Check in / Check out in subversion - visual-studio

Hi I am using Ankh subversion in Visual Studio 2010. I would like get some silverlight project files from subversion and make some changes to the code, then commit my changes back to subversion
The subversion directory is as follows
Can someone clarify the steps required to check in / check out to subversion.
When I tried to commit the files back to subversion, it came back with error 405 as the folder already exists

If you use AnkhSVN in Visual Studio, read its documentation. You may also want to try VisualSVN plug-in if there are issues with AnkhSVN
Can someone clarify the steps required to check in / check out to
With SVN you checkout from repository, make local changes, and commit them to the repository with svn commit command.


Saving a V2012 project to a different SVN repository?

I have a project in VS2012 that used to be maintained on a dedicated SVN server. This server no longer exists and now I would like to commit the project to my local SVN repository.
I have Visual SVN and Tortise SVN tools installed on my machine.
How do I go about switching my SVN repository location?
This should help. It is for 2010 but I think from looking at my 2012 installation that the procedure is close
You can use SVN relocated. Avalible via TortoiseSVN context menu.
Just specify the new repositorypath and commit.

AnkhSVN Merging Trunk into Branch

I'm trying to merge changes from a Trunk into a Branch. Previously when I've tried this everything has worked perfectly however in this instance the merge wizard has a cross next to "No uncommitted changes" and will not let me proceed. I've done everything I can think of to resolve this but as I have no entries in my "Pending changes" window I'm at a loss as to what could be the problem!
Any help or guidance on what to try next would be very much appreciated! I'm using Visual Studio 2012 with the latest stable 2.4 AnkhSVN release.
TL:DR - Downloaded TortoiseSVN and used it and VisualSVN server console to see exactly what was going on.
This was impossible to resolve with AnkhSVN alone. I downloaded TortoiseSVN and inspected the solution - turns out I had a tree conflict with one of my folders that had been renamed - logged into the VisualSVN Management server and deleted the "old" (original named) folder directly and pulled an update.
The next issue I discovered was the "obj" folder had somehow crept into the mix which was causing problems as visual studio loves updating files in here and so there were ALWAYS files to commit. Used TortoiseSVN to "Unversion and add to ignore list" on all the obj folders (Have about five projects in the solution that this had happened to!) and committed.
Once these steps had been taken I was able to update within Visual Studio using AnkhSVN and then use the AnkhSVN merge wizard to pull the changes from Trunk to Branch.

Git with TFS and exclusive checkouts

I would like some advice on how to use Git locally on my computer along with Visual Studio and a TFS server. Unfortunately the technical leader of my company has set TFS with the exclusive check-out policy and so every time someone checks out a file, it can't be edited by someone else.
What is the right way to make the two systems live together? I would try to use Git-TF but I'm not convinced with the checkin phase. The workflow should be as the following:
clone the project
switch to offline mode for Visual Studio
work offline with Git
fetch from the TFS server and rebase
The problem is: how do I check-in my files if someone else has already checked out the files I need to change? How does Git-TF really work when checking-in files?
Another workflow that came to my mind, without Git-TF, could be the following:
open the TFS project
switch to offline mode
create a new branch with Git
work on the branch
return to the master branch, update it
exclusively checkout the files which have been changed on my Git branch
merge the branch on master
check in with TFS (after switch to online mode?)
What do you recommend?

How to I disconnect VisualSVN from my Solution?

So I just downloaded TortoiseSVN, VisualSVN and VisualSVN Server. I created a new repository and through VS2010, added my solution to said repository. I then realized that I had some naming issues with my repository so I deleted it using the VisualSVN Server Manager thinking that I could go back to VS2010 and somehow drop the solutions connection to SVN, but I cannot figure out any way to do this? I essentially want to start from scratch with this solution/connecting to SVN but I cannot seem to find a way for it to offer me the initial "Add this Solution to SVN" option. I don't know if this is a TortiseSVN issue or VisualSVN but any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Close Visual Studio then remove the subversion info by deleting all .svn folders recursively below the project folder. They are hidden so you will need to enable viewing of hidden files and folders. Open Visual Studio and VisualSVN should offer to add the solution to subversion again.

Configure Git Source Control Provider For Development Team

I'm totaly newbie to Source Control idea, so please be kind.
My situation is that we are a development team which contains 2 developers and 1 designer.
We use Visual Studio 2010 and we need to use a Git as a Source Control.
I've installed Git Source Control Provider and GitExtensions using Extensions Manager on all machines.
But there is only one thing I don't get it, how can I configure every Git on every machine to find a central repositry where we can Push and Update all work in one place?
Does that mean everyone will take a copy of a solution into his own machine (Locally) and configure Git to a repositry OR are we going to run on the same solution?
Honestly, I have not found articles regarding this issue and how teams on same project on Visual Studio 2010?
Git is distributed version control system means that whenever you clone a repository you can work on your copy and commit too. Once you done you can push the commits to remote repository.
