¿Event after the end of delivering the response to the user? - laravel

Well basically what I need is to delete some files from the storage folder, but I want that to happen every time a request is finished.
I have already created an event and a listener that is responsible for doing that, which is called before doing the return in the controller. But since some exception may happen, the event is obviously not going to be launched.
I need that to always run regardless of whether an exception occurs or not.
The laravel documentation https://laravel.com/docs/4.2/lifecycle#application-events talks about it but it is in version 4.2 and that does not have the current version

Use the AfterMiddleware:
This middleware would perform its task after the request is handled by the application:
class AfterMiddleware
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
$response = $next($request);
// Perform action
return $response;


refresh page after updated model - Laravel

I want to refresh current page after any user update
I'm trying to do something like that in User Model :
public static function boot()
self::updated(function ($model) {
return back(); //or redirect(Request::url())
but it wasn't working.
How can I refresh the page if any user updated
In general, the model event functions creating/created/updating/updating/saved/saving should only ever return false or nothing (void). Returning false in for instance updating (that is: before the model is persisted in the database) cancels the model update (this works for all propagating events, see https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/events#stopping-the-propagation-of-an-event).
To "refresh" the current page after a user update, you have to be more specific about what you require. The back() function that you use (or the aliases redirect()->back() or even app('redirect')->back()) is (to my knowledge) to be used in controllers and it uses the Referer header or a property in the user's session to determine to which page to send the client to. This is most often used with validation errors, so that you can send the user back to the page they came from along with any possible validation error messages.
Using back() (or any other request completions like return response()->json('mydata')) inside events is wrong and it doesn't even work since the result of such events is not being used to complete the request. The only valid thing you "could" do is to try validation inside an event, which in turn could throw ValidationExceptions and is therefore automatically handled.
What you should do is use the controller method that actually handles the request that updates the user:
// UserController.php
/** (PUT) Update a user */
public function update(Request $request, User $user)
if($user->update($this->validate($request, [/* validations */])) {
return redirect()->back();
// or even be explicit and use `return redirect()->route('users.show', $user);`
// `update()` returned false, meaning one of the model events returned `false`
// (there is no exception thrown here).
session()->flash('alert-info', 'Something went wrong');
return redirect()->back();

Laravel: Capture a difference between a Controller __construct()'s stage and other methods run stage

I am extending Laravel's controller for a package.
So I know Laravel controllers run their constructor and method at different stages of the app.
public function __construct()
//Middlewares have not run yet
//auth()->check() or auth()->user() do not work yet
And in any other method in your Controller
public function anyOtherMethod()
//All good, everything has booted.
I am looking a way of distinguishing between the two stages. For example, is there a method that says?
app()->middlewaresHaveBeenHandled(); //returns true or false
app()->authIsBootedYouMayUseIt(); //returns true or false
The session from the request is null if the latter wan't yet handled by the app. So a good check would be
if(request()->route() && !request()->hasSession()){
//request has not been handled
//request has been handled
The check for the request route is necessary to make sure it is an HTTP request and it won't interfere with Tests or Console actions

Laravel: why every route is executed twice?

In my laravel app, I noticed that every route is executed twice, and can't figure out why
for example:
Route::get('called_twice', function () {
return string '---' twice
trying to backtrace the source of the issue, I put a dump in file
protected function sendRequestThroughRouter($request)
$this->app->instance('request', $request);
return (new Pipeline($this->app))
->through($this->app->shouldSkipMiddleware() ? [] : $this->middleware)
and another dump in the constructor of the file
public function __construct(Container $container = null)
$this->container = $container;
and I get this:
the Pipeline class is called many time
Laravel 6.8.0
I think $next($request) is probably called twice in a middleware. The reason is that the response is passed throught each middleware (pipes) before it is returned back.
So if $next($request) is called twice in one middleware it is normal that all pipes will be called again.
Found mine in the master. there was a script that was causing the page to reload in the background.
I built a little counter with admin access only and smoked it out. Came down to one script.

