How to run bat file in jenkins - windows

My jenkins is installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins
bat file is located in C:\Users\Admin\workspace\demoWork\run.bat
When i run this bat file from cmd everything works fine. But when i try from jenkins executing batch command as mentioned in Image, Jenkins displays error as
Build step 'Execute Windows batch command' marked build as failure
Also inside jenkins folder automatically workspace folder gets created with Job title name. Can you guys please explain me in detail

Tatkal, you can't execute a command like in your image,
why don't you simply try
call "C:\users\admin\workspace\demowork\run.bat"
"Also inside jenkins folder automatically workspace folder gets created with Job title name. Can you guys please explain me in detail" -
Jenkins creates folder with job title name automatically, saves jobs data and other build info... this is how it works. By default in jenkins job you can access your workspace using $WORKSPACE variable

You have put very little detail into this so I'm going by pure guess..
The Execute Windows batch command is to literally execute code, not execute a file.. to execute the file you could use this command :
start cmd.exe /c C:\myprj\mybat.bat
or you could take the contents of the .bat file and rewrite in in that command line..
The way Jenkins works is it creates its own workspace for each job, essentially to sandbox the environment, its a testing framework so it should be used to stage changes to code, which will then be pushed to your live(working) environment. People use it to automate some tasks, but this isnt the primary use of Jenkins.. if the above doesn't help you let me know more details of the error and I can try help you with it.

node {
bat 'D:\\gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-3.0.2\\bin\\gatling.bat'


Running .bat commands on a Jenkins slave with restricted execution permissions

I am running a Jenkins slave on a restricted environment. This environment will only allow me to execute files in a specific directory.
The problem I have is running simple batch commands.
The slave's being AppData/Local/Temp, jenkins will copy my command in a temp bat file and attempt to run it, like such:
cmd /c call D:\Users\TastyWithPasta\AppData\Local\Temp\hudson8090039221524722157.bat
Here the issue becomes obvious, the command cannot be run due to restriction and the build fails.
Anybody working in a restricted environment and facing the same issues? What would be a good workaround?
Unfortunately, is not an option since this taps into the Java installation. Maybe there is a way to override it locally?

Jenkins on Windows can't see folder names prefixed with a '.'

So I'm still fairly new to Jenkins (on Windows version 2.10) but and I'm completely lost as to why I'm failing to see folders prefixed with a period. Basically I spent most of my day trying to figure out why script was failing when run from Jenkins but not when I ran it myself and it was failing because it couldn't find a file that clearly exists but was behind a folder with with a . in front of it (ex 'C:\Temp.Tacos').
I've gone to the Jenkins CLI and tried running commands like this
print "cmd /c dir C:\Temp".execute().text
and have it not list the folder despite it listed as expected outside of Jenkins. What's going on here and is there an easy way to fix it?

sh file is not running on slave node in jenkins?

Hi I am fairly new to jenkins config and I am struck on running sh file on slave node. I have created two jobs one is creating some .sh and .jar file and other is copying it to all the slave node, after the build I need to run the .sh file which is running on local but not running on master. I am specifying the path but Jenkins is always running some blank .sh file from tmp folder.
where as in job config I have given this
the file is present on remote slave but jenkins is not running it, what is the possible cause?
I really do not understand what you are trying to do. You have a very strange way to dividing the work and then executing part of it in a post-build step. There should be very few use-cases for using post-build step. Maybe you could just try to execute the script in a normal build step? And maybe execute it directly from the source location without copying it to another location.
If I'm missing something and it really is necessary to execute in a post-build step, please verify the path to the script is correct. There are several similar but slightly different paths in your question and I cannot say if that is on purpose but probably not.

Windows Bat file run from Autosys - Failed to load the sqljdbc_auth.dll

I have a question and wondering if you guys could help.. Here are the details -
Program Flow ->
Autosys Job -> Windows .bat job on network path-> Internally calls java program along with few other components
When the .bat runs through Autosys job, it gives below warning and does partial processing and exits out without any failure
(i guess the internal code might not have good error handling..but sadly I do not have access to view/modify the same). However, when I logon to that
windows box and run the .bat file from cmd prompt, it works like a charm and throws no error.
Warning in Logs - "WARNING: Failed to load the sqljdbc_auth.dll"
Things I tried-
I tried creating a wrapper bat file in windows C drive (not the netwrok path where the actual .bat is in) and placed sqljdbc_auth.dll in that custom folder.
Job went to SU , after partial processing.
Appreciate your help.
Many Thanks,
I'd suspect there is a path error. Try echo %path% just before calling your batch, even simply run
echo %path%>alogfile
call yourbatch
and if the displayed path doesn't include a directory in which your .dll resides, add it into the path before calling yourbatch.
It may very well be that your logon includes the required directory as part of your user-defined path and the username under which the job runs does not include the directory.
Or, you could try moving the dll into somewhere like system32 which should be common to everyone.
(Windows should use the standard path-scanning algorithm to locate any required dll that isn't invoked from a full pathname)

Set global environment variables inside Xcode build phase run script

I'm using Jenkins to do continuous integration builds. I have quite a few jobs that have much of the same configuration code. I'm in the midst of pulling this all out into a common script file that I'd like to run pre and post build.
I've been unable to figure out how to set some environment variables within that script, so that both the Xcode build command, and the Jenkins build can see them.
Does anyone know if this is possible?
It is not possible to do exactly what you ask. A process cannot change the environment variables of another process. The pre and post and actual build steps run in different processes.
But you can create a script that sets the common environment variables and share that script between all your builds.
The would first call your shell to execute the commands in the script and then call xcodebuild:
# Note the dot in the beginning of the next line. It is not a typo.
xcodebuild myawesomeapp.xcodeproj
The script could look like this:
export VARIABLE1=value1
export VARIABLE2=value2
How exactly your jobs will share the script depends on your environment and use case. You can
place the script in some well-known location on the Jenkins host or
place the script in the version controlled source tree if all your jobs share the same repository or
place the script in a repository of its own and make a Jenkins build which archives the script as a build artifact. All the other jobs would then use Copy Artifact plugin to get a copy of the script from the artifacts of script job.
From Apple's Technical Q&A QA1067 it appears that if you create the file /Users/YOU/.MacOSX/environment.plist and populate it with your desired environment variables that all processes (launched by the user with the environment.plist file in their home dir) will pick up these environment variables. You may need to restart your computer (or just log out and back in) before a newly launched process will pick up the variables.
This article also claims that Xcode will also pass these variables to a build phase script. I have not tested it yet but next time I restart my MacBook I will let you know if it worked.
Q: How do I set environment for all processes launched by a specific
A: It is actually a fairly simple process to set environment variables
for processes launched by a specific user.
There is a special environment file which loginwindow searches for
each time a user logs in. The environment file is:
~/.MacOSX/environment.plist (be careful it's case sensitive). Where
'~' is the home directory of the user we are interested in. You will
have to create the .MacOSX directory yourself using terminal (by
typing mkdir .MacOSX). You will also have to create the environment
file yourself. The environment file is actually in XML/plist format
(make sure to add the .plist extension to the end of the filename or
this won't work).
