Is it possible to create Uber-like apps on MIT App Inventor? - app-inventor

Currently I do have final project for my bachelor degree ( I am not taking computer science/software engineering major tho ). The project is to create an uber-like app, not for taxi, but to rent agricultural machinery and appliances/services.
Basically, they (those who give me this assignment) expect that the app run like Uber, without knowing how Uber works. They just thought it will be as "simple" as Uber.
Do you think it's possible to create apps using app inventor to cover all basic features of Uber (geolocation, push notification, payment, registration, price calculator, and rating system)? Or should I stick with Android Studio??
My knowledge skill regarding programming is minimal. I do learn about Visual Basic, and I also view several videos on Youtube regarding programming tutorial. Plus, I also learn basic of Java at SoloLearn application.
Final note. I only have less than 4 months to create this app.

You cannot create an app like Uber on MIT App Inventor. MIT App Inventor is just for them who just want to enter the line of programming Android Apps. Apps like Uber require high programming skills, large and obviously secure too servers to store user data, which is not possible with MIT App Inventor .


Smart home application

I'm planning to code a smart home application for touch sensitive windows 10 tab (already I have) which can hang in wall.
I need:
Weather API data viewer, Alarm manager, Scheduled music player for morning and evening, Google calendar synced event viewer, Arduino sensor reading (home temp and humidity) .
I tried and designed a interface using C# and WPF. But my goal couldn't reached due to sorted issues below. [See attached image.]
C# - Not enough support for UI. No transparent/ no curve buttons /etc.
WPF - Less supportive for some extension and discontinued product.
ASP.Net - Less knowledge and I believe mp3 player and other extra sensor readings will not success through this.
So I need to know is there any specific softwares for designing Windows os smart home applications. Please help on this.
Try Flutter or Electron.
Flutter was designed by google it is opensource and runs on all operating systems.
I think it uses dart as a main language.
Electron on the other hand uses mostly HTML, CSS and Javascript. But it should be easier to design the user interfaces. For example Discord and VS Code were built using Electron.

Is there a deployment method for taking an alexa skill and turning it into an IOS app on Xcode?

I have an Alexa Skill and want to turn it into an IOS Mobile app.
There is not a direct easy way to turn one Alexa Skill into a IOS App, because it are completely different platforms based in totally different technologies (programming languages, Operating systems, etc).
My suggested steps are:
Write down the algorithm or the step-by-step of the functionality
of the Alexa Skill.
Make a flow diagram of all the input-ouput
Find out some IOS App Developer and show your idea and ask for suggestions of how to do it.
Pay someone (or do it by yourself) to develop your idea and publish it
on the App Store.
About amazon skills
Course of amazon dev

Is it possible to code an app capable of running in the background on MIT App Inventor?

I am coding an app on MIT App inventor that detects when someone is walking and on their phone at the same time. One aspect of the app that my group wants to include is having the app run in the background and detect when other apps are running in the foreground. I looked on the MIT App Inventor forum and found no answers as to how I can do this. Is creating an app that runs in the background possible on MIT App Inventor?
I looked at solutions in other coding languages for some potential insight and found something about an activity manager working in java, but even if this code is somewhat transferable I wouldn't know how to apply it to get the desired result.
Background services are currently not available in App Inventor. There are workarounds such as using Clock component to continuously run and execute a task. Other alternative is to keep the screen on (using extension). However, these approaches could potentially result in higher battery usage.

Windows Phone 7 Scoring provider

I am not too sure if this question is suited for this forum. If not, please let me know and I'll delete this.
I wanted to figure out the "easiest" way of keeping online score for a game or quiz on Windows Phone 7. Currently, I am not looking for things like Achievements etc. I know XBOX live provides a lot of stuff on these grounds, but it is not open for all.
I want to submit the score, and maintain the top 200 (may be less) odd scores. I am too lazy to write my own services and host it and go through the full maintenance cycle for that scoring system. Can someone point out some really good and easy to use + reliable services that I can use?
The product offered by Mogade has a lot of the features you have asked for:
Real time stats
Javascript leaderboards & Facebook pages
Always free
No branding requirements
It's a very streamlined library where you only need to set up the bare essentials to get it working as all of the heavy lifting is managed for you automatically, allowing you to focus more time on the development of your game.
briansoli has written a fairly straightforward tutorial on how to get a leaderboard working with in a Windows Phone 7 game.
I hope you find this useful, let us know how you get on with it!
Microosft have just released a new toolkit called the Windows Azure Toolkit for Social Games. This should help you out with quite a bit.
Have a look at this Cloud Cover Show, Episode 52 - Tankster and the Windows Azure Toolkit for Social Games
The toolkit enables unique capabilities for social gaming prerequisites, such as storing user profiles, maintaining leader boards, in-app purchasing, and more. The toolkit also comes complete with reusable server side code and documentation, as well as Tankster, a new proof-of-concept game built with HTML5

Windows Phone 7 Samples

What Windows Phone 7 demo/reference applications have you seen which really made you interested in developing for the platform?
I know of Scott Gu's Twitter example and Foursquare. Also see here for MIX10 demo apps.
Other than developing games and re-creating functionality already present on other mobile platforms (iPhone, BlackBerry, Android), is there any good reference material and business benefits of developing for Windows Phone 7? Does the Silverlight dev environment really offer an advantage over what is already out there? My gut feeling is that this is definitely the case, but it will take some time for the platform to establish itself, if it does.
You can find a lot of examples and reference applications here or search using the hashtag #wp7dev on twitter (full disclosure - some of my examples appear there).
There a examples of what people are openly working on, but one can assume it is a lot more - hopefully this is useful, as it shows what can be done, or is being done on the platform.
As a novice developer, other phone platforms came with a lot of overhead required to build even the simplest application. The fact that XNA will be available for game development is a huge thing for me, it means I can create simple games for me and my friends without having to spend time learning a new language or setting up awkward SDK's and deployment settings.
More advanced developers may scoff at that, but development tools that are already being used that can work right out of the box for the intended platform is important for the hobbyists. I think this will open up a huge arena for homemade games and apps just like XNA did for 360 development.
It should also help sales. I will buy a Windows 7 phone because of this, and I can imagine others will do the same. As it stands, I am going to port my existing XNA games over so I can play them on the go. It will be cool to show people at the office, airport, etc. projects I have made right on the spot, and even give them the option to play if they have the right hardware.
