Dynamics CRM Plugin Trace log record throwing Access Denied error for System Administrator - dynamics-crm

Its really weird to see Access Denied error for System Administrator in CRM.
When trying to open any record from Plugin trace logs, system throws the below error in our dev environment.
Access Is Denied
You do not have enough privileges to access the Microsoft Dynamics CRM object or perform the requested operation. For more information, contact your Microsoft Dynamics CRM administrator.
Unable to verify the missing access rights as there is no 'Download Log' button, platform trace cannot be checked since this is CRM online. I don't see any relationship control issue like lookup/subgrid in this OOB entity.
Also if you see the page title, it says Dashboard - fishy? Any pointers to troubleshoot this?

This is crazy, when we try to delete the Plugin trace log entries, it says the most useful message:
Not enough privilege to access the Microsoft Dynamics CRM object or perform the requested operation. The current Organizationid '79bd6aa8-984f-4d51-ae47-0a178c71d762' does not match with userOrTeam's organization id '760ed188-468e-40ca-86bd-ceca16ee64a1'.
So these were moved as part of sandbox refresh from another instance. Damn, then why they are showing in this org grid beyond POA; MS can answer it, probably they will solve this platform bug as its not allowing to delete because of POA.


Dynamics 365 Plugin Registration Tool gives permission error

When I try to connect to Dynamics 365 CRM with the Plugin Registration Tool I get the following permission error:
"You don't have permission to access any of the organizations in the
Microsoft Common Data Service region that you specified. If you're not
sure which region your organization resides in, choose "Don't know"
for the CDS region and try again. Otherwise check with your CDS
administrator. Parameter name: EMEA"
I have the System Administrator role
I can sign-in to the web interface and work with no issues
I'm sure of our region, tried to login with and without it ("Don't know" option)
Also tried with an application password as our organization uses multi factor authentication
Using the latest version of the tool on Nuget ( in the about dialog)
I can connect to my trial server the same way
We had a user who was able to connect with the same user roles set
This seems machine and account independent. Other users including the organization creator are getting the same error
We are directly connected to the internet, no proxies
One solution I've read suggested cleaning the cache files which don't appear on my system. And we get the same error on clean installations.
Solved by leaving the "Show Advanced" checkbox unchecked and not entering User ID / Password. Then a second dialog opens for credentials and 2FA authentication which just works.
You don't need an application password, as you'll be asked for MFA in the next step.
I don't know how our old teammate was able to sign in with the "Show Advanced" option selected. He was getting the same dialog and continue.

Mobile Offline Dynamics CRM app error

Mobile offline profile defines that every account should be downloaded. Status of the accounts is "available" in the mobile app. However, when we go offline, no account record can be opened due to following error in Event Viewer:
The requested record was not found or you do not have sufficient permissions to view it.
Inner Error Message:
Offline store failed with error: 'Error: SQLite.SQLiteException: no such table: account
at Microsoft.MicrosoftDynamicsCRMforWindows10!+0x2c1548
at Microsoft.MicrosoftDynamicsCRMforWindows10!+0x366779
at Microsoft.MicrosoftDynamicsCRMforWindows10!+0x36552a
at System.Collections.Generic.List..ctor(Collections.Generic.IEnumerable collection)
at Microsoft.MicrosoftDynamicsCRMforWindows10!+0x35bda2
at Microsoft.MicrosoftDynamicsCRMforWindows10!+0x35bb44
at System.Action.Invoke()
at Microsoft.MicrosoftDynamicsCRMforWindows10!+0x35b50c
at Microsoft.MicrosoftDynamicsCRMforWindows10!+0x35b3af' while trying to retrieve with key 'account:'
Also, following status is maintained in the application:
"An administrator made changes to the Dynamics 365 system that might affect offline availability. We're working on getting everything back in sync."
This message is more than 1 week for now.
Anybody has an idea to fix this? Version is V8.2 and user has sufficient permissions to access accounts.

Dynamics 365 unexpected error

When creating a case I get the below error.
Access Error The system could not log you on. This could be because
your user record or the business unit you belong to has been disabled
in Microsoft Dynamics 365. If you contact support, please provide the
technical details.
This occurred shortly after deleting the CRM Admin user and creating a new CRM Admin user in the Office 365 users screen.
The more technical message is
The user with
SystemUserId=bb51ba1c-66e8-4dc1-82ca-cb64e25f3ff9 in
OrganizationContext=7e061672-3a31-4588-9770-9f94711c7f09 is
The error message is saying that the user with that ID is disabled so the first thing to do would be to open that record and check which user it is.
To do that, use the URL below but replace the xx's and the yourregion part of the url (I've already added your user id).
You will then need to enable that user or resolve problems from there.
I would also check that you don't have any plugins or workflows which have been setup to run as that user when creating a case.

CRM 2016 for outlook connected privilege error

After installation of CRM for outlook, connection prompt error message
Principal user (Id=e1d4caec-db31-e611-80be-00155d036d5c, type=8) is missing prvReadRole privilege (Id=222a920a-2778-4564-85cb-e78dde8e4276)
As the message says, the user is missing the prvReadRole privilege. This can be assigned in: Settings->Security->Security Roles->Choose specific role->Business Management->Read.
As a side-note, you might encounter other missing privileges. A best practice is to use the out of the box security roles (e.g. by making a copy and saving your own modifications in the copied role).

Unable the perform import using CSV file, permission issue on CRM dynamics

I have created a Data Map- 'Ipad App Geveva Event' for importing lead records using csv file from Import function on CRM.
I have then set the permission on role which user is having. But when I click on Import option in the final it's getting failed saying that "You do not enough privileges to access the Microsoft CRM Dynamics objects.
Modified the role to give access for importing csv file
Importing the csv file from Systems-> Data Management-> Imports
Clicking on the next button to proceed further
Again clicking on the next button to proceed further
Finally now when I click on import button it's getting failed. Don't know what permission I have been missing on the role. please assist for the below error
You need to find the more specific error message. You should be able to find something that looks similar to 'prvCreateContact' which usually describes the exact permission that user is missing.
How to enable tracing in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
How to turn on developer errors in Microsoft CRM 2011 (aka Titan or 5.0)..
Then compare that missing privilege with the tables on the MSDN, that should help you to work out which privilege you need to add the user.
Security Role UI to Privilege Mapping (this is the 2011 version but it should be pretty similar).
I was only missing 'Append to' privilege from the role in the first image- fixed and now working for all users who has this role assigned with him. This nightmare has gone now.
