Sending message to specific user not working in STOMP, sockjs, spring - spring

I have an issue with Spring and Stomp, the messages are not being received by the client. I have tried everything and not sure what can be causing it!
I have the following set up so far. The first subscribe /event/{eventId} works fine and is receiving messages. The specific user subscription reaches the controller but the response from convertandsendtouser is not being received. Any ideas?
function connect() {
var socket = new SockJS('/events');
stompClient = Stomp.over(socket);
stompClient.connect({}, function(frame) {
console.log('Connected: ' + frame);
stompClient.subscribe('/topic/' + eventIdStomp, function(messageOutput) {
alert("Subscribed to event id");
stompClient.subscribe("/user/queue/reply", function(responseOutput) {
alert("Hey it worked, subscribed to user queue");
function sendMessage() {
var text = document.getElementById('text').value;
stompClient.send("/app/events/" + eventIdStomp, {},
JSON.stringify({'from':from, 'text':text}));
stompClient.send("/app/events/personal", {},
JSON.stringify({'from':from, 'text':text}));
and on the server side
public void personal(Message message, Principal principal) throws Exception {
System.out.println("im in side personal methods");
String time = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm").format(new Date());
/* Set author */
User user = (User) ((Authentication) principal).getPrincipal();
if(user!=null) {
System.out.println("in inside user id");
/* Check message content in Knowledge Base */
// If there is any indication that the message contains material against the code of conduct,
// then a message should be sent to that person only and not to everybody.
OutputMessage custom_response = new OutputMessage(user.getUsername(), "I can see you...", time);
simpMessagingTemp.convertAndSendToUser(user.getUsername(), "/queue/reply", custom_response);
// End of KB
System.out.println("after mnessage sent");
with the config
public class WebSocketConfig extends AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry config) {
/* RabbitMQ As Broker, using CloudAMQP as a cloud service */
config.enableStompBrokerRelay("/queue", "/topic").setRelayHost("")
/* System admin login */
/* for presentation purposes, client can login as system admin */
* When we create a connection from client, this is the URL which clients
* connect to Websocket URL prefix
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {


WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:9955/essence/fecf/maker-checker/notification/notify/272/ruxkoajx/websocket' failed:

We have a spring-boot application which runs on tomcat which has only back end server side code(Java). For the front end UI component runs on a different server and is connected to back end server through rest service calls.
On some event triggered on back end server, the back end server should be able to push some messages to the front end UI component through websockets.
As I do understand websockets are designed for duplex scenarios but for now we do not have a requirement of sending messages from front end UI component to back end server component.
So I tried designing our code as below to send messages from back end server component to the front end UI component.
Back end server side:
Added following piece of code to register stompclient and configure message broker,
public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry config) {
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {
And I have created a Notifier class which will be called as a Java API by the events who wants to send messages to front end UI component.
public class WebSocketNotifier implements Notifier {
private final SimpMessagingTemplate simpMessagingTemplate;
public WebSocketNotifier(SimpMessagingTemplate simpMessagingTemplate) {
this.simpMessagingTemplate = simpMessagingTemplate;
public void send(String recipient, String message) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
NotificationMessage notificationMessage = new NotificationMessage(recipient, message);
Front end UI component side
The client looks like,
var stompClient = null;
function setConnected(connected) {
document.getElementById('connect').disabled = connected;
document.getElementById('disconnect').disabled = !connected;
document.getElementById('conversationDiv').style.visibility = connected ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
document.getElementById('response').innerHTML = '';
function connect() {
var socket = new SockJS('http://localhost:9955/essence/fecf/maker-checker/notification/ws');
stompClient = Stomp.over(socket);
stompClient.connect({}, function(frame) {
console.log('Connected: ' + frame);
function(messageOutput) {
But after doing this websocket connection is not being established, getting error
websocket.js:6 WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:9955/essence/fecf/maker-checker/notification/notify/272/ruxkoajx/websocket' failed:

