Manage multi-tenancy ArangoDB connection - go

I use ArangoDB/Go (using go-driver) and need to implement multi-tenancy, means every customer is going to have his data in a separate DB.
What I'm trying to figure out is how to make this multi-tenancy work. I understand that it's not sustainable to create a new DB connection for each request, means I have to maintain a pool of connections (not a typical connection pool tho). Of course, I can't just assume that I can make limitless, there has to be a limit. However, the more I think about that the more I understand that I need some advice on it. I'm new to Go, coming from the PHP world, and obviously it's a completely different paradigm in PHP.
Some details
I have an API (written in Go) which talks to ArangoDb using arangodb/go-driver. A standard way of creating a DB connection is
create a connection
conn, err := graphHTTP.NewConnection(...)
create client
c, err := graphDriver.NewClient(...)
create DB connection
graphDB, err :=
This works if one has only one DB, and DB connection is created on API's boot up.
In my case it's many, and, as previously suggested, I need to maintain a DB connections pool.
Where it gets fuzzy for me is how to maintain this pool, keep in mind that pool has to have a limit.
Say, my pool is of size 5, abd over time it's been filled up with the connections. A new request comes in, and it needs a connection to a DB which is not in the pool.
The way I see it, I have only 2 options:
Kill one of the pooled connections, if it's not used
Wait till #1 can be done, or throw an error if waiting time is too long.
The biggest unknow, and this is mainly because I've never done anything like this, for me is how to track whether connection is being used or not.
What makes thing even more complex is that DB connection has it's own pool, it's done on the transport level.
Any recommendations on how to approach this task?

I implemented this in a Java proof of concept SaaS application a few months ago.
My approach can be described in a high level as:
Create a Concurrent Queue to hold the Java Driver instances (Java driver has connection pooling build in)
Use subdomain to determine which SaaS client is being used (can use URL param but I don't like that approach)
Reference the correct Connection from Queue based on SaaS client or create a new one if not in the Queue.
Continue with request.
This was fairly trivial by naming each DB to match the subdomain, but a lookup from the _systemdb could also be used.
The Concurrent Queue holds at most one Driver object per database and hence the size at most will match the number of databases. In my testing I did not manage the size of this Queue at all.
A good server should be able to hold hundreds of these or even thousands depending on memory, and a load balancing strategy can be used to split clients into different server clusters if scaling large enough. A worker thread could also be used to remove objects based on age but that might interfere with throughput.


Best way to save data using Socket IO

I'm learning how to use Socket.IO, and I'm building a small game.
When someone creates a room, I save the room values in a array.
var clients = [], rooms = [];
But if the server crashes, the server loses all the rooms Data.
Is it a good idea to save the data into a Database and repopulate the array with these values when the user connects to the server?
Thank you.
Restoring connection state after a server crash is a complicated topic that depends a lot on exactly what you're doing and what the state is. Sometimes the client can hold most of the state, sometimes it must be persisted on the server.
State can be stored to disk, to another in memory process like redis or in the client and presented when they reconnect.
You just have to devise a sequence of events on your server and then when the client reconnects for how everything gets restored. You will also likely need persistent client IDs so you know which client is which when they reconnect.
There are many different ways to do it. So, yes you could use a DB or you could do it a different way. There is no single "best" way because it depends upon your particular circumstances and tools you are already using.

Connection pooling and scaling of instances

Note : This is a design related question to which i couldn't find a satisfying answer. Hence asking here.
I have a spring boot app which is deployed in cloud ( Cloud foundry). The app connects to an oracle database to retrieve data. The application uses a connection pool(HikariCp) to maintain the connections to database. Lets say the number of connections is set as 5. Now the application has the capacity to scale automatically based on the load. All the instances will be sharing the same database. At any moment there could 50 instances of the same application running, which means the total number of database connections will be 250 (ie 5 * 50).
Now suppose the database can handle only 100 concurrent connections. In the current scenario, 20 instances will use up the 100 connections available. What will happen if the next 30 instances tries to connect to db? If this is design issue, how can this be avoided?
Please note that the numbers provided in the question are hypothetical for simplicity. The actual numbers are much higher.
Let's say:
Number of available DB connections = X
Number of concurrent instances of your application = Y
Maximum size of the DB connection pool within each instance of your application = X / Y
That's slightly simplistic since you might want to be able to connect to your database from other clients (support tools, for example) so perhaps a safer formula is (X * 0.95) / Y.
Now, you have ensured that your application layer will not encounter 'no database connection exists' issues. However if (X * 0.95) / Y is, say, 25 and you have more than 25 concurrent requests passing through your application which need a database connection at the same time then some of those requests will encounter delays when trying to acquire a database connection and, if those delays exceed a configured timeout, they will result in failed requests.
If you can limit throughput in your application such that you will never have more than (X * 0.95) / Y concurrent 'get database connection' requests then hey presto the issue disappears. But, of course, that's not typically realistic (indeed since less is rarely more ... telling your clients to stop talking to you is generally an odd signal to send). This brings us to the crux of the issue:
Now the application has the capacity to scale automatically based on the load.
Upward scaling is not free. If you want the same responsiveness when handling N concurrent requests as you have when handling 100000N concurrent requests then something has to give; you have to scale up the resources which those requests need. So, if they make use of databaase connections then the number of concurrent connections supported by your database will have to grow. If server side resources cannot grow proprotional to client usage then you need some form of back pressure or you need to carefully manage your server side resources. One common way of managing your server side resources is to ...
Make your service non-blocking i.e. delegate each client request to a threadpool and respond to the client via callbacks within your service (Spring facilitates this via DeferredResult or its Async framework or its RX integration)
Configure your server side resources (such as the maximum number of available connections allowed by your DB) to match the maximum througput from your services based on the total size of your service instance's client-request threadpools
The client-request threadpool limits the number of currently active requests in each service instance it does not limit the number of requests your clients can submit. This approach allows the service to scale upwards (to a limit represented by the size of the client-request threadpools across all service instances) and in so doing it allows the service owner to safe guard resources (such as their database) from being overloaded. And since all client requests are accepted (and delegated to the client-request threadpool) the client requests are never rejected so it feels from their perspective as if scaling is seamless.
This sort of design is further augmented by a load balancer over the cluster of service instances which distributes traffic across them (round robin or even via some mechanism whereby each node reports its 'busy-ness' with that feedback being used to direct the load balancer's behaviour e.g. direct more traffic to NodeA because it is under utilised, direct less traffic to NodeB because it is over utilised).
The above description of a non blocking service only scratches the surface; there's plenty more to them (and loads of docs, blog postings, helpful bits-n-pieces on the Internet) but given your problem statement (concern about server side resources in the face of increasing load from a client) it sounds like a good fit.

