NullInjectorError: No provider for TreeHelperPipe - jasmine

I need some help please.
I don't understand why this test does not work.
I use a #pipe.
import { inject } from '#angular/core/testing';
import { TreeHelperPipe } from 'app/shared/components/material-tree/tree-helper.pipe';
describe('Tree helper', () => {
let pipe: TreeHelperPipe;
beforeEach(() => {
pipe = new TreeHelperPipe();
describe('truncateString', () => {
`should have string truncate and replace some part by dots`,
inject([TreeHelperPipe], (_TreeHelperPipe: any) => {
const item =
const expectedItem =
expect(() => {
_TreeHelperPipe.transform(item, 60, '...').toBe(expectedItem);
Error: StaticInjectorError[TreeHelperPipe]: NullInjectorError: No
provider for TreeHelperPipe!
What's wrong with my test ?
Thanks for your help.

In this line:
inject([TreeHelperPipe], (_TreeHelperPipe: any) => {
You're trying to inject a Pipe, but you didn't create any module before that. That's why Angular doesn't find the pipe you're trying to inject.
That said, here you do not need a module and you can just create an instance as you've done here:
pipe = new TreeHelperPipe();
Then make your assertions by calling pipe.transform(your, arguments, here) (and do not forget to remove the line with inject).


How to visit pre-defined URLs from file

If I have 30 pages to check, for example, EN has a disclaimer, but other 29 language don't, what would be the best way to do this? For example, right now I have it like this:
const urls = ['',
describe('Disclaimer check', () => {
urls.forEach((url) => {
it(`Checks disclaimer text ${url}`, () => {
.and('contain', 'This is disclaimer.')
For 2 sites it's fine to define them in the same code but other file that checks that Disclaimer isn't there would be 29 different URL-s. What would be the best practice here? One idea is to separate all the test but that would mean 30 tests for each feature which doesn't sound too great.
As url I'm working with uses many different values in it, making it short with baseurl doesn't seem to fit also.
Thank you in advance!
You were on the right path. This will be a good case for using cypress-each. Cypress-each will run all tests regardless if one or more fail. Depending on how long it takes, you may want to break down the it.each test into another file.
import 'cypress-each' // can included in /support/index.js
describe('Disclaimer check', () => {
// baseUrl:
const noDisclaimerUrl = [
// all other languages
it('/en does have disclaimer text', () => {
// test code
`%s does not have disclaimer text`
(url) => {
// test code
Adding all of your data to a data object, import that data object, and then using Cypress Lodash to iterate a number of times should achieve your goal.
// data.js
// defining data
export const data =[{
"url": "",
"hasDisclaimer": true
}, {
"url": "",
"hasDisclaimer": false
You can then wrap the returned array and use it in a Cypress chain.
import { data } from './path/to/data'
describe('Tests', () => {
Cypress._.times(data.length, (index) => {
const curr = data[index];
it(`Checks disclaimer text ${curr.url}`, () => {
cy.visit(curr.url).then(() => {
if (curr.hasDisclaimer) {
.and('contain', 'This is disclaimer.');
} else {
// code for checking disclaimer does not exist
Under your Fixtures folder create a urls.json file like this:
Now assuming that you know which URLs don't have the disclaimer, you can simply add them in the If condition and apply the not.exist assertion.
import urls from '../fixtures/urls.json'
describe('Disclaimer check', () => {
urls.forEach((url) => {
it(`Checks disclaimer text ${url}`, () => {
if (url == '' || url == '') {
//Check for URL's where disclaimer doesn't exist
} else {
//Check for URL's where disclaimer exists
.and('contain', 'This is disclaimer.')

How do I include run time arguments while executing a google cloud workflow in Nodejs?

