While running the "pmrep massupdate" command, I see an error "workflow object workflow_name cannot be fetched. Any idea how to resolve it? - informatica-powercenter

Command used:
pmrep massupdate -i modify_session -t 'session_config_property' -n 'Stop on errors' -v 1 -u output.log_modify
Snippet from output.log_modify
workflow object wf_DS_DW_SampleDim cannot be fetched.
Massupdate Summary:
Number of reusable sessions that are successfully updated: 0.
Number of non-reusable sessions that are successfully updated: 0.
Number of session instances that are successfully updated: 0.
Number of reusable sessions that fail to be updated: 0.
Number of non-reusable sessions that fail to be updated: 1.
Number of session instances that fail to be updated: 0.
Not sure why it fails for certain workflows and works for others. Any idea?


How i can list all log in a group in lambdafunction aws

I try with #aws-sdk.
I don't know what is function support to list logs.
Create and run StartQueryCommand: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-cloudwatch-logs/classes/startquerycommand.html
Get queryId from above
Create and run GetQueryResultsCommand with queryId finded:
Result of step 3 have status. if status equal 'running' run again step 3 until status equal 'Complete'.

Avoid mass e-mail notification in error analysis bash script

I am selecting error log details from a docker container and decide within a shell script, how and when to alert about the issue by discord and/or email.
Because I am receiving the email alerts too often with the same information in the email body, I want to implement the following two adjustments:
Fatal error log selection:
FATS="$(docker logs --since 24h $NODENAME 2>&1 | grep 'FATAL' | grep -v 'INFO')"
Email sent, in case FATS has some content:
swaks --from "$MAILFROM" --to "$MAILTO" --server "$MAILSERVER" --auth LOGIN --auth-user "$MAILUSER" --auth-password "$MAILPASS" --h-Subject "FATAL ERRORS FOUND" --body "$FATS" --silent "1"
How can I send the email only in the case, FATS has another content than the previous run of the script? I have thought about a hash about its content, which is stored and read in a text file. If the hash is the same than the previous script run, the email will be skipped.
Another option could be a local, temporary variable in the global user's bash profile, so that there is no file to be stored on the file system (to avoid read / writes).
How can I do that?
When you are writing a script for your monitoring, add functions for additional functionality, like:
logging all the alerts that have been send
make sure you don't send more than 1 alert each hour
consider sending warnings only during working hours
escalate a message when it fails N times without intermediate success
possible send an alert to different receivers (different email adresses or also to sms or teams)
make an interface for an operator so he can look back when something went wrong the first time.
When you have control which messages you send, it is easy to filter duplicate meassages (after changing --since).
I‘ve chosen the proposal of #ralf-dreager and reduced selection to 1d and 1h. Consequently, I‘ve changed my monitoring script to either go through the results of 1d or just 1h, without the need to select each time again and again. Huge performance improvement and no need to store anything else in a variable or on the file system.
FATS="$(docker logs --since 1h $NODENAME 2>&1 | grep 'FATAL' | grep -v 'INFO')"

"semmni" is properly set. (more details) Expected Value : 128 Actual Value : 0

i'm trying to install Oracle11g, and this happened, is there a way to fix this?
i had tried to reboot and run the script runfixup.sh still can't resolve the problem.
I'm trying to install Oracle 11gR2 on Oracle Linux 7.4.
While the installer is performing prerequisite checks, we are getting error:
This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter semmni is properly set.
More details :
Expected Value : 128
Actual Value : 0
Now if I execute as root:
/sbin/sysctl -a | grep sem
kernel.sem = 32000 1024000000 500 128
Which means that semmni=128.
Can somebody tell me what I'm I doing wrong?
You need to issue the following command
[root#localhost ~]# /sbin/sysctl -p
the changes to take effect.
And then the value(the rightmost one returning below) might be checked by issuing
[root#localhost ~]# more /proc/sys/kernel/sem
32000 1024000000 500 128

Shell Scripting to compare the value of current iteration with that of the previous iteration