How does Laravel know whether a middleware should be run after the request handled?

I read the source code, and there is only a pipeline which reads all middlewares as an array. These middlewares should be run before the request dispatchToRouter.
return (new Pipeline($this->app))
->through($this->app->shouldSkipMiddleware() ? [] : $this->middleware)
However, if I created an after-middleware, the after-middleware should be run after the request handled. here and when the after-middleware being execute in the laravel source code?
According to laravel official documentation,
Whether a middleware runs before or after a request depends on the middleware itself.
So, basically it depends on the handle function of the middleware. Normally we execute middleware just before handling the request like this:
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
// Perform some operation for Ex. checking user role
return $next($request);
In above function, we execute some operation before sending request to perform operation.
In the another case, middleware would perform its task after the request is handled by the application like this:
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
$response = $next($request);
// Perform some operation after the request is handled by the application
return $response; /* finally, response is returned */
In summary, In before middleware, we perform some operations at first and then send request to the application to get response which is returned to client end. In after middlware, we send request to the application at first to get response then we perform our actions and finally we return the response from middleware to client end.
You can see official docs: https://laravel.com/docs/5.8/middleware#defining-middleware

How to send a response from a method that is not the controller method?

I've got a Controller.php whose show($id) method is hit by a route.
public function show($id)
// fetch a couple attributes from the request ...
// ... return the requested resource.
return $response;
Now, in checkEverythingIsOk(), I perform some validation and authorization stuff. These checks are common to several routes within the same controller, so I'd like to extract these checks and call the method everytime I need to perform the same operations.
The problem is, I'm unable to send some responses from this method:
private function checkEverythingIsOk($attributes)
if (checkSomething()) {
return response()->json('Something went wrong'); // this does not work - it will return, but the response won't be sent.
// more checks...
return response()->callAResponseMacro('Something else went wrong'); // does not work either.
dd($attributes); // this works.
abort(422); // this works too.
Note: Yes, I know in general one can use middleware or validation services to perform the checks before the request hits the controller, but I don't want to. I need to do it this way.
As of Laravel 5.6 you can now use for example response()->json([1])->send();.
There is no need for it to be the return value of a controller method.
Note that calling send() will not terminate the output. You may want to call exit; manually after send().
You are probably looking for this:
function checkEverythingIsOk() {
if (checkSomething()) {
return Response::json('Something went wrong');
if(checkSomethingElse()) {
return Response::someMacro('Something else is wrong')
return null; // all is fine
And in the controller method:
$response = $this->checkEverythingIsOk();
if($response !== null) { // $response instanceof Response
return $response;
It's probably overkill, but I will throw it in anyway. You might want to look into internal requests. Also this is just pseudoish code, I have not actually done this, so take this bit of information with caution.
// build a new request
$returnEarly = Request::create('/returnearly');
// dispatch the new request
// have a route set up to catch those
Route::get('/returnearly', ...);
Now you can have a Controller sitting at the end of that route and interpret the parameters, or you use multiple routes answered by multiple Controllers/Methods ... up to you, but the approach stays the same.
Ok I just tried that myself, creating a new request and dispatching that, it works this way. Problem is, the execution does not stop after the child-request has exited. It goes on in the parent request. Which makes this whole approach kind of useless.
But I was thinking about another way, why not throw an Exception and catch it in an appropriate place to return a specified response?
Turns out, thats already built into Laravel:
// create intended Response
$response = Response::create(''); // or use the response() helper
// throw it, it is a Illuminate\Http\Exception\HttpResponseException
Now usually an Exception would be logged and you if you are in Debug mode, you would see it on screen etc. etc. But if you take a look into \Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Handler within the render method you can see that it inspects the thrown Exception if it is an instance of HttpResponseException. If it is then the Response will be returned immediately.
To me the most simple and elegant way is:
response()->json($messages_array, $status_code)->throwResponse();
(you don`t need return)
It can be called from a private function or another class...
I use this in a helper class to check for permissions, and if the user doesn`t have it I throw with the above code.