I'm trying to include run time variables while executing a google cloud workflow. I can't find the documentation to do so unless you're using a REST API.
Here's my code that's mostly from their documentation I just get null for the arguments. I think it could be something with the second parameter it expects on createExecution named execution, but I can't figure it out.
const { ExecutionsClient } = require('#google-cloud/workflows');
const client = new ExecutionsClient();
const execute = () => {
return client.createExecution(
parent: client.workflowPath('project_id', 'location', 'name'),
argument: {
users: ['info here'],
module.exports = execute;
Thanks for the help!
In case anyone else has this problem you pass the parameter execution to createExecution() along with parent. It's just an object and you can specify argument there which takes a string. Stringify your object and you're good to go!
const { ExecutionsClient } = require('#google-cloud/workflows');
const client = new ExecutionsClient();
const execute = () => {
return client.createExecution({
parent: client.workflowPath('', '', ''),
execution: {
argument: JSON.stringify({
users: [],
module.exports = execute;

Cypress custom command wont return value

I have a function that I want to add as a command so i can reuse it.
Its on cypress/support/commands.js:
Cypress.Commands.add("generatePassword", () => {
return 'randomstring';
Then on my test I want to use it as:
it("Visits page", () => {
const password = generatePassword();
// Here it logs this:
//{password: {chainerid: chainer146, firstcall: false}}
Any idea on how to get the actual value? Now i get this:
{chainerid: chainer146, firstcall: false}
Basically cypress works in promise chain and you're returning the promise chainerid from your custom command. You have to chain it to use in next statement. Use something like below.
it("Visits page", () => {
return cy.generatePassword().then(pwd => {

Looking for a way tu use Cypress fixtures for all my custom commands outside an it block

I'm building some custom commands and trying to use my fixtures data for all my commands. Right now I'm forced to define it inside an it block.
Looks similar to this:
it("Commands", () => {
cy.get("#data").then((data) => {
Cypress.Commands.add('login', () => {
cy.get('#login-pass').type(data.userPass, {log: false});
Cypress.Commands.add('createTagMedia', () => {
cy.get(".form-group-adTag > .CodeMirror > .CodeMirror-scroll").type(data.mediaTag);
This it block is being count as a test case, Is there a better way to pass this for more than one command at the same time?
The workaround I found was to put everything inside a before block, for example:
before(() => {
cy.get("#data").then((data) => {
Cypress.Commands.add('login', () => {
cy.get('#login-pass').type(data.userPass, {log: false});
Cypress.Commands.add('createTagMedia', () => {
cy.get(".form-group-adTag > .CodeMirror > .CodeMirror-scroll").type(data.mediaTag);
Is there a reason why you won't use the following:
import {data} from '../fixtures/FixtureFile'
Considering you have the following JSON file:
"data": {
"userEmail": "blah",
"userPass": "blah",
"releaseVersion": "1"
You can include this on your tests, commands (Cypress.custom.commands), etc.
before(() => {
const data = cy.fixture("fixtureFile");
You could literally do something like the above. With your Cypress.Commands in your command.ts or js whichever you're using.
And make the commands take in a parameter. Then the above before hook would just be in your tests.

Why am I receiving this warning in a cypress task?

I'm running a task to seed my database in a before hook. Cypress is complaining that
Cypress Warning: Cypress detected that you returned a promise in a test, but also invoked one or more cy commands inside of that promise.
Here is the task
import { seed } from '../../../src/server/db/seed'
const pluginHandler = on => {
on('task', {
'seed:db': () => {
return seed()
export default pluginHandler
This is the seed function
import { exec } from 'child_process'
import util from 'util'
const execP = util.promisify(exec)
export const seed = () => {
// Drop notes.
return execP('mongo starter_test --eval "db.notes.drop()"')
.then(async () => {
// Insert notes fixtures.
await execP(
'mongoimport --db starter_test --collection notes --file ./src/server/db/notes.json'
.then(() => {
return 0
And finally the test, which doesn't do anything yet
describe('My First Test', () => {
before(async () => {
await cy.task('seed:db')
it('Does not do much!', () => {
I'm not, as far as I can see, using commands inside the promise as the warning suggests.
As far as I know, async should not be used inside Cypress before, or any other command (unless you install a 3rd-party lib).
Please try with before(() => cy.task('seed:db'))