I have an infinite loop which uses aws cli to get the microservice names, it's parameters like desired tasks,number of running task etc for an environment.
There are 100's of microservices running in an environment. I have a requirement to compare the value of aws ecs metric running task for a particular microservice in the current loop and with that of the previous loop.
Say name a microservice X has the metric running task 5. As it is an infinite loop, after some time, again the loop come for the microservice X. Now, let's assume the value of running task is 4. I want to compare the running task for currnet loop, which is 4 with the value of the running task for the previous run, which is 5.
If you are asking a generic question of how to keep a previous value around so it can be compared to the current value, just store it in a variable. You can use the following as a starting point:
while read v; do
echo "Previous value=${previousValue}; Current value=${v}"
exit 0
If the above script is called testval.sh. And you have an input file called test.in with the following values:
Then running
./testval.sh <test.in
will generate the following output:
Previous value=0; Current value=2
Previous value=2; Current value=1
Previous value=1; Current value=4
Previous value=4; Current value=6
Previous value=6; Current value=3
Previous value=3; Current value=0
Previous value=0; Current value=5
If the skeleton script works for you, feel free to modify it for however you need to do comparisons.
Hope this helps.
I dont know how your input looks exactly, but something like this might be useful for you :
The script
declare -A app_stats
while read app tasks
if [[ ${app_stats[$app]} -ne $tasks && ! -z ${app_stats[$app]} ]]
echo "Number of tasks for $app has changed from ${app_stats[$app]} to $tasks"
done <<< "$( cat input.txt)"
The input
App1 2
App2 5
App3 6
App1 6
The output
Number of tasks for App1 has changed from 2 to 6

Invalid job array specification in slurm

I am submitting a toy array job in slurm. My command line is
$ sbatch -p development -t 0:30:0 -n 1 -a 1-2 j1
where j1 is script:
echo job id is $SLURM_JOB_ID
echo array job id is $SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID
echo task id id $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID
When I submit this, I get an error:
--> Verifying valid submit host (login1)...OK
--> Verifying valid jobname...OK
--> Enforcing max jobs per user...OK
--> Verifying availability of your home dir (/home1/03400/myname)...OK
--> Verifying availability of your work dir (/work/03400/myname)...OK
--> Verifying availability of your scratch dir (/scratch/03400/myname)...OK
--> Verifying valid ssh keys...OK
--> Verifying access to desired queue (development)...OK
--> Verifying job request is within current queue limits...OK
--> Checking available allocation (PRJ-1234)...OK
sbatch: error: Batch job submission failed: Invalid job array specification
The same job works fine without the array specification:
$ sbatch -p development -t 0:30:0 -n 1 j1
This post is a bit old, but in case it happens for other people, I have had the same issue but the accepted answer did not suggest what was the problem in my case.
This error (sbatch: error: Batch job submission failed: Invalid job array specification) can also be raised when the array size is too large.
From https://slurm.schedmd.com/slurm.conf.html
The maximum job array size. The maximum job array task index value will be one less than MaxArraySize to allow for an index value of zero. Configure MaxArraySize to 0 in order to disable job array use. The value may not exceed 4000001. The value of MaxJobCount should be much larger than MaxArraySize. The default value is 1001.
To check the value, the slurm.conf file should be accessible by all slurm users (still according to 1) and may be found somewhere near /etc/slurm.conf (see https://slurm.schedmd.com/slurm.conf.html#lbAM, in my case I found it at path /etc/slurm/slurm.conf).
The syntax for your array specification is correct. But the printout you paste is not standard Slurm, I guess you are working on Stampede ; they have their own sbatch wrapper.
What you could do is use the -vvv option to sbatch to see exactly what Slurm sees:
$ sbatch -vvv -p development -t 0:30:0 -n 1 -a 1-2 j1 |& grep array
This should return
sbatch: array : 1-2
and if it does not it means the information is somehow lost somewhere.
What you can try is remove the array specification from the submission command line and insert it in the submission script, like this:
$ sbatch -p development -t 0:30:0 -n 1 j1
with j1 being
#SBATCH -a 1-2
echo job id is $SLURM_JOB_ID
echo array job id is $SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID
echo task id id $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID
The next step is to contact the system administrators with the information you will get from running the above tests and ask for help.
