Spring boot MockMvc post not enter to real conntroller method - spring-boot

I have controllers method
#PostMapping(value = "/getTransaction/{transactionUuid}")
public ResponseEntity<TransactionDetail> getTransaction(#PathVariable() String transactionUuid) {
return ResponseEntity.ok(transactionsService.getOpcTransaction(transactionUuid));
I write test for controller:
private MockMvc mockMvc;
public void test() throws Exception {
mockMvc.perform(post("/nfp-server/getTransaction/{transactionUuid}", "123"))
I star test in debug mode - but I not enter to controller getTransaction method. And in log I see:
HTTP Method = POST
Request URI = /server/getTransaction/123
Parameters = {}
Headers = {}

In your controller your mapping is
In your test class you are passing
There is a mismatch.


How to Send an Empty Body POST Request using MockMvc

I have a simple Controller class that I am attempting to test using MockMvc. At the moment, the controller class is just an endpoint that is intended to accept an empty POST body and return a 200 response.
public class TransactionController {
#PostMapping(consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public Transaction createTransaction(#RequestBody final Transaction transaction) {
return transaction;
class TransactionControllerTest {
private static final String URL_TEMPLATE = "/api/v1/transactions";
private MockMvc mockMvc;
void shouldReturn200() throws Exception {
final String emptyBody = "{}";
At the moment, the test is returning an NPE. However, when I run the application locally and submit a POST request via postman with headers Content-Type = application/json & Accept = application/json, with a raw body of {}, I get a successful 200 response.
Am I doing something incorrectly with the empty string and mockMvc?

How to unit test a multipart POST request with Spring MVC Test?

I am trying to create unit test for REST APi but having big trouble with the uploading excel method.
Here is the method on the controller side
#RequestMapping(path = "/upload")
#CrossOrigin(origins = "http://localhost:4200")
public class FileController {
FileService fileService;
#PostMapping(value = "/{managerId}/project/{projectId}")
public List<Task> importExcelFile(#RequestParam("file") MultipartFile files, #PathVariable int managerId,
#PathVariable int projectId) throws IOException, ParseException {
return fileService.getTasksFromExcel(files, managerId, projectId);
Whatever I try I get a lot of errors and evidently I don't really understand what I am supposed to do.
The main error I get is
current request is not a multipart request
You can do the following.
I just simplified your example a tiny bit.
So, here's the controller that returns the file size of the file it receives.
#RequestMapping(path = "/upload")
public class FileController {
#PostMapping(value = "/file")
public ResponseEntity<Object> importExcelFile(#RequestParam("file") MultipartFile files) {
return ResponseEntity.ok(files.getSize());
and this one is the test of it. There is a class called MockMvc that Spring provides to easily unit test your controllers and controller advices. There is a method called multipart that you can use to simulate file upload cases.
class FileControllerTest {
private final MockMvc mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders
.standaloneSetup(new FileController())
void importExcelFile() {
final byte[] bytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("TEST_FILE_URL_HERE"));
.file("file", bytes))
.andExpect(content().string("2037")); // size of the test input file
Generally Multipart uploads can be tested via MockMultipartFile:

