue, but I would really like to know why I can't just use strptime on the whole string, or what I am doing wrong if it can be done.
This error is happening because according to the docs of DateTime#strptime:
Parses the given representation of date and time with the given template, and creates a date object. strptime does not support specification of flags and width unlike strftime.
And your format includes a value of %-d which is a width parameter, hence the exception. If you try a basic invocation like:
DateTime.strptime(str, '%B %d, %Y')
you'll see it works. Also, you'll want uppercase-Y for the full 4-digit year.
In a nutshell: you'll need to adjust your format string
This format works fine :
temp = DateTime.strptime(str, '%B %d, %Y %l:%M %p')
#<DateTime: 2017-01-17T10:30:00+00:00 ((2457771j,37800s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>

How do I output to the following format: month - year?

Today's month is November (11). With how can I output:
11 - 2010, 12 - 2010, 01 - 2011, 02 - 2011, 03 - 2011, etc
Use function for all date modifications in ruby
Refer This DOC
There's probably a more efficient way to do this, but this will give you the output you want:
require "active_support/core_ext/integer/time"
((1.year.ago.to_date)..( { |d| d.strftime("%m-%Y") }.uniq!
For print date used strtotime() function.
//For today print a date used the following code
echo date('m/d/Y',strtotime("today"));
//For one year ago print a date used the following code
echo date('m.d.Y',strtotime("-1 years"));
//For coming year date from today used following code
echo date('m.d.Y',strtotime("1 years"));
You can to add a new format to your locales.
month_year: "%m - %Y"
and to use it with I18n.l(your_date, :format => :month_year)
This will help if you want to change the format later, you will change in a unique point.

smarty and date

i get date with: {$|date_format:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'}
But how get 20 day after?
If now: 2010 05 05 12:12:12, I wish to show 2010 25 05 12:12:12
{$} is a simple timestamp (number of seconds since 1970). So you can just add as many seconds to it as you need:
{$*24*60*60|date_format:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'} //+20 days
This works in Smarty3, if not in older versions then you might need to do the math with {assign} and/or {math} directives.
Use the strtotime() php function and assign your variable to smarty. Something like this:
$later = strtotime('+20 day');
$smarty->assign('later', $later);
Then in the template:
{ $later|date_format:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'}
You can use strtotime() directly as a modifier.
{"+20 days"|strtotime|date_format:"Y/m/d"}
In newer versions of smarty it will strtotime any string you prepend
I.e. instead of doing {$|date_format:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'} you can also do {"now"|date_format:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'}
To get the date 20 days from now, you can do:
{"+20 days"|date_format:"%Y-%m-%d"}
{assign var="iItemOne" value=$}
{assign var="iItemTwo" value=1296000} //60*60*24*15-> for 15 days
{assign var="iSum" value=$iItemOne+$iItemTwo}
{$iSum|date_format:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'}
Tested in smarty : Add 1 day ,2 days ......365 days in dynamic date.
$one= date("Y-m-d", strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime('$add dynamic date variable')) . " + 1 day"));
$two= date("Y-m-d", strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime('$add dynamic date variable')) . " + 2 day"));
$oneyear= date("Y-m-d", strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime('$add dynamic date variable')) . " + 365 day"));

Parsing date from text using Ruby

I'm trying to figure out how to extract dates from unstructured text using Ruby.
For example, I'd like to parse the date out of this string "Applications started after 12:00 A.M. Midnight (EST) February 1, 2010 will not be considered."
Any suggestions?
Try Chronic ( it might be able to parse that otherwise you're going to have to use Date.strptime.
Assuming you just want dates and not datetimes:
require 'date'
string = "Applications started after 12:00 A.M. Midnight (EST) February 1, 2010 will not be considered."
r = /(January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December) (\d+{1,2}), (\d{4})/
if string[r]
date =Date.parse(string[r])
puts date
Also you can try a gem that can help find date in string.
input = 'circa 1960 and full date 07 Jun 1941'
dates_from_string =
#=> return
# [{:type=>:year, :value=>"1960", :distance=>4, :key_words=>[]},
# {:type=>:day, :value=>"07", :distance=>1, :key_words=>[]},
# {:type=>:month, :value=>"06", :distance=>1, :key_words=>[]},
# {:type=>:year, :value=>"1941", :distance=>0, :key_words=>[]}]