Get Response When It is Ready In Spring Boot

I have front-end(script) and back-end(Spring-Boot) code.
In backend code:
public Response call() {
...//Imagine this operations take more than 5 minutes.
In font-end code:
I just call this backend api and open socket and wait until data is ready in loading state.
Is there a way to say from backend to frontend; "Don't wait to me. I will notify to you when I am ready. And I will serve my data."?
You want you request to be handled asynchronously. You can use websockets which keeps a single persistent connection open between server and client.
I had the same problem and my solution include a combination of WebSocket and Async programming. The good thing about this approach is, you can still call your REST endpoint normally. I am using SpringBoot and Angular 9. Here is what I did:
Create an async service on BE
Create WebSocket on BE
Create WebSocket on FE
Create a common topic and let FB and BE listen to it, where BE will push the response and FE and read from it.
Create a void controller method and call the async service's method
a. By doing this, your FE will not wait for the server response and your async service can continue to process the request.
Once your service is done processing, push the response to a websocket topic
Listen to the topic on your FE, and once BE pushes the response you'll be able to handle it on FE.
Here is the sample code:
var global = global || window;
var Buffer = Buffer || [];
var process = process || {
env: { DEBUG: undefined },
version: []
FE WebSocket congif file:
import * as Stomp from 'stompjs';
import * as SockJS from 'sockjs-client';
export class WebSocketAPI {
// localWebSocketEndpoint = 'http://localhost:8080/ws';
webSocketEndpoint = '/ws';
topic = '/topic/greetings'; // this is the topic which will be used to exchagne data
stompClient: any;
constructor() { }
connect() {
let ws = new SockJS(this.webSocketEndpoint);
this.stompClient = Stomp.over(ws);
const that = this;
that.stompClient.connect({}, function (frame) {
that.stompClient.subscribe(that.topic, function (sdkEvent) {
disconnect() {
if (this.stompClient !== null) {
// you don't need this
send(name) {
this.stompClient.send('/app/hello', {}, JSON.stringify({name: name}));
// this is where you will receive your data once Server is done process
onMessageReceived(message) {
console.log('received: ', message);
BE Controller method:
#ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.OK)
public void call() {
public class AsyncService {
private SimpMessagingTemplate simpMessagingTemplate;
public void processAsync() {
// do your processing and push the response to the topic
simpMessagingTemplate.convertAndSend("/topic/greetings", response);
public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry registry) {
And finally AsyncConfig:
public class AsyncConfiguration {
#Bean(name = "asyncExecutor")
public Executor asyncExecutor() {
ThreadPoolTaskExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
return executor;
Hope this will help you as well.

Why isnt my sockets onsubscribe event getting used?

I am using java springboot with maven in order to get the spring boot starter socket package. My clients are using angular with stompjs and sockjs-client.
I am trying to set up a simple web socket application that allows for multiple rooms based on a roomId. When a client joins a room they should receive the last five messages sent in that room.
My Springboot app has three classes, the basic that I use to run the app, a web socket config class and a web socket controller:
public class WebSocketController {
private final SimpMessagingTemplate template;
WebSocketController(SimpMessagingTemplate template){
this.template = template;
private void sendMessageTpPrivateRoom(
String message,
#DestinationVariable String roomId
) throws IOException {
System.out.println("message sent to: " + roomId);
this.template.convertAndSend("/meeting/" + roomId, message);
addToHistory(roomId, message);
public String chatInit(#DestinationVariable String roomId) {
System.out.println("Someone joined room: " + roomId);
return getLastFiveMessages(roomId);
public class WebSocketConfiguration
extends AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry registry) {
my clients are subscribing to the socket like so:
stompClient.subscribe(`app/meeting/${roomId}`, (message) => {
if (message.body) {
messages += '<br>' + message.body;
and sending messages like so:
this.stompClient.send(`/app/meeting/${this.roomId}` , {}, message);
The message sending and handling is working great, when I set up three clients, two in room one, and one in room two, the room two messages are not being seen in room one and the room one messages are seen by both clients.
However the on subscribe event is not firing no matter what room I join. It is very necessary that when a client joins room one, they should receive some sort of history of that room. Any advice as to why my SubscribeMapping method is not being triggered when a client subscribes to the room?
The /meeting part will be implicitly added to URL you provide when subscribing. So your mapping will look like this:
public String chatInit(#DestinationVariable String roomId) {
System.out.println("Someone joined room: " + roomId);
return getLastFiveMessages(roomId);