Spring Security and MockMvc - Need to mock authentication or principal

I'm using Spring Security, and facing issue writing unit test case (using MockMvc) for a controller.
I have a method in my controller that goes something like this:
public ResponseEntity<User> getUser(#AuthenticationPrincipal User activeUser){
String userEmail = activeUser.getEmail();
return userService.getUser(userEmail);
I get a 500 error with this.
Another variation for the controller I've tried is, and this is working on Postman/Curl :
public ResponseEntity<User> getUser(OAuth2Authentication authentication){
String userEmail = (String) authentication.getUserAuthentication().getPrincipal();
return userService.getUser(userEmail);
My service looks like :
public ResponseEntity<User> getUser(String email) {
return userRepository.findByEmail(email)
.map(record -> ResponseEntity.ok().body(record))
In my unit test case for this controller method, I have:
#WithMockUser(username = "1", password = "pwd", roles = "USER")
public void controller_should_get_user() throws Exception {
when(userService.getUser("1")).thenReturn(new ResponseEntity(userMock, HttpStatus.OK));
I am getting the following error:
org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Request processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.timecloud.user.controller.UserControllerTest.controller_should_get_user(UserControllerTest.java:60)
How should I go about passing or mocking a user with the current authentication? Thanks.
#WithMockUser creates a UsernameAuthenticationToken, not an OAuth2Authentication.
At least three solutions here:
Inject an OAuth2Authentication mock or instance in the security context
change your method to public ResponseEntity<User> getUser(Authentication authentication), then using authentication.getName() inside
use some existing tooling to apply solution 1. for you, like in this libs I wrote
Sample usage with solution 1
public void test() throws Exception {
final var storedRequest = mock(OAuth2Request);
final var principal = mock(Principal.class);
final var userAuthentication = mock(Authentication.class);
when(userAuthentication.getAuthorities()).thenReturn(Set.of(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_USER"));
final var oauth2Authentication = new OAuth2Authentication(storedRequest, authentication);
// use MockMvc to test a #Controller or unit-test any other secured #Component as usual
Sample usage with solution 3
#WithMockAuthentication(authType = OAuth2Authentication.class, name = "user", authorities = "ROLE_USER")
public void test() throws Exception {
// use MockMvc to test a #Controller or unit-test any other secured #Component as usual
NullPointerException is coming because your test is unable to find anything for OAuth2Authentication Object. There are two things you can do your test case:
Try Mocking OAuth2Authentication in some setUp method.
If you are using Spring 4.0+, the best solution is to annotate the test method with #WithMockUser
#WithMockUser(username = "user1", password = "pwd", roles = "USER")
public void mytest1() throws Exception {
//Your test scenario

ContentType not set in Mockito test

I am trying to get a unit test to work with Mockito and Spring MVC on a RESTful GET controller. Here is my test:
#ContextConfiguration(locations = {"/test-context.xml","/dataaccess-context.xml"})
public class FormControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
FormImplBean formBean;
private FormService formServiceMock;
private FormController formController;
public void setup() {
// Process mock annotations
// Setup Spring test in standalone mode
this.mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(formController).build();
public void testGet() throws Exception {
mockMvc.perform(get("/Form/form/{id}", 1))
verify(formServiceMock, times(1)).getFormImplById(1);
And here is my controller method:
#RequestMapping(value = "/form/{formId}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public FormImplBean getForm(#PathVariable("formId") int formId ) {
return formService.getFormImplById(formId);
I keep getting:
java.lang.AssertionError: Content type not set
Of course when I go an look at the real controller on the server, using firefox developer tools, I see that the content type is set correctly.
I tried adding the produces="application/json" to the controller but that did not work, (nor do I think I should have to right?)
Without the content type check, the test passes fine.
I am using:
Spring 4.2.7 -
Mockito 1.10.19 -
Jackson 2.7.0 -
Junit 4.12
in a maven build
Any Ideas?

Spring 3 MVC Controller integration test - inject Principal into method

As part of Spring 3 MVC it is possible to inject the currently logged in user (Principle) object into a controller method.
public class MyController {
#RequestMapping(value="/update", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String update(ModelMap model, Principal principal) {
String name = principal.getName();
... the rest here
This is documented as part of the Spring 3 documentation here:
This works in the production code. However I don't know how to test this.
When I create an integration test (having set up spring security context as well)
and call the controller handle method then the Principal is always null!
public class FareTypeControllerIntegrationTest extends SpringTestBase {
private MyController controller;
private AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter handlerAdapter;
private final MockHttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest();
private final MockHttpServletResponse response = new MockHttpServletResponse();
public void testUpdate() throws Exception {
... setup rest of request
ModelAndView mav = handlerAdapter.handle(request, response, controller);
.. rest of assertions
The tests are running correctly and everything except the Principal is null.
Any ideas?
After a quick look into Spring sources this should work:
I've tried to do this some time ago, here is the method i used to set up authentication.
protected void setSecurityContext(String login){
userDetailsTest = userManager.loadUserByUsername(login);
TestingAuthenticationToken testingAuthenticationToken = new TestingAuthenticationToken(userDetailsTest, userDetailsTest.getAuthorities());
SecurityContext securityContext = new SecurityContextImpl();
securityContext.setAuthentication((Authentication) testingAuthenticationToken);
Then i just call it in the #Before method of the test.
Hope it helps.
I do something like this in my tests prior to calling code using Spring Security (such as the Principal parameter resolver you are testing):
SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken("wiseau", "Love is blind"));