What's the best way to store websocket connection in golang

I wrote a web chat app, using websockets. It uses one connection per page to push new messages to online users.
So, there are a lot of websocket.Conn to manage. I'm currently using a map.
onlineUser = map[int] *websocket.Conn
I am very worried about the map when 1,000,000 pages are open.
There is a better way to store all the websocket.Conn?
Erlang's inner database can be used to store an erlang socket.
For Go, I had considered using "encoding/gob" to cache the socket in memcached or redis. But then before using the websocket.Conn it but be GOB decoded and that will consume too much CPU.
1,000,000 concurrent users is a nice problem to have. :)
Your primary problem is that the websocket spec requires the connection to be maintained open. This means that you can't serialize and cache them.
However, if you could GOB encode them, and every user sent one message a second (unrealistically high IMO) a million GOB decodes per second isn't going to dominate your load.
Also a map can easily handle a million entries.
If you really want to worry about future scaling, figure out how to get two instances of your application to work together on the load. Then increase that to N instances.

Is this a scaleable named pipe server implementation?

Looking at this example of named pipes using Overlapped I/O from MSDN, I am wondering how scaleable it is? If you spin up a dozen clients and have them hit the server 10x/sec, with each batch of 10 being immediately after the other, before sleeping for a full second, it seems that eventually some of the instances of the client are starved.
Server implementation:
Client implementation (assuming call is made 10x/sec, and there are a dozen instances).
The fact that the web page points out that:
The pipe server creates a fixed number of pipe instances.
Although the example shows simultaneous operations on different pipe instances, it avoids simultaneous operations on a single pipe instance by using the event object in the OVERLAPPED structure. Because the same event object is used for read, write, and connect operations for each instance, there is no way to know which operation's completion caused the event to be set to the signaled state for simultaneous operations using the same pipe instance
you can probably safely assume that it's not as scalable as it could be; it's an API usage example after all; demonstration of functionality is usually the most important design constraint for such code.
If you need 12 clients making 10 connections per second then I'd personally have the server able to handle MORE than just 12 clients to allow for the period when the server is preparing for a new client to connect... Personally I'd switch to using sockets but that's just me (and I'm skewed that way because I've done lots of high performance socket's work and so have all the code)...

what is a good Pattern for using AsyncSockets in .net35 when inititiating several client connections

I'm re-building an IM gateway and hope to take advantage of the new performance features in AsyncSockets for .net35.
My existing implementation simply creates packets and forwards IM requests from users to the various IM networks as required, handling request/ response streams for each connected users session(socket).
i presently have to coupe with IasyncResult and as you know it's not very pretty or scalable.
My confusion is this basically:
1) in using the new Begin/End and SocketAsyncEventArgs in 3.5 do we still need to create one SocketAsyncEventArgs per socket?
2) do we gain anything by pre-initializing say, 20000 client connections since we know the expected max_connections per server is 20000
3) do we still need to use a LOH (large object heap) allocated byte[] to handle receive data as shown in SocketServers example on MSDN, we are not building a server per say, but are still handling a lot of independent receives for each connected socket.
4) maybe there is a better pattern altogether for what i'm trying to acheive?
Thanks in advance.
1) IAsyncResult/Begin/End is a completely different system from The "xAsync" methods that use SocketAsyncEventArgs. You're better off using SocketAsyncEventArgs and dropping Begin/End entirely.
2) Not really. Initialize a smaller number (50? 100?) and use an intermediate class (ie/ a "resource pool") to manage them. As more requests come in, grow the pool by another 50 or 100 for example. The tough part is efficiently "scaling down" the number of pooled items as resource requirements drop. A large # of sockets/buffers/etc will consume a large amount of memory, so it's better to only allocate it in batches as the server requires it.
3) Don't need to use it, but it's still a good idea. The buffer will still be "pinned" during each call.
