Deploy war in Glassfish 5 Docker Image - maven

I am trying to deploy a war in a docker container based on the oracle/glassfish:5.0 image.
I am able to deploy the war through the Glassfish Administration Console and manually uploading the war file.
Nevertheless, I would like to deploy the war with maven using the cargo plugin.
The versions I am using are:
javac 9.0.1
Apache Maven 3.3.9
Maven cargo plugin 1.6.6
Docker image oracle/glassfish:5.0
The container has been built as:
docker run -ti -e ADMIN_PASSWORD=password -p 4848:4848 -p 8080:8080 -d oracle/glassfish:5.0
The configuration I have setup in the pom.xml is:
The error displayed is:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-
plugin:1.6.6:deploy (default-cli) on project hello1:
Execution default-cli of goal org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-plugin:1.6.6:deploy failed:
Deployment has failed: Action failed Deploying application to target server failed;
File not found : /var/folders/b0/kd4wyk3s1rnfs_rvvbc_m2400000gn/T/cargo/19525/hello1.war -> [Help 1]


target does not exist when use docker-maven-plugin to build docker image

when i use docker-maven-plugin to build docker image , it fails
ERROR:Failed to execute goal com.spotify:docker-maven-plugin:1.0.0:build (default-cli) on project spring-boot-basic: Exception caught: basedir /root/workSpace/spring-boot-basic/spring-boot-basic-web/target does not exist
this is some code of pom.xml
<!-- docker plugin -->
<!-- docker config -->
<!-- image name -->
<!-- image tag -->
this is my project structure
target will build in spring-boot-basic-web(module)
but when i run the 'mvn clean package' , it builds success and generates the target folder
then i run 'mvn clean package docker:build' , it builds docker image success but the error still happened
How can i do to solve the error ?
now i know why cause the problem that i config the maven docker plugin in the parent pom which package type is 'pom' not 'jar' so when i build the project the problem occurs.
so i put the maven docker config in the module 'spring-boot-basic-web' and then build success.

Docker maven fabric8 plugin (on Windows): building image gives incompatibility issues ?

Via Maven I would like to build a Docker image from a Springboot project.
I run: mvn clean package docker:build
ERROR] Failed to execute goal io.fabric8:docker-maven-plugin:0.21.0:build (default-cli) on project spring-boot-docker: Execution default-cli of goal io.fabric8:docker-maven-plugin:0.21.0:build failed: An API incompatibility was encountered while executing io.
fabric8:docker-maven-plugin:0.21.0:build: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: unknown
[ERROR] -----------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] realm = plugin>io.fabric8:docker-maven-plugin:0.21.0
[ERROR] strategy = org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.strategy.SelfFirstStrategy
[ERROR] urls[0] = file:/C:/Users/Johan/.m2/repository/io/fabric8/docker-maven-plugin/0.21.0/docker-maven-plugin-0.21.0.jar
The maven pom.xml file contains:
The build plugin section contains:
As suggested, I removed my maven repository, which did not help.
Using other dockerHost values (like did not help.
I really hope you can help!
This is the solution on Windows 7, 8 and 10 Home:
Find the docker machine environment variables. Go to the docker (shell) and type: docker-machine env. The docker host and certification path are important.
Add the following properties to your pom.xml (maven) file:
<>(e.g.) tcp://</>
<>(e.g.) a path</>
In your build plugin add just after configuration

Jetty 6 Maven Plugin fails to start on Intellij

I'm moving from Eclipse to Intellij, and switching from Tomcat to Jetty in the dev environment.
My Tomcat plugin works fine, but when I start Jetty it outputs the following error:
Failed to execute goal org.mortbay.jetty:maven-jetty-plugin:6.1.2:run (default-cli) on project projeto: Webapp source directory C:\Users\EvCash - Blue\workspace\projeto\src\main\webapp does not exist -> [Help 1]
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal org.mortbay.jetty:maven-jetty-plugin:6.1.2:run (default-cli) on project projeto: Webapp source directory C:\Users\EvCash - Blue\workspace\projeto\src\main\webapp does not exist
Here is my pom.xml:
<connector implementation="org.mortbay.jetty.nio.SelectChannelConnector">
And the run configuration:
jetty:run -e
I tried using the jetty-runner plugin, but it requires JDK 1.8 and I must use the 1.7 version.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance

Deploy to $CATALINA_HOME using maven cargo plugin

I use cargo-maven2-plugin to deploy war files to a running remote tomcat container. Now I need to copy files to $CATALINA_HOME/myfolder. I do this using ant-run/scp/ssh.
But is it possible to do this with the cargo-maven2-plugin or does it only operate on the application/webapps level?
Try cargo with installed deployer and existing configuration
My sample project works this way
$ mvn cargo:deploy
[INFO] --- cargo-maven2-plugin:1.4.5:deploy (default-cli) # sample-war ---
[INFO] [edDeployerDeployMojo] Resolved container artifact org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-core-container-tomcat:jar:1.4.5 for container tomcat7x
[INFO] [stalledLocalDeployer] Deploying [/home/mariuszs/git/sample-war/target/sample.war] to [/opt/tomcat/webapps]...
You can check full sample project for this
Some links than can help:
Local container
Existing Local Configuration

Deploying with Maven Tomcat plugin failes

I'm trying to deploy application using tomcat7-maven-plugin with this configuration
I get the folowing error
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:tomcat-maven-plugin:1.1:deploy (default-cli) on project ohta: Cannot invoke Tomcat manager: Connection refused: connect -> [Help 1]
As I understand maven tries to use org.codehaus.mojo:tomcat-maven-plugin instead of specified and can't find configuration, but why it is so?
This link contains a good tutorial about Maven Tomcat plugin. Might be useful to see the whole process from archetype creation to deployment using the plugin.
