Mongoexport with Query using shell script - bash

I am calling mongoexport using shell script but it keeps failing. My script is :--
mongo localhost:27038/admin -u test -p mongo123 < mongoexport.js
and my mongoexport.js file is :--
use db1
mongoexport --type=csv --fields _id -q '{"_id": "323549991" , "cat" : "ABC"}' --out report.csv
But every time I run it fails with below error :--
switched to db db1
2018-01-10T17:36:15.495+0000 E QUERY [thread1] SyntaxError: missing ; before statement #(shell):1:14
Now I am not sure where exactly I am messing up the syntax .

It looks like you are connecting to your mongo. You don't need to do that in order to execute mongoexport.
You just need to connect to your host (not mongo). Take a look at the official documentation
This data resides on the MongoDB instance located on the host running on port 37017, which requires the
username user and the password pass.
mongoexport --host --port 37017 --username user
--password "pass" --collection contacts --db marketing --out mdb1-examplenet.json
In your case it should look like that (Untested)
mongoexport --host localhost --port 27038 --username test --password "mongo123" --db admin --collection db1 --type=csv --fields _id -q '{"_id": "323549991" , "cat" : "ABC"}' --out report.csv
I assumed your database is called admin and your collection db1, if not replace them accordingly.


pg_restore ignores .pgpass and PGPASSWORD environment variable

I want to import a backup using pg_restore without a password prompt.
I tried several options but after I run the script it will always ask for a password. pg_dump is working but not pg_restore. I can run the pg_restore command if I enter my password but I want a passwordless command or at least I don't want to enter my password because the script has to work without user interaction.
What is working for me:
PGPASSWORD=xyz pg_dump -h localhost -U user -Fc database > ~/dump_prod.pgsql
What is NOT working
PGPASSWORD=xyz pg_restore -h localhost -d database -U user -W --clean --no-owner ~/dump_prod.pgsql
pg_restore --dbname=postgresql://user:pass#localhost:5432/db -W --clean --no-owner ~/dump_prod.pgsql
touch ~/.pgpass
echo "*:*:*:*:password > ~/.pgpass
chmod 0600 ~/.pgpass
pg_restore -h localhost -d db -U user -W --clean --no-owner ~/dump_prod.pgsql
any ideas?
As per the doc, -W will prompt for a password. -w will not
Never issue a password prompt. If the server requires password authentication and a password is not available by other means such as
a .pgpass file, the connection attempt will fail. This option can be
useful in batch jobs and scripts where no user is present to enter a
Force pg_restore to prompt for a password before connecting to a database.
The .pgpass file worked for me.
My setup:
I am restoring DB into the postgres instance running as Docker container.
The postgres instance is run using command:
docker run --name postgres_db -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=admin -d postgres:9.6
pg_restore is present but it is available as separate tool, outside docker setup.
The ~/.pgpass file entry looks like this:
db_name is the target db name that one is going to restore.
user is the name of the user that is going to perform the restore - in my case an admin user. i.e. postgres user in the postgres instance.
password - admin user's password. i.e. admin

Role not created after using psql -c "create user...."

I'm trying to create a script that creates readonly users but while trying to create a user my database doesn't update with the new user. The terminal returns a "CREATE ROLE" and no errors.
I've tried setting -U -h -p and calling the current_user() which shows that I'm the superuser making the call.
psql \
-X \
-h $DBHOST \
-p $PORT \
-c "create user readonly with password 'welcome';" \
I'm connected to my postgres via goland and when I run the shell file which runs that psql the terminal returns a "CREATE ROLE" but the postgres isn't reflecting any new roles and when I run the query in the PostgresSQL console to find my readonly user 0 rows are found. I expected the shell script to create a user and update my local database.
As Laurenz Albe mentioned in the comment removing the \ at the end resolved this issue.

Run postgres query from another server, in bash

I have a Ubuntu server that processes documents and another that have the database (postgresql 9.3).
I ran psql -? to understand how to connect to another DB and the final command would be:
psql -U postgres -W -h -d testdb -p 5432
It works, but I must type the password after the command is issued.
I was trying to adapt this command in a bash script:
psql -U postgres -W mypassword -h -d testdb -p 5432 << EOF
select * from mytable;
Needless to say this is not the right command.
Also, the password does not get recognized as a password, reporting the error:
psql: warning: extra command-line argument "mypassword" ignored
Password for user postgres:
psql: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres"
FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres"
In another server, where the script runs on the local DB, my working script is:
su - postgres -c "psql myDatabase" << EOF
select * from "myOtherTable";
The question is simple, how can I write the right command for bash, to connect to another database with user/password and issue commands?
A link I tried, but password seems to not be set:
run psql query in bash
PGPASSWORD=yourpass psql -U postgres -W -h -d testdb -p 5432
or ~/.pgpass file

Slimming down psql calls in database config creation

I currently have the following calls to psql to setup my PostgreSQL database. I'd like to slim this down as each time I have to input a password for every call. I haven't had much experience with psql so am not too sure about the best way to do all of the following in a shorter, more user friendly fashion.
# Create DB
psql -U postgres -h -c "CREATE DATABASE \"main\" WITH OWNER maindb;"
# PostGIS setup
psql -U postgres --dbname main -h -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;CREATE EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch;CREATE EXTENSION postgis_tiger_geocoder;"
# Create users table
psql -U maindb --dbname main -h -a -f ../lib/sql/Users.sql
# Create interests table
psql -U maindb --dbname main -h -a -f ../lib/sql/Interests.sql
# Create user-interests table
psql -U maindb --dbname main -h -a -f ../lib/sql/UserInterests.sql
each time I have to input a password for every call
Solve this part by using a .pgpass file. Then you can make as many calls to psql as you want.

Mongo command from unix shell with different database

I can connect to a mongo server using this command:
mongo host:port/admin --username=user --password=pass
and I get a mongo shell where I can execute any type of mongo commands after
I switch to the dev db (use dev).
I would like to execute a mongo command from the unix shell / command line
on the dev database, but I have access only to admin.
How can I do that? How can I specify the db I would like to use?
If you wish to execute just a single command, you could do it with:
mongo server:22021/my_dbname --eval "printjson(db.serverStatus())"
If you wish to execute multiple commands say residing in a file called command.js, you could do something like:
mongo server:22021/my_dbname --quiet commands.js
If you want pure shell script (SQL) style, then you could do something like:
function testMongoScript {
mongo server:22021/my_dbname <<EOF
use mydb
For further details, you could refer here as well.
You can use output redirection to run whatever command you need:
mongo localhost:27017 <<< $'rs.slaveOk()\nshow dbs'
echo $'rs.slaveOk()\nshow dbs' | mongo localhost:27017
just remember the \n between commands.
Use --authenticationDatabase to authenticate to the database where your user exists even though you are connecting to a different database:
mongo localhost:27017/dev -u user -p **** --authenticationDatabase admin
Naturally, you won't be able to do anything in the dev database your user doesn't have permissions to do.