Send websocket message to user across dynos

I have a spring boot application running on heroku. I make use of websockets for sending messages to and from client and server for a specific user . I use spring boot's SimpMessagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser to send and receive messages, which works fine for when a user needs get a message back from the server. I use Heroku session affinity which means that even if I scale up the number of sessions the user and websocket still share the same session.
My problem comes when I need a user to send a message to another user. It works fine if both users are sharing the session, but not if the message will not come through.
Is it possible to send a message from one user to another across different sessions using, SimpMessagingTemple? Or would I need to use a message broker, eg Redis.
I was looking into implementing sending a message using StringRedisTemplate but not sure how to send a message to a particular user.
private SimpMessagingTemplate messagingTemplate;
public MessageController(SimpMessagingTemplate messagingTemplate) {
this.messagingTemplate = messagingTemplate;
public void sendToDevice(Message msg, #AuthenticationPrincipal User principal) throws Exception {
if (msg.getTo() != null) {
String email = msg.getTo();
Message out = new Message();
out.setSentTime(new Date());
messagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser(email, "/secured/topic", out);
function connect() {
var socket = new SockJS('/secured/user-in');
ST.stompClient = Stomp.over(socket);
var headers = {};
headers[ST.getHeader()] = ST.getToken();
ST.getStompClient().connect(headers, function (frame) {
retries = 1;
console.log('Connected: ' + frame);
ST.getStompClient().subscribe('/user/secured/topic', function (event){
var msg = JSON.parse(event.body);
I am guessing I could do something like this, as done here:
SimpMessageHeaderAccessor headerAccessor = SimpMessageHeaderAccessor
messagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser(sessionId,"/queue/something", payload,
But how could I get the session id of another user, I am using Redis to store session info: #EnableRedisHttpSession
I had my terminology a bit mixed up I was trying to send a message to another user on another dyno rather than session.
Ended up using redis sub/pub.
So when a message is receive by the controller it is published to redis, and the redis MessageListenerAdapter envokes the convertAndSendToUser method.
public void sendToDevice(Message msg, #AuthenticationPrincipal User principal) throws Exception {
private void publishMessageToRedis(Message message) throws JsonProcessingException {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
String messageString = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(message);
stringRedisTemplate.convertAndSend("message", messageString);
redis config
RedisMessageListenerContainer container( MessageListenerAdapter chatMessageListenerAdapter) throws URISyntaxException {
RedisMessageListenerContainer container = new RedisMessageListenerContainer();
container.addMessageListener(chatMessageListenerAdapter, new PatternTopic("message"));
return container;
MessageListenerAdapter chatMessageListenerAdapter(RedisReceiver redisReceiver) {
return new MessageListenerAdapter(redisReceiver, "receiveChatMessage");
public class RedisReceiver {
private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(RedisReceiver.class);
private final WebSocketMessageService webSocketMessageService;
public RedisReceiver(WebSocketMessageService webSocketMessageService) {
this.webSocketMessageService = webSocketMessageService;
// Invoked when message is publish to "chat" channel
public void receiveChatMessage(String messageStr) throws IOException {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
Message message = objectMapper.readValue(messageStr, Message.class);
public class WebSocketMessageService {
private final SimpMessagingTemplate template;
private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(WebSocketMessageService.class);
public WebSocketMessageService(SimpMessagingTemplate template) {
this.template = template;
public void sendChatMessage(Message message) {
template.convertAndSendToUser(message.getTo(), "/secured/topic", message);
Solution was based off this git repository

WebSocket can connect to local server, but can't send or receive

I'm working on setting up a websocket between two local servers for development.
On one end I have my Ionic app running on http://localhost:8100/
On the other end I have a Spring backend running on http://localhost:9080/ (or
Connection has been established, so next up I want to send a message to the websocket with a token (I know this can be send along when the connection is set up in SockJS 1.1.0, but I am currently using 0.3.4)
However my code in the backend doesn't seem to respond, I am wondering if my IP configuration is correct. I followed a tutorial and got this working in another project.
Anyone with more experience that knows if the url in the subscribe function also needs to be prefixed with 'localhost' or an IP adrress? I know the websocket changes from http:// to ws:// so I suppose when this is the case I need to prefix it with something like: ws://localhost:9080/...
Anyway, here's my code:
WebSocet Service :
function init() {
var socket = new SockJS('');
stompClient = Stomp.over(socket);
stompClient.connect({}, function(frame) {
console.log('Connected: ' + frame);
* Subscribe at /ws-topic/greetings url to catch messages
stompClient.subscribe('/ws-topic/greetings', function(greeting){
function parseAuthentication(){
stompClient.send("/ws-app/ws-notification",{},JSON.stringify({ 'token': authenticationService.isAuthenticated() }));
function disconnect() {
if (stompClient != null) {
// setConnected(false);
function notify(message){
console.log("NOTIFY: "+message);
The WebSocket Config :
public class WebSocketConfig extends AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry config){
My Controllerfunction :
public Notify greeting(Notify notify) throws InterruptedException {
return new Notify("Hello, your token is :" + notify.getWsToken());
Notice that I only specify the IP adress when I set up the connection in the init() function, tried to prefix the other url's with ws:// but no luck!
I found the answer!
The problem was that there was no default contructor method in the models I used to send the data.
This was also not implemented or mentioned in the Spring WebSocket Tutorial
